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22599104 No.22599104 [Reply] [Original]

So this is just Nietzsche, right?

>> No.22599115

no its 1000 pages of a man (rightfully) obsessed with narcissism coming to terms with a cuckolding fetish

>> No.22599323

>trashes secondary sources
>is a secondary source

>> No.22599325

>psychoanalysis in a nutshell

Such a bullshit discipline

>> No.22599432

secondary source is wikipedia article about a book
primary sources is the book itself

>> No.22599987

>society is... LE BAD!

>> No.22600008

the blog was great
this book was just deranged and made his points look like shit, even though most of them were intelligent

>> No.22600059
File: 85 KB, 650x346, BFAI55G.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this book changed my life. It made me love and appreciate my mom more and I gave up porn because of it. thanks TLP. The book is a mess and sucks, but it still one of my favorites.

>> No.22600066

ill be honest idgi

>> No.22600086

TLP claims that men that are in relationships turn to porn because they aren't supposed to have it, so it makes it desirable to them. He also says that they are afraid of emotional and sexual dependency on another person.
The context of this passage is an analysis of Oedipus Rex, but TLP is arguing that fear of dependency is a learned behavior that boys observe in their dads when they witness them use pornography during childhood. Even though we don't have sexual relationships with our moms, this fear of emotional dependency on women is first practiced with our moms because we observe our dads do it, then we generalize the behavior and apply it to all women.
At least that's what I take from it. I've become a better partner and son towards my mom from this book. I still haven't really forgiven my dad.

>> No.22600122

>that boys observe in their dads when they witness them use pornography during childhood
i think it means more that the dads are narcissists (maybe caused by porno), so the kids become ones too
its a kohut theory obfuscated
i have no idea why he would phrase it in this way

>> No.22600125

>I've become a better partner and son -
this is what really matters anyway

>> No.22600128

i don't think this guy had the thought "now, if all niggers aren't as demoralized as me, then surely my existence has not yet been realized", and if he did then keep posting about him by all means possible, necessary, or whatever is inbetween

>> No.22600175

>i have no idea why he would phrase it in this way
probably because it is self-published schizoposting with no editor

>> No.22600967

Why do pseuds hate this book? It's completely consistent with his arguments from his blog.

>> No.22600988

I liked the 50 page incredibly detailed cuck erotica that was so necessary and not insufferable cringe

>> No.22601030
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>you are LE BAD because you won’t let a woman control your emotions!
Only YOU should control your emotions, it should never be made dependent on anything external, food, people, status, etc.
>fear of dependency comes from your dad watching porn!
Aspiring independence comes from the fact that our parents die, we’re mammals with a long period of dependency.

>> No.22601038

Perhaps, but the point is he's teaching you why you (he) might have that cuckholding fetish.
He implores you to read the primary sources.
Maybe you just can't read cat
>afraid of emotional and sexual dependency on another person
No, that is secondary. They're afraid of the responsibility of the OTHER's dependency on them
>turn to porn because they aren't supposed to have it
People can't act on their desires because they are impotent; people watch porn because porn = knowledge and knowledge is used to to defend against their impotence, a way for them to scrape back a point in their favour in the ledger.

Yes, but human parents have this inconvenient tendency of not wanting to die already, especially for the past few generations.

>> No.22601318

>Only YOU should control your emotions, it should never be made dependent on anything external
Did you read the book? Your values are formed by externalities, the superego/uber-ich/Sie/other. Because you are afraid of depending on the humans close to you, you turn to values which are taught to you by mass media.

>> No.22601329

What if I just love tits, ass, and hairy pussy?

>> No.22601341

Is that really all you love, or are you trying to pretend to be a person who just loves tits, ass, and hairy pussy in order to impress an imaginary audience?

>> No.22601349

>impress an imaginary audience


>> No.22601367

Yeah anon, sorry to say but we're not real. 4chan is a virtual Truman Show and we're all bots put here to fuck with you.

>> No.22601397

.................Can I still jerk off?

