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File: 1.19 MB, 1600x2123, Faust_und_Mephisto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22602452 No.22602452 [Reply] [Original]

Faustian niggas be like
>sure, i'll trade my eternal soul for a little bit of knowledge. what's the worst that could happen?

>> No.22602474

If you want to speak like a Zambian gangster you can go to Reddit my friend. Here we value high quality literary discussion delivered with elegance, class, and respect.

>> No.22602496

You know what’s worse? The story always had Faust being destroyed by demons and his soil condemned to hell. Goethe said “Nope, I’m going to have him go to Heaven just because I said so.”

>> No.22602504

*poops on u*

>> No.22602540

Remember the inevitable approach of death and refrain from sin.

>> No.22603692

It seems absurd in concept, but we do this all the time. We trade virtue, beauty, strength, etc. (I.e., the contents of our soul) for vapid, short-lived pleasures. Am even better example is the internet. In exchange for high speed access to information, communication, and titillation, we have corrupted and poisoned our hearts and minds.

>> No.22603909

Probably because he was Faust and didn't want to reckon with his sins

>> No.22604351

This already happens in mass today, people condemn their soul over nothing. The difference is, there isn't going to be a Gretchen to save us.

>> No.22605174

>we have corrupted and poisoned our hearts and minds.
Why view the internet as a strictly negative thing? Look at how many different people from all over the globe, from various different cultures and walks of life, it brought together and connected.

>> No.22605183

>implying that's a good thing

>> No.22605197

>Faust sells his soul for extraordinary magic powers
>fritters those powers away playing pranks and wasting time
>We get extraordinary technological power
>fritter it away playing pranks and wasting time.

>> No.22605201

How is it a bad thing, exactly?

>> No.22605202

>literally every human being ever born
>proceeds to fritter their lives away playing pranks and wasting time
Makes you think

>> No.22605210

there's just nothing else to do

>> No.22605215

It's interesting enough that Devas in Hinduism is the God derived from reason. The devil, thus, is the corruption of the God derived from reason, while the corruption of God, Sanskrit Bhagavaan, the Hidden, seems to be Satan, Sanskrit Shaitaan, considering that in Lithuanian, that has retained the PIE Dievas and not Bahagavaan (God), the word for devil is Sataan. Sataan, thus, is the Devil of the detail, of the hidden, while the Devil proper is the devil of reason. It might seem counter-intuitive at first glance, but Satan and Devil are not the same corrupting spirit.

>> No.22605217

Satan, Devil and Lucifer are different entities.

>> No.22605232

There needs to be a different type of CAPTCHA to catch schizos before they post. It could just be a random collection of shapes and ask you to write the text. If you write something you fail since it's just your pattern recognition run amok.

>> No.22605238

Is Lucifer the corruption of Heracles, the mortal who ascended to heaven?

>> No.22605250

>never read faust.