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/lit/ - Literature

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22610586 No.22610586 [Reply] [Original]

Desalvo edition.

Previous: >>22607124

>> No.22610588


>> No.22610597

Retards use the word “based” to cope with being dumb. The rampant anti-intellectualism of the e-right pushes me further and further to the left each passing day.

>> No.22610602

I've had a similar experience. Although I got pushed left fiscally, I went right socially on certain issues. The atomization of society is the real culprit and has made madmen of all leanings and I would much rather there be a push for all positions on the political landscape to bring their best selves to the table.

On an unrelated note I am struggling to write a mystery. Unlike most genres, mystery takes a hell of a lot of planning. That makes breaking into the genre (especially as someone who generally doesn't like reading [and by that I mean watching] mysteries outside a rare few exceptions) a real challenge. My preferred genres are romance and children's lit.

>> No.22610607

The left right paradigm was a stupid invention

>> No.22610610
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I try to walk for an hour a day, usually at night, which lets me get away from a screen and just chill by myself. I usually end up thinking about abstract fantasy worlds or ideas for games or stories but I never really write them down or preserve them in any way. Despite this, I still feel as though I am getting some sort of creative work done, as the scenarios and ideas I come up with often join with others in my mind in a sort of soup and gestate together to become more fertile ideas later.

The real trouble is deciding on what to think about. What should I think about for my walk tonight?

>> No.22610613

It was made to divide and it's worked very well.

>> No.22610617

tids and ass

>> No.22610619

Mythical, destructive sea creatures and people that get employed to hunt down said creatures.

>> No.22610630

Both sides are anti-intellectual these days, the left is all about feelings and virtue signaling.

>> No.22610635

They can read your thoughts, if you don't attach your name to them asap they will profit off them without you.

>> No.22610670

All of a sudden, I felt… I felt the conviction seep and tether itself to my bones. The conviction that I was never going to be happy, aware as I was. Of everything. No matter where I went, or what I did. No matter if I over-achieved or under-achieved. And I felt truly sorry for my parents, because I knew almost with a certainty that I was doomed. And it was different now, because instead of the much coveted relief that fact should have spurred, I was afraid of death.

>> No.22610685
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People from one thousand years ago lived in a better world, and people one thousand years from them lived in one that was even better. Human history is one inexorable decline. The progeny of each family inherits only the wretched and frail. To live to is to fail your ancestors whom lived closer to the gods than you can ever imagine. You parents inherited a cleaner world, and you live in one that will prove to be more honest than the one you will give to your children.

>> No.22610706

On average, sure, you can find God, the only thing stopping you is yourself. You should welcome it becoming more difficult, thank God for tougher tests in which you can prove yourself.

>> No.22610727

It’s just so unfair.
All this pain and torture inflicted by those that were supposed to raise me, love me, nurture me.
It’s so unfair..
The second born, taking up the responsibilities of the family. Caring for these animals as they enter their geriatric phase. Financially and emotionally burdened with watching over them as the steady realization sets in that they’re both just children incapable of actual development and growth.
It’s so fucking unfair.
I have to put on a front everyday just to deal with myself as I act hostile and aggressive towards myself. I lose sight of who I really am, who it is that I want to be and the man that wants to spread goodness and kindness to those around me.
I can’t stand how unfair it is.
The infinite series of tirades about how I’m insane, I have no recollection, my memory is faulty, that we just need to let it go and move on. It never makes any sense. How can two people have the same argument, fight, dispute, brawl over the same thing every two weeks?
Do they just forget what was said?
They aren’t that forgiving, this much I know.
What the fuck is it?
Why can’t I just tear myself away, why can’t I just handle the guilt that comes from abandoning them?
Am I under their grasp?
Am I broken on the inside?
I was away for years and there wasn’t a day that I thought of them and wished them the best.
Willingly, I crawled back into this cesspool.
Now they have their claws around my heart as they cry and pray for vindication upon the other and upon me for being so heartless, so evil.
If I were evil, would I have come back?
It’s so unfair.

But here I am, struggling and fighting on.
Developing my career, trying to start a family of my own, and keeping myself healthy.
Until the day I die.

>> No.22610735

I'm grumpy and sad, grumpy and sad.
Grumpy and sad.

The only credibility and bragging rights that I hold are that I've been on this shithole for 15 years now, and I have absolutely nothing to show for it and only my own word as proof. Not only is it an entirely unimpressive, but the only proof I have is my word given the loss of my HDD ~12 years back.

The world keeps on spinning and moving on without me, leaving me gasping, trying to catch my breath. I've wasted much of the best years of my life; not all, but the fact I spent some time correctly is itself provides an even starker contrast to my overwhelming failure.

Why does my mind have to fight me so? How can it not comprehend that we're on in the same and it's ruin of me is ruin of it. It impedes my function and happiness, and all for what?

No sleep does terrible things to a man, but even then the desire for sleep is still absent due to the bad dreams and nightmares which occur whenever I manage to drift into unconsciousness. Why can't I ever have good dreams, or no dreams at all? Even dreams that are merely strange leave me awake with a feeling of unease, stress and dread, saying nothing of the true nightmares that leave me despondent and non-functional throughout the day.

Ohhh... oh it hurts... aaiiiee...

>> No.22610815

Sobriety hasnt made my life any better. I'm only lonelier and more disillusioned than ever before.

>> No.22610830

Eat right and exercise

>> No.22610886

Get a gf or friends, work on your career
Getting sober might be needed to achieve that. But just getting sober 100% makes you more bored and lonely. Get sober with a goal in mind

>> No.22610894

i only slept for four hours. i don't like one of the new guys at work. also one of the old guys at work is getting annoying.

>> No.22610908

wow i almost enjoyed /lit/ for like ten minutes before a moron showed up.

>> No.22610914

Welcome to 4chan

>> No.22610915

Shut the fuck up incel. Getting a gf is the dumbest shit you can do as an addict. You would know this if you werent a no pussy gettting bitch.

>> No.22610930

OD on different kinds of stimulants is all it took to cure my dwepwession
but I am pretty sure it also enhanced my autism to multiple manifolds cuz instead of helping me leave my cave, It made me proud of being in the cave
don't know if its good or not

>> No.22610934

Whats it like to be a double digit IQ coomer.

>> No.22610935

people often forget to highlight this post addiction phase
yes, addiction is bad but simply becoming sober won't fix the problem which induced that addiction in the first place
people don't realize it until they replace their old addiction with a new one and repeat this cycle like 5 times

>> No.22610939

how did coom come in between ?

>> No.22610945

Everybody knows Desalvo was innocent

>> No.22610986

Hey virgin, you should learn to read.
Nowhere did I say to get a gf while addicted, baby dicked incel.

>> No.22611085

Do you think Western nations’ fates are inextricably linked to Russia? Russia seems to have some important role to play in the history of basically every Western country.

>> No.22611097

is there any REAL reason i shouldn't blow all my money renting a fancy sports car with full rental insurance and drunk drive as far as it'll take me?

>> No.22611102

I’m pretty sure I have myself an autoimmune disease by messing with stimulants. I used to snort Adderall in particular like it was cocaine.

>> No.22611105

Sounds really boring relative to the cost

>> No.22611114

i dunno i think i'd really enjoy it. i could go to new orleans

>> No.22611120

I could never be a leftist, the insistent on material causes doesn’t jive with me. I made an attempt years ago but it just wasn’t for me

>> No.22611131

I think “e-right” is plagued a lot more by pseudo-intellectualism than anti-intellectualism. Anti-intellectualism, in my mind, is not even a problem since intellectuals are a plague.

>> No.22611162

I’m thinking about joining the Army.

>> No.22611169
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Books are just not cool at all in 2023.

