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/lit/ - Literature

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22589097 No.22589097 [Reply] [Original]

What are your 10 favorite books?

List them and get a rec

>> No.22589132

call of the crocodile
titus andronicus
fortnite funnies
the world as will and representation
how to win friends and influence people
confederacy of dunces
the quran

>> No.22589183
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Moby Dick
Mutiny on the Bounty
Book of Job
Book of John
Crime and Punishment
The Temptation of Saint Anthony
The Long Ships
Storm of Steel
Behind the Veil by Fr. Spyridon Bailey
All the Kings Men

>> No.22589211


>> No.22589214

2 Years Before the Mast
Nostromo or Lord Jim

>> No.22589285

she looks fertile and ready for me

>> No.22589290

>The Obscene Bird of Night
>American Psycho
>Flowers for Algernon
>Naked Lunch
>Selected Writings of Antonin Artaud
>Animal Farm
>Blood Meridian
>Justine, or The Misfortunes of Virtue
>As I Lay Dying

>> No.22589298

Les Chants de Maldorer
Froth on the Daydream

>> No.22589362

Good for you for reading Dana, anon. His little work on Cuba's worth checking out as well.

>> No.22590921

what is power
political war
how the world actually works
how to decode, compile and connect informations
logic and critical thinking
everything to know about raising kids

>> No.22590928

oh wait, 2 more.
interpersonal skill frameworks
problem solving

>> No.22590938

Divine Comedy
Faust (1 & 2)
Collected Nathaniel Hawthorne
Collected Edgar Allen Poe
Moby Dick

>> No.22591271
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>Shakespeare chad
Dropped your crown there buddy. Sure hope no slapstick comedy happens as you try and pick it up.

>> No.22591390

I'd be your friend

>> No.22591476
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All Things Are Possible (Shestov)
The Marriage of Heaven and Hell (Blake)
The Aeneid (Vergil)
Collections of Presocratic fragments (McKirahan's Philosophy Before Socrates if I had to choose one)
Sophist or Gorgias (Plato)
Les Chants de Maldoror (Lautreamont)
Dead Souls (Gogol)
The Histories (Herodotus)
Ajax (Sophocles)
Eugene Onegin (Pushkin)
Nice selection, thoughts on Plato's unwritten doctines? Is it bang or bust for understanding Plato's late philosophy?
Based Vergil enjoyer, read Callimachus and Theocritus if you haven't already

>> No.22591491


>> No.22591534

Dune; Pandora's Star; Iliad; Ascendance of a Bookworm; Spice & Wolf; Sadly, Porn; Ender's Shadow; The Saga of Tanya the Evil; The Intelligent Investor; and The Richest Man in Babylon

I'm actually kind of upset with The Last Psychiatrist now because I had to use semicolons as my list separator because he just had to put a comma in his title.

>> No.22591558

naked lunch
moby dick
behead all satans
say nothing
blood meridian
how to eat fried worms
life for sale
hank the cowdog
the sailor who fell from grace with the sea

>> No.22591559
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>Flashman series
>Percy Jackson series (you asked for favorites not best)
>The Sound of Waves
>Spring Snow (currently reading Runaway horses but it would probably end up on this list)
>Based on a True Story by Norm Macdonald
>Moby Dick
>Iliad & Odyssey
>Blood Meridian
>Ernst Junger

>> No.22591561

Don Quixote
war if the worlds
Lord Jim
As I lay dying
Mason & Dixon
Ask the dust
The idiot
The road

>> No.22591562

These threads are always useless because most anons don't have the knowledge to recommend shit based on another's personal taste.

>> No.22591567

you would like Hank the Cowdog: Murder in the Middle Pasture

>> No.22591572


>> No.22591579

no one actually wants recommendations, they want someone to say "wow, you have great taste!"

>> No.22591582

I don't care if you think my taste is good or not. that's kinda gay. what is next? we kiss? we taste each other? no thanks homosexual. although everyone should like Hank the Cowdog.

>> No.22591638

Excuse you. I am patiently waiting for a recommendation.

