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22606362 No.22606362 [Reply] [Original]

Post excerpts from your diary, desu
Accepting real diary entries only

>> No.22606410

Again, smells like fabric softener and struggles with allergies.

>> No.22606413

I will burn my diary before I perish

>> No.22606431

name a date between June 2021 and now

>> No.22606434


>> No.22606448

October 13 2023

>> No.22606463

most recent entry is from the 12th:
meet w bob noon sunday

make sure to delet prime acct

call mom tomorrow

moving to (redacted) st in a week

“this is a saying which is clearer at first sight than it can be made by explanations.”

you owe brandy from (redacted) two ciggies

you fucking bum

>> No.22606472

I'm a neet so I don't write events but rather loose autistic thoughts.

>> No.22606487

Post autistic thoughts from September 11 2023

>> No.22607025

September 22nd:

>It ended, it is done and over with, but it also happened and something magical came out of it. For that I am grateful and can only be happy. I needn't be sad, nor do I need to grieve or give my heart to the poison of envy and bitterness, I shall always love her like no other and will cherish the three nights I got to spend with her. She marked me and made me better, gave me lots of beautiful things to ponder over, as well as shown me just how out of this world love is and how good it is to love and to reveal all mysteries of who I am to the person most worthy of it. She is a diamond, a flower most delicate and rare, and though she is covered with thorns, I got a peak at the beauty lying within it and that is most special. As is she. With much love and sadness I bid you farewell and wish you all the best in that which is ahead of you and the darkness you must face. But I lie assured of your success and am certain your time is gonna come.

>> No.22607037

>Anon writes lovingly of the prostitute he fucked for three nights straight
Why are wr*ters always like this?

>> No.22607199

To be fair all women are prostitutes now

>> No.22607201

She's not a prostitute or a whore, fuck you. I was writing of the three nights because that's all we had in the 8 days we spent dating. And those three nights made my year and remain special to my heart.

>> No.22607234

You're supposed to write events?

>> No.22607306

Getting her to leave you within 8 days is pretty impressive anon.

Mine was over the span of 6 months. Countless nights together. Although I cherish the time we had together, I wish I’d have ruined things within 8 days, that would simplify things.

>> No.22607315

Now? It is second oldest profession for a reason.

>> No.22607415

I wasn't the problem, she had unresolved baggage and things plaguing her that made her crash into me like a bus, then over night just got extremely cold and reserved, ignored all my msgs and pretended as if I was a dead man, while giving me a half-assed rejection and an empty platitude as the last thing ever uttered from her to me, since I obviously didn't deserve the truth. Even visited my workplace with some schmuck she likely dated for a few days or used to drive the knife even deeper, but I resent and regret nothing and just lament the fact that I never got to see where it lead, since she ended things prematurely and out of nowhere. And this isn't me being in denial about it and unable to accept being rejected, I have no problems with it, have experienced it before and it is a normal thing and a part of life, after all, but this feels different, the way things ended were odd and bizarre, bordering on the absurd, and I'm not sure what to think of it anymore, but find comfort in the fact that I know my feelings were genuine and earnest and that I really did start to love her. It seems funny to hear a short-lived "relationship" of 8 days can awaken such feelings in a person, but I can't go against what my heart feels, and though it may seem like I'm clinging to nothing, it meant a lot to me and she's the first woman I would actually say I fell in love with and loved.

>> No.22607518

Visiting your workplace with some random dude after the way she ended things? Be glad it’s over, she sounds emotionally immature and unstable. Often these types of women are the most alluring and exciting, but it’s a trap. They can never be used to create anything meanwhile and worthy of your time. Those type of relationships are like an unstable chemical reaction, powerful, volatile yet brief. And once they’ve ran their course and burnt out, there’s way to reverse what happened. You’re just left with two incompatible elements.