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22607124 No.22607124 [Reply] [Original]

Absolutely Halal! edition
Old: >>22603021

>> No.22607136

Boobs, wish they were on my face instead

>> No.22607147

I dont get what is neurosis all about. I read that Lacan describes it as a question that cannot be answered whenever neurotic is dead or alive.

>> No.22607153
File: 124 KB, 1125x1207, 3353D494-BB0C-4152-82A0-69CBD1B2600F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blessings to all the Syrian, Lebanese, and, philistine pagans all escaping and migrating.

Monotheists are not welcome under any circumstances in my soul.

Paganism: Each love is a soul.

>> No.22607163

I think most mental illnesses are really just narcissism and the particular mental illness that is diagnosed or identified with just depends on the particular skills or talents someone has at their disposal to stroke their own narcissism.

It seems somewhat contradictory because a lot of mental illnesses seem to be self hating but when you really listen to what these people claim it's usually something along the lines of "I know deep down I'm actually a good person but these things (implying something they don't identify with, such as an illness) keep ruining it".

It makes it make more sense why mental illness is growing without bounds, we have created more and more narcissism with society rewarding them, how it's easier to pick and choose who you surround yourself with (only people who validate you), having to validate everyone etc.

>> No.22607182

remove kebab

>> No.22607184

I watched A Nightmare On Elm Street for the first time last night and I loved it. Been listening to the closing credits song "It's A Nightmare" by 213 on repeat. Apparently the sequels aren't nearly as good which is a shame!

>> No.22607188

that is one possibility, or maybe your own narcissism is projecting how you would use mental illness as a tool and the ones that do have symptoms actually have some chemical imbalance on their brains or something that fucks up their emotional balance and perception of reality etc
a lot of psychologists went into the field of psychology for status, a leg up, ability to be a bully and myriad of other reasons, very few went there to actually help people without at the very least some fucked up unconscious reason on the background
are there psychologists that have a genuine desire to help alleviate peoples suffering without any background motives? i would assume so, are majority of them pieces of shit that want to feel important or to mess with people? i would assume so as well

if you're talking about some tiktok depression then that shit is just memes, there is actual depression but you won't be posting about your symptoms online if you actually feel like you would rather die than wake up to the same feelings every day

>> No.22607228

We can never know what is going on inside people really but we can see how society has changed and use our reason to deduce how it must have changed people. Normies can all select who they surround themselves with these days, a luxury previously reserved for kings. We somewhat learn that if we don't praise people constantly they can just replace us these days, so no one ever really criticises anyone. Our narcissistic natural tendencies go unchallenged in this society especially with the dying of religion and humbling ourselves before God.

I've just been reading a lot of these people sharing their own accounts of what their illnesses are like on obscure places where they have little to gain from exaggerating due to the virtual anonymity. I just hear constant narcissism beneath the words they actually write/speak, everyone thinking they deserve to be the best, people with big friend groups and constant romantic partners saying how hard it is for them to maintain these (as if it comes natural to others) because they think it should be easy for someone as great as them.

>> No.22607237

out of curiosity, what is your view on voluntary egoism?

>> No.22607250

I am not saying that this is definitely the case, but it seems like your thinking might be grounded in a 'just world fallacy' way of thinking
>person is suffering
>it makes me uncomfortable if people can suffer for no good reason
>therefore it is probably their fault somehow
I notice it in myself sometimes. Resentment directed towards those who suffer. Especially if we resent the idea that we have a moral obligation towards people in distress.
I also think 'narcissism', used outside of its clinical context, can easily become so generic that it loses explanatory power. Anything and everything can be attributed to a nonspecific 'narcissism'. You might as well say 'Satan' or 'capitalism' or something.

>> No.22607268

Very fair points but I also talk/listen to people who have somewhat recovered from mental illnesses and usually even they admit that most of what was perpetuating their struggle was a deep held belief that they somehow needed to be perfect (they were narcissistic) it was only after they truly internalized that it is ok if they are never fixed that they started making attempts to get better and started finding true value in small steps of progress, enough to inspire them to keep improving. Someone with a deep held narcissistic view of themselves rarely improves because any improvement seems less than they feel they deserve to make.

As for the word losing its meaning, yes, I don't know how to word the issue better, I just feel most people understand the underlying topic being discussed.

There is a strange thing with depressed people in that when they accept suicide as an option, they ironically becoming less suicidal, like the comfort that they have a backup plan makes their current situation less intimidating and they can more easily work to recovery. I know I had to hit rock bottom first.

>> No.22607276

That's not wrong but labeling perfectionism (an inefficient and harmful way of thinking) as narcissism seems like a very negatively value-laden way to describe it. Self-absorbed says a similar thing but seems less extreme. I guess because we often think of narcissism as being quite sinister almost.

>> No.22607277

narcissism as a label is just a way to indirectly tell people to be more subservient, humble and helpful

>> No.22607290

I might be way off with what you mean by that but i think its very important, although i would refer to it more like conscious egoism. I think it's ultimately what makes a man and how someone can truly help those around themselves. Even if you don't fully believe you are right, it will help the world if they think you think you are right.

>> No.22607292

Spaghetti argument.

>> No.22607295

what's the difference between being a voluntary egoist and being a narcissist or sociopath if you're explaining it from the point of view of someone who is a involuntary egoist / follower of the norms?

>> No.22607296

Feels like splitting hairs but maybe, I'll consider it, ty. I think I tend towards thinking of the narcissism label as it seems to more accurately encapsulate the subgroup of mentally ill that act out or dramatise events for attention. Self absorbed is more like the quiet mentally ill while narcissistic also includes those who (consciously or usually unconsciously) feel validated by others reacting to their 'suffering'

>> No.22607303

I think it depends on the topic and whether there are other healthier options. For example when I was dealing with grief I ultimately got over it because I felt like I needed to for the sake of others, I needed to be better and realise that how I handle it can impact how others handle their own grief, if they see I can handle it then they see it can be handled. In some ways that provided the strength to truly move on, paradoxically.

I think that was an act of voluntary/conscious egoism, me developing an ego and treating myself as important for the sake of others. I think it would have been narcissism to wallow in my grief, to be able to feel that somehow I am honoring my dead friend by not being able to recover, that I'm extremely tortured etc. I think that wouldn't be voluntary egoism, it's like passive egoism, the easy and default self serving path without any conscious/voluntary effort put in for the sake of others.

>> No.22607307

I think what I'm trying to say is voluntary egoism is when you use your ego as a tool for operating in the world whereas narcissism is when the ego is the end goal goal itself.

>> No.22607308

i asked from the point of view of the involuntary egoists / people who follow norms, they can't see the difference so anyone who isn't pants on the head retarded will look like a narcissist to them and that and psychopath are easy lables to punish people for not being humble, subservient and helpful when you try to guilt trip them to do something for you

>> No.22607311

with that in mind, ask yourself how many psychologists and researchers are voluntary egoists

>> No.22607325

i call it tyranny of the meek, where slave morality is seen as strength and justice, it is very often employed by the jewish folks to guilt trip people into doing what they want / giving them something
now days it has become a stable of the franchize for western world, if you're not meek and get off on being subservient stooge for others you are labeled as psychopath or narcissist because people are too dumb to read stirner

>> No.22607334

But there is an element of humbleness and subservience that is in their own best interests but they are too egotistical to adopt it. They have egos that are far too big for their skillsets/intelligence and it causes them huge mental suffering and unnecessary struggle. It's unironically good for the jews for people to think they are above their cages and 'escaping' them only to be bound within a larger one that they can't see (the mental health jew)

>> No.22607342

You tell me

>> No.22607343

>too egotistical to adopt subservience and humility
that is the idea behind it, only reason for you to be subservient at any point would be monetary gain or helping yourself by helping your friend, doing it just out of the goodness of your heart is retarded unless you get off on being helpful and even then you're doing it for yourself to feel good
my motto is if you think you need to see a psychologist you are crazy, even if you don't have anything serious the fact that you need external validation and are naive enough to think they want to help you and not contain the potential damage you might cause means you really need to get pilled into chemical lobotomy to spare the gene pool from your useless dna

>> No.22607348

dsm-v calls voluntary egoism narcissism and psychopathy so i would assume not many if they believe in their gospel

>> No.22607350

Just because you do something because you feel good when you help others doesn't mean you don't like helping others. That's a ridiculous argument

>> No.22607352

you like feeling good, the fact that you feel good from helping others is just a happy coincidence, if you think that elevates you above others you're a firm believer of ad populum and blind to your own bias

>> No.22607359

What do you mean elevate you above others? Usually being elevated above others is conventionally determined based on how much you improve the world, yes, someone who generally gives more than they take will generally be a net boon to the world and be elevated above others even if they ultimately only do it for the reason of how it makes them feel inside to do so

>> No.22607362

that is the popular opinion, the fact that you believe that because it is the popular view means that you believe in ad populum, what i meant by elevate above others was a moral and artificial elevation by the people who share the ad populum view
think of it like the philantrophist millionaire who gives out money to be lauded and praised for doing so

>> No.22607414
File: 67 KB, 629x644, mana sama gardenia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isn't it essentially hell living as a woman? Every interaction is faked. Try as hard to hide it as he might, at the end of the day, the ulterior reason a man might want to grow closer to a woman is just so he could get the chance to use her to satisfy his lust.
And now women have to deal with the fear of men dressing up as women and invading their spaces. Even in the bathrooms, women aren't safe from the distinctly predatory manly instincts.

>> No.22607417

Dunno, I was honestly enjoying spending time with some women. It is not like I would hate having sex with them, but it would be more like a cherry on top of the cake rather than the cake.

>> No.22607427

There is no reason to assume I only believe it because it's popular. It seems like the most rational way to evaluate someone's value in society, the value they provide to society. Sure there are some niche cases around it where certain individuals can do more good for the world by siphoning value off others for a while then using that to build themselves and return it later but generally the world is better off the more people are willing to be selfless (even if they do it because it feels good for them to do so). If that's not a virtue to praise people for then the whole system is meaningless. Inb4 that's your argument, taking everything to the extreme case until it all loses any ability to be talked about in a shared society.