>> No.22611175

It would seem that the feud, reward for the work of the war, a shining proof of a happy courage, had everything necessary to reconcile the favors of the public among bellicose races and very sensitive to profit; it was not so. Military service in pay from a leader repulsed many men, especially those of high birth. These arrogant minds found humiliation in receiving gifts from their equals, and sometimes even from those that they regarded as inferiors based on purity of birth. Nor did every conceivable profit blind them to the disadvantage of suspending for a while, if not losing forever, the plenary action of their independence. When they were not called upon to command themselves, by an inability of any kind, they preferred to take part only in truly national expeditions or those that they felt able to undertake with the forces of their odel alone.

>> No.22611275

I feel like I've woken from a nightmare only to find the waking world more monstrous. I sleepwalked into my 30s having done absolutely nothing and too late do I realize this and the only thing left for me to do is go back to sleep forever. It's not the end that bothers me, it's the idea that I never redeemed anything of myself in the slightest, all things end but my life was singularly wasteful and meaningless without a single anything to its credit.

>> No.22611280
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How did it come to this?

>> No.22611310

Anyone else enjoy the simple things like holding your hand next to the radiator?

>> No.22611312

Nope. Just you. Weirdo.

>> No.22611314

Doing things to be cool is sheepism at its most lame.

>> No.22611316

Ok loser

>> No.22611320

No REAL reasons. Plenty of fake ones, you can fuck up your future, you could fuck up someone else's future, you could end up realizing even that action is hollow, but ultimately everything is including your life and that other persons. So do what you like idiot. The world will go on because nothing is easy to perpetuate.

>> No.22611324

In a near future, people will be using our current TVs and cars without knowing how to build them.

>> No.22611327

Do you know any sites where I can download Greek books? I know of annasarchive and that's great otherwise but there hardly are any Greek books. I also don't mean ancient Greek books, I mean contemporary ones, like there are English and German novels. Or is the Greek lit-piracy scene non-existent?

>> No.22611330

I’m starting to speak like my very uncharismatic father the older I get…

>> No.22611332

Greeks don't read anymore.

>> No.22611340

Sounds like your dad is a cringe gen xer.

>> No.22611392

Words are weightless here on earth because they're free

>> No.22611399


>> No.22611407

drinking boredom away

>> No.22611453

I feel bad I don't keep up with current events. I have no clue what's going on in the news right now and what I do know I don't understand.

>> No.22611469

I hate wearing cheap East Asian 'clothes'.

>> No.22611483

I hate to be one of those "both sides" dudes but I'm pretty fed up with both leftists and almost all modern right wingers. You've got absolutely insane actual communist types and people who unironically use terms like "trigender" on the left side and on the right you've got Nietzsche wannabes whose philosophy ultimately boils down to acting like a fucking ape as well as libertarian/ancap types who would unscrupulously engage in child sex trafficking if it was legal.

>> No.22611488

What about egoism?

>> No.22611491

I file them under "cringe Nietzsche wannabes" even if they're really not as they generally end up acting the same way.

>> No.22611492

Ancaps are the only based political goys because they dont pretend they are anything but hedonistic coomers.

>> No.22611495

I am done with both wings. I still carry some communist and fascist sympathies with me but I don't care anymore.

>> No.22611501

Why can't politics return to something where only the entirely self-movitated can participate, and the parliament a house full of people advocating for no less than their own private interests? Attic Greece was like that. Aristotle would go to the parliament himself when he had a political issue. The early US too had similar institutions, I call it 'the America that was not'.

>> No.22611509

these two posters are female, actually

>> No.22611511

Too retarded to even grasp a grasping of an understanding of Western dating

>> No.22611512

correct. hail Pol Pot

>> No.22611515

I don't give a fuck about what's based or cringe or whatever. I'd like to at least pretend that supporting one political group or another will in some way make things better for me, the people in my community, and people abroad, not vote for someone because he calls for Democrats to be fed headfirst into a wood chipper on Twitter or whatever the fuck. Like yeah, maybe it's better to have a party that nakedly tells you they support legalizing child porn production and lowering the working age to 4 and having street gangs enforce the law on behalf of corporations, but even if other parties are also filled with corporate sellouts and pedophiles, the mere fact that they have to present an image of acting morally ties their hands somewhat, especially in a country where voters can still oust their representatives or senators if they pull some wildly unpopular move.

>> No.22611518

Not officially but I will be by next month (:(:

>> No.22611519

my whole family reads wdym

>> No.22611522

Ha knew it. Fag.

>> No.22611523

Paraphrasing a great author, a nation is great as long as the government is done by people who didn't have to ask for permission to get in there.

>> No.22611524

Has anyone ever written a philosophical defense of rape before?

>> No.22611530

My diary desu

>> No.22611537

Asking other people for permission is a sin.

>> No.22611538

Both sides do fucking suck.
The best way to piss off a politics chud is to say 'I'm tired of both sides', watch how defensive they get, most can't even fathom that their being used by politicians.

>> No.22611545

>their being used by politicians.
heh, you made a mistake, retardo

>> No.22611551
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Yeah I don't care.

>> No.22611558

Helas, how I hate myself for every time I asked other people for permission. What a dullable fucking prick I was! Such passive obedience, such slave-like behaviour I will never tolerate on myself ever. EVER

>> No.22611566
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same bro

>> No.22611593

Modernity refutes direction-brain thinking. What does it even mean to be right wing in a world of vaccines and atomic bombs? All of the major political events of the 20th century can be understood in part as a reaction against non-political modern developments. But everyone knows implicitly now that while Politics can steer economy, culture, scholarship, philosophy, and maybe even religion, it can’t turn back history or put the genie back in the bottle. There’s no political solution to the fact that drone warfare exists and if you don’t use it, you’re going to die. It is a largely non-human and thus non-political political reality now. It’s why we talk about wars in terms of tanks and battleships rather than legions.

>> No.22611601

Right wing is advocating for the atomic bombs to be dropped, duhh, and they should be privately owned too. Free deployment of atomic bombs and no taxes on atomic bomb owners.

>> No.22611624

That’s just a strawman and you know it

>> No.22611631

Non-issues. Give me something actually threatening.

>> No.22611651

My fat dick in your white faggot mouth.

>> No.22611656

Nice projection

>> No.22611667

Im projecting my chode into your sissy liberal ass.

>> No.22611670

21st Century education is all about sucking any conceivable emotion out of everyone when they are still in childhood, and any conceivable joy when they are still in their teens.
This is how get armies of adults with no emotions, no anything, empty automatons who feel emotions but like a computer expresses emotions. The perfect wageslave.

>> No.22611673

Why do you think you have a say in Western politics, brown filth?

>> No.22611702

What? You don’t get to strawman someone’s grievances and when I point out they’re strawman go “well they’re non-issues anyway”. You chose them. I mentioned stuff like drone warfare. If you sincerely think that’s a “non-issue” you’re just an idiot.

>> No.22611716

It is a non-issue because ultimately the targets of those drones are human. It's just not realistic. Drone wars are wars no one cares about.

>> No.22611717

Cool it with the anti semetic remarks. I thought us libbros were above race politics.

>> No.22611729
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Think I might kms when I'm about 40. Maybe I'll change my mind, it's still quite a way off. I just like life, it's like a long honeymoon of feelings and thoughts and I don't want the post honeymoon depression phase. I want it to be a terrifying acid-trip-experience, not a slow comedown after the lights flick on.
It's still a long way off and I'll probably pussy out then, but that's my current plan

>> No.22611735

As much as it might sound like a paradox, liberal politics require the illiberal exclusion of non-whites from government.

>> No.22611745

Board is too weird anymore and not in a good way

>> No.22611751

Go back to r/bookshelves you reddit faggot.

>> No.22611759

they need to understand this eventually

>> No.22611779

They need to understand this or Europe will fall into pure anarchy soon.
Hell, if I was an Englishman and not a Belgian right now I'd have loss all respect for the British government this year.

>> No.22611818

I mean for real

>> No.22611926
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>> No.22611931
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go sisyphus boy, go sisyphus boy~

>> No.22611935
File: 157 KB, 1169x855, Sisyphus-e1557869810488.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just a few more 9-5 and you'll be the boss~

>> No.22611948

What part of I have legitimately raped women and documented my assaults in my personal memoirs are you not understanding. I have an agent amd my shit is going to be published so when I get the ISBN just check the archives for rape novel.

