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/lit/ - Literature

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22590744 No.22590744 [Reply] [Original]

Have they contributed anything worthwhile to literature?

>> No.22590747

Dostojevsky mentions latvia a few times idk

>> No.22590753

Lithuania through the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth I guess

>> No.22590778
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I dont know trannysister, has czechia, hungaria, serbia, croatia, moldova, monenegro contributed to literature? Dont answer that, nigger - a rhetorical question. No matter how epic and amazing the literature of these micronations is you wont know about it anyway, because a country of 2 million with its own language isnt going to have an appeal the "international community" or whatever the fuck ZOG bullshit metric you want to use on what a "contribution to literature" even is you fucking brainzapped retarded faggot. Go spend 5 years learning Latvian and reading every novella you can find and tell us. Dumb fuck nigger.

>> No.22590791

Igor so angry he couldn‘t even round out his screech with a few book names. You hate to see it.

>> No.22590802

So fucking based

>> No.22590823

serbia and croatia actually have one of the most underrated literary traditions. this is hidden by

1: yugoslavias tragic and unpopular reputation
2: communist suppression of their literature, just when the world began to become globalized, giving only a few decades of spring, which hasnt been enough for their relatively small populations to cross fertilize across other cultures and stimulate demand for translations
3: nobel and other leftist promotion of onions lit from these countries, which is about as damaging as communist yugoczechoslovakia suppression

>> No.22590852

wtf does this mean, also what’s some good croat lit (not poetry)?

>> No.22590861

ivo andric is really good
not from that region though so i have no idea what else they have

>> No.22590868

he’s bosnian, m8

>> No.22590874

>ivo andric is really good
no this is one of the s oy leftist hacks the nobels and other organizations promote. hes pretty mid t bh.

serbocroat poetry is actually where they peak. you will be able to find them if you really care, as ive mentioned them before, in my posts in the /lit/ archives

>> No.22590881

i literally said _not poetry_ retard

>> No.22590892

i thought he was croat from bosnia idk
i heard mesa selimovic is excellent too

>> No.22590917

>ivo andric is really good
God you’re a fucking moron

>> No.22590937

doesnt matter faggot, its where they peak. appreciate their poetry otw youre not cut out for literature in general

>> No.22590940

i think to make a post that retarded they had to be baiting, but maybe they really are that stupid

>> No.22591006
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>> No.22591020

he’s also bosnian. anon, come on

>> No.22591044
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Robert kurvitz, is Estonian.
Not really /lit/ but without him. There would be no disco elysium

>> No.22591069

Adomas Mickevičius

>> No.22591108
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>Adam Bernard Mickiewicz (Polish pronunciation: [ˈadam mit͡sˈkʲɛvit͡ʂ] ; 24 December 1798 – 26 November 1855) was a Polish poet,

>> No.22591125

> Lithuania, my country, thou art like health; how much thou shouldst be prized only he can learn who has lost thee. To-day thy beauty in all its splendour I see and describe, for I yearn for thee.

>> No.22591143
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>Litwo, Ojczyzno moja! ty jesteś jak zdrowie; Ile cię trzeba cenić, ten tylko się dowie, Kto cię stracił. Dziś piękność twą w całej ozdobie Widzę i opisuję, bo tęsknię po tobie.

>> No.22591243

>ne Tūpakas Šakotis
supisai viską, bbd

>> No.22591333

Stenbock (but: anglophone Swede)
Levinas (but: francophone Jew)

>> No.22591427

Balkan lit gets completely ignored online and because I get all my material online I've pretty much skipped on reading our own literature. I find Ivo kinda meh, but Mesa Selimovic is pretty good, but he'll doompill you quickly. I should, perhaps, read my own literature more, and then maybe it'll get talked about if I get people interested.

>> No.22591917

Gimbutas, Uždavinys and (((Isaiah Berlin)))

>> No.22592079

About to.
This is an international collaboration. U.S. & Latvia
Everything is home cooked. No budget, but sometimes you gotta help each other.

The campaign is called "The Great Fire" on KS

>> No.22592100

Sounds retarded.