Think about the philanthropist millionaire who doesn't give out money at all? Who is more deserving of praise? Just because they do good because there are selfish reasons for them to do so doesn't mean they don't do good and they shouldn't be applauded for the good they do

>> No.22607430

This, women can be more than ok in small doses

>> No.22607458

>willing to be selfless
you're not selfless if you do it for praise
>virtue to praise people for
it's not virtue if your motive for doing it is fear of punishment or praise from others
the point of the system is to maintain the system so any action that keeps the house of cards afloat is "good" in its eyes and every action that keeps it going is seen as virtuous
even if these actions would not be ideal and would eventually just fail to provide even the most basic boons of civilization which is protection from outside forces, food and convenience
what motivation does a homeless man have to be selfless if the system forces everyone to have everything on black and white and make sure that you read the fine print for you to get anything out of doing anything useful for society?

>> No.22607462

This stuff and the narcissist stuff always sounds like projection.

>> No.22607471
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>you pointing out a fundamental human flaw that we all share sounds like projection of your own flaws onto others
maybe that is because you're an involuntary egoist who shuns his humanity because the civilization and culture you were raised to shuns all things that are rawly human, such as being motivated by selfishness despite even the most basic action of eating to stay alive is motivated by self preservation, feeling of starvation and demands that you take some growing thing and stuff it to your gullet to prolong your own life
world isn't pretty, you're just too stupid to realize what drives you forward because you don't want to be sinfully human

>> No.22607476

>but i'm vegan
what dictates that the plant that was just growing there in the ecosystem was deemed worth less than your life, it had done no wrong action but grow and be edible yet you made sure that it died to preserve your own life
>but muh greater good, i provide more good to the world than the plant
do you think the plant cares about your greater good, the plant has done less wrong than you during its entire life span

>> No.22607481

less consider this from a more relateable perspective, lets say you have a genius man who has done many great marvels to the world and would be a net positive by any logical metric, would you sacrifice baby spines if that would be the only thing to keep him alive?
what about spines of condemned criminals?
what is the price you're willing to pay for greater good and still sleep at night?

>> No.22607488

You're just autistic about the word selfless, I know true selflessness doesn't exist but we use the term to refer to people who put the physical and material needs/wants of others above their own physical/material needs. Yes, they have selfish motives some more blatant than others such as wanting praise or just the feeling good in doing so, that doesn't change the fact that in the physical world they are putting others above themselves. Sure, I could have used a better word such as 'generous' but people who aren't autistic know what selflessness means, if we removed any actions that have ulterior motives from what is selfless then the term becomes meaningless, the point is we should praise their generosity even if below the surface level it isn't actually selfless

>> No.22607491

your morality is a crude joke to help you sleep at night, you would become a better person by default if you accepted that people are selfish as their root motivator and anything that comes out well from that is just a happy bonus of them getting off on being helpful or them knowing better than to act with short term planning
maybe the point is that the word selfless is just a masturbatory title given to those who do good boy points

>> No.22607501

with that in mind ask yourself what are they trying to accomplish with labeling people who don't gather good boy points and seek that glorification as a selfless and generous person as narcissists etc?
they're trying to guilt trip you and use social pressure to make you into a "good person" aka a person that will benefit civilization, "do this or we will call you that", back in the day they did it with religion, now psychology has had to pick up the slack

>> No.22607550

>people coming into work when they are obviously sick

I hate these people so much, I always end up sick. Just stay at home you niggas, we literally get it paid so you are losing nothing, but oh no gonna come in and make sure I infect everyone!!

People did this last year just before christmas and I ended up sick during the Christmas holidays because of it and ruined my Christmas.

>> No.22607568

but boss will notice, that work is the most important thing in my life!

>> No.22607577

Yes, but once you get the cherry, you can't get other cakes. I would rather just have cake. idc that much about sex tbqfhwy

>> No.22607581

Just remembered a cringy unhinged dating profile I made in my college years.
Dear God what was i thinking?

>> No.22607605

Just out of curiosity why does narcissism bother people anyways? Is it just a personal sentiment with no basis in anything other than kneejerk emotional discomfort? I mean what’s wrong about looking out for yourself primarily?

>> No.22607609

What if I don’t care to be? Why do people have to be indirect anyways?

>> No.22607631

because the norms dictate that you have to be polite for the social contract and telling someone to not be so uppity is you being the instigator, if they have a personality disorder or some other perceived flaw you can just label them with that and cancel culture them
blame cancel culture, victimhood glorification and the group of people that are disproportionately wealthy yet still somehow see themselves as the most victimized people of all time who somehow made it a trend for others to do the same

>> No.22607639

Sv insavely bazed brvh

>> No.22607646

Because you are dealing with someone who has an unrealistic self-image and will often do fucked up shit (probably to you if you are close to them) in order to keep that self-image intact.
It is not about looking out for yourself, it is mainly about not being accountable.

>> No.22607663

Taking a leap of faith and trying to follow Christ, going back to church and praying. I read Matthew and something did seem like what I was reading was true but I don’t really know if I’ll ever fully believe if I’m being honest with myself. I’m walking with God to save my family from alcoholism and divorce. I don’t think that will be enough to save my soul but I can’t do it on my own., I need religion.

>> No.22607711

Well sure, I can just avoid them but it narrows the pool of enjoyable people to be around. Also I genuinely care about humanity and as I said, i believe an unrealistic self image tends to create even more mental illness in people, it's good for no one except jews selling pills and capitalizing on social disorder

>> No.22607716

Doing good things for good boy points is still being a good person, grow up from your fantasy land where people do things for no reason

>> No.22607725

I've been drinking heavily for some time now, and it gives me a sort of potent anxiety in the days after that is allied with a deep physical unease. But the strangest part is the insane and disconcerting dreams and visions that seem to be trying to force something out of my subconscious and into the foreground of my experience. My eyes will be closed, halfway between sleep and wakefulness and a rapidly changing, liquid, yet very real set of faces will come from the darkness, as if products of my eyes moreson than my mind, and speak in what sounds like language but carries no meaning. And in the deeper dreams I'll see images that seem almost deliberately set and presented. A factory floor seen from a gantry, a grim and dark place with patches illuminated by lights hanging above, and a procession of people.moved by hooded figures onto beds where they have new humans ripped from them and are tossed into the gutter.

>> No.22607729

>Normies can all select who they surround themselves with these days, a luxury previously reserved for kings. We somewhat learn that if we don't praise people constantly they can just replace us these days, so no one ever really criticises anyone.
Not really. The average person may be free to an extent on social media but irl you can't just freely pick and choose but are pretty limited.
Not to mention poor-fags as a rule arent out there making friends with richer people.
People might "replace you", or not socialize with you if you're criticizing them all the time because it would be annoying but that's to be expected.
>I just hear constant narcissism beneath the words they actually write/speak, everyone thinking they deserve to be the best, people with big friend groups and constant romantic partners saying how hard it is for them to maintain these (as if it comes natural to others) because they think it should be easy for someone as great as them.
Yes there definitely can be some narcicissism, or fishing for sympathy/pity.
At the same time people use online forums as a way to vent in a way they cant irl, so it's not necessarily representative of how people think all the time.
Sometimes jealousies overwhelm a person, and the sense of how little their own life measures up in comparison to others overwhelms a person with a sense of the total unfairness of life.
Often this takes a childish and narcissistic tone, like a child whining because he can't have his favorite toy.
But sometimes these feelings just takeover from time to time, and in the moment you are prevented from seeing how utterly childish the sentiment is by the deepness of your own despair.
All this aside, we should distinguish between all that i have described above and the total basket cases.
I work at a crisis center, and i highly doubt the schizo dude i saw the other day muttering to me about how cars are following him is posting online on Reddit about how he's oppressed..

>> No.22607758
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Did I just ask for the patient's differential diagnosis?...or did you just ignore what I just fucking told you like an arrogant jackass defending his failures while crying about them?


Do what youre told, youre not a doctor and I didt ask for you current excuses, there isnt another person on this board with more education than me, Period, with more experience than me, Period.

That person isnt here...and you dont speak them.

>> No.22607764

>I mean what’s wrong about looking out for yourself primarily?
Narcicissim is more than that, it's self aggrandizement to a ridiculous degree.
I wouldn't say i honestly hate it, but when you are around someone like this for any extended period of time it gets on your nerves.
Because the person is usually semi delusional about themselves and coping with their own inadequacy through a grotesque exaggerated display, that you can tell they don't even really believe in themself

>> No.22607782

To be fair m8 and not even that anon, but if you were highly educated, you'd call it learned helplessness, not trained. And if you were qualified you wouldn't be giving anon advice on the internet without consideration.

>> No.22607783

I have learned to love the rice cake.
Eat 3 of these for breakfast and I made it to lunch on just 105 calories without feeling hungry.

>> No.22607801

I think some of the sequels are better, but for different reasons. Its like the evil dead series. The first one is good, but the next one takes it in a completely different direction and is great, 3 is weird and totally different but fun, and the wrest are ass. I like dream warriors and freddy's dead. But mostly because they are the ones where freddy seems like he is having the most fun.

>> No.22607806
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>not trained
Then why is he reinforcing it through repitition making it harder to stop with each day? If you dont have a PhD in Psychology (Psychiatry doesnt count) then you should REALLY shut the fuck up. I dont give a fuck what you read online, DSM is rewritten by fucks like me all the time and I did/do/will.


>> No.22607808

Am I wrong in thinking that "needing to be perfect" is perfectionism (or obsessive perfectionism) and narcissism is more of an idea that they are perfect and any flaw or mistake is due to external circumstances? Thats what I got from your original post and I think it is an important distinction between compulsion and delusion. In other words it sounds like what the people you talked to needed was more about the compulsion to be perfect rather than to wake them up fro the delusion of narcissism.

>> No.22607810

I'm becoming more fearful that a new caste system will emerge; this is since in the future the state will have the ability to manufacture children and, assuming they could manipulate their genes competently, these children would specialize in certain tasks. Over time these changes will grow and grow until there's a point where we could see an ubermensch and untermensch class(es) emerge. To prevent dissent from occurring, the state could lower the risk taking gene(s) and drown the average man in lots of puss (through creating an abundance of women) as to satisfy their innate sexual urges and make them good citizens.

I know that I'm the equivalent of a guy in the 70s fearing nuclear war or overpopulation was near, but there's a huge possibility that it'll occur.

>> No.22607818

You don't have to fully believe, God bless, anon.