>> No.22611949
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from a impoverished billionaire to a self made man~

>> No.22611957

Technology won't just not keep progressing, it has already gone way too far. The internet should have never been invented, let alone mobile phones. It's pure evil.

>> No.22611960

go wage slave, go wage slave~

>> No.22611962

How about, instead of paying 40 000 dollars into college, pay 40 000 dollars into a company in exchange for a job?

>> No.22611971
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>how about instead of getting into debt in hopes of getting a well paying job you get into debt with the promise of getting a well paying job

>> No.22611975

> giving money to someone else is getting in debt

>> No.22611981

One solution.
Illegally cross the border and move to Mexico.

>> No.22611982

>i got 40k laying around working in customer service
pull bootstrap, pull bootstrap~

>> No.22611984

I hate being average looking. I hate being unmemorable. I hate my middling salary. I hate my unimportant white collar job. I hate my little, unimportant, unremarkable life. Most of all, I hate that it deprives me of hope for a bigger one…

>> No.22611987

Quit your job and become a neetocrat.

>> No.22611988
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>the system is working just fine, sounds like personal problem if the periodic hiccups ruined you financially

>> No.22611989
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>just a few more 9-5
>he got out of the house
Looky here, we got us an extroverted overachiever taking over the world. Leave some for the rest of us!

>> No.22611994

There is a dogshit explicitly feminist MUH WAHMEN OPPRESSAYD tv series on teevee here and it has 2% audience kek

written by an aged woman, an aged homosexual, directed by an aged woman

>> No.22611996

Say you are not satisfied with the customer service provided to you. Bring back the college diploma and ask for your money back. Pay your debt. Keep your job. Problem solved.

>> No.22612001

I’m American and have only one parent who doesn’t own a home and has a low income plus no older siblings. NEETing was never an option for me and never will be.

>> No.22612008

France's socialistic era might have lasted only a decade after the revolution, and conquest on other European nations began only five years after the new consolidation of power.

>> No.22612009
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Accelerationism is a range of ideas in revolutionary and reactionary ideas in left and right-wing ideology that call for the drastic intensification of capitalist growth, technological change, infrastructure sabotage and other processes of social change to destabilize existing systems and create radical social transformations, otherwise referred to as "acceleration". It has been regarded as an ideological spectrum divided into mutually contradictory left-wing and right-wing variants, both of which support the indefinite intensification of capitalism and its structures as well as the conditions for a technological singularity, a hypothetical point in time where technological growth becomes uncontrollable and irreversible.

>> No.22612018

When you quit a job, should you say it in person first or should you submit a letter of resignation first.

>> No.22612021

Stop spending money.

>> No.22612022

Lmao at your life. Assuming you arent an oldfag join the military and scam yourself a pension.

>> No.22612029

Nothing. Just stop showing up.

>> No.22612030

Depends on if you like your boss. Give them a heads up if theyre cool but otherwise just ghost those wagies.

>> No.22612070
File: 1.40 MB, 1382x2048, MV5BODYwNDYxNDk1Nl5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwOTAwMTk2MDE@._V1_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But I have responsibilities here.
CLOSE THEM. Seriously...start shutting the machine down, save money, stop paying for dumb shit like subscriptions and lattes, MAKE IT REAL.

I paid last month's rent, cashed my tax return, and bought a one way ticket ro Thailand in 2007. Bribing the guard at Angkor Wat at closing for me and a girl to climb to the top at sunset was one of the most magical moments of my life and Ive been to every corner of the world since.

Just start doing it...the hardest part is buying the $1,000 non-refundable ticket...because youre going then, its happening.

>> No.22612158

call your mother. It will make her whole week.

>> No.22612164

Lame. Women and homosexuals just have it coming

Anyways I don’t like using the term “do better” but there’s so many shit threads on this board today.

>> No.22612166

My mom is too busy half the time and then wonders “where I’ve been” when I don’t call her for two. Man women are just something else I tell ya.

>> No.22612167

Im going to see my mom tomorrow.

>> No.22612168

I live with her…

>> No.22612169

Two weeks*

>> No.22612182

> no become cannon fodder that gets up at 5 am to work until 9 pm
Which is it?

>> No.22612186

Can’t do that. I need them to write me a LoR.
I don’t, but he’s not an asshole either. I might give 2 months’ notice and then just check out until January.

>> No.22612190

>Which is it?
The fun way.


>> No.22612191

The things I want to do aren’t as simple as “just do it”. It’s a nice speech but real life doesn’t work like that.

>> No.22612210

>but real life doesn’t work like that.
Yeah, it does, you fucking lazy retard...
>Hurr, its too hard...I just want to be big and important and rich or some gay shit like visit Mars.
Go smoke crack, your life is shit because youre in it.

>> No.22612216

Lmao, it's not like that at all.
Active duty Army here, it's so easy to sham in the military it's not even funny. Sign up as a supply specialist, human resources, or a permanently hospital-bound medical specialty like 68K (lab tech) or 68Q (pharmacist) and you'll have an easy time plus get government bennies out of the deal. You can also sign up for any kind of specialized military intelligence, like 35N, 35T, or 35G and most likely you'll go work standard workdays in a windowless room somewhere (though there is a chance of doing shift work which can suck a little).
It's not easy to make it to 20 years, per se, but if you've worked an actual job before you'll find it to be as the standards to get promoted are pathetically easy to reach and your peers will frequently be dim enough to make you feel like a genius (though YMMV). Once you get there you'll get a government pension of 40% of your base pay of the highest rank you reached plus you'll have been dumping money into a government retirement account the whole way there if you're not retarded. Most retirees will have some disability pay as well, even if they did turbo-POG shit, because it's so easy to claim. You can then go on to start a whole new career with a separate retirement account while your government one continues to accrue value.

>> No.22612222

Same detail. Can confirm my job is as pointless as any job you can imagine. It's beyond easy. In fact it's too easy. I am under no pressure whatsoever. I was actually thinking about what I'd have to do to get fired, or how badly I'd have to fuck up and I realised it's basically impossible. Unless I killed someone. God, it's so easy. There is no challenge in my life at all and I hate it.

>> No.22612230

Nice quads. If it's challenge you want the military is also an option, with the myriad of special ops units open to initial entry contracts as well as technically challenging specialties you can apply for like cyber or EOD, though you should know what you're getting into if you go that route.

>> No.22612237

I'm in the military, not the anon you were talking too before but I utterly hate my job by now. We must be in totally separate areas of practise because it's nothing at all like how it was pitched to me. It's too easy.

>> No.22612239

Oh shoot my bad. What branch/MOS?

>> No.22612240

No, it doesn’t. If you want to be a doctor, you can’t “just do it”. You’ve got to get prerequisites, take the mCAT, apply to schools, get admitted, get through then, secure a residency, finish a residency, and then you can become a doctor.

You’re talking about stupid shit like hanging out in Bangkok or whatever but I don’t give a fuck about that. I want a better life, not a fun vacation.

>> No.22612246

I have a degree so I would only commission.

I don’t think I’m a good fit for special ops.

>> No.22612255

>I don’t think I’m a good fit for special ops.
That's fine, you have to have the right personality (or enough autism) to succeed there.
Just know that if you do choose to become an officer in the Army you can end up playing office politics and competing for top-block evaluations with your peers, not so much at the junior level (though it is still a thing) but if intend to do 20 you'll have a competitive promotion from MAJ to LTC around the 16 year mark and if you don't get selected on your second look you can get shown the door before you're able to drop a retirement packet. I have no idea how other branches do things though. I'm no recruiter and though I want people to be aware of the benefits they can get out of doing some fairly easy shit in uniform for a couple years I also want them to be aware of the unadvertised shitty parts of the military before they sign.

>> No.22612258

what are some books that will help me cope with living in a black neighborhood?

