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/lit/ - Literature

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22595281 No.22595281 [Reply] [Original]

Catholicsisters... our response?

>> No.22595288

That's not fair, no women allowed.

>> No.22595295

Shakespeare, Dante, and Borges. If you know, you know.

>> No.22595301

>paradife loft
those arent real words

>> No.22595305

Obvious cherrypicking but honestly, what do Protestants have besides Paradise Lost?
From my understanding Prot literature is more focused on their translation of the Bible (KJV, Lutherbibel) than anything else.

>> No.22595319
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The Inferno

>> No.22595330

Kek protfags made their own version after getting mocked. It’s The Divine Comedy. Superior to anything in the picture.

>> No.22595374
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>> No.22595375

Paradise Lost is full of Milton coping about the role of clergy.

>> No.22595411
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The novel as a form of art is essentially Protestant, because it is fundamentalist and individualistic.

Catholicism is often expressed best in poetry, not in prose. There are even Catholic saints who were poets.

>> No.22595422

>essentially Protestant, because it is fundamentalist and individualistic
I’ve heard something similar to this before. Elaborate?

>> No.22595432

...why is there fake greek on the left. what is the point being made here

>> No.22595449

The Pilgrims Progress. It would be a more apt check choice than Paradise Lost but this board is full of edgy teenagers.

>> No.22595455

Catholics have to post this cope because they're insecure about the KJV being the greatest work of literature in the English language. The Douay-Rheims is an embarrassing mockery of the word of God

>> No.22595468
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>> No.22595478
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Well, what's the novel fundamentally about, at the end of the day? What do all the great novels really have in common?

It's about individuals of a fairly ordinary disposition relating their day-to-day affairs in a way that is relatable, "normal," and not fantastical. The novel is an exploration of the inner life and outward affairs of plain people.

This is all Protestant as fuck. First, the emphasis on "normality" has its roots in Protestants denying the continuation of the Age of Miracles, saying that miraculous happenings had come to an end; they had to make that argument to undermine the credibility of the Catholic Church. And in denying the miraculous they also have to deny the "romantic" aspects of literature from the Middle Ages: the dragons, the giants, the witches, and so on. It all has to be replaced with the affairs of ordinary people in a demysticized world, which of course is what the novel depicts.

More philosophically, the emphasis on the average person is very Protestant because it flows from the inherent individualism in thinking Protestantally. Luther's "priesthood of all believers" and "Scripture Alone" denies the need for a clerical aristocracy, emphasizing that anyone, no matter how lowly, may attain perfect knowledge of God, and perfect salvation, merely from having faith and reading the Bible.

Moreover, the novel's gradual venturing into the psychological, the desire to portray the THOUGHTS of a character, their mindstate, as realistically as possible, has a Protestant tinge as well. It comes from the lack of mysticism in the Protestant notions of faith, and the desire for hard certainty. Do I REALLY have faith in God? Do I really? Am I CERTAIN of God, Jesus, and Heaven? Do I KNOW I am saved? Without the outward structure of the Church to enmesh oneself into, a kind of insecurity develops, and this is directly related to the kind of insecurity about character portrayals that was in the novel from the beginning, but really begins to ramp up in the 19th Century.

It all flows from Luther and his theses. You can also make the argument that the novel wouldn't be what it is without mass literacy--without average people, the novel's subjects, being able to read in the first place. And mass literacy was directly encouraged by Protestantism because of its emphasis on Sola Scriptura. You can't have "Scripture alone" if nobody can READ Scripture, after all.

>> No.22595490

I didn't read past the second paragraph but do you honestly believe the rot you've just wasted twenty minutes typing out?

>> No.22595496

Not him but it takes you twenty minutes to type something like that? You might be a fucking retad.

>> No.22595499

God, Protestantism sounds so boring. Like sucking out the SOVL out of Christianity. A dull German religion.

>> No.22595505

I like austere Anglo-Puritan aesthetics tbqh.
But maybe I'm just depressed.

>> No.22595518

But what about Don Quixote?

>> No.22595526

Stop posting

>> No.22595529
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WRONG, picrel is the greatest work of literature in the English language.
Foreigners can only hope for sublimity such as this adding to their language.

