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22603350 No.22603350 [Reply] [Original]

How into eastern philosophy? Especially schools of Buddhism and Hinduism

>> No.22603829

Dhammapada for Buddhism and Bhagavad Gita for Hinduism.

>> No.22603836

Start with Wikipedia, then move on to university textbooks and/or reference handbooks, and only after that start reading primary sources.
This guy >>22603829 is just wrong, especially concerning Hinduism.

>> No.22603844

According to Wikipedia the Bhagavad Gita is the "Primary holy scripture for Hinduism" and "The Dhammapada is a collection of sayings of the Buddha in verse form and one of the most widely read and best known Buddhist scriptures" so by your own logic I am right and you are a retard.

>> No.22603866

If people could properly understand a teaching by just reading primary sources without proper background knowledge there would be such a thing as non-retarded Protestants. Which is impossible, of course.

>> No.22603881

So your suggestion is to use an online information source like Wikipedia that confirms the primary sources as being the principle texts instead of just reading the principle texts? This is how Christians become retarded, they skip the Bible and go to Wikipedia and other secondary sources. If people like you read the primary sources instead of Wikipedia, you might not be so retarded.

>> No.22605306

If your a beginner, start with anthologies and summaries. I'd recommend these books.
>Readings in Classical Chinese Philisophy and Readings in Later Chinese Philosophy by Bryan Van Norden
>Three Muslim Sages: Avicenna, Suhrawardi, Ibn Arabi by Syed Hossein Nasr
>History of Philosophy Without Any Gaps Vol. 5: India by Peter Adamson

>> No.22605614

>Peter Adams
An awful source for Indian thought, he is just a dilettante who skim-reads and then repeats wikipedia tier summaries

>> No.22605687
File: 1.95 MB, 3108x2840, Adi Shankara guide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Advaita Vedanta reading guide

>> No.22605712


>> No.22605719
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See the brain as a receiver of information, not as the producer of it and now down in it faggot.

>> No.22605723

Alan Watts

>> No.22607068
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observe life. live your own life while observing. it's not fucking hard. my cock is. i still don't know what the fuck this sensation traveling up my spine is. schizophrenia doesn't equate to kundalini, but for some reason the two tend to go hand in hand. environment and shit in your mind prior and during awakening? i think yes. mind tends to naturally (?) attribute personality to thoughts, good or bad, relax.

>> No.22607086

a petty attempt at mind control and harnessing kundalini for experiments. it's not hard after you realize this. depending on how far you go, the pysche can get pretty messed up.

>> No.22607100

you see, from the outside the solution is apparent. being in the other's situation is different. much like you can tell a schizophrenic their hallucinations aren't real and cannot hurt them, the other can be convinced they are, they see some "coincidences", no i just need more willpower niggerman, i'm convinced it works because of some utter shit i happened to read. every time i'm sad i'm going to fucking die from a death curse. the t.v. talks to me, i need to repent to some hindu drawing so and so forth ...

>> No.22607125
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and this is the trap. and you can feign, "well, maybe it's all real. it works for so and so, see they're fine." and you keep going and going. why would so and so lie to me? surely, they are learning at the same pace as me, no? they are nazi's (NAZIS ARE FUCKING COOL BRO, FUCK JEWS)

>> No.22607137

thank you for reaching out CIA. appreciate it.

>> No.22607154


Good thing Prots produce like rabbits to make up for dwindling Catholic numbers.


>> No.22607158
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no you see, im plugged into the same universe that you are. you get mad at me, you're mad at yourself. let's all love lain bro, relax. technically, im you. you're me. i want you to suffer, you want yourself to suffer bro.

>> No.22607175

no, therapist kot. they made that site for ME. they wrote what they wrote, maybe the first one on accident not knowing what had happened to me. they KNEW that i would try and go against everything they wrote afterwards. rage forever bro. gaslighting bunbunmaru bro. black magick on a bus bro. bune bune bune please help me (beatleguse bro)

>> No.22607212

Wtf is going on in this thread? Get out of my thread!

>> No.22607232

get out of my universe.

>> No.22607252
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yes, i pulled sadhguru into this. he has cursed all of you.

>> No.22607335

No u

>> No.22608033
File: 2.76 MB, 446x320, Trunkjob.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I asked this on /his/ but got no replies. Can anyone tell me more on the differences between Moksha in Hinduism and Nirvana in Buddhism?

To me, i am wondering how moksha can be seen as a permanent escape from samsara, when buddhists deny this. Also, do Hindu texts actually describe how to achieve moksha with the same rigor and detail as buddhist texts for nirvana?

>> No.22608061


>> No.22608328

Buddhists affirm you can escape attachment to samsara, but how they treat the relation between samsara and nirvana differs based on the sect. That’s where most of the sectarian differences emerge actually. Hindu texts are also very rigorous in terms of how to achieve moksha, there are many schools each with their own method. Personally have only read about the visitadvaita school but i’m sure there are others.

>> No.22608341

I reccomend The Tao te Ching by Lao Tzu, and the Analects of Confucious

Analects (Part 1/4)-

Tao te ching(part 1/2)-

>> No.22608364

why ask here?
lurking on 4chan is contrary to at least half the precepts of the "noble eightfold path".