>> No.22612262
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>If you want to be a doctor, you can’t “just do it”.
Haha, Oh...youre FANTASIZING.
Ok, I get it, youre still mentally a child, I thought I was talking to a young-ish man.

t.DOCTOR (Developmental Psychology, Evolutionary Cognition and Physiological Collective Phenomenology)

I just DID IT. School is for faggots and women. School is to prevent liars and cheats from LARPing...you know...LIVING A FANTASY.

>But I want to get paid and work at an important hospital.
>I just want to be big and important and rich
I know you better than you know yourself, fuckface, youre a child in a man's body with infantile dreams and hopes with ZERO plans.

Ive NEVER had fantasies, I ALWAYS had plans, and I may not have always achieved them...I achieved ones I never even thouvht possible because I got in the habit of MAKING SHIT HAPPEN.

Youre right...life diesnt work like children's fantasies.

>hanging out in Bangkok
I dont give a fuck where you have been in the life...Ive seen everything you have and everything you never will....


>> No.22612264

How do I give a friend money? A friend of mine has some money trouble, not the end of the world, but it's gonna take him a while to get out of it, probably a good year of being thrifty. I'm a fair bit more wealthy than him and I'd gladly just give him the cash needed to fix it all without any expectation of getting paid back, but how do I even bring this up without making it weird? I have no idea how to properly handle this without it looking like I'm trying to make him feel bad or making him out to be a charity case.

>> No.22612266
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>banned on /fit/ for posting twinks

>> No.22612296

i was a twink in my teens but i didn't knew at that time to reap all of the benefits, i thought i was ugly because i was judging myself on the basis of chudcel view of a "real man". now all im left with is a brutal case of twink death

life is so fucking gay

>> No.22612301

Proposition him. But seriously, some people can be weird with money and help. Help someone too much and they’ll feel beholden to you and never forgive you. It also depends on if he is hinting if he wants help. If he brings up financial struggles maybe offer to give him a little money, nothing crazy though. I also think if you are giving money you shouldn’t expect it back. Money has ruined many friendships

>> No.22612302
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cultivating an abstractly sexual aesthetic ideal is more gratifying than the actual act of sex. only a fool would have sex more than two or three times without realizing this

>> No.22612303
File: 9 KB, 225x225, 1680736670095923.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm such a loser holy shit

>> No.22612319

You dont. Anyway you give him money will destroy your frienship. He will end up bitter and resentful at you like vid related:

>> No.22612323

Turkish series startin

>> No.22612327
File: 44 KB, 265x516, FA954A34-B7CC-45C9-A239-421B895180A5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I heard “Israel” just bombed a hospital and killed 500 people.

Find the names of those responsible and spread awareness.

Help the philistine and Syrians and Lebanese migrate. The rest will be solved later.
These people each carry a torch of resentment that will bring true light and cure to the world.

>> No.22612333

My nigga. I caught an assault charge last week and when I went to the courts finance office the wagie called me a loser for not having a taxable job to pay restitution. Laughed in that cucks face and told him I was not paying shit.

>> No.22612335

They hate looking at themselves in the mirror. Body image issues.

>> No.22612337
File: 148 KB, 564x564, 78F037D6-EAAE-48E0-8DEF-DAD8FEA51249.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Slavs are united and are migrating.

The Russian navy is in the Mediterranean.

This awareness shall sooth anyone who hoped for the world having a real future.

>> No.22612338

I wish I gave a shit.

>> No.22612347
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May all be solved.

>> No.22612352
File: 120 KB, 750x718, CF45B176-2D3C-45D8-955A-631BE47DCFC4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Says the shit.
You don’t belong on my world.

Be killed instead of others.

>> No.22612362
File: 55 KB, 750x750, FAB47A3D-333A-407A-8108-93BE28779711.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think a bunch of communist and swastika flags flying across Europe is going to make everyone feel really good

>> No.22612368
File: 249 KB, 1125x680, 410FBFE7-D9AE-4641-B85C-9F0D27179F22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make anime real.

Victory to love, true society, good anarchy, true government, friendship, true channers, true internet, eternity, utopia, heaven, and soul.

>> No.22612380
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This world deserves goodder stories.

A story is a soul.

A statement is a story.

State something really good and then go with it. All matters.

I’m sure an improvement of vibes on 4chan will make an improvement of vibes globally.

>> No.22612386
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I’ve seen people trying to stifle people to death and you have too.

Conscription is a crime of false government. True wars are fought by volunteers.

None of Ukrainians would’ve fought Israels war. Victory to Ukrainians revenge.

>> No.22612396
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So how’d we end up with a new schizo who overposts?

>> No.22612406
File: 802 KB, 2448x3264, IMG_20170526_212917320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You’re talking about stupid shit
Damn right you walk away...

How many hours of medical lecture you attend this year? Zero?....thought so.
I have atleast 100. Not counting Psychology, just that would be a lot in itself, way more.

I had an enlightening experience backpacking, before cell phones.
Cathartic, eye opening, horizon expanding...burning my life and venturing on a one way trip is a bit scary, lot can go wrong.

Now Im a doctor...I just "did it"...you need to do what youre told and stop talking back you fatherless failure.

>> No.22612418
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Your board fucked up and a tourist ventured into /his/, big mistake.





>> No.22612422

Immature idiot. You know as well as I that you’re still a loser and have no real advice to offer.

>> No.22612445

I’d like to see you try

>> No.22612449

Good for them

>> No.22612450
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>Fantasizes about being professional boxer.
>Not one day in the gym.
>Not one day in the dojo.

Youre addicted to sympathy and mental masturbation...trained helplessness, every day you reinforce WRONG.

>> No.22612515
File: 84 KB, 252x252, 1653000368095.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had a weird dream about a secular Arab comedy duo. They started off reciting catchy jingles from American commercials off of memory and it was actually funny. Then a mattress was brought in, and one of them tried to crowd surf naked on top of it. He made it a little bit before the audience rolled him off and started beating him, and security had to intervene. Then I woke up.

Genuinely, I've had so many bad dreams and nightmares lately, that that's the most 'pleasant' dream I've had in recent memory.

>> No.22612528

What is worth defending?

>> No.22612532

Sorry burger-bro I'm a bong pleb. Our military is shocking as per, met a couple of yours though; nicest blokes I've ever met. (Mostly)

>> No.22612536

Lol that sounds like a riot

>> No.22612554

I want to go on a dating app, but there are more reasons not to. Mainly I want to feel a woman's naked body on mine.

>> No.22612568

Go to a bar

>> No.22612571

I do, the cute girls always have a group they're with. I don't want to intrude on them.

>> No.22612611

i want to invent a new artform

>> No.22612641

Watching the world turn against Jews. It's great. Death to Liberalism and Death to the West

>> No.22612653

The alternatives to western globohomo hedonist nihilism are unironically worse.

>> No.22612658

Socialism with Chinese characteristics and Islamic capitalism are preferable in every possible to Western liberalism.

>> No.22612676

When/where have you been to China or the Middle East?

>> No.22612686

Abu Dhabi

>> No.22612696

im a 32 year old neet with no life skills, what should i learn to do to be an adult? like how to drive a car, or wash clothes, or cook.
i cant do any of that shit lmao

>> No.22612701

How long where you there, what for? I was there briefly as a long layover to Europe. Just enough time to see the local sites.

>> No.22612707

im chillin rn smell like shit tho

>> No.22612708

Chinese skin and cook dogs and cats alive.

>> No.22612731
File: 47 KB, 800x704, 1624646612717.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

None of my friends like books, reading or philosophy and if I bring any of them up even in passing they just totally shut down. They just talk about coding and computer games.

>> No.22612756

There’s this thing called the internet

>> No.22612758

Well, women generally don’t go out anywhere alone. So you might have a tough time if that’s an issue.

>> No.22612759

kill yourself

>> No.22612760

It seems like a lot of politicians have law degrees. Do you think it’s worth it to get a law degree if you want to work in politics?

>> No.22612842

Is it better to settle or to try?

