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22588325 No.22588325 [Reply] [Original]

Books for somebody who wants a religious experience, but know deep down in his heart religion is mostly bullshit made up by opportunists

>> No.22588331

Any good structured meditation book.
The Mind Illuminated
Mastering the Core Teachings of the Buddha

>> No.22588332

Pauwels/Bergier, The Morning of the Magicians

"A Glimpse of Truth," in Views from the Real World, Gurdjieff


>> No.22588374

Blackwell Companion to Natural Theology

>> No.22588375

Rene Girard

>> No.22588384

Spirituality is entirely fake until you make it real. It's not the map of a territory, it's a blueprint.

>> No.22588402
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Tao Te Ching if you're not looking for a challenge.
Spinoza's Ethics if you're okay with being confused until reading and pondering it whole.

>> No.22588426
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>religion is mostly bullshit made up by opportunists

I cant help but cringe when people say shit like this. You do realize religion was a fundamental aspect of the human experience up until like 100 years ago right?

Surely your heart (which has been brought up in an incredibly vain and gay world, and knows nothing else) has the real answer, and knows more than ALL of our ancestors and great people of history.

I am not trying to put you down or anything either, just trying to let you know that just because you "feel it in muh heart bros", that doesn't mean anything and you need to stop being so trusting of what your "heart" or "brain" says because we live in the societal equivalent of TV static.

all of these suggestions are not going to help you one bit. Maybe reading The Bible would help, but I feel like before you even get to that point you need to lift the veil that has been placed over your eyes.

>> No.22588442

Iain McGilchrist
The Matter With Things: Our Brains, Our Delusions, and the Unmaking of the World

>> No.22588444
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Saint John of the Cross, Dark Night of the Soul

>> No.22588446

This is gunna sound dumb anon but - get out into nature if you can. Like some wild national park where you can get away from everybody and do some some exploring and thinking in the woods.
I'm not really religious either, but big nature walks can feel spiritual if you're in the right spot in the right mood.

>> No.22588466

You have to work with the material available. Modern people are not the same as people from 100 years ago. And sure, those people were better in some ways, but they were worse in others.

A spirituality that can work with cynicism and even nihilism, without making them the final word, is the way forward.

>> No.22588475

You'd need more than a book. Also seeking spiritual experiences will keep them from you. They happen exclusively as an act of grace.

I suggest that you do as the Lord Jesus Christ says in the Gospels: believe without seeing. Follow the commandments.
Sincerely start to love everyone you encounter in your life, remember God at all times and love him, and with a pure heart pray for everyone, even those who hate you. God will reveal himself to you if you are sincere.

>> No.22588500
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reminder: read it soon. make friends with a kind, well respected professor and approach the text at a moderate pace.

>> No.22588508
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>> No.22588520
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Required reading.

>> No.22588524

Nietzsche, unironically.

>> No.22588845

How can you possibly know that?

>> No.22588956
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Plato’s Phaedo, Symposium and Phaedrus

>> No.22588977



>> No.22589123


>> No.22589856

Reading books on theology actually helped open me up to seeing how faith can be backed by reason rather than blind. Look into Thomism.

>> No.22589861

>a million flies can't be wrong

>> No.22589883
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Do Androids Dream Of Electric Sheep by PKD; unlike in the piece of shit movie adaptation, Deckard has a existential crisis & becomes catatonically demoralized when he realizes the androids he's been killing are consciously indistinguishable from organic human beings, & out of desperation he turns to his wife's techno-religion for guidance

>> No.22589893
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>"Mercer,” Rick said.

>“I am your friend,” the old man said. “But you must go on as if I did not exist. Can you understand that?” He spread empty hands.

>“No,” Rick said. “I can’t understand that. I need help.”

>“How can I save you,” the old man said, “if I can’t save myself?” He smiled. “Don’t you see? There is no salvation.”

>“Then what’s this for?” Rick demanded. “What are you for?”

>“To show you,” Wilbur Mercer said, “that you aren’t alone. I am here with you and always will be. Go and do your task, even though you know it’s wrong.”

>“Why?” Rick said. “Why should I do it? I’ll quit my job and emigrate.”

>The old man said, “You will be required to do wrong no matter where you go. It is the basic condition of life, to be required to violate your own identity. At some time, every creature which lives must do so. It is the ultimate shadow, the defeat of creation; this is the curse at work, the curse that feeds on all life. Everywhere in the universe.”

>> No.22590062

It’s not but good luck in hell, you’ll need it

>> No.22590066

I have that but prefered secondary sources on him

>> No.22590174

Humbling yourself before the unknown and learning from other great minds that have helped others is bullshit?

>> No.22590205

Kierkegaard has some good stuff.

>> No.22590304

That hits hard need to read me some more PKD

>> No.22590314
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im going to fucking eliminate my map for keeps

>> No.22590364

Take 4-5 grams of psychedelic mushrooms. You'll have a religious experience that will change your life. No, I'm not kidding. Yes, I recommend it.

>> No.22591095

There are way more people around now and we are the flies.