>> No.22601401

If you can figure out what you want to jerk off to and separate that from what you're told you should jerk off to, yes. Until then, no.

>> No.22601403

.........................So.....that's a yes?

>> No.22601433

You might be projecting onto this guy a little bit

>> No.22601434

>you're acting this way due to an overbearing mother and absent father which created separation anxiety and a external locus of control
Can I have some evidence for that assertion?

>> No.22601474

>I just so happen to fit into a marketing demographic which includes billions of other people, out of pure coincidence
>Why does everything on TV and the internet appear to read my mind? It can only be cause they're written by geniuses, it has absolutely nothing to do with how I've absorbed their values and pretended they are my own.

>> No.22601488

>Billions of people like thing
>This must be because they are orchestrated to like it
>It is impossible that it appeals in some way to the natural desires of them

Yes anon, sex is a psy-op invented by marketing teams in the 21st century. How did you manage to get so big-brained?

>> No.22601532

>Billions of people speak a language
>This must be because they all spontaneously invented it by themselves
>It is impossible that they were taught to speak and interpret it by their parents and peers

>> No.22601537

yeah this thread has really frustrated me. lit's been great this morning, better this past week, but it's stuff like this that reminds me how DOGSHIT this board can be -- just read the book. please. it's so, so, so good. i found out about it on /lit/ and then was deterred from reading it because of shit like this thread that is nonsense-babbling and trifling arguments making the book seem like everything it's not.

for the prospective reader, it's a highly humorous book that analyzes and deconstructs pieces of classic and popular media (from TKAM to the giving tree to scarlet letter to daphne du marier's rebecca), largely through the lens of the Gospels (which becomes explicit about 2/3rd of the way through) and backing it all up with historical anecdotes from Thucydides.

i had a joke with a couple of friends that whenever we'd rank the seven sins in terms of personal struggle, the lowest ranked would always dominate our next couple of weeks (probably, of course, because we'd be on the lookout for it). i ranked envy as the lowest and then read this book and MAN, if it's anything but 600pgs of explaining why envy is EVERYTHING but what you thought it was (namely jealousy or -adjacent) then i read the wrong book.

by the way, i came away with the distinct impression that TLP was ortho or at least had ortho-leanings. He uses, ala dosto, liturgical phrases as filler and transitions -- "to the ages of ages," etc. -- anyone else catch this? am i retarded?

>> No.22601562
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I'm sorry, maybe it's because my IQ isn't high enough, but are you literally trying to argue that sex was created by society like language?

>> No.22601574

no, he's just talking about sexual taste.

>> No.22601580

Right, but I didn't post anything about sexual taste, and my post was literally referring to sex as a whole...

>> No.22601583

have you read the book, by the way? if your >billions of people like a thing

was talking about sex then you're just retarded, if it was talking about sexual taste (as the next guy interpreted it), then he's answered your objection

>> No.22601588

>if it was talking about sexual taste (as the next guy interpreted it), then he's answered your objection
All sexual tastes are distilled by multiple factors such as upbringing, first loves, first sexual experiences, and a healthy dose of natural instinct. This is common knowledge.

Is this book literally just about common knowledge?

>> No.22601641

"Common" knowledge would be if you learned it from your family and friends. The entire point is that we no longer have common knowledge, only RECEIVED knowledge, manufactured by copy executives and Disney bureaucrats and porn sites

>> No.22601650

Do you seriously need evidence for that assertion? Shit's common fucking sense.

>> No.22601805

Ahhhh, semantics, the last refuge of the midwit.

>> No.22601854

>by the way, i came away with the distinct impression that TLP was ortho or at least had ortho-leanings
He was doxxed and his last name is Ballas, which is Greek, so most likely yes.

>> No.22601905

Badly regurgitated psychoanalytic theory and a weird obsession with "narcissism", like those pop-psychology anglo therapists that label everything they don't like toxic and narcissistic.

>> No.22602251

It's necessary because it represents the current zeitgeist, why would you not expect a book called "Sadly, Porn" to discuss the most iconic fetish of our era?