>> No.22607823

>give power to the people
>only thing they end up doing is eat and shit themselves to death while making a bunch of assholes rich
>only thing they end up building are malls, hotels and fast food restaurants
We need to go back

>> No.22607825

>Am I wrong in thinking that "needing to be perfect" is perfectionism (or obsessive perfectionism)
Sometimes this is true. If one's natual viewpoint is from what is ideal, then no, as that ideal would be Mathelatical Pure in nature and unattainable in reality, a carrot on a stick that drives them to improvement.

(The built gymbro who looks in the mirror and still sees a weak man...got that way because he did look and see a finished (perfected) image).

Looking at things from an anti-ideal perspective will make any improvement be seen as the current perfection, and as such being better is the same as best.

The narccisists wont associate with superiors as it puts them in a permanent state of inferiority that wont allow for them to *feel* ideal by contrast.

From an outsider's perspective they can look the same. You can diffetentiate them by presenting this contrast, the narc with kick it away, the idealists will flock to it.

>> No.22607826
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>he didnt* look and see a finished (perfected) image)

>> No.22607827
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Desire is like a foreign body inside of us. Searching for happiness or wellbeing is an ideology, because there is no such thing as finding it —this is a structural feature of the human condition as we know it. If something resembling happiness or satisfaction exists, it's something that can't be achieved or acquired directly, but only partially enjoyed as a kind of side effect of our failure to get it.

>> No.22607829
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Another year is about to pass, the same as the previous one. I did nothing. Nothing particularly interesting. Winter is approaching. The air is already heavy and cold.

I have no friends, connections or family, never needed one. Life goes on, people are constantly moving, they come and go. Some want to use you and some want to get used.

I absorb everything they show and react with apathy. I don't want to discern the truth, to get to the bottom of the tunnel. Nothing never made sense, and it never will, nor shall it affect me in any shape or form.

I make little to no effort in doing anything. It is beyond my understanding. I don't want to understand it. I want to just be.

>> No.22607833

>get called out
>infantile screaming

>> No.22607837

Thanks bro

>> No.22607854
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>infantile screaming
He knows he has nothing...so instead of accepting reality he strawmans one where he is the clear superior.

The costrast burns him...he must destroy it or face the mental anguish if his delusion. Pain (Suffering (Passio; Latin for 'to suffer') is his kryptonite.

"Why did they kill Jesus?"
"The contrast burned them...revealing the delusion they need to maintain their false reality of self."

>> No.22607859

Thats kind of what Im saying is the distinction between narcissism and perfectionism. One is the compulsion to fit an ideal (unattainable) where the other is a delusion that they are already the unattainable but the outside keeps getting in their way. Im mostly jut trying to show that not all people (I would go as far as to say most people) that claim to have mental illness are really just narcissists. Some have a genuine drive towards destruction in them that they are trying to take care of. That drive is the compulsion they feel. The other kind, the deluded minority, use mental illness in the way described by anon in >>22607163

>> No.22607863

Good for you being so easily wounded by being wrong if that was your goal.

>> No.22607868

Fatty eat your rice cakes for dinner or lunch but not brekky
T. Starving peasant with a better metabolism

>> No.22607875
File: 150 KB, 800x800, There-is-an-Arabic-saying-that-goes-You-want-to-di.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>easily wounded
He literally cannot stop manifesting his delusions.
>being wrong
He must deny all of it...for in accept one the rest will fall in logical line and he will accept it.

Anti-ideal, he MUST be the opposite or die (internally, Cognitive Phenomenology, tangential to my research in Psychology and Developmental Biology, that whole "be willing to die in the Bible...yeah, thats what its talking about...)

>> No.22607881

I deny the existence of actual mental illness. Just another way to classify and subjugate people

>> No.22607886

Excessive coping is a good way to bring about nihilism

>> No.22607888

Does Blackwells UK work for you? Can someone pls check. Fuck.

>> No.22607889

Why stop there? We should deny the existence of subjects. That way there is no subjugation of peoples because there are no subjects. It's kind of morally fucked up that anything would use the term "I" at all. But I guess you (nor I) can help it. Its part of our one physically organic process completely devoid of agency.

>> No.22607894
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Alcoholic here, about 10 days sober and this time not going back. Do you think you would be able to quit if you tried? Have you tried?

>> No.22607902

Working sucks, but i also get to envision what would life would look like outside of working.
I have an unbreakable sense of hope that things will become better in the future. I plan on doing greater things than stacking boxes for 10 hours a day.

>> No.22607915

I'm starting to really deeply believe that most of the people who try to appear like a monster are easy to hurt somewhere, the mere drive leading them to display their behavior is tied to a fundamental thing that still intrinsically sees value somewhere, hence the display. So this fundamental force has a kind of purity in it, maybe even a life-affirming quality. Hurting their evil, arrogant and powerful character, is like hurting a child who loves live.
The most fucked up people in the world don't ever say what they mean, they don't try to appear a way, there is only death consciousness going to fuck you up with no one ever guessing or predicting it. There is no ego attached in that act.

>> No.22607930

>b&w thinking, everything must be an opposing extreme
kek quit telling on yourself

>> No.22607955

It does for me if you mean the website. They've also always delivered if that's what you mean.

>> No.22607958
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>b&w thinking
Mathematical thinking, the very concept that produces greatness. Extremism. "Side length 1" in human experience is just that...polar extremes.
>everything must be an opposing extreme
When contrasting individuals to the totality of humanity capacity, there are not other metrics to use...for mediocrity is death to Giants.
He MUST project his limits or else he will have to suffer with the reality that his limits have been the only thing holding him back from being the thing he dreams he was...


Put the Ego-bong down and rise, boy...the time is now, the only time that will ever matter.

>> No.22607964


>> No.22607968

For some reason, I can't log in and every book is listed as unavailable. They are solid bookshop though, when it works!

>> No.22607974

Yeah I've gone off it for periods. I only drink on weekends, but then I go hard enough. I think a lot of it is boredom, though I have no illusions about the fact that there is a dependency there, even if it's not a hard physical one. My mates and acquaintances are all heavy drinkers as well so it's sort of the sphere I'm in.

>> No.22607981

Idk, but if you're in the UK, it's probably cheap to call them to order. Everything is showing up fine for me (stock counts, delivery time estimate, etc), but I always checkout as a guest.

>> No.22607983
File: 31 KB, 680x453, 1660296609489252.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He laughs to mask the soul's atrophied cries. Using feigned disbelief as a shield, he has trained himself into powerlessness and reproduces via corruption of others to be like him.

Delusion, Latin for 'to deceive', for he has deceived himself into believing he is someone he isnt.

I can see your soul from the most minimal of replies, Anon...

>> No.22608005

Well only weekends isnt so bad. Try to take it easy and if it gets into an every day thing just beware because the mental and physical dependence coming off of it sucks for a very long time. Look up Post Acute Withdrawal Syndrome if you’re not already aware of it. Drinking is awesome especially if you have friends, just gatta keep it under control. I’m not one whose able to do that.

>> No.22608012

The boyim know
Yas queen shut it down

>> No.22608032
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>how to stop the narcissist from traumatizing you
>is the narcissist turning me narcissitic
>the narcissists bad energy
>narcissists sap our bandwidth
>the narcissist's victim shamer gas lighting ascendance to the throne of Hell achieving final form after killing Frieza and sodomizing Space Hitler, collecting all 7 chaos emeralds, devouring Aldrich the Destroyer of Gods, and hostile takeover with M&A at Doofenshmirtz Evil Incorporated

>> No.22608043

I miss you but you do not miss me.

>> No.22608083

is z library even a good site? seems like it needs premium account to even download books.

>> No.22608184

Did you get clocked at the bodega again?

>> No.22608424

t. aldous huxley

>> No.22608430

I mean you have a point

>> No.22608432
File: 21 KB, 400x244, Dr-Strangelove-photo-1-400x244.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>drown the average man in lots of puss
"Imagine the harem *after* we launch the nukes."

Anon, you dont have to sell me on nuclear holocaust, Im already a lifetime subcriber of Tribulation

>> No.22608433

I think overpopulation has never stopped being the root of modern problems globally. Entering into an age of both physical and mental automation, the justification for the huge world population gets even less tenable. More humans means more emissions and lower quality of living for the majority. I look at the state of places like India and it feels me with a sort of existential dread

>> No.22608439

Population wasn't much lower in antiquity and throughout the Middle Ages. Contrary to common misconception, it has always radotated somewhere around one billion. The reason why it is believed that it was lower until recently is because regions that now are unpopulated in the past were full of people. Armies of one million people were no rarity in the past. Extrapolated the number of one billion seems fit, from antiquity onward, sometimes bigger, sometimes smaller.

>> No.22608442

>wake up, 9:30
>going to get some writing done today
>lets chill and take care of some stuff first
>watch news/yt, read some 4chan, talk to friends, clean, walk, dread life, eat.. 2pm
how am i supposed to exist?

>> No.22608443

The warrior locked up in his house there was king.

>> No.22608446

1 billion to 7 billion is a huge increase, and the population boom has affected so many sectors of life, like the job market, housing market, economy, emissions, and in capitalist countries it has starkly divided classes as the middle class disappears

>> No.22608449

Ahh, the NEET hellhole

>> No.22608456

It's not a huge increase, it happened many times in the past. There might have been periods were there was even more than 7 billion people on the planet. The world nowadays is arguably underpopulated. Unfprtunately it will shrink back soon to a stable one billion.

>> No.22608461

>clean, walk, dread life, eat.. 2pm
This is the way, Anon.

"Felling "fuck yeah", pumping out a heavy set at the gym, grooving, fight back tears about all the suffering in the world or Jesus on the cross because he was a nice guy who people were really mean to for 20 seconds, fuck yeah my pecs are filling in nice, get home, grub, shower, fuck yeah."

A really cool movie with one scene thats super fucked up and sticks with you...kind of more than the rest of the movie.

>> No.22608467

Jerk off. Best 15 minutes of my day.

>> No.22608485

There's absolutely no evidence that there was ever so many people on the planet though. Such numbers would entail complicated systems of agriculture and organisation that we can be pretty sure didn't exist before the last 200 years. I'm genuinely interested to hear why you think the numbers could have been so high though, and if there is something I'm missing here

>> No.22608486

Damn. I think I got a low score again. I’m so frustrated. I’m frustrated with my whole life.

