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/lit/ - Literature

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22611820 No.22611820 [Reply] [Original]

Scenario is:
Felinam is occupied by an overwhelming force insistant on pacifying your revolt through a program called "winning the hearts and minds"

You comdrades have suffered a catastrophic loss. You discover your childhood friend and brother in arms is among the perished.

>> No.22611857
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My cat lies broken.
My comrade won't get back up.
My war turns to dust.

>> No.22611995

Therein dwelt my brother
Hereon he shall me bother not

With him to my bossom
Dig into the deepest heart o earth
Far from sky and light and fire
For deep in the soil
lies brothers smile mild as a worms mile.

Warm but not cold
Warm but not a fire to burn a monk
Warm but not napalm to child like mothers palm to child

Therein deep in the soil
Brothers wilt not go to spoil
But to sprout as Viet Cats for Felinam.

>> No.22612155

For creative purposes I deem my fallen bretheren to have the name of Felidus.

The grass was green, the hills did rolled,
Proud fair Felinam was ever old.
But twisting ways came from afar,
And took from us our light and star.

In hidden boughs and shadowed vines,
Our company fought hearts and minds.
But in our midst a doom was laid,
A heinous trap that took away.

The smoke that snuffed out then did clear,
And left behind no cindering tear.
For in the char we saw uncouth,
So peaceful, you, my friend, my youth.

O Felidus! O Felidus!
We called your name, but you left us!
In ivy sweet your body lie,
With gilded eyes that never cry.

>> No.22612447

OP. Well done anon. This really good and I really like. Much better than my one. I like how it takes it self seriously despite the context its proposed under, and managed to do so well.

Do you generally like poetry or is this something you hapzardly came up with?

Saved. I will cherish it even though this thread will expire.

>> No.22612468

birthed in a tub
shaped like a sub
dinner looks just like me

>> No.22612539
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I'm glad you liked it.
>Do you generally like poetry or is this something you hapzardly came up with?
If the amount of effort I put into it is any clue, yes. The piece itself is pretty heavily inspired by Tolkien's various narrative poems, particularly The Fall of Gil-galad and Song of Durin, which are also iambic tetrameter with an AABB rhyme scheme (the final stanza is a bit more akin to the refrain of Lament for Boromir, which is why I wanted some flex room to name the cat). I'd hate to say I'm riffing on his style, but I did just recently re-read Fellowship so it was still fresh in my mind. I always enjoyed those parts of the book the most, which baffles me when people here say to skip them over.

>> No.22612654

Its really cool that you say that those parts of felloship appealed to you and you re read the book(s). I am afraid I fall into the other camp you mention. I read the Fellowship to the end and I believe parts of the Twin Towers. It was a slodge for me, save for small redeeming parts.

I have not given up on the works. It appealed to you and to allot of sensible people I know, so there is something there.I think its just an acquired taste that I will eventually fashion.

>I always enjoyed those parts of the book the most, which baffles me when people here say to skip them over.

Never mind /lit/ imao. I am glad you like them.

>> No.22612834
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hey damnit you totally stole this pic from my dying thread.