>> No.22602778

>book tells reader to start with the Greeks
>/lit/ hates it
This board shows its true colors

>> No.22602879

more that it was choppily edited and approaching schizo levels of insanity
the critique of Thucydides part of the book was really the only part cogently written, and should have been its own book

>> No.22603020
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It's the alcoholic ramblings of a misanthropic former-shrink. There's some interesting stuff in it, but only ever in a broken clock way. Most of it is nonsense, arguments built on false premises and sections of "heh, you thought you know what [popular story / myth] is about? think again, narcissist..."
The part where he analyzes The Giving Tree sums up why this book is unreadable. He starts from the premise that, because the millions of people who have read The Giving Tree aren't angels, they must not have gotten the message, which means that their interpretation of the story must have prevented them from getting the message, which means that every bit of accepted symbolism must be thrown out because it is obviously unreliable, which means that etc. etc. until eventually we get to Shel Silverstein consciously / unconsciously titling it "The Giving Tree" because it is an anagram for "I Get Even, Right." You don't learn anything reading this book because it doesn't abide by logic, everything is twisted to support whatever TLP wants to rant about at that moment.
He says in the introduction that the fetish is irrelevant to his point, and that it could have been any kind of porn, though it does obviously connect to his point about people willing for things that they think they don't want.
And the most iconic fetish of our era is incest.

>> No.22603084

Isn't his argument that porn is the fetish? So the fetish in it would be sex/sexuality devoid of human connection

>> No.22603639

>of our era
The cuck fetish has existed since ancient times, and I sincerely doubt it's the "most iconic" even today. Maybe among porn addicts, but these people are a minority in society.

>> No.22603954
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You are alone. You don't care about us.

>> No.22604014

And what the fuck is "sex as a whole"?
There are cultures and times in history where rape was not only condoned, but was the DEFAULT method of copulating among humans.
There are cultures with intricate sexual rituals which would seem utterly absurd to our modern (lack of) sensibilities (assag/fin'amor, etc.). There are cultures <insert apology of pedophilia here>. There are cultures where men put their arms into other men's anuses because they find this pleasurable; there are cultures where men experience great satisfaction chopping off the heads of sodomites. There are cultures where people would not have sexual intercourse but dance instead. What the fuck is "sex as a whole"?

It sounds more like the mindless psychoanalytic mantra so adored by those who are desperate to absolve themselves of responsibility for their lives.

A lot of people were influenced by Christopher Lasch. But narcissism isn't the central focus of this book, as it is in his blog posts.

The only schizo part was when he attempted to prove wrong all prior Christian exegeses about the meaning of "fishers of men".

Threads like this are nowhere near as bad as TLP's subplebbit.

>> No.22604221

>There are cultures and times in history where rape was not only condoned, but was the DEFAULT method of copulating among humans.
Such as?

>> No.22604284

How is pic-related supposed to be relevant for anybody? This shit just sounds insane. I can't relate.

>> No.22604291

What makes you think he's trying to impress anybody? Why not consider the possibility that he's genuinely confused?

>> No.22604323

>What makes you think he's trying to impress anybody?
The fact that he felt compelled to go onto an anonymous imageboard and post I LIKE GIRLS I'M NORMAL

>> No.22604669

This is a weird distortion of what he actually said. You're projecting fictional intentions onto him.

>> No.22604918

Probably like all human societies until after the Middle Ages.

>> No.22605483

Why does he hate Alcibiades, who was the consummate overman?

>> No.22605733

Ngl it struck home, although i dont follow it completely. I really fucking hate my Dad and wish my mother had better people in her life, but I'm also completely absent because I hate seeing him

>> No.22605749

>It sounds more like the mindless psychoanalytic mantra so adored by those who are desperate to absolve themselves of responsibility for their lives.
What's mindless about it? I mean, yes, therapists like to throw the concept around, but that doesn't negate its validity. The absent father and masculine overcompensating mother is a very, very common occurrence in the west these days.