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File: 75 KB, 970x767, ernest-hemingway-at-the-finca-vigia-cuba-nara-1495118230.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22613320 No.22613320 [Reply] [Original]

Is Hemingway overrated? And why did the FBI kill him?

>> No.22613326

He is easily the most overrated American writer of the 20th century

>> No.22613330

Heard a lot of people saying this lately. What's so bad about him?

>> No.22613334

He was on the verge of revealing the ancient ruins submerged off the coast of Cuba.

>> No.22613338

How did he know?

>> No.22613341

He had a boat and did a lot of scuba diving.

>> No.22613343

His prose and the negative influence that it has on later writers. I won’t the deny some of the short stories are good.

>> No.22613345

I read Across The River and Into the Trees and thought it was dogshit

>> No.22613348

Yea the novels are not that good. He shines the most in his short stories.

>> No.22613354

That’s one of his worst. Can’t judge from that

>> No.22613413

he is properly rated

>> No.22613416

No. He didn’t deserve the Nobel.

>> No.22613421

who would you say deserved it that year?

>> No.22613437


41%‘d himself

>> No.22613446
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They had him
Popped because he had strong political ties with over there, read this

>> No.22613456

No. Hemingway was a genius unlike anyone America had previously or since produced. Even Joyce was astounded by his prose, and confided to close friends that in comparison he felt his own works were “too suburban”.
He remains the gold standard pleb filter
>why did the FBI kill him
They didnt. Hey is of a family with the suicide strain. Seven of his immediate relatives an hero’d, including his father and his sister
The feds were harassing him tho, which he was wise to, probably added stress tho likely he wouldve killed himself regardless

>> No.22613515

> Even Joyce was astounded by his prose, and confided to close friends that in comparison he felt his own works were “too suburban”.
> He remains the gold standard pleb filter
There’s nothing to be filtered by. The classic pleb filter is Joyce.

>> No.22613942

they do this because talking shit about established, respected authors makes people look and feel special, especially in niche hobbies like this. Hemingway had some bad books but no one who's actually read more than a few of his novels/short stories would call him a bad writer unless they just want to be a contrarian (or they're a fat feminist).

>> No.22613956

No. He had a number of socialist and socialist sympathizing friends and lived the expat life in a number of ways, but he made it through the peak of the red scare so it is unlikely the FBI had a hand in it. My guess would be, given how much he drank he probably realized that living with the chronic health issues that brings at the time he was in he probably figured he had gotten all he could out of life and just decided to do what his dad and grandad did and blow his brains out at the height so he didn't have to experience the low.

>> No.22614006

I really like his books but I can see why some women don't like him. His writing definitely speaks more to men than women. I mean look at something like For Whom the Bell Tolls. You have the man's man in Robert Jordan and then Maria who's only there to have sex with him and give him motivation to be more of a hero. The book was great IMO but sex scenes and the dynamic was incredibly bizarre, even comical at times

>> No.22614012

You might be onto something here. My wife can't stand Hemmingway, and she's a fat contrarian feminist.

>> No.22614022

I bought a frame with this picture in it should I keep it in my room? I like the photo but I heard girls get the ick for Hemingway and I'm trying to lose my virginity so it's sitting in my closet right now

>> No.22614027

I've read a fair amount of his work.

Imo everything he wrote was mediocre jobwork up until The Old Man And The Sea which is a masterpiece and one of the great works of literature of all time and easily deserving of the Nobel.

>> No.22614154

>she's a fat contrarian feminist
yeah, I'm thinking that's wife material

>> No.22614223

Nobel is for fags.

>> No.22614248
File: 255 KB, 476x477, srs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Funnily enough as a man I liked everything about that book except the main character and his relationship with the girl. Firstly his two-first-names name sounds like one of those fake Hollywood screen names actors took to sounds more masculine, like John Wayne, and he's simultaneously disillusioned with the cause of the war and disillusioned with Spain yet is totally ready to sacrifice his life in a suicide mission for it, complete fearless badass, obviously, then there's his tragic backstory laid on thick and CONSTANT internal monologue about how your whole life is just 2 days or whatever, I mean it's a nice bit of philosophising but it just goes on and on. Then there's manic pixie dream girl tomboy Maria who also has the tragic backstory and was raped by soldiers but not vaginally, LOL, so he gets to take her virginity, of course. It's just too much. Loved the side characters, though.

>> No.22614351

Put that bad boy up, he will be your guide to the masculine. If you bring a bitch over and she asks? That’s your great uncle Ernie. Most women don’t know the first thing about 20th century American authors.