Do you think fish are happy, just swimming around like that?

>> No.22612853

Definitely try. I think what matters in life is basically what we do, and if something is worth doing, it’s worth doing. Whether it ends in success or failure is secondary actually. The challenge is really identifying what’s worth doing.

>> No.22612860


>> No.22612868

Just watched my friend scroll through bumble. It's been said a lot but how fucking depressing dating apps are lmao.

>> No.22612870

America and Israel skin Palestinian children.

>> No.22612920

I just broke a word record

>> No.22612938

digits and i go buy crack. the crack street is less than a five minute walk. i have $600

>> No.22612944

Dubs and you still go but you suck dick for it instead.

>> No.22612949

damn, i guess i have no choice now

>> No.22612980

Stop lying you bitch ass white boi. Never smoked the rock in your life talking bout 600 dollars.

>> No.22612987

no i haven't, but nonetheless the crack street is right there. what are they gonna do, decline my money?

>> No.22612995

Rob you

>> No.22613000

You should transition instead

>> No.22613005
File: 2.18 MB, 474x498, 1696061447791054.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why would drug dealers rob a potential repeat customer? why would they rob anyone when their livelihood depends on their reputation as dealers?

>> No.22613061

I miss you a lot.

>> No.22613073

It depends on the drug they sell tbdesu. If you're buying something that won't destroy your life in a couple of weeks then yea sure they'd rather keep you as a loyal customer. When it comes to crack though? They know your money well will dry up soon and only produce droplets ever so often. You having a fat wad of cash is also incentive enough to just rip you off lol.

>> No.22613091

Open air dealers aren’t going to rob. Word would spread and that block would lose customers. They would be punished by the higher ups

>> No.22613096

i know guys who've been smoking crack for decades. old men who still smoke the stuff. and they didn't maintain that habit for so long by getting robbed all the time

>> No.22613122


>> No.22613124


Meanwhile I skin Chinese people

>> No.22613134

I am reading philosophy and my head hurts, not because I can't understand the ideas, but because the writer (a poet woman) makes so many tangents over tangents, I lost the will of read.

>> No.22613156

what made you interested in reading a female philosopher in the first place, i've never even heard of one worth of note

>> No.22613166

Chris Chan just posted a video on youtube claiming he did not have sex with his mom

>> No.22613171

The title was interesting. That's about it.
Her prologue about how she survived the Spanish revolution in the 1920's is good, but went downhill after that.

>> No.22613179

We'd be better off if we saw dogs as food animals as opposed to companion animals. The relationship dog owners have with their pets is just unhealthy.

>> No.22613319

It is all so cold and so dark, everyone is so away, so different, I'm so alone
I with I felt warmth
Humans go here and there, they connect with each other, but I'm not one of them, I'm lost in this maze, I can't find my way, it is like being in a desert at night
I don't know what I am, but I know what I am not, I hate God for putting me here, I hate my mother for giving me life, I hate my father for cursing me into being, I am not a human, I am something lower, genetic waste

>> No.22613366

Reading the Symposium for my class. Maybe I'm biased but it seems to Christian. Or is Christianity Platonic? Am i heretic for suspecting Socrates was divinely inspired?

>> No.22613426

I've come to the conclusion that whenever culture fails, the government attempts to fill in that niche, only for it to fail. For example in the Roman Empire, public degeneracy was at an all time high. From what I've read, friends slept with each other's wives, gluttony was a virtue, and worst of all, feminism was **somewhat** on a rise. After Augustus came into power, he attempted to mediate Rome's failings with the Julian Laws (Morality laws). However ultimately it was unpopular/unsuccessful and was the only thing the people of Rome despised about him. Similarly in 20th century Spain, after Francisco came into power he saw the decline of Christianity among the Spanish people and enforced it down their throats. This backfired and lead to Spain today to be an irreligious, unnationalistic, and pathetic state.

>> No.22613474

It seems like this board doesn’t even talk about novels or novelists anymore.

>> No.22613478

wait until you get to the part where plato applauds male/male soul combo as the highest one

>> No.22613482

You could argue it was similar with Cromwell. I think the Augustan reforms are an interesting topic though. He might’ve been hated for them, but not entirely and it’s hard to say they had no effect.

>> No.22613487

Christians would say the Greek philosophers contained the Seeds of the Logos, so not the fullness of the truth but just a seed.

>> No.22613502

>and it’s hard to say they had no effect.
Fair enough; how would you be able to figure out if it did have an effect?

>> No.22613533

Yeah, there's been a significant shift in board culture recently, and I don't think it's for the better.

>> No.22613539

So I actually talked to that girl in class. It was super fucking awkward. I don't think it was entirely me. I think she was also really awkward. She's the type of girl who sits alone in her car between classes or who will drive home for an hour just to drive back for the next class. I am disappointed but I'm also happy I wont have the burden of regret for not talking to her, like I have for that one girl last semster and that other girl the semster before that, and that third girl the semester before that. Also the only girls actually active in the philosophy department are fucking hideous. Whats up with that

>> No.22613560

>having friends
cant relate

>> No.22613594

It’s bad. Part of me says to stay for the few, part of me says it’s a sunk ship, leave. I don’t see it improving. Too many debatelords, political threads, and blatantly off topic threads. Books for this feel?…

>> No.22613602

The quality of discussion on every board has seen a drastic decline. The only reason I'm still around is because I'm basically an addict.

>> No.22613608

Kek. Relatable. It’s true what they say. Scary to think what this place will look like in a few years. It’s been going downhill steadily but the last 2 years it was a crazy rapid decline. Almost overnight

>> No.22613621

Those bastards in Istanbul destroyed all the McDonalds in the city. This is a red line. I'm enlisting immediately.

>> No.22613631

The only hope is that I can find some kind of replacement. But the only things that provide the type stimulation this place gives. The only problem is that the places that provide such a thing are just as bad, are less convenient to use, or are slower paced than this board.
I wish more than anything else tat there were a way to remove this site from my life. It's been years since it has brought me anything other than stress and misery.

>> No.22613668

I’d be fine with shitposting if it was at least literature related. I only use /lit/ because I read and started out here years ago. It was a good blend of high quality, good, or fun. Way more creative too. At least books and writers used to be the focus. No reason to come here if you didn’t read and weren’t into the “lit life” years ago. /lit/ was always in a precarious situation and was bound to fall. Too much gray zone and loop holes to exploit, especially with nonfiction and philosophy. I like both of them but fiction is my true love. It was always the backbone of /lit/ and I knew this place was done when creative writing like fiction and poetry declined. I don’t know what the line in the sand is for me leaving here, but it’s there somewhere. There will be a time when I don’t just ask why but I’ll be so disgusted I won’t come back

>> No.22613679

is it me or is the state of 4chan in shambles.\?

>> No.22613682

I think there was a time when there was some sort of genuine alt culture that existed that no longer does. I can't even rely on this site for interesting recommendations anymore.
Now all I use it for is getting into unnecessarily hostile (and this is very much my fault) arguments. It really isn't healthy for me to continue posting here, but as I said before, I'm more or less an addict.

>> No.22613689

Yeah, but the worst thing about it is that it's just so damn joyless.

>> No.22613744

Thomas Mann always writes that it's disturbing when attractive/high functioning/virile men write poetry (because poetry is for the hideous impotent failure, it's his way of seizing what normal people get from real life.) I think that's basically the explanation here.

>> No.22613757

Tldr the news: another Jewish psyop

>> No.22613765

Might buy an Asian prostitute, I'm 31, never really cared about sex or women but I have been feeling increasingly insecure about it as I have improved myself in other ways and no books seem to alleviate this.

>> No.22613832

I never had a coming of age. There were never any meaningful transitions in my life. Ive been stuck on this adolescent loop well into my 20s. This is mainly because every opportunity for a meaningful transition from childhood into adulthood was blocked or stunted by external factors. I see this as happening in cycles and now I'm so many cycles behind I dont quite understand how I'm supposed to make the transtion I should have had at 14 when I'm so far beyond that age and the accompanied expectations.
Any psychology or philosophy on coming of age periods and the effects had by their delays or fumblings?