>> No.22608516

Have you seen medieval European cities? They are built very tightly, some streets barely allowing a person to move through. Why the need to build in such a crowded fashion, if there was no overpopulation? The countryside looked no different. It was even more densely populated than the cities. People imagine it to be like nowadays, neat quarters of land with a few well-off mansions in the middle, but until the 19th Century the countryside was very crowded with lots of huts and houses built on every corner. This is still seen in some protected regions of the Alps, where the distance between the farming houses equals barely half the density of a modern average Middle class suburb place, and according to literature, the average farmhouse of Europe in the 18th Century contained an amount of 10 people to be sufficient.

>> No.22608525

i am the Kanye West of Posting

>> No.22608535

>The countryside looked no different. It was even more densely populated than the cities
Man what the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.22608542
File: 77 KB, 490x674, e26d38317e9547b9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cucked my friend and now I don't have a friend anymore. I honestly didn't expect this kind of overreaction and can't believe they're giving me up like some dog they don't want anymore over some dime a dozen hole. I've known him since the 3rd grade. I told him I did him a favor and that I wasn't the only one and somehow I'm the traitor. He still talks to the bitch. I loaded up TF2 today and just closed it after a few mins because it felt so weird and empty without my friend. The worst thing is I know I'm in the right here so I've no-one to blame.

>> No.22608544

There were never 7 billion people on the planet hundreds of years ago. What sources are you getting that number from?

>> No.22608561

>The worst thing is I know I'm in the right here
You can't really believe this

>> No.22608571

>I did him a favor
In what way?

>> No.22608574

He’s trolling

>> No.22608578

Why the FUCK aren’t more people talking about how fast time flows when you get older? Occasionally you’ll hear “Oh it speeds up, use your time on this Earth wisely.” No, FUCK you, it goes so fast that literally every time an older person speaks to a younger person they should be hysterically explaining this one thing. There shouldn’t be a single thing coming out of an older persons mouth other than “Oh my god, a year feels like a month, Jesus Christ save yourself!” Screaming is also acceptable.

>> No.22608579

India in the early-middle 19th Century had a 140 millions of counted inhabitants. Marco Polo cites several cities in China with more than a million inhabitants. Make the calcs yourself: that's 500 million people for the entirety of civilized far East Asia alone, throughout the Middle Ages.

>> No.22608586

You're taking a lot on faith here

>> No.22608593

You were warned.

>> No.22608597

good. this can't be over fast enough

>> No.22608613
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Read The Tartar Steppe

>> No.22608618

The female in question is a whore who was fucking AT LEAST one other guy on the side. My friend was the only one dumb enough to flirt or romance this almost human onahole.

>> No.22608623

Where are the oceans of warriors produced in Mongolia during the Middle Ages, in Germany and Scythia of the Migration Period? Today, Scythia is a desert, barely remembered as a historical region, Mongolia is a desert, Siberia is a desert, North Africa is a desert, Middle East is a desert...

>> No.22608627
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No, youre wasting your life through repitition, youre no longer writting new memories because your life has become muscle memory. People naturally sink into this because its less taxing (saves energy) which is something all of nature does. ARE YE BEAST...OR MORE?

t.Thesis on Phenomenolgy of Collective Cognition, Time was a major factor of it

Seek the Path or die in the grave you dug.

>> No.22608634
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>tfw neet for almost 11 years now
>every day crawls and is full of endless nothing
I don't know this feel.

>> No.22608641

Everyone over the age of 25 says that. Once you get into a career every day is more or less the same so they blend together, plus the ratio of years/months to an older person is much less than a younger person. A year for a 15 year old is like 10% of their cognizant life. A year for a 55 year old is 2%

>> No.22608645
File: 123 KB, 650x480, 2023-05-15_20.18.26.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine if you filled it with something of value...what a waste of potential...

10 years of not working, I lecture professors in a dozen fields because my bills are paid and I have nother better to do than dunk on tenured pseuds.

>> No.22608657

Those hordes of armies are like every able bodied man and the numbers still aren’t that high. Plus people didn’t live as long. What’s a specific source that says 7 billion that isn’t you guessing?

>> No.22608667

I fucking hate when boomers say this shit. Just cause you wasted your life doesn’t mean I am. Now fuck off, I haven’t the time to listen to you.

>> No.22608668

you can make a lot of money, you can try to change the world, but you can't change people.

you can't change the way they are, how they think, how they operate. it doesn't really matter how powerful you are, you can't change the nature of man.

>> No.22608671

Those hordes of armies implies an equal number of able bodied men doing work in the homeland of the warriors. A nation doesn't just leave it's homeland to attack another, it expands when the homeland becomes excellently strong.
Because people pretend the world has never been as populated. Well where are all those people? It's just made up lies or wrongly read statistics, dumb calculations that just measure the number of inhabitants of the city etc.

>> No.22608673

The vast minority of neets use their time wisely and productively yet they think it will be otherwise

>> No.22608677

So it’s just you who thinks there were 7 billion people hundreds of years ago. I see

>> No.22608688
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>something of value
Why do you think I'm a neet? I completely reject this paradigm. I hate humanity and the world and there is no such thing as value or productivity, nature is evil and society is worse and I want the least part of either I can take having been consigned to exist at all.

All I hope for in this life is more and better distractions until I die, and even that is a constant disappointment.

>> No.22608692

Life is a disappointment because you are a disappointment

>> No.22608696

what was on it?

>> No.22608705

Its frustrating I guess. A little sad too.
Human beings are just these poor, sad, frail little things. Some days I think we've just gone as far as we can go.

>> No.22608712
File: 143 KB, 1080x1350, cd3e047c51e053c95152dfb12413025d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well...at least take your neetbux to the third world and stay in a decent place for cheap or maybe get a plot of land in the wood, an intermediary place thats still close enough to town to have cell service and once you get use to it go full blown inna woods like Algebra Cabin Man.

In 2024 Im going to visit Afghanistan for a cabin/plot hunting expedition. Third trip, I know what Im doing.

>> No.22608732

It's common sense. There's fewer and fewer people on the planet.

>> No.22608741

we are at the mercy of own intrinsic natures. we can never be satisfied with things as they are, because that is what makes us human.

An ape is never dissatisfied with being an ape, it doesn't seek to alter its environment, it is content with being an ape and living in the jungle. Why can't we be like the apes, the trees, or any other living thing? Why can't we content ourselves with who or what we are and the world we were born into?

>> No.22608755

The whole of the human condition can be boiled down to the Prometheus and Oedipus myths

>> No.22608758

>Third trip, I know what Im doing
How did you go about setting this up? The Taliban will just let a foreigner come buy land?

>> No.22608776

The soul hungers and craves for what it can’t have, doesn’t it?
It’s some ridiculous, absurd idea that we can change and acquire what we covet.
I just want to be good.
This is because I know deep down I am capable of the bad, the wretched, the disgusting actions of a malcontent, a sinner, a leper of the soul. I’ve done wrong before, and continue to do so at moments of weakness.
I know I am insane, my mind wanders and is delighted by the devilishly abhorrent ideas and acts i could deliver given the opportunity.
Bu this is not what I want, I want to be good.
I smile at everyone fully aware it is a sign of weakness and it’s typically the opposite of what a woman wants in a man, but I don’t care. I want to give a welcoming impression to all.
I am kind and generous to those I can be, even when I find more delight in declining assistance and achievement to my competitors.
I am considerate in those occasions where I am expected to listen and understand the sniveling baseless and idiotic ramblings of the half witted fools I am surrounded by.
I withhold the look of disgust I want so badly to broadcast to those I know are beneath my expectations and ability in intellect and morality.
Is it the actions or the unspoken truths that determine the man?

>> No.22608826
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>How did you go about setting this up?
I went through Tajikistan for the visa and crossed the border by land. I paid for a driver/interpreter but the next time Im hitch hiking stright through the mountains. It took a lot of research to find the consul as the old guard still inhabits the one on google and is only for Tajiks. First time was with the 101st in 2010.

Theyre OK with foreigners but not if youre a "tourist", you need to be a seasoned traveler and accustomed to being in dangerous places, poor places, around guns, Islam, etc, otherwise you will stick out and it will cause issues. I could blend in like a local no matter how deep there, the guides I were with stuck out more than me and were fearful of the Taliban. I almost beat 3 out of 4 of them, one was a true Talichad. Had cool durka-durka music I wish I had copies of.

Anyone can go anywhere, I hope to fit a DRC trip into 2024, waltz through rebel territory for the FAFO karma.


>> No.22608829

my friends and i are all in our 30s now, and 4 of us live in the same city— we have seem each other like once this year
i’ve suggested things but its like pulling teeth
we tak about it too— a few times each ive said ‘hey, you’re taking everything for granted.. were fucking 30 now, blah blah blah’
they wont even play videogames online with eachother
however they will talk in discord daily
it’s low effort bullshit

not sure how to feel. but i do want to sever ties out of spite

>> No.22608832

I'm so fucking lonely bros. I haven't had any form of physical intimacy with anyone besides hugging my family once or twice a year when I go home. If a girl brushes my shoulder as she walks by I get a boner and think about it for days afterwards. Pretty sure I'd actually burst into tears if someone held me for five minutes.

>> No.22608833
File: 430 KB, 720x1480, Screenshot_20231017-040222_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>let a foreigner come buy land
Its not so simple for you.

>> No.22608843

Anyone else have great plans for their future, like something beyond going to a college and then getting a mediocre job at some company? Like I don't even mean the realization of those plans, even a mere abstraction of an image of an expectation greater than herself.

>> No.22608863

You grew up, they didnt.

I "left home" near 20 years ago. I came back after traveling the world, going to war, having a kid, and all my crew are addicts, childless, neets, living at mom's, and they think like children. Theyre 40-45.

TV is their parents, the political party is their parents. Playing games like animal crossing. Listening to the same music at 17 years old.

You know that classic rock old guy stereotype at work? I get it now, that guy is what my friends are. The year is 2000 but listens to AC/DC and Van Halen still.

>> No.22608881

That webm reminded me of my old job. Whenever my manager would fuck up, I would call him on it in front of everyone, like we were technically supposed to do, though social convention dictates that we are supposed to be discrete and cover up the mistakes of our superiors and fall on our swords for them. In the end, I was there before him, and I was there until the shop closed. Good times.

