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File: 54 KB, 288x288, Hyperion-Cantos-Movie-Poster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2259048 No.2259048 [Reply] [Original]

Pick up to 5 characters from any literary source to defeat the shrike.

>They must be human
>You cannot pick Kassad

>> No.2259058

Gandalf the Grey and Gandalf the White and
"Monty Python and the Holy Grail"'s Black Knight and
Benito Mussolini and The Blue Meanie and
Cowboy Curtis and Jambi the Genie
Robocop, the Terminator, Captain Kirk, and Darth Vader
Lo Pan, Superman, every single Power Ranger
Bill S. Preston and Theodore Logan,
Spock, The Rock, Doc Ock, and Hulk Hogan

>> No.2259067


>> No.2259073

That's more than five.

>> No.2259077

eddie kapsbrak
bill denborough
ben hapscombe

>> No.2259078
File: 89 KB, 1062x751, dune_sietch_by_lsgg-d3hyovy.png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Paul Atreides aka Muad'Dib aka Kwisatz Haderach aka Padishah Emperor


>> No.2259079


>> No.2259081

Gregor Samsa, Holden Caulfield, Hal Incandenza, Tao Lin and God from the Bible

>> No.2259082

And most of them aren't even from literary sources

>> No.2259085

Rand Al'Thor from the wheel of time.

Richard Cypher

>> No.2259098

Throw in Harry Potter, Katniss and Bella and you'd have the 5 worst characters in fiction.

>> No.2259101

Perigrin Took, from Lord of the Rings
Sam Fisher, from Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell
Bruce Lee, from that book written by Bruce Lee
Moses, from the Bible
That kid from the Goosebumps book about the mask.

Fuck the Shrike. Overpowered.

>> No.2259109

Anasurimbor "faggot" Khelus
Logen Ninefingers


>> No.2259110

Roland Deschain
the Ubermensch
Conan the Barbarian
HP Lovecraft as himself

They wouldnt win but it would be entertaining

>> No.2259119

>Anasurimbor "faggot" Khelus
>He thinks he can comprehend the Logos!

>> No.2259117

King Arthur with Excalibur
Aragorn with Narsil
El Cid with Tizona
Beowulf with Hrunting
Musashi with a boat oar

>> No.2259123

>Musashi delivers the killing blow

>> No.2259126


This, give Rand the Choeden Kal and we'll see how well the Shrike manipulates time while it's being ripped apart.

>> No.2259128

>b-back that ass up Esmi

Poor Achamian ;_;

You're such a dick, Khellus

>> No.2259168


Eight year old detected

>> No.2259171

Eight year olds, dude.

>> No.2259176

John Goodman's mere presence woiuld increase the power level of any these lists by like a thousandfold

>> No.2259180
File: 411 KB, 1000x667, bear grylls book.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related

>> No.2259192

Ivan Fyodorovich
Dmitry Fyodorovich
Aleksy Fyodorovich
Liza Khokhlakov

>> No.2259194


>> No.2259201

You forgot Usul

>> No.2259208

Neither Aslan nor the Uebermensch are human

>> No.2259207

Rand could rip him apart even without the Choedan Kal, but even with it he can't controll time, so he'd get his fontanelle raped as a baby.

>> No.2259211


Well, he's able to alter the nature of something responsible for driving Time itself. Actually, pretty cool theory I read a while back about if he used Balefire powered with the Choeden Kal to kill someone, I think Lanfear, and completely wipe them out of history, so she'd never have opened the Bore.

>> No.2259226
File: 39 KB, 220x218, 251Celebi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Celebi can also mess wtih time, so along with his homeboys mew, -two, charisard and mudkips they could probably kick som butt.
Oh wait, they're not human.
Well then, I choose 5 pokemon trainers, each with one of those pokémon. U liek?

>> No.2259232

LITERARY son, go take it to /v/

>> No.2259229

Those words you used make me think less of you as a person.

>> No.2259228

I read the first three books. Are the next two worth it? I've heard bad things. Kelmomus or whatever his name is reminds me of fucking Gadzookie.

>> No.2259233

>Hasn't read any pokémon fanfic.

>> No.2259239

Fanfic ain't literary until its been published.

>> No.2259240


The capitalised ones? I apologize. I won't deny, it's the only series I'm an massive fanboy of, and I get a bit overdone at times.

>> No.2259243

Hyperion is one of the most excruciating literary crimes ever written. Seriously, get that shit out of here.

>> No.2259249


He looks human!

>> No.2259252

That's why i always hide my nerdish leanings by feigning i forget names.

>> No.2259265


I tried that with Lanfear, but just went "Fuck it, I know it was her".

>> No.2259267
File: 196 KB, 455x454, Beowulf-kills-grendel.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If by Shrike you mean Dan Simmon's version of Grendel, then the answer is obvious


>> No.2259270


Hyperion isn't too bad I don't think. Fall of Hyperion on the other hand is absolute garbage. "What's that, the real villains are super-intelligent AI who live in hyperspace and have so far managed to manipulate humanity from behind the scenes for generations and have almost total control over every information network? That's okay, let's just get lots and lots of people from around the universe to co-ordinate bombing attacks on all the Hyperspace gates and that'll solve that. Wow, it worked? It's a good thing those super-intelligent AI didn't bother monitoring any communications at all, otherwise that would put a serious hole in our plot-driven conspiracy."