>> No.22595545

I think Spengler argued something similar. That the novel is a deeply introspective art form that emerged in Faustian culture. Like polyphonic music that the Church originally didn’t like because you couldn’t hear individual melodies

>> No.22595762
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I'm Catholic and my response is that "Orthodox Philosopher Chick" does not exist because Orthodox countries are too poor and illiterate to justify its existence.

>> No.22595766

It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.

>> No.22595776

Camels cant into sin however as opposed to those brutish dogs who are more tempted to be evil because of "socio economic factors".

>> No.22595895

And Gargantua and Pantagruel

>> No.22596036

All things are possible with the Lord, and if He can make your mother fit through a doorframe a camel going through the eye of a needle should be no problem.

>> No.22596322

Based middle school bully

>> No.22596332

The rich are often sociopathic but the poor are often drunk; chose the middle path

>> No.22596402
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>> No.22596487

Is this a joke? Pretty much all of English, German, Nordic and much of American literature (the stuff worth reading anyway) came from protestant authors who routinely interwove protestant ideals into their work.
Melville, Dickens, Faulkner, both Kant & Hegel, Thomas Mann, Mark Twain, Goethe, Donne, Hamsun, and of course Kierkegaard - all prove protestantism the best base for literature

>> No.22596488


>> No.22596498

Goethe had became kind of a non denominal Christian mystic by the time he wrote Faust. I dont know if you coudl say its a work of Protestantism the way Milton is

>> No.22596594

Mark Twain was skeptical as fuck of religion and it came out almost constantly in his books. The only time he overtly portrayed religion sympathetically was ironically Joan of Arc.

>> No.22596604

Freemason ass niggas

>> No.22596613

I had begun to study to be a Catholic priest.
But as I read those documents and began to understand the true nature of what a "flock" was, I knew I must turn my back upon that world.

Now I live as a renegade atheist. I cannot merely protest. I must REVOLT. True benevolence and benevolent truth and the love of life have nothing to do with "Christianity" in any form.

We must keep walking.

>> No.22596672

oh you mean by john bunyan? the freemason? yes i do love protestantism

>> No.22596687

lol is this a copypasta

>> No.22596689

Catholic is Lord of the Rings :^)

>> No.22596697


>> No.22596717

Unironically Catholic's literature is the Holy Bible because they wrote and maintained it. Also, I would say Dante is quite good but Marcel Proust is technically Catholic albeit not heavily practicing.

>> No.22596767

>Protestant ideals
That’s just the problem though. Protestant ideals aren’t even truly religious in basis, at least you can’t discern any religiosity from them in a way you can from Catholic, Muslim, or even Hindu ideals which make explicit spiritual reference. With protestants it’s just an ethic that while discernibly protestant, yes, is also removed from any collective tradition that would really make it religious.
Individualized religion is at most what you’d call “spiritualism” and it’s no wonder that most people who identify that way are from anglo-prot nations and not nations with Catholic heritage

>> No.22596913

This is idiotic.
Greeks and Romans wrote novels before Christianity every existed. The Chinese and Japanese wrote novels before they'd ever heard of Christianity.
The idea that novels are a product of Protestantism is deeply ignorant and arrogant.

>> No.22596925

a catholic just won the noble prize :)

>> No.22596943
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>> No.22596950

Most 17th to 19th century lit from Britain, northern Germany, Scandanavia, and America was written by Protestants. That's a lot of clsssic lit.

>> No.22596961

What the absolute fuck is that """Greek""" lol. It's a pseudo-transcription of the English by someone who doesn't even know the Greek aphabet. Whoever made this thought psy is a Y, sigma is a o, etc.

This image just supports the stereotype that Catholics know nothing about the Bible. Also KJV is much better than Douau-Rheims, the translators preface even insults th D-R for it's idiotic clunkiness like "supersubstantial bread"

>> No.22596967

This is just Catholic fiction, there are so many spritiually edifying Protestant books like Pilgrims Progress

>> No.22598266

mogged by Chesterton and Tolkien

>> No.22598289

>orthodoxy = backwards slavs
>protestantism = backwards inbred rednecks
>catholicism = normal people, including attractive girls

t. Atheist

>> No.22598538

Slavs are not the only Orthodox people. Greeks, Romanians, Lebanese...

