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/lit/ - Literature

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22596726 No.22596726 [Reply] [Original]

i took your guys advice and ive been listening to the audiobook ver of my year of rest and relaxation at work and its so good, the main characters really relatable and makes me think of how i was when i was a young neet! its a good read for people who have been hikos/neets

>> No.22596796

I told can relate to being a rich big titty modelesque blonde

>> No.22596798
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>> No.22596810

shes literally me (im a working class whimpy asian dude)

>> No.22597030

>privilege and pain
Oh it's THIS book again.

>> No.22597137

Fuck women and fuck their "books"
If you unironically enjoy this literary period shart, you need to raise your testosterone by 50% minimum and gain 20 IQ points asap.

>> No.22597158

let me guess
the main character is a writer with mental issues and goes through many hardships like fucking her boss or having an abortion?

>> No.22597384

i actually half enjoyed it

>> No.22597402

I read it because the best indicator of quality is the seething on /lit/. No one here reads or has any idea of what good literature is (they're insecure teenagers) therefore /lit/ recommendation can be taken, but only in reverse.

>> No.22597410

its not even that disliked here

>> No.22597413

Feel free to continue seething idiot.

>> No.22597419

Did you enjoy it?
Also miss me with the "/lit/ is seething" mess. /lit/ also hates Colleen Hoover, are you going to read her books as well?

>> No.22597425

? i like it

>> No.22597484

>w-well wh-whatabout..
Keep seething.

>> No.22597487

are a schizo nutter
here's your (You) that (You) seem to deeply crave despite many people liking the damn book

>> No.22597509

I've been a neet 10 + years & been high on at least something for 5 or so of those will I enjoy this book (not poor btw)

>> No.22597510

As long as they got something of value out of being a neet I suppose. I doubt most people feel as if they've been reborn after months/years of neet life.

>> No.22597524

it's one of few books about neets so at least on that point yes

>> No.22597610

Have you considered not crying? Or are you going to continue with your crying?

>> No.22597634

Great book, greater ending.

>> No.22597657
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I'm willing to give the author some benefit of the doubt and assume that the protagonist is intentionally repulsive and braindead, a critical depiction of sorts, but it doesn't really work when the protagonist is simultaneously utilized as a mouthpiece to vent author's own frustrations from college years - mostly about pseudointellectual and "artistic" trust fund hipsters dating hot women instead of her.
Knowing it's a woman book, I didn't expect anything but queefy PMS wallowing in the most superficial aspects of the most immediate social relations, namely sex and status. Her most recent book is some dark medieval fantasy and although that does sound far more interesting than Rest and Relaxation, the prosaic skill on display here didn't convince me to give her another chance at all.

>> No.22597684

i think u will, i think what people hate is that the main character is sad even though shes rich, what people dont get while reading is that the whole point is that u can be sad even when u have everything?? ㅠㅠ

>> No.22597687

Kek, you still haven't told us whether you enjoyed it or not. Guess not.

>> No.22597689

i getchu anon i dunno i just thought it was relatable.. honestly i think it might appeal more to femcels than to me but i got it, we all have different opinions on books/lit! ^^*

>> No.22597695

>fuck women
bad incelito roll back to ur pc and play league ㅋㅋ

>> No.22597699

I'm glad you had a good time with the book, keep reading Anon.

>> No.22597706

the main character is a vapid trust fund arthoe with depression that goes through no hardships at all and likes getting high, getting facefucked for 3 days straight by chad and forcing her jewish friend to have a drug induced abortion in her bathroom and then watching her kill herself during 9/11 lol

>> No.22597709

wow it is even worse than I expected

>> No.22598189

its omega based

>> No.22598447

So deep… woah…

>> No.22598451

Meant for >>22597684

>> No.22598476
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>> No.22598502

If the protagonist is a mouthpiece then it's very clear she's one for the worst parts of the author. Even then her rant is spot on, liking Infinite Jest and having yellow fever is the biggest red flag anyone could put over their pathetic microdick and wavering masculinity.

>> No.22598569

You guys just don’t get that we aren’t performing for female attention all the time. Liking infinite jest has literally nothing to do with sexuality outside of your own warped insanity world. Yellow fever is cringe ofc but the whole red flag paradigm speaks volumes about those who believe in it beyond the strict meaning of spotting abusive/childish behaviors. Specifically I’m speaking about when judgements are made on a person’s personality based off of the media they consume. It’s literal insanity: you are taking what was made as a JOKE seriously. You have fallen into the twitter-hole that so many other young kids have nowdays and you’ve consumed so many abrasive/provocative memes that you’ve started to believe in them as real. Go ask a 37 year old millennial what they would think if their husband watched Evangelion and liked it. Go ask a 43 year old Gen X if they get the ick when their husband puts on his seatbelt. You have lost your ability to discern irony by engulfing yourself in it for so long. You have outsourced your lens with which you view the world to twitter and forgotten that the vast majority of it is jokes. You are infected with a memetic virus

>> No.22598601

>Go ask a 37 year old millennial what they would think if their husband watched Evangelion and liked it.
I had a 37 year old millennial boyfriend once and he said the way it kept sexualizing minors was super icky. Anime fans are often seen as pedos for a reason.
But you're only pointing out the obvious. Only shitty and deeply unhappy people that hate to see others in their element make sweeping generalizations and try to categorize everyone else as flawed, broken, tiny, disgusting, unsavory, untalented, gross, or deeply compensating. I think it speaks volumes about our broader generation when what was a sign of depression has now become the internet's favorite sport.
Advocate for the courage to be cringe.
That said, she's still right tho.

>> No.22599086
File: 249 KB, 1303x518, Sally-Rooney.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you also read Sally Rooney for the same reason?

>> No.22599099

Is this a repost from reddit?

>> No.22599100

My dick is 7.6'', am I allowed to like Infinite Jest and wanting to fuck asian teens?

>> No.22599131
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wow I've literally seen conversations on lit discords that go exactly like that haha

>> No.22599163

no i was just reading it and thought of it ;;

>> No.22600536

It was a comfy read. I relate to coming out of your apartment only to buy coffee, not from the nice cafe, but the shitty kiosk because they won't judge you (as if the nicer cafe would either)

>> No.22600548

I don't know who that is, but I might if it will make you sneed.