>> No.22613833
File: 314 KB, 443x621, 1697084948891175.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do i over or under estimate other's intelligence? is enigma enigma, or just salty.

>> No.22613837

Jews are trying to start a world war out of spite.

>> No.22613843

I had a witty thought, actually two, but my memory has forsaken me, and now they seem lost to time

>> No.22613851

i can't do what OP is asking. it defies nature.

>> No.22613887

People seem to increasingly have this idea these days that morality is simply sacrificing their own desires for the benefit of others. I guess it is short term but long term it is in their own best interests to put aside their ego and sacrifice for others. I guess it's a consequence of our fast paced lifestyle, everyone feeling too depressed to see a distant future and the general lack of faith as religion is dying out.

Say someone grows up moral, they will be so used to good things coming back to them that they won't see it as a consequence or their morality, they will try being selfish and will see it benefits them and not see the long term damage yet, they will conclude that it is optimal to act ammorally and then inevitably when their life turns to shit they will often blame things other than their loss of morality and self sacrifice.

Similarly if someone grows up amoral they might try to be good for a while, see it gives them less short term benefits and never continue doing it long enough to see the long term benefits of forgoing their ego.

I guess this is wisdom, knowing how to act long term even if you can't immediately see any tangible benefit in doing so. But what is the solution? The timeframes in which the 'we' that we identify with will only continue to shrink, how do we help humanity reclaim some ounce of an attention span?

>> No.22614068

Do you also have a nostalgia for events that never happened in your past?

>> No.22614080

Damn that was a disappointing drunk.
Passed super quick and I already feel hungover

>> No.22614087

I am 25 years old and I am a virgin

>> No.22614100

Screen time
Mean time

>> No.22614199

oy vey, preach it rabbi tell us how we should sacrifice our time and resources for you and the turncoats

>> No.22614203

oh you just want us to turn the other cheek instead, to have sympathy for the devil, to be better than those who came before us, just like you did right, lead by example or stuff your morality up your ass

>> No.22614217

Head hurts like hell, short of breath
Never again

>> No.22614219

It's more of a Christian sentiment than a Jewish one. You sound mentally ill, likely a result of you losing your morality and turning away from the light but of course you will never connect the dots between the two and will instead blame your suffering on Jewish societal manipulation. Them making you think it's hopeless is how they win, find God and the faith that you can be better than you are, I will pray for your soul, anon.

>> No.22614235

>it's more of a sentiment from the abrahamic religion that migrated from middle-east whose old testament was literally written and copied by and from the jews which taught people that slave morality is virtue and to turn the other cheek to their oppressors
>also because you pointed this fact out i will now proceed to call you mentally ill in /lit/ all places where i come to pretend i have ever read anything about the religious books that i claim to champion
>morality is the highest virtue to me despite me not following it, i sometimes go to church on christmas (or even on sundays) and that makes me a more divine person than you, i never follow the commandments i just use the book to whack people over the head with or to preach to others what i don't practice
>i will bring up jewish societal manipulation without prompting because i know what you were implying just by the mere mention of the jews
>hopecore is how we keep the goylems working, one must imagine sisyphus happy in his 9-5 otherwise our industry collapses and i would actually have to do a days work or defend my own borders against the myriad of enemies i've made abroad
>our campaign for demoralizing worked a little too well so now we have to try to turn the ship around with hopecore
>here adopt this religion that tells you to be a good boy and do whatever tptb tells you to do while taking abuse with a smile, you'll get a big boy cake for your big boy points when you're rotting in the ground if you do
>i will make a hollow gesture towards you that requires me to put in 0 effort while a patronize you
keep your god you shill, i have no need for safety blanket or your chattels of morality

>> No.22614238

The point was that being moral is in your own best interests, if you can't see that then you have some maturing to do.

>> No.22614242

do you see me in americas most wanted? i know the reasons to be "moral", i just refuse to be a moron who follows them for good boy points or just because it is right, the moment human decency stops serving me i'm throwing it out the window

>> No.22614279

You come across as very angry, maybe you are one of the rare few who can find peace in that lifestyle though. God bless, anon.

>> No.22614290

>you mad, platitude
enjoy your safety blanket sheep of ideas

>> No.22614297

Why is seeing a woman's cleavage so alluring but seeing someone's butt crack disgusting/ funny?

>> No.22614302

>why is seeing a woman's cleavage so alluring
because that is your mating instinct in play, you're supposed to get a impulse to mate from seeing female nudie parts even partially or pressed against their clothes so you would lose your higher function and make a baby so life can continue self perpetuating
>why isn't ass cracks hot?
women's are, if you don't get off on that you're deficient and have some weird mommy fetish to boobs only
>why is seeing soeones' butt crack disgusting/funny
disgusting would be because people poop from there, funny is because you're juvenile and never grew past kindergarten mentally

>> No.22614332

Yeah, that's what I'm afraid of, that it would ruin the friendship. It's not that much for me but a decent amount of him, so he might feel like he owes me a lot. But on the other hand, I feel like a piece of shit seeing him struggle and pinch every penny because of this, all the while I could easily help. I might just tape the money to a brick and throw it through his window.

This same problem must be so weird if someone is ultra rich and has a normal friend. Say you're a billionaire, have a friend, maybe someone you knew for a long time, and know that they are trying to save up for a house and trying to balance that with having kids and so on. You wanna help, you could pay for it all and not even feel it, it would be less of a hit to your finances than it would for a poor person to buy a pizza for another, but how the hell could you bring it up? You can start with the purest of intentions and ruin a friendship. Probably why ultra rich people mostly have ultra rich friends.

>> No.22614382

go beg for money for a week by rattling a tin can in the streets and come back to type how you feel about taking handouts, men have their pride you coming to him with a bucket of cash is basically you rubbing in that they can't take care of their own finances and flexing your own good fortune

>> No.22614388

lets say you come to him with best of intentions and he accepts your generous help as a friend, now the house that he lives in, the house he is raising his kids in is no longer his, it's your handout house, every day he sleeps in that house he is reminded of your great benevolence and how he couldn't do it on his own
what a lovely environment to raise a family in

>> No.22614430

You’re normal. By the time you’re 30, you’ll have realized you had it. The only tragedy is that it would’ve been a lot better for you to realize at 25 what you’ll realize at 30 and 35.

>> No.22614437

Jewish-British bankers and their American-Israeli attack dogs are sowing the seeds for another global war abroad along with chaos at home. Same ol’ story really.

>> No.22614442

I’m deeply worried that Spengler was right and we’re transitioning into an imperial civilization phase with no chance of that not happening but wrong about the character and type of that phase. I think he grievously failed to account for the ascendency of digital technologies and the fact that the bourgeois had more or less inherited the world.

>> No.22614446

I know, the idea isn't foreign to me, it's why I haven't offered yet, but it still feels wrong on a different level. Friends and family should help each other.

>> No.22614456

>i want to help my loved ones
i know this idea is foreign to you but consider yourself in their shoes, would you rather eat beans for 2 weeks or go taking handouts from your friends and have them have that over your head for the rest of your life?
whores and clowns get paid to make you happy, i don't know if you were born into money or just got your life going your way from the get go but try to understand that maybe not everyone wants your money, they want money sure but to take it from a friend? no
>but it's awful to see him struggle
if he is in a pathetic enough situation to need your handouts he would have already broken and come to ask for it as the hollow shell of a man it would have made him

>> No.22614468

welcome to modern world that values self-made men and wealth, all you can do is watch him suffer or try to make him feel like shit with your pity

>> No.22614469

What are good clubs and organizations to get involved with? I’m applying for graduate school and realize that I’ve done nothing outside of my 9 to 5 besides write since I graduated from school.

>> No.22614474

Im 31 year old virgin.