>> No.22598540

Do Orthos have corny religious books for moms in Greece/Russia/whatever like protestants and Catholics do in America

>> No.22598563

it's just old caracter, like in old french. You must read as Paradise lost

>> No.22599673

>The novel as a form of art is essentially Protestant, because it is fundamentalist and individualistic.
The novel was developed by the Italian, Spanish and Portuguese, and the modern realist / psychological novel by them too, as well as by the French and Russians.

>> No.22599682

>doesnt read catholic philosopher chick
not a real catholic.

>> No.22599685

No. Just Lives of Saints.

>> No.22601306

Bread-pill me on Catholic literature bros, I am looking for some reading

>Dante's inferno
Too much effort because it contains a lot of historical references

>Lord of the Rings
Thinking about reading these books

WHat else?

>> No.22601314

>Mark Twain was skeptical as fuck of religion
Like a true protestant

>> No.22601362

>WHat else?
Catholic Philosopher Chick 2

>> No.22601368

>Too much effort because it contains a lot of historical references
You do know Wikipedia exists right? I just went through an old verse translation on Gutenberg and looked up every reference. Read some essays on the work too. Got a lot out of it. You don't need a PhD to get it lol.

>> No.22601372

>Also KJV is much better than Douau-Rheims, the translators preface even insults th D-R for it's idiotic clunkiness like "supersubstantial bread"

KJV Preface:

"Lastly, we have on the one side avoided the scrupulosity of the Puritans, who leave the old Ecclesiastical words, and betake them to other, as when they put washing for baptism, and congregation instead of Church: as also on the other side we have shunned the obscurity of the Papists, in their azymes, tunike, rational, holocausts, prepuce, pasche, and a number of such like, whereof their late translation is full, and that of purpose to darken the sense, that since they must needs translate the Bible, yet by the language thereof it may be kept from being understood. But we desire that the Scripture may speak like itself, as in the language of Canaan, that it may be understood even of the very vulgar."

>> No.22601374

Not really, most books are written by monks/priests/saints.
In recent times I see Orthodoxy has spread a little to the West and this has created the most odd events and situations I have ever heard and seen.
Priests and monks from the West writing some sort of books reminiscent of Mere Christianity but taking passages and inspiration from The Philokalia.
I am not saying that these things are bad.
They show the true divide between what would be the West and the near East.
When these people share the Faith of the East
other differences become even more apparent.
It makes one see that the world is deeply diverse.

>> No.22601378

The Screwtape letters are prot kino

>> No.22601379

>because they wrote
The inspired authors of the text wrote it. It was not written in a collective activity by some hierarchical group.
>and maintained it.
Barely. If anyone maintained it it was primarily the Orthodox since the knowledge of Greek and Hebrew were mostly lost in the west for a long stretch of time. Also most Protestants do not claim some total discontinuity with the medieval and ancient church, and would claim this same thing for themselves.

>> No.22601384
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Cath-Femanon essential reading

>> No.22601388

Anglo and german protestants literally invented romanticism and the fantasy genre
Walter Scott, George Macdonald, William morris, Friedrich de la Motte Fouqué, Eta Hoffman, all were protestants

>> No.22601511

Who, pray tell, is the Catholic Kierkegaard?

>> No.22601630


>> No.22601731

The Betrothed.

>> No.22601766
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>> No.22601773

Kristin Lavransdatter, brideshead revisited, wise blood for female ones.
Gerard Manley Hopkins for poetry.

>> No.22601776

>Dante's inferno
>Too much effort
Yup, some children's fiction like LOTR will be perfect for you.

>> No.22602219

I know Hegel was a Protestant, but Protestants can’t claim him. His philosophy is either Orthodox or Catholic, but certainly not Protestant. I mean Kierkegaard wrote an entire 600 page postscript seething about him.

>> No.22602246
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>A Protestant disagreed with another Protestant therefore the other Protestant isn't a Protestant

>> No.22602384

Not exclusively what I was getting at but yeah sure. Doesn’t take much brain power to realise that Kierkegaard is more Protestant in his philosophy than Hegel.

>> No.22602392

>Protestants just do whatever they want
>No they have to think specific things so I can claim this guy for my team duh
Why are Catholics like this? Grow up

>> No.22602463
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>> No.22602556

>but where the fireworks!?!!
American. And grim.

>> No.22602567
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Missing the LDS Church that looks the same in Germany as it does in Uganda.

>> No.22602667

>Cool looking ice cream thingys
Why are internet Catholics immature pseudo-Christians? Also the average Catholic parish and the average Protestant church do not look like that.