>> No.22592220

What’s wrong with Ivo Andric?

>> No.22593355

not nationalistic enough for the serbian internet warriors, regular serbs i spoke to in belgrade love andric

>> No.22593356

Holy Based

>> No.22593442

>countries whose entire populations may as well be a rounding error

>> No.22593444

Had a Latvian migrant teacher in 4th grade. She was adorable.

>> No.22593622

Balts just can't lose.

>> No.22593791
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>> No.22593793

Sacred and Terrible Air was pretty good, too bad there won't be other books to continue the story

>> No.22593815


>> No.22593828

The Kalevala and Kristijonas Donelaitis.

>> No.22593830

Meant to say the Kalevipoeg rather than the Kalevala, obviously.

>> No.22593868

I kneel

>> No.22593889

Nobody fucking speaks or writes in Latvian or Estonian.

>> No.22594007

>not nationalistic enough for the serbian internet warriors
That's not my grudge with him at all. In fact, you are projecting a lot, because if you're going that route you'd know that Bosniaks also have a lot of problems with Ivo. Calling people in the capital cities more regular than outside of it is very ignorant in the case of every country. I just find his writing style off-putting and unable to grab my attention, he's more appealing to an older audience. Ivo helped me understand Bosnia more, since his writing style is pretty descriptive.

>> No.22594031

>In fact, you are projecting a lot, because if you're going that route you'd know that Bosniaks also have a lot of problems with Ivo
Wasn't meant to deflect. To clarify, any writer that looks at something and takes it apart in his writing, showing that the root of hatred is ignorance of one another, will be hated by certain people. He said things that some people from all sides had issues with, which is why some hate him for that, out of insecurity. Nothing to do with exclusively one people or the other.

>> No.22594131

Ignore these posts, anon. It’s only some pooland twats supposedly throwing shades on Lithuania. No care for literature, objectivity or anything else of that sort.

>> No.22594213

Latvian Authors I have read and liked
Alberts Bels
Kristie Ulberga
Zigmund Skujins

Haven't read anything from Estonia or Lithuania but willing to look at the other two Baltic states

>> No.22594257

> regular serbs i spoke to in belgrade love andric
You didn’t talk to anyone, dyel. You spammed this retarded fake anecdote before

>> No.22594394

lol wtf

>> No.22594400
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Were you the cumdumpster for all these “regular serbs in belgrade” since you love telling this story

>> No.22594478

>the root of hatred is ignorance
Might just be one of the most retarded liberal talking points ever. Think of the case of people who have to live in immigrant neighborhoods hating immigrants the most and upper-middle class urbanites in homogenous bourgeois communities loving immigrants despite, or because of never interacting with them.

>> No.22594566


>> No.22594570

Best post in the thread. OP BTFO'd.

>> No.22594618
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>> No.22594648

I am not talking about your issues but really Serbo-Croatian-Bosniak ones.

>> No.22594658

Why would they be any different?

>> No.22594984


Balkans would be based for this alone even if they'd never acquired written language at all.

>> No.22594994


>> No.22595001
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M-my legs, they're moving on their own!

>> No.22595062
File: 946 KB, 1500x2346, poseidonagalva-978-9934-0-6892-8-1 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Alberts Bels
based and /lat/pilled
>Kristie Ulberga
femcel and misery porn
>Zigmund Skujins
The region is provincial AF. On the other hand we're cut off from r*ssia for now, for good.
Therere are some interesting experiments with form, the picrel.
There are several others, like Osvalds Zebris - Briviba tiklos - a neo gogol-ian take. or Svens Kuzmins - Pilsētas šamaņi - "shamans of the city" - a DFW-ish short story collection.
A lot of r*ssian literature of XIX and XX influence.
Give or take, even the occasional gems wouldn't be translated.

>> No.22595140

You think you're smarter than you are.
I am Lithuanian, there is barely anything here.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Forest_of_the_Gods thi one is kinda interesting, but nothing amazing.
Our biggest literary work is Altorių Šešėly ((In) the altar's shadow) which is 3 tomes of a priest trying to resist his urges or some shit like that.
One day I might read it, but probably not.
If you want something closer to our culture, just read Russian authors, they have plenty of amazing literature, even though fuck the country itself. But that's why they have so much good literature.