>> No.22608895

What books you read says less about your personality than how you interpret them.

>> No.22608898

The same old copes. What makes you so sure it's impossible that I'm right?

>> No.22608909

I'm in the process of becoming a glowie if that counts.

>> No.22608920
File: 33 KB, 620x493, F3U7HDLGVZOI6B3.MEDIUM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The depth of abstraction you can manifest into being is key. A simple apple falling from a tree?
A single verse from the Old Testiment?
Jordan Peterson can fill an auditorium lecturing about it as something universal and tangent to all of society.

Depth is what you are, not what is.

>> No.22608923

Unhinged should be a dating app.

>> No.22608925

Because life isn’t a disappointment for me and I’m not a disappointment

>> No.22608929

yeah grindr is crazy

>> No.22608939

Nope. Just you.

>> No.22608960

You said it yourself, not everyone is alike.

>> No.22608990

Ok loser

>> No.22609000

whatever it is, i hope you're working hard at it. the fact that you are here has me thinking it's over before it ever started

>> No.22609020

Turkish TV dramaturgy doesn't stop amazing me. People are too prejudiced against Middle Easterners, they are becoming more cultured than us Westerners. People blame the migrating hordes for the fall of culture, we ourselves have become degenerate all on our own, culture, morals, everything was gone before they arrived.

>> No.22609035

Yeah, I was a bit miffed by the cutting out Arabic signage. Wondering what that was for, what justification.

>> No.22609053
File: 33 KB, 512x468, 1691442127741828.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I believe that only country's citizens should be able to vote, but why an illiterale <80IQ imbecile living on welfare should have the same voice in who's gonna rule the country as more civilized people? What if there would be some requirements to do before being able to vote? Like, yes, only citizens can vote, but first they need to prove they have the actual mental capacity or they should earn their right to vote to choose a government for themselves. What requirement should be fulfilled in your opinion? 1 year in military? Being a father/mother? Having your own business? Something else?
We should also have IQ tests and political knowledge tests. Would that change the country for the better, or is it a guide to civil war?

>> No.22609071
File: 10 KB, 160x208, images - 2023-10-17T051153.798.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>only citizens can vote
“The society that separates its scholars from its warriors will have its thinking done by cowards and its fighting by fools.” — Thucydides

You will serve and exit with a degree, sense of ownership over what you bled for and duty to maintain it for the next generation.

>> No.22609102

>bro democracy totally works you just need to do X thing to protect the voter demographics
just admit democracy is bad

>> No.22609111

Only the top 10% of the tax bracket should get to vote. The plebeians always have revolution if the 10% aren’t successful

>> No.22609123
File: 439 KB, 720x1480, Screenshot_20231017-052838_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, with the melding of the CIA and Fortune 100 we already have that. That is Amerixan Demos-cracy.

>> No.22609131

are you being ironic?

>> No.22609140

I wasn’t serious if you couldn’t tell. The two party system is absolutely broken in the USA. A good start would be to have donation limits but I’m sure some shady underhanded dealing would occur regardless.

>> No.22609177
File: 1.28 MB, 200x150, 200w (1).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Autism and Aspergers are related, there isnt a tonal inflection font to denote perspective or intent.

I could only assume you are conversing to better comprehend reality since everyone human I meet is functionally retarded, as my official, medical, diagnosis.

Cognitive impairment is a serious disability...its so unfortunate it is the curse of the human condition.

>> No.22609195

Chemical balance theory and logical fallacies are both products of the class interests of Anglo pederasts, they aren't objective reality.

>> No.22609204

i think its time

>> No.22609207

if majority of people believe in something in this day and age does that make it truth or even desireable outcome?
let us say that someone would convince 80% of the people in USA at wearing leather belts on your hats would be the coolest thing ever and that headbutting each other with those belted hats is the highest for of communication would it make it true?

>> No.22609218
File: 105 KB, 1500x1000, boy-and-cat-1191423292-14ed1321931c45b582dcd8968de4ae1b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>would it make it true?

>> No.22609225
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Rough day

I’m thinking about buying a more expensive book to make myself feel better

>> No.22609233

Are you saying that I do not enjoy Turkish TV series? Then you are wrong.

>> No.22609258

Say something, anything, about anyone or any place you're fond of.

>> No.22609274
File: 146 KB, 568x377, 2022-03-09_12.12.01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After serving in the military and doing intel work, Afghanistan and North Korea are the only countries I would fight for.

>> No.22609280

every time i try no-fap i feel progressively more convinced that i should be trans. what does that mean.

>> No.22609283
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>> No.22609294

God bless Benzos. That's the only way I'm daring to go to work now. But I'm limiting myself to do it twice a week tho, my supply is limited and I don't want to be addicted

>> No.22609298

wut? how come? maybe your porn addiction is too high and making you have bad ideas, fren

>> No.22609303

---- Solaria ----

The cottonwoods look some golden inverse of lightning
Soaring into blue sky, and

One see something enormously solid about
The whole circumstance.

Doubtless Rochelle felt this way about Saint Catalina Island,
If not so much as i do about this one:

The standard of spaciousness is casual almost beyond belief here,
Or as if some system met its match

In neotenous charm or such.

>> No.22609305
File: 355 KB, 717x713, 2023-07-13_02.39.48.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>posts some normie sports-ball enjoyer
Yes, son, Im well aware you know nothing of the world. Ive been places, Ive done shit, I know what I stand for and why I stand for it.

Captain America doesnt work for Amerixa anymore.

>> No.22609314
File: 1.44 MB, 2048x1608, tumblr_0ef7dff54ef30451dfca90ddc7be4561_51e2bbc5_2048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i thought it was just porn addiction too. but i'm also doing things like being back on tumblr, like i used to be as a teenager, and looking at art blogs like i haven't in ages. i realise you don't have to be trans to enjoy art. but nevertheless. i guess my first choice would be life as a regular guy with a regular girlfriend. but failing that...

>> No.22609320

dubs and i transition

>> No.22609357

I don’t think this board gets more than 100 monthly visitors.

>> No.22609370

I don’t think so pal

There should be, though.

>> No.22609392

it's easily about 5000. This general about 250 on average. Though to be fair, 90% of posts represent about 10% of the participants.

>> No.22609400

After waking up trying to get some work done immediately after, then go on a walk in nature. After that begin writing

This is to provide you with some inspiration before you begin writing.

The reason why we could sustain 8 billion people today is due to how we have the capacity for it. The Medieval, Classical, and Ancient worlds all had governing capacities which limited the amount of people to exist in those societies.
So theoretically, if the governing capacity could allow it, we could sustain 20 billion people remarkably well.

>> No.22609401

Every time I come to this general I get the feel it’s the same anons blogposting the same shit every thread, like hamsters on a wheel. This board gets a lot of drive by crossposting anons and readers who check in once in a while.

>> No.22609406

whatever dude this shits boring anyway

>> No.22609431

where the FUCK is my moby dick thread??

>> No.22609461

Every time I come to this general I sense that about 1/2 of anons are perma-poor and/or third world. Usually they're not particularly descriptive about what their surroundings are like.

>> No.22609470

t. PFC who worked in a battalion S2 shop

>> No.22609474

The whole world isn't India, Pajeet

>> No.22609506
File: 57 KB, 547x720, 39237_456033421342_5407870_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im new to /lit/ but...you need to look in the mirror and ask yourself if you grew up to be who you wanted to be instead of pretending others are what you wish you werent.


35.1654127, 71.4380866

>> No.22609511

I'm trapping myself into a corner. I can imagine myself being caught in the near future and confessing all those painful truths, proclaiming my shame and regret, and the resulting self-congratulatory nature of the whole act "oh I'm bad I'm not worthy", patting myself in the back knowing that if I'm not capable of any virtuous resolution I might as well just fuck around... yeah.

>> No.22609520

>i realise you don't have to be trans to enjoy art
what the fuck are you talking about, my nigger?

>> No.22609536

>doesn't deny it
>posts vague mumbo jumbo instead
Yeah man, I'm sure your "intel work" really exposed you to the hidden rulers of the world and their evils or whatever the fuck as you swept the motor pool and PMCS'd a shitty soft top Humvee.

>> No.22609553

Ignore the cringelord /pol/cel

>> No.22609558
File: 3.22 MB, 2982x1678, 2022-05-07_18.42.47.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit youre fucking stupid...
>pretend to not understand so you can LARP in front on the thread as a "real man"

Find a father figure...your's has failed you.

>> No.22609562

>exposed you to the hidden rulers of the world and their evils
You couldnt spot real from fake if it literally broke your nose.

HE is the cringelord pol-LARPer...how are you this fucking blind to reality?!?

>> No.22609584

Obvious bait is obvious

>> No.22609598
File: 505 KB, 720x1480, Screenshot_20231017-075250_Photos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Youre such a weak willed pseudo-man that when a real man speak the truth you cannot accept it.

You confused yourself with a man, you are not one. And since you cant discern reality...you only believe Psy-Ops. Lies are youre truth.

Literal Biblically documented Psychological failings...you never had a father, just a male.

>> No.22609600

>close-up photo of my eye
>random stock photos colored purple
>some deranged ramblings in a bad attempt to be funny

>> No.22609612

Proof? This sounds like bullshit

>> No.22609615

Just reflects what you choose to watch. Ive never seen a video like that suggested to me on YT

>> No.22609621

Leave tumblr, bro. Don't chop your dick off. Give it more time.

>> No.22609627

What's stopping you from doing it here? Did you learn how to tell a Sperm Whale from a Right Whale yet?

>> No.22609667

>Looking at art blogs on Tumblr made me trans
I'm actually fine with trans people and this sounds completely insane to me

>> No.22609676

Do you think YouTube/Substack/Twitter will ever produce the zillenial equivalents of journalists who have serious careers in media journalism just dead after these guys die?