>> No.22602674

>the average catholic parish does not look like that
>the average protestant....
it does in the US, unless its one of the megachurches that bought out the surrounding area

>> No.22602677

>it does in the US
No it doesn't. The average Protestant church looks like a simple church building with a steeple, pews, etc. Do you not see them as you drive around? They're everywhere.

>> No.22602679

They're mostly teens with autism and their humour reflects that. There are some online Orthodox like that but they are very few and still catechumens more often than not. They tend to drop it once they're in the Church. I haven't seen a Protestant equivalent to this phenomenon.

>> No.22602683

There's a Protestant equivalent but it's relegated to Protestant infighting about Calvinism so you don't see it much.

>> No.22602684

I don't yea. Not to mention their congregation size is negligible.
But in a way sure, the average protestant buildings in the US do not look like that.

>> No.22602686

German-speaking protestants are actually great writers
just stay away from Anglo-saxon calvinoids... (they hate literature for some reason)

>> No.22602687

>I don't yea.
Then you're blind or retarded, probably both if you're posting idiotic memes about Muh Basebro Tradcath crap.

>> No.22602688

Ngl, I've seen protestants do the same on other forums/sites. As rebuttals or starting their own hate posts.

>> No.22602692

What? I didn't post that, I just talked about the average church for both flavours lmao. Act normal please. No need to take every reply as an attack sheesh.

>> No.22602697

Non-American telling me what the average church looks like in America, lol.

>> No.22602698

Actually, didn't this whole thread with the protestant equivalent? >>22595281

>> No.22602702

Yep, definitely abnormal. I do live here if it matters that much to you.

>> No.22602712

Good point. Was probably a prot that got clowned on by a cath. As an ortho, I must say that most of us don't even care about literary fiction.

>> No.22602714
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>Bro it's the magic ankle bone of St. Bargumius! If you sprinkle his magic bone water in your house it will keep out demonic influences!
>Oh you don't feel well? If you leave a loaf of bread in front of your based icon of St. Sergyev the Simpleminded then he'll heal your upset stomach!
>Yeah I pray every day to St. Denisovochivich the Holy Fool, he was famous for walking around naked and lighting things on fire because he was so holy he had to pretend he was mentally ill and commit sins! How based is that!?

>> No.22602719

Yea I know a few orts and while they can be massibely online they are less about literature for some reason. All about other types of art though.
Anyway, quite ironic seeing how this thread started off yea lol.

>> No.22602723


>> No.22602725

What you're asking for is incredibly wide. Do you want just any fiction authored by a Catholic or explicit Catholic religious literature?

This is just a hunch but start with Jerusalem Delivered.

>> No.22602730

I guess I stand corrected

>> No.22602740

Nothing in that post is inaccurate other than the made-up names.

>> No.22602742

>I haven't seen a Protestant equivalent to this phenomenon.
Because no one wants to convert to Protestantism and there is nothing about it that excites anyone's interest.

>> No.22602746

I wonder from which sentiment and with which intention you posted that however.

>> No.22602752

It's actually growing quite a bit in certain parts of the world.

>> No.22602753

He must be a prot because caths have the same practices he lampooned
Yeah, Africa, LatAm, and the Philippines. It's usually Pentecostalism, too.

>> No.22602754

The "I think you are silly" sentiment.

>> No.22602755

I've heard South America is becoming a hotbed for it but I wonder how long that will last honestly.

>> No.22602761

>He must be a prot because caths have the same practices he lampooned
Catholics tend to be more muted about it and I don't have a webm of it. Also stuff like the holy fool seems to be specifically eastern so it wouldn't be relevant to Latin rite Catholics.

>> No.22602766
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Ngl, this is getting boring.

>> No.22602776

Only in 3rd world countries and only in essentially converting people through charismatic showmanship with little substance beneath it.

Meanwhile in the developed world traditionally Protestant countries like Switzerland and the Netherlands now have more Catholics than Protestants in them.

>> No.22602785

>We are the church of the intellectually sophisticated people you see
Your attitude is non-Christian.

>> No.22602788

If you only rely on people getting swept up in emotional hysteria that's how you end up with stuff like Mormonism or those Appalachians who let themselves get bit by snakes.

>> No.22602795

Spoken as the west collapses into atheism. We're very smart though.