>> No.22591644

which one are you? on this occasion, as a gesture of goodwill, i will give you 1 (one) recommendation

>> No.22591654

Theocritus at least is on my reading list. I’ve been reading medieval pastoral, however. I’m really loving Andrew Marvell’s poems.

>> No.22591662

recc me

>> No.22591665
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I'm this guy >>22591534
In hindsight I should have attached a picture to my post.

>> No.22591666

Invisible Cities
One Hundred Years of Solitude
The Sailor who Fell from Grace with the Sea
Crime & Punishment
Apocryphal Tales

>> No.22591672

Don’t love it but it’s appropriately middle-high brow if that’s what you were going for

>> No.22591674

i think you would like berlin alexanderplatz

>> No.22591678

as i don't know if you're the other guy or not you also get a rec of the stars my destination

>> No.22591681

At Swim Too Birds- Flann O'brien
The Brothers Karamazov- Dostoyevsky
The Trial- Kafka
Ulysses- Joyce
Cancer Ward- Solzhenitsyn
Murphy- Samuel Beckett
Either/Or- Kierkegaard
Blood Meridian/Suttree- Cormac McCarthy
The Waves- Virgnia Woolf
The Twelfth Night- Shakespeare

>> No.22591700
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Damn that looks like a real banger, thanks anon.

>> No.22591708
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Book of the New Sun
Second Apocalypse
Assassins Apprentice
Song of Ice and Fire
Lord of the Rings
Moby Dick
The Outsider
Tao Te Ching

>> No.22591716


>> No.22591721

Too Loud a Solitude
No Longer Human
The Gnostic Gospels
Story of the Eye
The Broken Sword

>> No.22591864
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>Call of the Crocodile
He doesn't know...

>> No.22591978

I'm half way through Too Loud a Solitude and enjoying it! Thank you anon!

>> No.22592374

I Love Dick by Chris Kraus

>> No.22592426
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In no particular order:
A gentle creature, Dostoevsky
The death of Ivan Ilytch, Tolstoy
The Kiss and other tales, Chekhov
Jakob von Gunten, Walser
The invention of Morel, Bioy Casares
Fictions, Borges
A man asleep, Perec
The Loser, Bernhard
Nobody Nothing Never, Saer
The Extra Flight, Sant'anna

>> No.22592759

Going to out myself & admit I haven't read 10 books (well I read 38 of 40 of the Left Behind series when I was a kid but not counting those)

Started reading this year & so far I've read:

Sophie's World
Norwegian Wood
Blood Meridian
Fear & Loathing in Las Vegas

Didn't like as much:

The road
On the road (dropped for now)

Currently reading:

American Psycho

>> No.22592769

>dyed hair
She's asking for it.

>> No.22592814
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Just finished Aspern Papers and I really liked, maybe it's the fist James' narrative that I truly enjoyed.
Is there other books with a similar theme and style?

>> No.22592827

One Hundred Years of Solitude
Cancer Ward
Anna Karenina
Metro 2033
Doktor Glas

>> No.22592852

>how to eat fried worms

>> No.22592890

>Vincent Van Gogh’s letters
>Leaves of Grass by Whitman
>Henry Miller (most of his oeuvre)
>DH Lawrence (The Rainbow, Sons and Lovers, a bunch of short stories, some essays)
>Essays by Montaigne, Emerson, Thoreau
>Thus Spoke Zarathustra by Nietzsche
>The East (Tao Te Ching, I Ching, Chuang Tzu, Classical Chinese poetry, Bhagavad Gita, Dhammapada, Upanishads)
>Siddhartha by Hesse
>autobiographies of Cellini and Casanova
>The Idiot by Dostoyevsky

>> No.22592909

Samuel Johnson
Probably already read Baudelaire, Rimbaud, and Rilke. Anabais, Racine, The Tin Drum

>> No.22592915

Winesburg, Ohio

>> No.22592988
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Invisible Cities
Tao Te Ching
The Book of Tea
Selected Poems of Ezra Pound
Dreamtigers by Borges
Mason & Dixon
Urn Burial
Selected Non-Fictions of Borges

>> No.22593013

Tell me about Urn Burial. It’s been on my radar for a few months. I’ll think of something to recommend you in the meantime