>> No.22595166

>admits he hasnt even read his nation's (alleged) magnum opus
>confidently proclaims that all of his national literature is dogshit, while likely not even reading more than a few works
Amazing. You need a medal of /litizenship/

>> No.22595174

forest of the gods look interesting, my grandpa was a prisoner at the same camp

>> No.22595194

Well yeah, I guess. Maybe I'd be able to understand it better as an adult now, but we had to do some of it at school and I wasn't impressed.
I am kind of afraid to read it now because if it's actually dogshit, then it's gonna be kinda sad...

>> No.22595197

Viešai pasireiški esąs debilas nežinantis apie ką šneki ir tuo didžiuojiesi. Šaunuolis. Tikras modernus lietuvis.

>> No.22595199

Recommend reading it if you find a translation. Literary it's nothing special, especially I don't know how the translation would be, but it's kinda raw.

>> No.22595205

Nors ir gėda, bet vat nepasikuklinau prisipažinti, kad esu iš tų, kurie nieko gero pasauliui realiai nedavė. Cheers.

>> No.22595209

kek I thought east euro countries were free of this shit

>> No.22595214

Boo hoo blet jobnutas.
Nature is nature, time for us to go.

>> No.22595233


I feel like Bels should be a much more known name I really loved Insomnia's stream of consciousness style. I have Latvian heritage which is why I'm checking out a lot of Latvian authors, I've even been back to the homeland a few years ago, I enjoyed some parts; disliked others the bad parts reminded me of the worst versions of how European and other countries are adopting American culture especially in their modern architecture. It also feels like Latvia is going through an identity crisis after becoming independant from the soviet union and it doesn't know or is confused what it wants to be does it want to become another homogonized globalist hellhole with the worst aspects of American consumer culture, or does it want to go back to being what it was before the Soviets took over.

>> No.22595246

Man tiesiog kažkaip įdomu kokie ratai sukosi galvoje kai nusprendei taip mandrai šikt ant visos lietuviškos literatūros tradicijos nors pats supranti kad tavo žinios yra absoliučiame 0. Ale nieks tvyterije, forchyne ir feisbūke apie ją nekalba tai reiškias visai ne fajer fr fr ong? Toks jau mužikas kad jei negauni pripažinimo iš savo amerikonų tai gyvenimas prasmės neturi? Bent ką pats už savę mąstai ar kažkaip tingi?

>> No.22595275

Duok pavyzdžių geros lietuviškos literatūros. I'll wait.
Nereikia man niekeno pripažinimo. Amerikonų nelabai ką skaičiau kada. Rūsų literatūra, probably, menine verte svarbiausia pasaulyje.
Šiaip ar taip, netrūksta tamstai to lietuviško įžeidumo. Nieks nešika, tiesiog sako, kad nėra ten kažko ypatingo.

>> No.22595287

To add: paimsiu, blet, ir iš principo perskaitysiu dabar Altorių šešėly. Geriau?

>> No.22595289

Latvia is half-Russian and has cheap prostitutes, but not any literature

>> No.22595860

Perdozavęs ant bazuotumo senis

>> No.22595862

Holy based

>> No.22595868

Yeah, I'm thinking based

>> No.22595872

very autistic post desu, why did he write it like that?

>> No.22595925

I like Krleža if you want a Croatian, but Meša Selimović is great if you want a Bosanian/Serb author.
Holy fuck was Death and Dervish good, it literally blew the fuck out of any other existential novel I read. It was the most opressive, most dreary, most dread inspiring book I've ever read, and the only book I love as much as Moby Dick.
Brother, if you know any slavic language go and find a translation of Selimović in that language.

>> No.22595941


>> No.22596047

Family culture in Lithuania is top-tier. That's your strength and is not to be undervalued. Owning one's national culture, big or small, is for overcompensating pseudo-communalists on the one hand and self-pitying Westaboos on the other.