>> No.22602815

Aren't they holding a solid two or three centuries by the balls?

>> No.22602832

supersubstantial is a much better translation than daily

>> No.22603011

>t. goes to "church" in a strip mall

>> No.22603022

Catholics built churches right next to mosques in synagogues throughout history
That's definitely worse lmao
If you dipshits lived in the Middle Ages and made a pilgrimage to the holy land you'd convert to Islam cause of the epic buildings and religious fervor there

>> No.22603025

being skeptical af of organized religion is like pone of the three most protestant traits, lol.
Thats why most churches in the USA remained governed by presbytery rather than organized conglomerates

>> No.22603028
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>> No.22603034

Are protestants souless?

>> No.22603036

And protestants saw applebees and though thats where they should celebrate the lord kek

>> No.22603037

Very ignorant take. Protestantism is much more individualistic as basis for Christian thought. It is spiritually impossible for there ever to have been a Catholic or Islamic Emerson, for example.
The protestant adaptation of the individual directly related to God through no interlocutor is maybe the most important division in Christian literary thought.

>> No.22603044

I have literally never seen one example of this. There are, however, countless examples of churches built by mosques and synagogues like it's no big deal. Catholics went to the Middle East and said
>vggghhhh these buildings.... this culture.... bathing.... truly the saracens are superior to us!!!
This is chronicled in your own histories, and yet you don't feel even slightly embarrassed of this (because you're a teen who's not aware)

>> No.22603060

What exactly is the point of this insult? That Christians who are poor and can't afford fancy buildings are stupid and should be mocked?

>> No.22603061

>All about other types of art though
Growing up surrounded by icons can help instill an appreciation for visual arts. Likewise growing up reading Biblical passages can help instill an appreciation for literary arts. Or that's my theory at least.

>> No.22603091
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>do re mi so fa me

>> No.22603145

Orthodox ignore literature and philosophy because it's thought of as trivial if not outright demonic, but they/we still read. Just lives of saints, the Scriptures, and if one is so inclined and under spiritual direction, theology. We also don't care for secular visual art; a lot of Orthodox people call all secular art pornographic. Our religion is very ascetic and strict. Its a major reason why in Orthodox majority countries people are either completely irreligious or completely devoted.

>> No.22603172

>I have literally never seen one example of this
Try leaving Mommy's basement, there's protestant churches all over cultureless anon

>> No.22603179
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>> No.22603275

Philosopher Chick is just the modern day Philosopher King

>> No.22603291

>Dante's Inferno
>Paradise Lost
>Russia lit, whatever, take your pick

>> No.22603318

its probably mexicans

>> No.22603336

>only modern protestants are poor and cant into fancy buildings
>those stupid rich medieval pig farmers
and their fancy buildings

>> No.22603351

>itt religious wars but gay and snarky

>> No.22603360

The only Protestant churches that are located in places like strip malls are mission plants that haven't raised enough funds to purchase a building or land, or tiny off-the-wall weirdo groups. I'm sure there are exceptions to that but it is certainly not "normal." Any normal Protestant church is in its own building somewhere, even smaller ones.

That being said, I still do not see your point. A fancy building is not required for anything. All that's necessary is a meeting place, which can be in someone's house, in an open field, anywhere. The first Christians worshiped in the catacombs, and those living in nations under persecution do similar things today.

>> No.22603371

Would be better if more people congregated in catacombs/people's houses ngl.

>> No.22603373
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>> No.22603378

What was a Christian, living in the 1st century who had to worship hidden away in a tomb somewhere, missing that you have?

>> No.22603386

nta but, permission from the authorities to worship publicly.

>> No.22603387

Not needed. They have permission from God.

>> No.22603388

uhm lol I see how this will go

>> No.22603393

You see how it will go because the materialistic premise behind your posts has been faulty.

>> No.22603395

>your posts
it just will boil down to
>You: first christians didn't do this either
>Me: but they did once they were allowed to

>> No.22603397

>The life of a protestant

>> No.22603401

They did all sorts of things once they were "allowed" to, none of which was needed for anyone to be enter heaven beforehand.

>> No.22603404

Yes the bare minimum, current iterations of that ethos is just marie kondoism but for religious routines.

>> No.22603408

Funny how the "bare minimum" was able to produce an army of martyrs and the entirety of Christendom that followed them.