>> No.22593028

Norman Mailer- Armies of the Night
Dashiell Hammett - Red Harvest
Faulkner - Sound and the Fury
Flannery O'Connor - the complete short stories
Stoker - Dracula
Tom Robbins - Still Life with Woodpecker
Pynchon - Mason and Dixon
Irving - A Prayer for Owen Meany
McCarthy - Child of God
Delillo - Libra

>> No.22593060
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It's a mid-length essay (40ish pages depending on your edition) that is ostensibly about the title practice, but is actually a Renaissance-era Christian scholar's brief tour of the phenomena of burial/burial monuments/cremation/death. The first 3/5 or so are strong prose on those topics (especially the earlier ones), and the last 2/5 or so shift into a pretty beautiful religious take on the relation humanity has to death. The sequence of paragraphs approaching the end are spectacular. The Penguin Great Ideas series carries a version with either only Browne's footnotes or pretty much only those, it comes with Letter to a Friend (a longer piece also related to death), and its seventeenth-century style is unedited (more capital letters, odd spellings, italics, sentences may seem to end in odd places); if you prefer modernized edits, most other editions will suit your desire, and there's an NYRB paperback edition with Religio Medici which I think may be edited.

>> No.22593064 [DELETED] 

Artificial Academy 2 General /aa2g/ #1294b
TRL Edition

Welcome, this general is for the discussion of ILLUSION's Artificial Academy 2.


/aa2g/ Pre-Installed Game, AA2Mini: https://tsukiyo.me/AAA/AA2MiniPPX.xml
AAUnlimited updates: https://github.com/aa2g/AA2Unlimited/releases

AA2Mini Install Guide:
General FAQ:
AAU Guide and Resources (Modules, Tans, Props, Poses, and More):

>Character Cards [Database], now with a list of every NonOC in the megas:

>Mods & More:
Mods for AAU/AA2Mini (ppx format, the mediafire has everything):
/aa2g/ Modding Reference Guide (Slot lists for Hair/Clothes/Faces, List Guides, and More):
Booru: https://aau.booru.org

>HELP! I have a Nvidia card and my game crashes on startup!
Try the dgVoodoo option in the new win10fix settings.
Alternative: Update your AAU and see if it happens again. If so, disable win10fix, enable wined3d and software vertex processing.
>HELP! Required Windows 11 update broke things!
winkey+R -> ms-settings:developers -> Terminal=Windows Console Host

Previous Thread:
what you gonna do bitch pajeet! LOL you a fucking mook and is a useless piece of shit to ever live on the planet Earth. Come on pajeet 4chan mod team.

>> No.22593071


>> No.22593076

A Canticle For Leibowitz
The Dalkey Archive

>> No.22593090

How’s the New Directions one? It’s cheap as hell

>> No.22593242

Afraid I have no experience with that one

>> No.22593525

im cumming

>> No.22593536

Days at the Morisaki Bookshop
The Iliad
The Shards
Brother Alive
Dreams Lie Beneath
Flowers for Algernon
This Is How You Lose the Time War
A River Enchanted
The Greatest Show on Earth
Fire Logic

>> No.22593565

catcher in the rye
crime and punishment
tao te ching
the prophet
wuthering heights
shoe dog
madame bovary
the way of chuang tzu

>> No.22593628

>don quixote
>les miserables
>the story of civilisation
>agatha christie short stories (i prefer them to the novels)
>Euripides Alcestis
>The stranger in the woods
>Zorba the Greek
>the pickwick papers
>the autobiography of Malcom X

>> No.22593729

>ldle thoughts of an idle fellow
>my ántonia
>the sailor who fell from grace with the sea
>the pregrine
>the tartar steppe
>american pastoral
>rendezvous with rama
>diary of a napoleonic foot soldier
solid list. diary of a napoleonic footsoldier is a good one for fans of junger or flashy.

