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/lit/ - Literature

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22601390 No.22601390 [Reply] [Original]

I am looking for some Christian literature to read. I've tried Dante's inferno but I find that it's annoying to constantly be reading the endnotes in order to grasp the historical references that Dante makes.

Maybe Lord or the Rings?

I'd prefer something that is not from the post enlightenment era because since the enlightenment our consciousness has been infected with modernism/atheism/protestantism/etc.

help me out bros

>> No.22601405

Most of the best Christian literature written within the last 200 years or so has been written by protestants (most of the worst too but I digress). Have you considered reading the Church Fathers? There’s always Chesterton if you want to read a good rhetorician. If you want really “contemporary” stuff. You could read Jacques Ellul’s work.

>> No.22601425


>> No.22601429


>Church Fathers
I have read some theological works by them. But I am looking for something that is a little more easygoing and not so taxing on the mind. Something I can do after work to just unwind.

What do you recommend?

>> No.22601470

Lord of the Rings and Silmarillion if you like that are good choices. Chesterton is also based

>> No.22601472

“The Man Who Was Thursday” is widely considered to be one of his best books so I’d suggest either starting with that or his Father Brown detective stories. If you’re more interested in apologia, you could start with “The Everlasting Man” or “Orthodoxy”. He was a very prolific writer with a vast body(snicker) of work covering many subjects and formats.

>> No.22601498

>The Everlasting Man
Ironically, this book lead C.S. Lewis to convert to Protestant Christianity

>> No.22601535

This. City of God is mandatory reading for apologetics and the sections pertaining to his commentary on Adam and the fall hit close to home.

>> No.22602149
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Some authors, you can go by their most famous works:
Graham Greene - The Power and the Glory
George Bernanos - Diary of a Country Priest
Walker Percy
J F Powers, pic related

A Canticle for Leibowitz

>> No.22602154

Brideshead Revisited
Death Comes for the Arch Bishop
Flannery O'Connor stories

>> No.22602164


flannery o connor
walker percy

>> No.22603470
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George MacDonald

>> No.22603494

The Shepherd of Hermas

>> No.22603498
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>> No.22603504

OP, do you want an actually interesting, fascinating, even dark and terrifying sort of book that uses Christianity as a foundation?

Try "Blood of Heaven" Bill Myers.

Of course, I'm actually a hardcore atheist, but even so it's a book about a wicked criminal who is injected with a synthesized form of blood, cloned from blood found on a nail or something from Jesus' cross.

This blood, in other tests on mice, showed that the mice would become kind, gentle, and loving. However, there is an element to Christian theology that implies that mice are mere animals, and not truly "Fallen."

To inject holy blood into a truly dark and fallen man... What could go wrong?

>> No.22603524
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I mean we could take the easy way out and recommend The Lord Of The Rings, which Tolkien himself called "a fundamentally Catholic work".

>> No.22604880
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>> No.22606058
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>> No.22606309

Here's some Catholic literature
>The Jerome Biblical Commentary for the Twenty-First Century teaches, "The Bible does not speak about same-sex love as one does today," since the "modern concept of 'homosexuality' or 'homoeroticism'" was not known as a sexual orientation in antiquity.

>The commentary has a foreword by Pope Francis and has been granted a nihil obstat ("nothing obstructs") and imprimatur ("let it be published"), which, according to the imprint, "are declarations that the material is free from doctrinal or moral error."


>> No.22606636

> No Leon Bloy

"The Desperate Man" by Leon Bloy gives off some "I HATE THE ANTI-CHRIST" vibes while still being a good piece of literature. Its about a writer trying to survive in post revolution Paris while maintaining his faith and integrity in the face of the new Nihilism sweeping intellectual and societal landscape.

>> No.22607477
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>> No.22608661
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Dear and Glorious Physician: A Novel about Saint Luke

Great Lion of God: A Novel About Saint Paul

>> No.22609471
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I am writing a novel loosely based around the Spanish Royal Crown. It is a Halloween themed Fantasy Epic.
>When the crystal protecting her kingdom begins to fail and the spooky monsters beyond its protection threaten to destroy her people, the faithful Princess Leonor must journey beyond enemy lines in order to retrieve the holy incense and rejuvenate the crystal's power before it fails.

>> No.22609971

Confessions by Augustine is comfy easy reading.

>> No.22609993
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>> No.22610289

Based and blessed. Thank you anon

>> No.22610416
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The Heidelberg Catechism

>> No.22610428
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have another from another anon

>> No.22610501

Laurus by Eugene Vodolazkin is extremely beautiful. Dostoevsky is also stellar, and Crime and Punishment and The Brothers Karamazov are just wonderful. I myself am Protestant but really appreciate both Laurus and Dostoevsky, which are Eastern Orthodox. Wanted to write my master's thesis on Laurus actually, but there are zero scholarly sources on it in English.