>> No.22603414

I don’t get what you’re trying to say; certain sects of Christianity approach religion differently believe it or not, it just so happens that Hegelianism isn’t Protestant.

I’m not going to explain Hegel to you, just read him he isn’t really that hard as long as you know your Kant well but I’m sure you’ll understand where I’m coming from.

>> No.22603416

How does it carry over to the modern protestant faith however. Same routines, different results. Almost as if it doesn't matter and they have fallen as hard as the rest of them.
Also not as if they live sober lives outside of the church.

>> No.22603420

>Almost as if it doesn't matter and they have fallen as hard as the rest of them.
Then why are you mocking them?

>> No.22603433

I am not lol
just saying how this part gets seen as being super important for some reason. Protestants hate decadence and Catholics think going bare bones when you're not getting killed over making it more homely is retarded.

>> No.22603447

Paradise Lost is so overrated

>> No.22603449

That says paradife loft however, checkmate

>> No.22603452

I'm catholic, and I love Virgin Maria
I wrote a long poem novel expressing it in a postmodernist way my transition from atheism and nihilism to love for God like a mystic. It's in Spanish (my mother tongue), so please don't be angloauthoritarian. It also drinks from existentialism and millenial narcissism, with some references to Brothers Karamazov, and scientific speculation.

If you are interested, it's free in deviantart:

Please love each other like Jesus did
God bless this thread

>> No.22603457

What would Peter think of how gay the Pope is today?

>> No.22603461

I think most early christians would be appalled at the state of every denomination all around. I wonder where they'd stop if they had a button to stop changes through time.

>> No.22603466

Peter didn't know what a "Pope" was.

>> No.22603474
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>tfw non denominational

>> No.22603480

Would early christians see themselves in you? That's all that matters.

>> No.22603510

It's questionable how much of themselves they'd see in anyone.

>> No.22603513

Does your church baptize infants? If it doesn't then you're a baptist by another name (which is fine).

>> No.22603543

>loft isn't a real word

>> No.22603573

wtf is paradiſe loſt, those aren't real words

>> No.22603581

I don't have a church. Lately I've been researching the difference between the denominations so I can start going to one.
It seems as if I align with some churches in different areas, but never fully, so I don't know how I should go about choosing one.

I am considering Anglican, but with all the schisms and churches having slightly or completely varying stances, not one stands out. I thought Southern Baptists sounded good, too, but iirc they seemed pretty loopy or something, and with other Baptist churches, it's the same story as the Anglicans. And even though I have my doubts about the Catholic church, I haven't ruled it out, considering they have that cardinal who says the current pope is a fraud. Maybe it can be reformed, maybe it's the "best" church, who am I to say.

I'm also finding it hard to differentiate between Lutheran, Methodist and the other Episcopal churches.

>> No.22603664
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>> No.22603667


>> No.22603901

on the contrary, protestants are pure SOVL

How else would you explain the Charismatic revival that's even infected the Catholic Church

>> No.22603916

Non-denoms are the most likely of the "major" christian denominations to have actually fellowshipped in house churches and literally break bread and share wine for communion therein so that anon is probably not too far off from the early christians despite his likely non-adherence to the Hebraic laws

>> No.22603942

Paradise Lost's idea is taken from Angeleida by Erasmo di Valvasone.

>> No.22603974

>Lutheran, Methodist and the other Episcopal c
Episcopalians are basically Anglicans who nominally separated from the Church of England due to the American Revolution but are basically Anglicans in all other aspects besides being under the CoE

Methodists were Anglicans who followed the theology of John Wesley the primary differences between Lutherans and Methodists tend to be Closed Communion vs Open Communion and their respective doctrines regarding the sacraments and the nature of Sin and Original Sin. Methodists have a surprisingly broad cross-denominational influence. Stuff like sunday school and bible studies originated in Methodist churches.

IIRC Methodists are also undergoing a major schism right now between the progressive-leaning-universalist Methodists in the USA and the more orthodox Methodists from the rest of the world.

>> No.22603996

your saying banality is somehow novel? I mean I suppose it could be, if your life was a lifelong acid trip.

>> No.22603999

Isn't the key word in 'Novel' novelty? If a thing is not new and interesting, if it is about plain and ordinary people doing ordinary things, how can it be said to be novel?

>> No.22604001

but man, thats weird that you had me going, if I weren't actually listening to what you were saying I would just nod my head and agree with you.