>> No.22614475

You could get involved in charities, soup kitchens, a local book club filled with /lit/izens, some religious organization, etc.
Could you elaborate on what you mean by the wrong character/type of that phase?

>> No.22614487

I wasn't born into money and I was dirt poor at times. There were times when I ate mostly sunflower seeds for calories and ate cheap multivitamins, because that was one of the few ways I could ensure I get enough nutrition. That's exactly why I know that a few thousand dollars (more like it's local equivalent) can literally change one's life at the right time and set things on a better course. He is not in such a desperate situation, but I know that it will take a good year or more until he gets out of this hole (which wasn't his fault to begin with) and I just want to help. I'm trying to think back to those days, and I can't be sure now of course, but I don't think I would have turned down the money if a friend of mine really could afford it without a second thought offered to help. I wouldn't have taken it from someone slightly better of, but if I had a friend with the means I have now, I think I would have accepted. I understand the pride people have, I have it too, but this aversion to helping people and being helped just seems plain stupid to me.

>> No.22614497

The Atomwaffen Division

>> No.22614503

Spengler thought that the transition into empire was a return to normalcy in some sense, that the highly decadent and atheistic phase of Western modernity was just that, a phase. It’s blood that breaks the bonds of money Spengler said. In Rome, the financial dominion and oppression of Roman people by the Senators, Equites, and the Optimates was broken not by money influence politicians and not by legal craftsman politicians, but by the legions of Julius and Augustus Caesar through war. The sword defeats the law and defeats money. And Rome transitioned into a martial state first and foremost. The primary means of prosperity for Rome was now martial leadership and all of the subsequent Caesars are known for that first and foremost whenever they’re remembered as competent. But in Rome, the aristocracy was never cast off and the professional middle class never came into political power. What if the phenomenon that Spengler described is real, but that there’s no reason why the imperial phase is marked by martial leadership? What if it’s just the leadership of the political status quo? In the West, we’re led basically by a bourgeois elite that rises through the professional ranks of various institutions or else by money-technocrats. It’s not even as if these people are having their time in the limelight while the martial-political aristocrats stand on the sideline. There just is no martial-aristocracy, least of all in America. He says that the age is ushered in by a handful of aristocratic families bound by other bonds and not business relationships. I don’t see anything like that in America. All we have are Ivy League educated lawyers, Ivy League academics, and billionaire entrepreneurs. Even the Army has been transformed into something highly technical and thoroughly bourgeois. The highest ranking officer said he wants to understand white rage and has degrees from Ivy League universities. This is the political elite and there is no para-elite. So where are these people he talks about going to come from?

>> No.22614525
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Does anyone have any anecdotes that back up this observation?

>> No.22614537

it's cultural norms, blame the elite for making it so, same goes for why you can't talk about how much someone makes
asking and giving financial help to others has been made to seem like a pity situation
>i don't think i would have turned down money if a friend of mine really could afford it without a second thought and offered to help
yet it would haunt you to this day if you did, curious how that situation never came up

>> No.22614548

Yes. Many people have noticed this and commented on it. Standards for public dialogue have been totally cast aside. This speech is common now even inside of elite universities.

>> No.22614601

Why does it seem as if there are no competent people anymore? In every arena, it’s like competence has just died off. It doesn’t matter if you’re talking about literature, business, politics, scholarship, everything. It seems as if not only is everyone remarkable just a weirdo but there is just nobody at all who is competent and impressive.

>> No.22614607
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nothing on my mind rn. I'm going to work out now, though I'm sick

>> No.22614613


>> No.22614621

That’s not it. Nepotism should at least in theory select for some degree of competence since people would be brought up to fill these roles. If your dad’s a banker, and you’re brought up to be a banker, you’re probably going to be a competent banker.

>> No.22614650

.. are you mentally retarded?
if your son is a mental midget who spend his college days snorting cocaine and getting drunk at clubs with daddy's money with the good olde sorority you think that dude is going to graduate with anything other than the diploma in his head?
that idiot is going to become at the very least middle management where he doesn't know what the fuck he's doing, he is going to be bored and then if he knows what's best for the company stay out of peoples way and let them do the actual fucking work
if he's really REALLY incompetent then he will try to actually manage the team knowing fuck all about what he's doing while having daddy's last name as his shield making sure that he's the last one to be booted off of the ship even when he's the one making it sink
no amount of tutoring will fix stupid and college is for making connections for people like that, the fraternities and sororities are where you meet other last names that ring out and then when you both graduate by cheating, bribing teachers or barely through tutoring and being dragged through the door by daddy dearest you will still be a fuckwit, but you will be a well connected fuckwit so jimmy will hire you anyway because bro you still have that coke connect? lets have lunch
truth is middle management upwards is literally obsolete, the CEO is just there to have a face to talk to the shareholders and you can be really bad at your job without being a detriment to the company if you know how to stay the fuck out of peoples way who know what they're doing and give them just enough credit for their work for them to not jump ship
you will be lauded as business guru genius for taking credit for everything your team did well and your team will take fall for every fuck up you did while impeding their work
the top branch needs the workers more than the workers need the top branch, if people weren't so meek about risks we might have some meritocratic companies that would wipe the floor with nepo corpo but whenever one pops up they get bought out or squeezed out with bigger budget since they're just starting out

sorry anon, but self-made man is a meme made up to make the system seem like it's functional and fair to at least some point, if you had just worked a little bit harder snorting that cocaine in college you too could have been a bigshot etc

no amount of tutoring and degrees will fix stupid

>> No.22614664

>that doesn't explain why there's so many of them
jimmy invited tommy, tommy invited jerry, jerry invited bob and they all have lunch together doing fuck all if they're smart enough, these are the guys who call for meetings all the time because they're bored and want to feel important

>> No.22614678

I'm a selfish, self-serving, mediocre hedonist. I have no ambition in life other than experiencing pleasure. I don't care about other people, in fact, I dislike most people I come across.
I live eternally frustrated at the fact hat I have to exist beyond sexual pleasure. I work, I exercise, I study with the purpose of experiencing ever increasing sexual delights, enhanced by drugs and by engaging in increasing debauchery.
I feel violent, angry, ready to lash out. Like I want to stomp on another man's bones, turn his face into a bloody pulp, make him beg for mercy. I enjoy the fantasy of overpowering someone, of striping them of their dignity and pride, of making them suffer. I don't know why. I don't know why it makes me feel butterflies in my stomach when I see fear in someone's face.
But I don't want to hurt anybody. If you're unwilling to believe I have empathy and moral values, then believe that I fear the consequences of my actions.
What happened to me? Was I born this way? Was I really destined to be such a disgusting and miserable human being? I don't know and I no longer care. I forgive myself. I will keep forgiving myself until there's nothing left to forgive, until I am at the very bottom of it all, enveloped in delights beyond human understanding. Until the ultimate superstimulus reveals itself to me and shatters my mind for good.

>> No.22614679

>but what about the incompetent workers
hey every fraternity needs their cronies and if they snorted enough coke they "got in", the guys who spend their noses on the books studying hard and trying to become competent and beat the system by meritocracy become the golden goose backbones of companies that end up doing all the work and fixing after the cronies and being chewed out by the nepos

>> No.22614695

Went back to uni in my 30s. How do I connect with these zoomers? Should I even?

>> No.22614698

based on your attitude no, you should become the weird boomer on the campus and stick to your books

>> No.22614707

What attitude?

>> No.22614713

>cap/ no cap
Also have a longboard on you at all time and wear a hat backwards.

>> No.22614720

>i want to connect with zoomers
>oh but should i even try?
if that's your attitude the answer is you shouldn't

>> No.22614832

I think you’re mentally retarded. That nepotism exists indisputably cannot explain why there exist no instances at all of competence. It doesn’t even logically follow unless you suppose everyone that does everyone only does it because of nepotism. It also stands to reason that a nepotism hire could be naturally inclined. After all, someone had to start the chain of nepotism on their own.

>> No.22614847

If you don't participate in nepotism you're not just massively retarded, it probably makes you a traitor of your family. Anti-nepotism sentiments were created to put gullible plebs into submission.