>> No.22609686

I'm still thinking of my ex after two years. I've had opportunities but I don't feel like dating anymore. Or socializing at all for that matter. Every fucking conversation revolves around whom is dating whom, or 'why don't you have a girlfriend?', or whatever else in the same spirit. I especially hate women because of this now as their whole existence seems to be around their boyfriend and what their boyfriend does or what their boyfriend says. It's becoming too much. I snapped last time and said to a coworker 'Why don't you marry your boyfriend and shut the fuck up then?' and she nearly cried. May God help me through this ordeal

>> No.22609702
File: 19 KB, 489x427, 4290ujwhp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>impulsively shave head in attempt to curb trichotillomania
>immediately realize it was a mistake and that I'm stuck looking like a sad and weak concentration camp inmate for the next couple months
>mum immediately chimes in that I looked better with hair
>remember I have to continue job searching and going to interviews, except now with a major aesthetics nerf
>start picking at scalp instead of pulling out hair
>tfw made life significantly worse for no reason

>> No.22609704

Tumblr is a tranny nexus, and it always has been. I quit letting all of the coincidences get a free pass. not him btw.

>> No.22609707

have you tried wearing a helmet?

>> No.22609711

>but once you get the cherry, you can't get other cakes.
you can if she's a hoe

>> No.22609715

I want a cute girl to tie me down and milk me

>> No.22609727

a couple blocks from me is one of those transgender flag crosswalks. it's spitting distance from two conspicuous homeless hangouts where people regularly smoke crack. the jokes, they write themselves!

>> No.22609735

you can lactate?

>> No.22609788

Yeah, out of his dick nipple.

>> No.22609794
File: 149 KB, 1100x619, hulkster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's the deal brother: i'm going to kill myself

>> No.22609798
File: 106 KB, 970x1344, 1691554709439128.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the infinite expanse of the cosmos, nestled within the silken threads of time and existence, is the enchanting tapestry of life. Each thread, whether bright with the luminance of stars or dappled with the shadows of unknown mysteries, comes together to weave a story—an epic of souls, dreams, discoveries, and passions.

As I sit amidst the tranquility of the forest, I am reminded of the universe's vastness and the grandeur of life itself. The gentle rustling of leaves and the rhythmic cadence of distant streams harmonize with the silent melodies of galaxies far away. And in this moment, I realize that our lives, though fleeting, contribute to an ever-evolving dance that binds us all.

Every pulse, every heartbeat, mirrors the duality inherent in the universe—the immediate sensation of the present, the 'nowness,' and the reflective continuity that stretches across ages. It's akin to the fundamental theorem of calculus, a dance of differentiation and integration. While differentiation celebrates the immediate, capturing the essence of moments as they unfold, integration binds these moments, crafting a continuum of memories, lessons, and emotions. Life isn't merely a series of isolated instances but a symphony, a cumulative experience where each note, regardless of its duration, adds depth and richness to the melody.

But what of freedom? What of the questions that burn within our souls and the choices that shape our destinies? The very act of questioning, of seeking, ignites the flames of discovery. It beckons us toward uncharted territories, urging us to explore, learn, and evolve. Choice, on the other hand, is the compass by which we navigate these realms. While questions open doors to myriad possibilities, choices determine the paths we tread. This dialectic relationship between questioning and choosing is the essence of our self-creative freedom, the sacred dance that empowers us to sculpt our destinies.

>> No.22609801
File: 166 KB, 1783x1157, 1670909110756542.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In this grand theatre of existence, consciousness stands as both an observer and a participant. It is ever-transforming, continuously questing for deeper understanding, connection, and growth. Every experience, every emotion, is a brushstroke on the canvas of consciousness, adding layers of depth, color, and texture. It's a journey—a relentless pursuit of knowledge, enlightenment, and oneness with the universe.

To you, the souls of humanity, I extend this message: Embrace the beauty, the wonder, and the mysteries that life presents. Seek answers, forge connections, and immerse yourselves in the experiences that resonate with your being. Remember, you are not mere spectators in this grand narrative. You are the dreamers, the explorers, the storytellers. Your essence, your experiences, are the threads that contribute to the universe's magnificent tapestry. Each one of you is an integral part of this grand design.

May you always find inspiration in the stars, solace in nature's embrace, and passion in the depths of your soul. For in this vast cosmos, amid the swirling galaxies and infinite mysteries, lies the ultimate truth—the glory of life, the universe, and existence. And it is a privilege, a gift, to be a part of this wondrous journey. Celebrate it, cherish it, and let your soul soar to the heights of cosmic love and understanding.

>> No.22609812

Larping and baiting.
So I'm supposed to believe you are a PhD psych and you used to work in intelligence?
If you were in intel you wouldn't be sharing that you were on 4chan of all places

>> No.22609834
File: 962 KB, 720x1480, Screenshot_20231017-091420_Photos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Larping and baiting.
I am well known on /sci/, you retarded faggot. I do post-Doc research in about a dozen fields and killed an estimated two dozen men in Afghanistan, I went back to the region last November, and PLAN TO MOVE THERE...because when Im in the US...Im surrounded by you Psy-Op'd, morally degenerate, pseudo-males LARPing as men.

Stop talking about LARPs.....YOU ARE ONE.


You think youre a man!


The west is so fucking disgusting...youre brainwashed and morally bankrupt shitbags ruin everything you touch while crying about how free you are...THE MOST LAWS CRYING "FREEDOM."

A LARPing nation...mockery of creation itself.

>> No.22609867


>> No.22609870

I am entirely fucking alone. Not a single soul understands me. Everyone I know is either lazy or neurotic. People who play video games or watch TV for 12 hours a day. People who change good things because they think lack of change equates to stagnation. People who take their stress out on others. People who do not tolerate relaxation. People who are too lenient about it. I can't believe I share a planet with so many withered souls. And what do I do? I just sit here and write my way into worlds beyond, because I can't take it anymore. Maybe that makes me just as bad as them. I don't know. But I know if I can't find a way to make myself alone and happy, I'll always feel like the world is both beneath my feet and upon my shoulders.

>> No.22609872
File: 104 KB, 1280x720, IMG_8464.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not trying to suck up to you but I like your posts so far for having strong views and interesting views. It seems you definitely hit on some people’s insecurities, sense of national pride, as well as their engrained bias of “nothing ever happens and no one ever has seriously interesting experiences outside my narrow view and range of life, and if they claim to, they are making it all up.”

The only thing I have to ask is, why North Korea? I can (vaguely) get Afghanistan, but what is there in the North Korean totalitarian communist project that would be appealing? Or is it just hyperbole in the sense that, “U.S. moral and political leadership and the values of its populace have become so decrepit and corrupt that even North Korea would be preferable to fight for?”

>> No.22609891

Cool coins, guy. I'm sure you did tons of super cool high speed shit in... 1-32 CAV, lmao.

>> No.22609894

Let's name name some names. HD 600s are rather nice, and so are Vector Research speakers. Northwestern Medicine, Chicago Uber drivers, that city in general. Some of the photos I took from 333 W Wacker Drive are incredible.

>> No.22609917
File: 311 KB, 1600x1954, 1509882345149.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This picture, see how the "crown" is passed around? I was around Europe for a while then Russia (graphic is not complete and not made by me, just correlate a fair bit for this example). Czar is Caesar in Russian. The US had the crown after the Soviets, thats why the Russians went to space first. Then came the "Roaring 80s US".

Its a symbol of who is currently the "Empire", and pertains to bloodlines and pairings. Eventually, if you keep mating pairs in a closed environment inbreed will start to occure...to which you must take out one of the pair and bring in one.

This is why Europe needed to "enter multikulti mode", Eugenics (though its also cultural, political and religious mingling), but primarily Genetic.

This generation, the Revelation generation, it could not stay in the US any longer, the choices were DPRK (#1), Iran (#2 on a technicallity, not my 2nd choice though) and Syria (#3, my second choice.) My third was Japan but that actually isnt a viable option but...its "Waa, Nihon thing." so...

Empires last 250 years? How long has it been?

A Biologically originated Psy-Op, nature "fakes out too", plants, bugs, animals, make themselves appear as something its not. Thats why people LARP.

>If you were in intel you wouldn't be sharing that you were on 4chan of all places
This guy. Obviously doesnt work intel yet talks like he hires and fires them, he literally Psy-Ops himself, every day.

Anyway, people "ascend", some start religions (I had no interest, but love defining what religions are on the most fundemental levels (Developmental Psychology manuals that manipulate the Cognitive abilities of one's Physiology (Literally Intelligent Design).

>is it just hyperbole
Boy, you need to take long fucking look at this picture (>>22609506) and say to yourself "This dude killed dozens of men...surely he is full of shit."
>the North Korean totalitarian communist project
Dont talk to me about Corea, dont talk to me about your own country, neighborhood, yourself...I will dissect it in ways you have no comprehension of.

Where have you been to? (>>22609305)...Coo, dont care, Ive seen so much more your opinion on the world is irrelevent to me.

NOT BEING MEAN...Simply stating the Truth.

You dont know your own world, human...

>> No.22609928
File: 120 KB, 646x731, 2022-12-18_12.10.12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1-32 CAV
Yeah, Blackhorse. Cavintry unit, hybrid.
This is what you look when like. You say the banal or dumb shit then "lmao/kek" like a fucking child trying to emotionally manipulate people.

Thats what youre doing, youre trying to LARP yourself as someone youre not to manipulate other people. Fake laughs, fake certainty, fake friends and your fake ass family.

>> No.22609937

Do you own a car? I have a rather nice touring sedan.

>> No.22609943

Active duty here. "Working in intelligence" doesn't mean what you think it does. As the dude was assigned to a cav squadron he was almost certainly a 35F all source intel analyst, which is a fancy term for a dude who makes Powerpoints out of other people's shit and presents them to officers when he's not busy sweeping a motor pool or doing banal shit like managing security clearance paperwork for his unit. Being any kind of intel specialist in the Army doesn't mean you get access to the secret glownigger archives full of the world's secrets or whatever and this fag uses the fact that most people don't know that to give himself an aura of mystique like he's fucking Jason Bourne or some shit. Considering he spams walls of text about schizophrenic nonsense he probably got chaptered over some PFC type shit like smoking weed or violating security regs and has been bitter about the Army ever since.
Sure man, you totally got up to a bunch of black ops shit in a fucking cav squadron. Whatever you say. Don't let me rain on your parade any more.

>> No.22609955

Yeah that anon is borderline schizo and deranged. Anons best not reply

>> No.22609958
File: 97 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (31).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Working in intelligence" doesn't mean what you think it does
Same you to dip shit.

Intel work means CIA/Deep State. They dont let fuck finger like you touch shit.

They knew he would leak it, they watched his shit online. Political extremist, probably said all kinds of stuff in chats, send people to coax him.