>> No.22604007

I get the feeling you'd make a good used car salesman.

>> No.22605409

>so that anon is probably not too far off from the early christians despite his likely non-adherence to the Hebraic laws
Literally states in Acts that Gentiles do not have to follow the Mosaic ceremonial laws

>> No.22605484

>Methodists are also undergoing a major schism right now
Yea =, apparently around 2000 methodist churches in the US are leaving or have left the UMC.
I still don't know if the ones leaving are conservative (oppose gay marriage, etc) or if they are leaving because the UMC is conservative, but I think its the former

>> No.22605735

The ones leaving are conservative.

>> No.22605902

Ooooooo so ascetic.... icons... based.... cesaropapism.... so trad...

>> No.22606191

Waiting on (de facto) Emperor Joe Biden to convoke the eighth ecumenical council :)

>> No.22606264

Goethe Carlyle Kierkegaard Hegel. Pretty great list but then, Dante? Dosto and Tolstoy?

Real laugh is atheist and Jews getting btfo

>> No.22606267

Carlyle on heroes for more

>> No.22606322

>brother it’s the magic saline enjectiom if st Blackrock’s first son Pfizer. Like yourself and squirt and it will save you from the virus of corona

>> No.22606349

I'm not a convert and I'm not "based". You internet addicted Western youth only have familiarity with the Orthodox Church because of people like that I guess but it is a real, living religion and the diaspora in the West practice it, too.

>> No.22606354

>don’t cherry-pick
>proceeds to cherry-pick

>> No.22606364

>calls people inbred hicks
>is a basement dwelling neckbeard Redditor

>> No.22606378

Kierkegaard was objectively better and said things using fewer words to make his point

>> No.22606383

Let’s be honest, there really isn’t much out here to do except be online.
>go outside touch grass
Nothing but concrete out there
>then go for a drive
With what car? I have to take the bus everywhere I go

>> No.22606411

Protestants get awfully quiet when this is brought up

>> No.22606417

Did you even read the thread?

>> No.22606443

>Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye are like unto whited sepulchres, which indeed appear beautiful outward, but are within full of dead men's bones, and of all uncleanness.

>> No.22606515

Hegel was a Lutheran of the Augsburg confession and stated so repeatedly .

>> No.22606675

You're talking with a "company man" who needs to score points for his "team", so don't bother.

>> No.22606795

No one has even mentioned Graham Greene?

>“You cannot conceive, nor can I, of the ...appalling... strangeness of the mercy of God.”

>> No.22606815

Yes, that's my point

>> No.22606821

My dad used to work at a car dealership and one of his coworkers was a pastor who had retired from the clergy. The man would say that he "had fallen from the pulpit to the used car lot."

>> No.22606825
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Not much, actually.
Protestantism's REAL artistic strength over Catholicism is in music, not literature.

>> No.22606838

Huh. You make an interesting argument.
Can't say all those values are necessarily uniquely "Protestant," though. The only part that holds any water IMO is the thing about Protestantism promoting mass literacy.

>> No.22606840
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I fuckin love the religious fights on /lit/

>> No.22606844

What did the note say?

>> No.22606852

The thesis of the 95 Theses can be summarized as "The Roman Catholic church is trying to cuck God. This is... le BAD "

>> No.22607021

Yeah but overall music is really an agnostic's game

>> No.22607027

He's just from Boston

>> No.22607039

yeah they have no retort

>> No.22607056

We have survived Popes much much gayer

>> No.22607948

Pretty sure only Dickens, Donne, and Kierkegaard are Christians on your list. Twin hated religion, Hegel believed he'd surpassed it, Melville was a god-haunted agnostic, and Faulkner was a complete athiest.

>> No.22607952

Yeah he was a complete non-believer. He hated the Catholic Church but adored Joan of Arc and so didn't lampoon it for her sake.

>> No.22607954

Is it not the divine comedy?

>> No.22607956

for poetry, Dante's Commedia, obviously.
For prose literature maybe Don Quixote or Flanner O'Connor.

>> No.22607960

>George Macdonald
His books are amazing. Phantastes and Lilith are some of my absolute favorites. Princess and the Goblin too.

>> No.22608438

Are you retarded? He does not claim that Protestants or even Christians invented the novel.

>> No.22608603
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>> No.22608625

check 'em