>> No.22614853

anon lets say you're in a company and the company is looking to hire someone to work there, you have a buddy that is out of job and working in the same field as you (gasp i know, you even studied together), now would you put in a good word for your buddy or would you just post the job up as normal?
most jobs don't even get listed, that's why it's full of nepotism and cronyism, you know bill so of course bill is going to be a reliable worker, hell you spent the thanksgiving together he wouldn't want to let you down right? much better than risking a random hire
now add that to every single person in the company and eventually you will filter in a company full of bills and a few golden gooses, anything goes wrong who are you going to believe, your thanksgiving fraternity buddy bill or some creepy guy who just sits in his desk all day doing god knows what?
you're the retard if you assume this is so arcane or baffling phenomena, look at what the indians are doing in IT fields and how suddenly after few get in they start to multiply, same shit different wrappings
>someone had to start the chain of nepotism
no shit, and once they reach critical mass they become the stable of the company accusing everyone but the in group of any fuck ups that happen until the company is lined up with crony yes man nepos
>nepotism good
say that to the guy crying about incompetence being rampant and the gov trying to "even the playing field"

>> No.22614879

> say that to the guy crying about incompetence being rampant and the gov trying to "even the playing field
Not because nepotism
If there was more nepotism there would be more competent people

>> No.22614889
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>If there was more nepotism there would be more competent people
i believe you should scroll up and read up what nepotism means, i am shocked that i need to tell you to do that on /lit/ of all places but hey here we are
read meritocracy if you want to know what the solution to incompetence actually is, here i know you are mentally challenged so i googled it for you

here's nepotism too so you don't have to worry your little head about how to use google either

>> No.22614892

Times have never been as meritocratic as now, with many people having become completely brainwashed and believing nepotism is something evil
Yet despite all the meritocratism incompetence has never been higher

>> No.22614899
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>Times have never been as meritocratic as now

>> No.22614905

you're literally a shining example of how fucking stupid nepo fags can be, you keep digging yourself deeper into the hole because you can't admit that you don't know what the fuck you're on about

>> No.22614969
File: 184 KB, 1200x1196, 1697644795143212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my favourite picture as of now

>> No.22614973

Unless nepotism is how every single person got their job, it can’t be said to explain without a shadow of a doubt why there are no competent people in any job. Period. There is no logical way around this. Whether all nepotism hires are incompetent is totally irrelevant.

>> No.22614979

And what are the chances that if that is quite literally every single position in society that exactly Zero, none, not a single one, is remotely competent?

I’ll spare you the embarrassment and let you know that the probability is zero.

>> No.22615004

>you can't prove it without a shadow of a doubt
prove anything without a shadow of a doubt mr descartes
>but people are low competence across the board, explain that smarty pants
maybe smart competent people don't want to work as walmart greeters, clerks, amazon packers and other low paying degrading customer service jobs when they have the papers to just move to a different country where there is less highly educated people and nepotism to work for better pay?
could be perhaps that the highly paying jobs are highly sought after and get filled with nepotism and the low paying awful jobs are only filled with people who border mental retardation, just like you~
also i'm not running a daycare for the mentally challenged so i think we're done talking here, if you couldn't figure this out on your own and had to go to /lit/ of all places to realize what's going on in certain places in the west these days you just might be one of the nepo tards and i would rather huff paint with a hobo under a bridge than waste my breath talking to one of your kind
go fail a company or something you empty suit

>> No.22615023

You got mad and lost. I wouldn't hire you.

>> No.22615030

>u mad
rather "mad" than retarded
>you lost
i lost the moment that i assumed you had something inside your head that functions
>i wouldn't hire you
why the fuck would i work for someone else? freelancing, owning a company or working in a highly unionized field that butters you up good are the only work that is worth getting unless you studied to some passion field and got bypassed by some nepo fag
you have your answer and you got it for free, now call yourself clever and go slink back to riding daddy's coattails

>> No.22615041

I'm actually a nepo kid for real
I work for fun and I when I feel like it I will join my dads company.
Life is good. I hope you cool off cause you're seething

>> No.22615050

It’s not a question of proof. It’s logically impossible. No proof is needed. It can’t be the case.

>> No.22615053

>"you know what, i am a part of the nepo's that you say are the reason incompetence is rampant and i'm proud of it"
the greatest movie twist ever, how could it be that the retard who i spend 15minutes+ explaining why nepotism causes retarded people to flood the company is actually a retarded nepotist for having to ask
my only complaint is that there was no foreshadowing what so ever for this greatest twist of year 2020

>> No.22615060

>it's logically impossible that every job that is desirable gets filled by nepotists and only retards would work the left over work for the pay offered when they have papers to find other work
goo goo ga ga to you too, do you like jangling and dangling keys, does baby like keys?

>> No.22615076

ill give you one last tidbit of a hint on where all the competent people went, foreigners hired them based on their ability instead of their last name, you are basically victim of a brain drain except you people did it to yourself

>> No.22615095

I'm not that guy. I'm just someone shitposting while on the job and seeing you get upset.
My job isn't nepo either, I'm just naturally lazy. Which contradicts your whiny spiel about nepotism.

>> No.22615111

>my job isn't nepo either i'm just lazy and incompetent
and how did you get that job mr bootstrap? google cronyism unless the field is so undesirable that there is no competition

>> No.22615154

I’m good with interviews

>> No.22615164


>> No.22615172

I’m a great at it

>> No.22615175

i'm not doing this

>> No.22615197

Do what?
I answered your question and honestly I think I stumped you.

>> No.22615258

Dubs and I'll die going back home.

>> No.22615466


>> No.22615700

I think free will both is and is not real. The reality is that in a situation you choose between the alternatives that you can come up with. You don't choose what alternatives pop into your head, and you make a choice based on what happen to be your values and so on, what you think is even worth considering. I think maybe this can bridge the gap of the question "how can there be free will if God determines everything": God determines the situation you are in. I think it's possible that he sometimes puts you in a situation where he knows that you will choose to sin, but if he does so it is because it plays a part in the greater picture, and because you chose this path at some earlier juncture, and it will serve as part of the question of your redemption (it is still effectively your choice, since it is a consequence of an earlier choice).

Or maybe not!
I don't know it just felt like something clicked. The thing is that it seems necessary that God paint the big picture at all times, which seems to deny free will. But it could be some kind of "enlightenment"-era mistake to think of free will as entirely free. Choice only exists if there is something to choose.

>> No.22615756

it seems more correct to say that there is a faculty of choice, which is known as such from experience, but that every choice ever made was conditioned and so there has never been a free choice, even though it seems as though the basic faculty is equally applicable in varying circumstances. But it only exists as it is known from the specific, conditioned, examples.

>> No.22615763

This also implies that there are choices which put you down a path

>> No.22615786

The question is
"How is it possible that God allows me to encounter precisely what He has determined for me, while at the same time there is free will? How can He determine that I will come into those human encounters He has chosen for me, if the humans I encounter have choice in the matter? And if not: how can there be responsibility?"

I think this path-dependency, and limited, conditioned choice.. it seemed like it mattered.

>> No.22615792

I really think this "free will" business is a spook. It surely lacks subtlety.

>> No.22615801

me too

>> No.22615859

I dreamt of an orgy in a chapel
At first I thought it was a sign of demonic possession
But I think my Dionysian tendencies are awakening

>> No.22615921

Not much that I can do sir, I'm afraid. I can laugh for you if you want.

>> No.22615997

Having a big dick is materially masculine in the sense it gives you a distinct advantage over beta males when it comes to mate selection, but ontologically feminine in the sense that your virility is defined entirely by a superfluous meat stick that determines whether or not you're ostracized by a female. This is why Gorillas are much manlier than Chimps or Bonobos despite having smaller peckers because they don't have to worry about competition nearly as much, and instead are hailed as a God-like figure by the females of their tribe instead.

>> No.22616038


>> No.22616371

Cry more bitch nigger fuck