>> No.22593844

In Search of Lost Time
The Waves
Loving - Henry Green
Molloy (or just the Trilogy)
Les Fleurs du Mal
Mason et Dixon
Wuthering Heights
Hymms to the Night
The Sound and The Fury

>> No.22593857

Faust II
History of the Peloponnesian War
Crime & Punishment
Journey to the End of the Night
Consider Phlebas
Citadel of the Autarch
The Sailor Who Fell from Grace with the Sea
The Anabasis of Cyrus

>> No.22593863

crime and punishment
memorabilia xenophon
a time of gifts

>> No.22593865

My Brilliant Friend
Six Characters in Search of an Author

>> No.22593866

I did list C&P already - thanks for the recs though, A Time of Gifts looks excellent and I'll move Memorabilia up my backlog.

>> No.22593878
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Notes from the underground
Crime and punishment
Brave new world
The republic
The metamorphosis
The old man and the sea
A clockwork orange
Lovecraft in general
ASOIAF (yeah, I'm serious, it's just comfy for me.)

I dropped Moby Dick and was thinking of picking it back up, but I have also set my eyes on Ulysses and the Illiad so I'm not sure what to do next.
I don't read a lot lately, I came here yesterday looking for inspiration

>> No.22593881

The Dream of A Ridiculous Man
in our time
Bartleby the Scrivener

>> No.22593886

Yeah, short stories are probably a good way to get back in, low commitment, unlikely to be dropped mid way like I did with moby dick

>> No.22593888

those are all good ones 2

>> No.22594796

Saragossa manuscript
Tom Jones
Confederacy of dunces
A Mencken Chrestomathy
King Solomon’s mines
Songs of a dead dreamer and grimescribe
Works of Robert E. Howard
The long ship

The dwarf by Par largkvist
The works of Washington Irving
The golden ass
The stainless steel rat
Mason and dixon
The adventures of Jonathan Corncob
The Escape of Mr. Trimm: His Plight and other Plights by Irvin S. Cobb
Revenger’s tragedy
Under the Volcano
The adventures of Baron Munchausen
The works of Clark Ashton Smith
Never read James but I recommend the pickwick papers
In a lonely place by Karl Edward Wagner
A Mencken Chrestomathy
Roughing it
Melmouth the wanderer
Shorts of Robert e Howard
Why Malcom X? The expeditions of humpry clinker
Captain blood
Bingus dingus and his extra zingus
Empty is the world
The adventures of tomcat murr

>> No.22594824

The Castle
The Man Without Qualities
Kolyma Stories
The Notebook trilogy
The Woman in the Dunes
War & War
Gravity's Rainbow
Gormenghast(all of it)

>> No.22594829
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This is my top 25

>> No.22594845


>> No.22594968


I’ve been meaning to read him for some time so this motivates me some

>> No.22595042

- GR
- The Stranger (Camus)
- Shantytown
- The Idiot
- TCoL49
- A Clockwork Orange
- Song of Songs (idk if OT books count)
- MA's Meditations
- Of Mice and Men
- Moby DIck

>> No.22595047

if SoS is no good then Absalom, Absalom!

>> No.22595070
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American Psycho
The Metamorphosis
The Stranger
The Iliad
Little Boy
Childhood's End
Golden Son
Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?

>> No.22595830

i like what i like why would i list them in a top 5 to top 10 ranking system seems arbitrary and stupid am i trying to impress someone? no thats all this is just people going around hip little bars talking to hip little people showingoff what they know its tiresome and high school behaviour

>> No.22595934

>The adventures of Jonathan Corncob
This sounds hilarious
>diary of a napoleonic footsoldier
Sounds interesting

Wtf I actually got good suggestions

>> No.22596721

Unfamiliar with Roughing It but will look into it, thanks!

>> No.22596923

A Thousand and one night
lord of the rings
logan`s run
a clockword orange
the bible
Turner Diaries (not memeing i actually found it fun)
The Godfather
The Hobbit

>> No.22596936

The maimed
Huckleberry finn
Absalom absalom
The sound and the fury
The republic
Crime and punishment
Chronicle of the death foretold
Running in the family

>> No.22596945

holy shit, actual bookworm on /lit/

>> No.22596954

>Ascendance of a Bookworm
>Spice & Wolf
You'll actually love this,
Also go read Watts Zimmerman [1978] and follow the breadcrumb trail. I also reccomend that you read up the Basal frameworks https://www.bis.org/publ/bcbs107.htm
i bet you'll love it.