If you’re just trying to fuck then drop $100 on a good cologne (I recommend Gucci Guilty, it’s a pussy magnet) and go to a bar and say as little as possible, don’t sperg out and you’ll do great. You might say “I’m underageb&” etc. that’s fine, still buy a nice cologne, put in an effort to smell nice and be quiet. Never tell women the truth and just lie constantly to them, women, like the fbi, use every piece of intelligence as a weapon so you can willingly spread falsehoods of yourself to women who you aren’t trying to attach to and it acts like a shield.

>> No.22614429

I don't think calling a writer overrated is the same as calling him bad. It could just mean that the praise os underserved.

>> No.22614436

My sister read For Whom the Bell Tolls and loved it. Hemingway is essentially a writer for women. It has that dumbed down modern prose style they love so much + the romantic melodrama + it reads like a blockbuster movie (sister's own words).

>> No.22614441

I have zero respect for anyone who says Hemingway is their favorite writer

>> No.22614830

nice blogpost faggot

>> No.22614848

Filtering doesn't exclusively involve novels that are hard to read, newfag retard. Sensibility and aesthetic filters far more than anyone realizes.

>> No.22614870

who did he influence badly, who did papa ruin?

>> No.22614876

hemingway himself said karen blixen, i think

>> No.22614878

Say something substantive for once in your life, dyel

>> No.22614880
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insecure blogposter much?

>> No.22614890

That's not filtering, that's not liking something.

>> No.22615283

Nah it's the prose my wife can't into. She said it's too basic and reads like ESL.
She has like a PhD in foucaultian discourse analysis or someshit so she's a sucker for convolution.
She's smarter than me, has no mental health issues and is an absolute demon in the sack. Plus I love fatties. Her biggest flaw is that she doesn't like hemmingway :(

>> No.22615290
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Hemingway's life was more interesting than what he wrote

>> No.22615307

Your wife has good taste.

>> No.22615393

Typical boomer obsessed with cuckolding, infidelity, castration, and impotency. Faulkner was the same, though he was more obsessed with interracial and incest

>> No.22615399

He's not bad. In fact, he's fantastic. He's just a tad bit overrated. That's all.

>> No.22615435

> PhD in foucaultian discourse analysis
Okay, retard

>> No.22615461

wow fatty doesn’t understand minimalism

>> No.22615467

Minimalism is gay. Hemingway is the prose version of Rupi Kaur.

>> No.22615472

>or someshit
Fuck off cunt I know that was the methodology not the topic but i never got around to actually reading it and you need to quit being a little bitch

>> No.22615478

Nah, you’re a larping retard who has no idea what you’re talking about, you dysgenic loser.

>> No.22615944

Honestly nah I don't really know much about foucault if that's what you're on about. I tried reading one of his books once and it was like eating soup with a fork.
This is a hemmingway thread though we have derailed it with our petty bickering. Let's touch dicks and make up.

>> No.22615950

>She has like a PhD in foucaultian discourse analysis or someshit
I would do the exact opposite of what he thinks.

>> No.22615969

Out of interest, what part of my post did you think was a larp?
Who, Foucault?

>> No.22616028

They're contrarian pseuds, anon. Don't invite them to speak because all you'll get is some contrived pretentious cynicism they mistake for insight.

>> No.22616033

Hemmingway is absolutely a writer for women because he supposedly makes masculinity accessible. I was assigned Hills Like White Abortions 3 separate times in uni, each time by an unmarried woman with no children.

Came here to say this.

>> No.22616108

>not vaginally
damn fr? I read it differently

>> No.22616151

I might be misremembering but I think she talked about how she "resisted" so they only used her mouth, or something along those lines. I also think there was a sex scene where it was pretty explicit he was taking her virginity. Would be funny if I was interpreting all that, lol.
Anyway it's not my biggest gripe but it does contribute to the shlocky action movie vibe the book sometimes gets into. My main issue is how the main character is all
>God damn these Spaniards are hopeless fucking retards who will never achieve a real revolution, I hate them so much. I am so ready to sacrifice my life for them, however.

>> No.22616153

interpreting all that wrong*

>> No.22616159

>Who, Foucault?
I was implying that your wife was a tranny but that dead fudgepacker too.

>> No.22616248

Just get a book cover from one of his books

>> No.22616391

>I was implying that your wife was a tranny
Ah yes very funny great joke my fellow 4channer!

>> No.22616710

He's not at all, but no one replies to something they agree with, so if you want an actual discussion on 4chan you've gotta start beef

>> No.22616715

Great point I completely agree