>> No.22596398

the fuck this little nigga even checking?

>> No.22596919

Dubs. Newfag..

>> No.22596920

Kivirähk's "Mees kes teadis ussisõnu" is pretty good but the english translation is shit.

>> No.22597156

O tu šiaip ta "ypatingumą" pagal ką sveri? Čia kažkokios konkrečios kritikos ar savistabos yra tavo tą vertinimą formuojant, ar tiesiog rusų bybius gerkle masažuoji nes Dostojievskis yra privalomas skaitymas /lit/, kas tavo nuožiūra yra aukštesnis prestižo laipsnis nei privalomas skaitymas Lietuvos viešojo mokymo įstaigose? Nes jei kalbant tavo žargonu tai tavo sentimentai yra velniškai "beisik".

>> No.22597246

seems almost impossible to find an english translation

>> No.22597248
File: 10 KB, 225x225, images (22).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Latvia is OK as far as an ethnic state goes.
The only problem - there doesn't exist quality translations of Dosto whatsoever.
I once picked up C&P Latvian translation and it was an insufferable sõy fuel. I had to read the original. The sad thing is that public here is provincials to the extent that they wouldn't teach proper r*ssian literature BC of being eternally salty about s*viet occ*pation. It does not help that the remaing ethnically r*ssian teachers openly show hatred against conjuncture (and Latvian students). Plus, r*ssians here mostly dwell in ghetto commie block cribs meanwhile latvians mostly prefer suburbia and countryside.

>> No.22597389
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So true

Disregard this anon, his recommendation is granny shit from mandatory high school curriculum. It's equivalent of saying that To Kill A Mockingbird is the best American novel.

if you're actually interested OP, my pick for best Lithuanian novel is Vilnius Poker. It's a postmodern about a paranoid schizo chad with a big dong.

Don't know about Latvian lit, but if you're interested in other media, Estonians made Disco Elysium, a very lit game.

>> No.22598865

My recommendation is Imants Ziedonis. Epiphanies are quite fun, ironic poetic prose.

>> No.22599271

Meyer Schapiro's essays on modern art are really good.

>> No.22599290

>It's equivalent of saying that To Kill A Mockingbird is the best American novel.
It is doe

>> No.22600237


>> No.22600356

Lithuanian is the closest modern language to PIE, so in a sense their contribution to literature consists of everything of value that has ever been expressed in language.

>> No.22600410

very retarded view of the world you got there, mister

>> No.22600445

their butthurt towards Russia should be compiled into multiple tomes. Thats about it

>> No.22600451

Nice copium and mental gymnastics, efweqgqerhtautas lmao.

>> No.22600733

ho-ly based, you got some russians seething

>> No.22600735
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Unironically picrel

>> No.22600742

We Lithuanians have so little to brag about we end up saying shit like this KEK. Seriously, is there a nation with less achievements than ours in Europe?

>> No.22600749

This is pretty based honestly

>> No.22600781

Andorra, maybe.

>> No.22602150

we need you in everyone of these dumb threads

>> No.22602629

>comparing Serbia, Czechia and Hungary with Montenegro

>> No.22603063

Least based Baltic citizen

>> No.22603215

You're right, Montenegro gigamogs all of them, it's not even close: >>22594984

>> No.22603658

some muslim hick being annoying for days is not literature

>> No.22603673

Both are ethnically Serbs who lived in the region of Bosnia at the time. They also both self identified as Serbs. There are no Bosnians anon, it's Croats and Serbs living in the region of Bosnia(some Christian, some Muslim so that fucked things up even further).

>> No.22603695

>Have they contributed anything worthwhile to literature?
The thing is, until very recently, everybody from those places who had any education would speak German, Russian or Polish, the actual ethnic Estonian/Latvian/Lithuanian cultures were almost completely rural and pre-literate. That's like asking if West Virginia has produced any great literature. Their literary canons were created in 19th-20th century for explicitly nationalist reasons, any literary merit was a secondary consideration at best, so there's little surprise it's not known abroad.