>> No.22596962

The Trial
A Hero of Our Time
Young Törless
Dead Souls
The Great Gatsby
The Sorcerer's Apprentice
Tiger at the Gates
From the Reminiscences of Private Ivanov and Other Stories

>> No.22596963

Anything by Borges

>> No.22596964

If you like the Iliad you'll probably like Statius's Thebaid

>> No.22597173

Lord of the rings
Anna karenina
Dorian gray
Pride and prejudice
One hundred years of solitude
Murder on the orient express
Wuthering heights

>> No.22597180

The Savage Detectives
Crime and Punishment

>> No.22597448
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No particular order
1.The Holy Bible(KJV)
2.Moby Dick
3.Lord of the Rings
4.At the Mountains of Madness
6.Book of the New Sun
7.Blood Meridian
8.Le Morte de Arthur
9.Secret Teachings of All Ages

>> No.22597770

The Phenomenology of Spirit
Critique of Pure Reason
Being and Time
Being and Nothingness
Being and Event
Difference and Repetition
Thus Spoke Zarathustra
Less Than Nothing
Finnegans Wake

>> No.22598550

Giambattista Vico's Scienza Nuova

>> No.22599567
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HG Wells - The Scientific Romances
Shaw - Plays and Prefaces, but especially Major Barbara
The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle

Neville Goddard - The Power of Imagination
Virginia Woolf - Diaries
Witold Gombrowicz - Diaries

Thomas - The Golden Oecumene trilogy
Colin Wilson - The Occult Trilogy
Beckett - The Trilogy

Paradise Lost

>> No.22599592

John C. Wright - The Golden Oecumene trilogy

But while we're at it:

Henri de Montherlant: The Girls

Julius Evola; The Doctrine of Awakening; The Yoga of Power

>> No.22600496

>To Cuba and Back
I actually have that book (or had it). I don't think I finished it, but not because it was bad, but because I started it before I had time to read it. IIRC, I think I got about 1/3 through it. I remember the prison and the sugar plantation.

Anyway, didn't realize it was the same author as 2YBTM, which I have not write, but know as a well acknowledged classic. Guess I'll have to read them both now.

>> No.22600893

>Moby Dick
>The Secret History
>Butcher's Crossing
>Master and Margarita
>The Sheltering Sky
>The Stranger
>The Story of the Eye

>> No.22600902

1. On The Origin Of Language
2. Civilization And It’s Discontents
3. Meister Eckharts Sermons
4. Ancient Rhetoric
5. Political Demonology
6. Naturalism And Religion
7. Deschooling Society
8. Community And Society
9. Concept Of The Political
10. Revolt Of The Masses

>> No.22600905

Moby Dick is worth finishing. It's obviously a bit of a slog throughout the middle, and loaded with whale facts people complain about all the time, but the last third of the book is genuinely the most beautiful prose I've ever read and solidifies the book as one of the greatest for me. It's the kind of novel that sits with you forever once you read it. I'd say set aside some time every day or so to read it, even just 10 or 20 pages and you won't regret it.

>> No.22600910

is this bait

>> No.22600915

>how to eat fried worms
U vill eat ze bugz

>> No.22600980

>Mere Christianity
>The Screwtape Letters
>Catch 22

>> No.22601048

I do not read. I surf all of the boards daily in search for OPs with women that I would marry and give a verdict. I would marry and have children with the woman posted by OP. /mlp/ next, God help me but someone has to do the dirty jobs.

>> No.22602559


>> No.22602856
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Book of the New Sun
A Scanner Darkly
Decline of the West
Sailor Who Fell From Grace
The Golden Bough
De Miseria Condicionis Humane
Brave New World
The Metamorphosis of Plants
Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep

>> No.22603328

Gravitys Rainbow
lovecraft Stories
under the sign of scorpio (judeomasonic redpill)
flashman series
History of central banking
The smoky god
The once and future king
thus spake zarathustra

>> No.22603479

Some nice selections. Blood meridian based on your image of the leonids meteor shower.