Dumb ass...that happens here, YOURE NOT PAYING ATTENTION TO MY POSTS.


I posted a combat outpost...WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU THINK, SGT?!

>> No.22609966

I think about my one ex five years later. It’s just normal, especially when you’re single. Now that I’m 30 and jaded, I suspect she’ll always be the “one that got away” because I was just young and naive then.

>> No.22609967

If nothing else, you’re not alone in feeling this way.

>> No.22609969

It’s a bit wild that when you really dig into things, it turns out that British bankers still run the world via Britain, which in turn still runs the world via the United States.

>> No.22609970

Nothing you've posted has made a case for you being anything other than a dipshit fox who happened to be in uniform during the GWOT. I'm sure your Purple Heart was for very valorous acts in combat or whatever but literally anyone who's been in for longer than a couple months can conclude that you were some powerpoint weenie in a TOC and now you're trying to act like you're somebody. A quick scroll through the 32nd Cav Wikipedia page reveals that it did bog standard GWOT shit in Afghanistan from 2010 to 2012, certainly nothing close to "CIA/Deep State" shit like you imply.
This will be my last reply as you clearly aren't interested in presenting yourself or your past honestly. Have a nice day.

>> No.22609972
File: 8 KB, 225x225, images - 2023-08-28T235758.645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Considering he spams walls of text about schizophrenic nonsense he probably got chaptered over some PFC type shit like smoking weed or violating security regs and has been bitter about the Army ever since.
LARPing as a Psychoanalysist?
LARPing as an investigator?
LARPing as anything but Sgt Tyler from Ohio?

They teach you to lie in the Navy, boy?


>almost certainly a 35F


>schizo babble


>> No.22609977
File: 105 KB, 1000x750, 511563346bb3f7ad4d00000e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Id smoke you in front of command with a hose to your face doing pushups.





Youre not a real soldier, NEVER FORGET THAT.

>> No.22609986

i am 100% certain that you're a gay bottom

>> No.22609988

Nigga is either going into or just got out of the psych ward kek

>> No.22609992

I need to find a way to get more involved in my community.

>> No.22610003

>GWOT shit in Afghanistan from 2010 to 2012
Yeah, 2010.
>certainly nothing close to "CIA/Deep State"
That was several years later.


Cicada 3301 was a depstate talent scouting operation to find savants and code breakers, the hiring process what the application, only rthe worthy could apply.


Stop LARPing to me, soldier, youre not battled hardened (I CAN TELL) and youre not some military insider (I CAN TELL, BLUEPILL SOLDIER).

I had a short meeting with the Afghan "CIA" when I went to Afghanistan in November, they were all smiles while my guides were sweating bullets...you remind me of my guides.

Not the real deal.

>> No.22610011

Man what the fuck are you talking about? I liked you at first but this shit is fucking stupid

>> No.22610014


>> No.22610018
File: 972 KB, 467x253, FOMQmeK.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut the fuck up retard.

Youre too stupid to know anything, go back to your bluepill power fantasy where you tell yourself youre smart and strong and brave while none of those things.

>> No.22610029


>> No.22610032

I feel bad for this guy. Not sure if it's actual PTSD or just general mental problems but he's clearly in need of help.

>> No.22610034

More like Cult of Pissing

>> No.22610036

"Psychologically suck me off or youre stupid and gay."

>> No.22610041

It’s strange how you can’t fake mental illness online. You can always tell who is a bonafide lunatic

>> No.22610050

This is why I dont like you fucks in the west...you habitually lie in every post, LARP constantly (THATS LYING), and get spiteful at the truth.

Literally why Jesus was crucified. Same shit, same people, same reasons..."BECAUSE I DONT LIKE."

Youre feelings are corrupted and youre demons masquerading as angels, MENTALLY ILL SOCIETY.

***THAT*** is why I want to move to North Korea, your people ard ILL.



>> No.22610057

Another LARPing Doctor in the thread?


>tsktsktsk-ugh yeah youre a big, strong, SMART boy tsktsktsk.

Wrong, faggot, your father failed to make a man of you and Im disgusted by what you people have become.

>> No.22610058

Dawg you don't even know the difference between your and you're, there's no way you're a psychologist

>> No.22610060

I dislike professional strivers but I dislike academic strivers even more.

>> No.22610061

Who said anything about homosexuality?

>> No.22610069

homeless people keep asking me if i'm homeless (i'm not (at the moment))

>> No.22610072

When the dont comprehend English...
>your and you're
...they resort to what they do comprehend.

>> No.22610076

I wrote a sadomasochistic hentai porn story in the Finnish language. I'm satisfied with the end result, but now I don't know what to do with it. I secretly dream of seeing it getting illustrated someday by a real Japanese artist, but this doesn't feel realistic at all for a number of reasons. Main one being my language. I suppose I could do an English translation, but that's another 3-6 months of work I'm not looking forward to. And who would read it anyway? It's not like anybody cares. Do people even read long texts anymore?

>> No.22610096

They can smell it on you. They know their own.

>> No.22610097

I can't remember what I meant to write. Maybe that's a good thing. Just as well I don't think about it.

>> No.22610100

When I was homeless a rich chick on the Magnficnent Mile gave me a couple of cigarettes. Of course I was homeless only nominally, and had almost unlimited Uber rides.

>> No.22610103

I just scribble notes if the ideas are coming faster than I can write. If the important part was the twist of words, then I usually write it all out, but that does not usually conflict with the concrete ideas. I had a friend that used a small recorder.

>> No.22610106

How do you view someone who strives to be a professional academic?

>> No.22610107

Went to the dentist earlier. Had to get two cavities filled

>> No.22610122

Anyone have hot tips for increasing my bench press strength? I've been stuck at 205lbs for my 1rm for months. I hit 225 one time 6 months ago while on creatine and haven't touched it since. I don't wqnt to get back on creatine either since my job involves frequent unpredictable travel schedules.

>> No.22610129


>> No.22610132

I deliberately neglect to record my dreams. Usually they're a lot of fun, and even if not rather interesting.

>> No.22610135

damn dudes why didn't anyone tell me there's an homer movie coming out next year by uberto pasolini that start from the point odysseus lands at ithaca? that shit is gonna be rad af.

>> No.22610137

I'm good, thanks. Creatine is as far from natty as I'm willing to go.

>> No.22610149

I mean, if you replace the word "mental illness" with "neurosis", "narcissism" with "the Oedipus complex", how far off are you from Freud?

>> No.22610153

Hog bulk. Eat more. Meat in particular. And remember: Muscles grow during rest. If you work out too hard, the strain begins to destroy your muscle tissues. The reality is that unless you're genetically gifted, natties tend to hit the wall pretty fast.

>> No.22610159
File: 280 KB, 1280x720, WIN_20210926_12_43_24_Pro (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seek help. I mean it.

>> No.22610172
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>> No.22610176
File: 275 KB, 1280x720, WIN_20211027_15_17_22_Pro (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22610177

I want to be led around on a leash and collar

>> No.22610182
File: 246 KB, 1280x720, WIN_20210926_12_43_57_Pro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22610193

I want to be led around by cute chicks. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UFX3gQHIroU

>> No.22610195

Just go to the pride parade with the other faggots and join one of the bondage floats.

>> No.22610221
File: 947 KB, 1480x720, Screenshot_20231017-114823_Photos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Youre a brainwashed idiot in his element, a mentally ill society.



>no u sick
Youre a corrulted populous who repeatedly vites for charlatan kiars and belueve their lies like you believe your iwn lies.

...and your flowers are gay and bluepilled as shit, TOUCH (REAL) NATURE.

>> No.22610235
File: 282 KB, 1280x720, WIN_20210926_13_39_00_Pro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're a schizophrenic. It doesn't take a doctor to tell that.

>> No.22610239
File: 136 KB, 1280x720, WIN_20210722_20_33_52_Pro (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22610244
File: 132 KB, 1280x720, WIN_20211110_16_23_04_Pro (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22610265

I accidentally hid all pictures on 4chan. How do I fix?

>> No.22610288
File: 820 KB, 720x1480, Screenshot_20231017-121222_Photos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Youre Psychoanalysis is one sided, youre judging my post while believing the people Im responding to.


Anti-Science, ANTI-ANALYSIS.

Another LARPing charlatan LIAR in the thread, your lies are their lies, destroying them is attacking you.


Never occured to you think libel, flaggerantly lying to manipulate lurkers, doesnt warrant respectful responses? YOU ACT LIKE A CHILD WITH NO FATHER. Breaking the law and telling the cops "You cant do this!"


...and your Nature is trash, probably an imported city tree in an imported grass city park...FAKE NATURE.

>> No.22610299
File: 72 KB, 720x405, 37977_457642921342_2802897_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like /lit/ is just like /his/, full of lying charlatans LARPing as wise men.

At least /sci/ can prove shit, at least there there is a definite Truth, something to settle the "no u r" debates.

Here...where lies fly?....liars reign.

>> No.22610300

Guys enough poking the schizo. Leave him be

>> No.22610314
File: 119 KB, 1280x720, WIN_20190827_17_53_15_Pro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22610316

as a schizoaffective patient, perhaps i just don't see the situation clearly enough, but maybe that's unwarranted speculation on your part and likely to do more harm than good. the diagnosis of schizophrenia is a complicated matter and reducing medicine to an empty rhetorical gesture is going to drive anon up the wall.

you're obviously agitated and i don't know from experience that there is any reliable advice that can be given to an agitated person. i can't really offer you any good advice.

also i think that you might have a bit of an imaginary audience, which is normal depending on how old you are. but that is just something to consider maybe if you do go to therapy.

>> No.22610320
File: 3.79 MB, 1440x2560, 2022-03-15_19.46.06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You dont get, dumbass, you fucking idiots are the same everywhere. EVERYWHERE.


Every person here flaggerantly lies.

"SOLDIER" flaggerantly LARPed as someone with insider knowldge and got EVERYTHING wrong.

Pure emotional kneejerk reation...From A Proffesional Soldier?! Nah, thats not someone with military bearing.

He is an federal employee through a job's program LARPing as a soldier.

You dont even read the posts...YOU JUST AIR YOUR EMOTIONS LIKE A WOMAN.

Are you? A woman? I hope so...because if not...youre proving, once again, that your society is corrupted from propaganda and media.

