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22588105 No.22588105 [Reply] [Original]

I fap to this little Jew like you would not believe. I also have never read the roach story

>> No.22588617

i guess the word can also be a thread, not just a post.

>> No.22588716

I only ever read the roach story, when I was 14

>> No.22588722

There's an anorexia one and a werewolf trying to eat an Arab one

>> No.22588968

As you should. I have an autistic obsession with this guy.

>> No.22589008

aaaah I have to go to work in the morning I'm metamorphooming

>> No.22589011

His eyes are captivating and his work is eerie

>> No.22589319

Just my type of guy!

>> No.22589375

>You do not need to leave your room. Remain sitting at your table and listen. Do not even listen, simply wait, be quiet still and solitary. The world will freely offer itself to you to be unmasked, it has no choice, it will roll in ecstasy at your feet.

>> No.22591065

>right-wingers want to genocide this
This is why most women are left-wing; he is so handsome and cute

>> No.22591280

>right-wingers want to genocide this
National socialism is left wing you imbecile. Also, he wanted everything he ever wrote to be destroyed and I, after reading most of his work, understand that decision.

>> No.22591284

>National socialism is left wing you imbecile.
For fuck's sake, this is such a stupid conservative talking point. The Nazis were economically left and right-wing on all other shit. But let me guess, real fascism has never been tried

>> No.22591357

>real fascism has never been tried
Some form of fascism was in the roots of the creation of every nation and every successful societal movement in history, even before it was even called that. The danger of fascism is that it's so effective, so it's cathastrophic when a faulty ideology uses it. Sadly, usually the people that don't know what they're doing tend to behave fascistic. Ironically, one example is the current antifa movement in western countries. Current antifa is more like: Fascistic anti-racist movement.

>> No.22591377

I agree
But if we are going to define fascism as violent organized authoritarianism then basically any left-wing ideology, including neo-liberalism in its end stages could be labelled fascistic

>> No.22591384

By definition its third position

>> No.22591388

That's a good definition; I also use Mussolini's definition of corporations teaming up with the government like Antifa.

>> No.22591484

Femoid here; we love him because he is beautiful, mysterious and has anorexia not because he was some kind of genius
He hits the same instinct as girls like Rachael from Blade Runner do in males

>> No.22591527

I still seethe about his turn towards religion.

Not a Natsoc but
The Jew in exile is the only authentic Jew. We love the Jew for his neuroticism and for his failures. A failed Jew resembles therefor he is the personification of the tragic sense of life for us. Every individual lonely Jew in exile is my brother in misery.

>not because he was some kind of genius
Kek, predictable whore.

>> No.22591603

>Not a NatSoc
>Wants Jews to be tragic and thinks sadness is their entire way of life
At least the girl loves him

>> No.22592350

Small dark and doe-eyed
It's weird he had hang ups about having sex and visited a brothel, he was the rare kind that women would actually prefer as a virgin

>> No.22592370

The Castle is the funniest shit I've ever read