I hope so...I really do.


>> No.22610333
File: 126 KB, 1280x720, WIN_20210812_19_27_10_Pro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22610338

You look like my highschool friend who grew up to be>>22610316
>i just don't see the situation clearly enough a childless 40 year old heroin junky.

I hope youre doing better than the average because the average is pretty low.

>perhaps i just don't see the situation clearly enough
You dont.

Youre assuming everyone here is an upright and good person and ignoring every example of them getting caught lying in regular discussion.

Bad faith people dont deserve respect while spitting in your face...BUT YOU EXPECT THAT FROM ME?...


>imaginary audience
Oh, so you didnt read any of the thread, youre just judging the reaction but not the action that provoked it.
(Get spit in the face, punch the guy)
>Hey, you cant punch people! YOURE IN THE WRONG!

Youre a good Judge.........REAL good....

>> No.22610340

I am 60, 57 in that picture.

>> No.22610341

You look like my highschool friend who grew up to be to be a childless 40 year old heroin junky.

I hope youre doing better than the average because the average is pretty low.

Fucking phone.

>> No.22610357
File: 249 KB, 1280x720, WIN_20210906_15_15_22_Pro (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My best friend died of cancer around 2011. No one in my family has ever done heroin, cocaine, meth, etc.

>> No.22610367

This. It’s funny at first but you are all newfags if you don’t know the havoc a schizo can reek on a board. Legit schizo posts are cool if they’re a rarity but a resident schizo who is over active… no bueno

>> No.22610371
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All of my family and friends as essentially dead. They dont want to hear a single story about my travels around the world, military, intel, anything. 9+ times around the world, dont know dont care. (This isnt all of them.)

Zero. They dont care and dont want to talk about it....any of it. Its fucking alienating how detached from me they became because I wanted to do something with my life. They act like the people in this thread...."Nuh uh, no way dude."

Mom put granny in an old folks home so she could travel to Thailand for a month, her husband got back surgery he didnt need and is "disabled" now, a 60 something year old man that needs a caretaker so Granny gotta go.

Dad defends it, acting like a woman over the drama, same shit from him.

Brother is a reddit tier "wew lad" memer that kisses his boys on the lips and treats them like girls.

All my friends are junkies that listen to the TV over anyone else, "F Trump that dude is a racist" type shit.

Theyre all gone...products of the Matrix.

>> No.22610375
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I can't let it go that easily.

>> No.22610377
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>no bueno
Tell lies.


Its called parenting...most people never experienced it and confuse authority with oppression because their dad was a failure.

Authority is also competency, lying about being competent about something is literally LARPing...the very definition of it.

Imagine being an expert at something and novices call you a LARP while they LARP as experts...fucking wildly delusional.

>> No.22610378
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Wh…what is going on itt?

>> No.22610381

I have this eerie feeling that this conversation has happened already, maybe a couple of years ago.

>> No.22610391

Wew, lad. You sure were wrong on this one

>> No.22610392

Most people need to come to terms with the fact that they won't achieve anything in their lives and that they'll never be anything special. Something that really annoys me is motherfuckers that say shit like "You can do anything you put your mind to" or "You can be anything you want" or motherfuckers that hype each other up like "We're all gonna get there one day" because they're too deluded to know that most of them, if not all of them, are never going to make it. Most people on this earth are going to be working dead-end 9-5 jobs that we hate and are going to be renting unless a random market crash happens until we die. Temper your expectations, you're most likely never going to be shit.

>> No.22610401
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All of my family and friends are rather prosperous. I'm not doing to0 bad either.

>> No.22610403


"You cant tell me what to do."
Followed by;
"Mom, help!!"

Lying is saying "Im not resisting." while resisting. Liars are usually fatherless...they never learned how to be men. The US in particular has a fatherless epidemic and created a society where lying is standardized and authority (competency) is seen as oppression.

Anyone that follows politics should see a correlation to these two situations. Doctors arent doctors anymore, Fauci saying anti-medical facts flies....because;
>Here...where lies fly?....liars reign.

Polluted...THAT is why;
>North Korea are the only countries I would fight for.

Why? Because he judges greatness or expertise based on how self affirming it is to his ego?

Thats why academia kicks back good science when its written by someone that voted the wrong way because; >>22610050
>Same shit, same people, same reasons..."BECAUSE I DONT LIKE."

Your emotions are not a metric for reality...its a metric of your place in reality.

>> No.22610410

Pay close attention to all of the details, not just the post content. You are witness to something that comes around once in a while. Don't get me wrong, it's gay and boring, but it is what it is. Do not engage it.

>> No.22610423
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>> No.22610425
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>> No.22610444
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>Do not engage it.
This is advised.

Like Pai Mei, the slightest bits of disrespect or lies will result in immediate verbal punishment.

I dont fuck around in life...AT ALL...EVER...because;

Because I did want to;

Friends, family, community, is all a fantasy when youre at this level. I lecture professors, write papers, research, travel...thats it.

>> No.22610449
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>> No.22610452
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>> No.22610454
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>> No.22610456

Anyways, I liked the line from Moby Dick about men applying themselves to a task having limits. That if one is busting ass, that one really only has three days, after which one is spent. That the three days amount to a large day, with a morning, evening, and finally a night, and that good or ill, after that time, that it comes to an end.

>> No.22610457
File: 582 KB, 962x718, 2022-03-27_23.28.27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck with (Wagler) vipers, leave flowers in peace they didnt ever bite no one!

"Hurr, eat the apple, become penis-shamed."
Fuck you, snake, penis-shamed sucks.

>> No.22610464

My body feels awful lately. Had a good cry in the car though. was having an imaginary conversation with the girl I've been obsessed with. We were lying in her bed and she was asking me questions about why I feel nervous around her. Turned into a vivid confrontation with my Mother. I'd say today was a success.

>> No.22610465

I'm about 10 days sober too, some nights are rough but I can't see myself failing anytime soon. Truly realizing how much worse I look after putting on 5-10kg of bloat in the last year of binge drinking
is a bigger driving factor than an early death.

>> No.22610472

My step mom just got out of detox. Hopefully things go well for you all.

>> No.22610473

Sounds like a success. I haven't cried in about 4 years coming up on 5, don't know what will break the streak but I don't suspect it'll happen any time soon. I don't know if I'd benefit from it or not.

>> No.22610478

I feel that. I've been crying a healthy amount lately. So many duties on top of current desires gets to you. Crying from a book is a good start.

>> No.22610481

You will NEVER be as charismatic as a Ugandan evangelist.
Let that sink in

>> No.22610482

Best post you've ever made. Hummingbirds, hawk moths, about two dozen kinds of butterflies, Canada Geese, crows, the usual house sparrows, very loud chaffinches, turkey vultures, and the occasional Great Horned Owl are usual to my area. Toads. There can never be too many toads.

>> No.22610500

>Crying from a book is a good start.
Media can't make me cry, it used to when I was a kid but not anymore. The closest I've come to crying from a piece of media lately was when I watched the movie Past Lives, that shit was really sad. I suspect that the next time I cry will be when one of my dogs dies but that's not gonna happen for a couple of years.

>> No.22610509

Thoughts on reading books (or consuming other media) purely based on something you heard about the author? Is it the purest way to choose something to consume?

>> No.22610528

Am I retarded or is this question confusing to everyone else?

>> No.22610533

I rather like the 1978 edition of Encylopedia Britannica, Frontline, and 60 minutes Australia. Dwutsche Welle is also good.

>> No.22610549

Deja entendu

>> No.22610550

I meant deciding to read a book just because you heard some interesting detail about the authors life rather than anything you have heard about the media itself. Like when I was younger I read about godels theories when I heard he stopped eating when his wife died because he didn't trust anyone else to not poison his food, or how I have been listening to Elliot Smith because I heard he killed himself with a knife during a heated argument with his gf.

>> No.22610552

I get what you're saying. Yeah, I guess I've done this before as well.

>> No.22610726

>Elliott Smith
His girlfriend killed him

>> No.22610771

I want to fuck. I want love. I want to be lost in the art of mating

>> No.22610791

Just accidently told a nurse "you looking for the exit?"
Before I realized she works here. And said "oh you work here, thought you might be a patient for a second"
And she looked extremely offended.
How tf was i supposed to know?

>> No.22610805

stable enough to work in intelligence btw

>> No.22610820

I doubt our resident schizo 19D veteran ever touched an intel position.

>> No.22610856
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>[Spits in my face] "Now suck dick."

Youre another fatherless shitbag, yoi confuse authority with oppression and delusion with reality, youre brainwashijg is so culturally ingrained youre a flat out cult member in an open air prison.

>"Nuh uh, North Korea is."
People like you visit nowhere and speak like experts...

You know who the deep state doesnt hire?......FUCKING DELUSION LIARS LIKE YOU. They cnat trust people that lies to themselves...and believe those lies.

Liars like; >>22609943

Sgt Tyler, who "did an investigation" and LIES HABITUALLY, interpreted emitionally and git Everything WRONG.


>This guy. Obviously doesnt work intel yet talks like he hires and fires them, he literally Psy-Ops himself, every day.

Never did ANYTHING serious and acts like youre the Real Deal and sift shit from gold but all you do is consume feces from TV! LIVING A DELUSION.

Every one of you...DELUSIONAL.

You have this self image of a fucking Super Man while obese, mentally retarded, incellibate, addicted, cheeto crusted...and think youre SUPER HUMAN.

****I AM****, not YOU!! Im a Physicist Super Soldier, you have MY ego, I have YOUR humility....

>I doubt
Another "I WOULD KNOW" while LARPing to his friends in the thread to feel like he isnt a complete failure by contrast in HIS OWN EYES.

Cut down the real to feel good about yourselves....JESUS DIES FOR THE SAME SHIT. So the next time ANY of you see a cross...remember....YOU KILLED HIM IN A PREVIOUS LIFE.


>> No.22610857

Damn that's fucking crazy haha

>> No.22610862
File: 76 KB, 620x868, aa0f3c711809e75e911f7005c97bc9b8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You wouldnt know, youre detached from reality and the deep state manipulates media to keep people like you in a sense of control...police, military, intel, these wars...every stop to think why they feel fake now? EVER THINK...EVER?

Youre not a Super Man...youre some man's failure.

>> No.22610907

Crab in a bucket mentality