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File: 369 KB, 582x385, hamas2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22587093 No.22587093 [Reply] [Original]

"you have to be a nietzschean overman raping and pilaging.......NO NOT LIKE THAT"

was bapism just killed in the crib by muslims?

>> No.22587102

My values are laudatory only when I or my functionaries pursue them. When you or my other enemies act as I do, it is barbarism.

>> No.22587106

don't think about it too deeply, goy
thinking is the preserve of the Jews

>> No.22587108

What crib? This old queen has been peddling gay cope since like 2014.

>> No.22587111

mooslims do not matter

>> No.22587112

Why do they pretend their opinions matter?

>> No.22587127
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>> No.22587138

he was talking about and addressing whites

he wants the whites to go around raping and pillaging (or attempting to) because that will make them look bad and it's another step in their subversion

BAP is enemy

>> No.22587140
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>> No.22588927

I don't know what the Bronze Age mindset is. Are we just talking about social darwinism? Because gang warfare doesn't debunk it at all.

>> No.22588940

By definition you can't be a nietzschean overman if you're not white. So they Hamas didn't debunk shit.

>> No.22588947
File: 63 KB, 1158x413, coping and sneeding.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>violence and pillage is good, bronze age barbarians and sea people heckin' rock dude
>muslims pillage and destroy

>> No.22588957

Ah, he's talking about pirates but doesn't want to use the word pirate because it reveals that he's playing like a child. He's not wrong that pirates are cooler than Hamas.

>> No.22589026

How did it debunk it? Jews are superior. He talks about capturing 3rd world african shitholes not an already thriving place.

>> No.22589067

Palestinians only exist because Israel allows them to.
If Israel wanted, they could simply drop an atomic bomb (a little one, similar to the ones used in Japan) and that would be literally it.
The only reason they don't do it is that Israel is afraid of harming its diplomatic relationships with the UN and such. Basically P.R.
If your nation only exists for P.R. reasons, then it has nothing to do with overman, it's quite a clear example of slave morality, the morality of the priest who is a master at convincing others through mere words. Palestine is shielded by U.N. priests, nothing else.
It's like when your girlfriend's little cat attacks you and bites/scratches your arm. Sure, he harmed you, maybe he even made you bleed, but you still don't punch it or anything, because you know she will get mad at you for it. Calling Palestinians the ubermensch in their fight against the Israeli is like calling her little cat the uberanimal in his fight against you.
Not to mention they're not even attacking the real Israel, which is the U.S. The little cat is not even scratching your arm, but rather your shirt.

By the way, the U.N. itself is based on Christian morality, and Christ himself was a... Jew.

>> No.22589069

>kikes use pilpul
The entire essence and history of your people is literally summed up by the fact that God told you that you can't do 139 things, and you spent a thousand years finding weasely excuses to still get to do them

All other aspects of your people's behavior can be deduced just by thinking about what this does to a people's psyche over time.

>God: Do not use any mechanical device or tool on the Sabbath
>Jew: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NdbkvJznmwU

>> No.22589075

Did you mean to put all these JIDF talking points in the same post?

>> No.22589088

Kys nazi go back to pol

>> No.22589092

>look up kosherswitch
>the casuistry hole goes even deeper

God says don't work on the sabbath, apparently Jews interpret "work" to be "anything that would be considered work in the Temple" lmao. They are the actual opposite of the Christian idea of the spirit over the letter, they fetishize the letter just so they can bullshit their way out of it. Send these people to an island and ban all ships from getting anywhere near it.

>> No.22589096

Your women are being raped and killed while the “men” sit around in fear. The whole world is laughing at you people. Get wrecked shlomo

>> No.22589102
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>> No.22589103
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No no no, you anons don't understand. The Bronze Age Mindset of pillaging imperial strongholds and stealing foreign enemies ONLY applies to homosexual white men who do nothing but shitpost on Twitter. When it's brown people actually doing it then it doesn't count

>> No.22589108
File: 129 KB, 1162x614, 1678374109049697.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see. Thank you for clearing this up for me.

>> No.22589124
File: 163 KB, 800x1068, 800px-Nietzsche1882.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Man represents no progress over the animal: the civilized tenderfoot is an abortion compared to the Arab and Corsican; the Chinese is a more successful type, namely more durable, than the European.

>Fear and Intelligence.—If that which is now expressly maintained is true, viz. that the cause of the black pigment of the skin must not be sought in light, might this phenomenon perhaps be the ultimate effect of frequent fits of passion accumulated for century after century (and an afflux of blood under the skin)? while in other and more intelligent races the equally frequent spasms of fear and blanching may have resulted in the white colour of the skin?—For the degree of timidity is the standard by which the intelligence may be measured; and the fact that men give themselves up to blind anger is an indication that their animal nature is still near the surface, and is longing for an opportunity to make its presence felt once more. Thus a brownish-grey would probably be the primitive colour of man—something of the ape and the bear, as is only proper.

>> No.22589140

The problem with that argument is that it says nothing about the behavior or actions of Hamas or Gaza, only of Israel and the "international community" as such. Conversely, while obviously Hamas is not a group with a "bronze age mindset"(it is closer to some weird blend of ethnonationalist and islamist ideologies), cynically exploiting your opponents beliefs for your own gain is perfectly on par for what bronze age groups did.
Basically, there is nothing to this argument other than Hamas having a skill issue about vanquishing Israel, but even then it wouldn't change that their recent operation was actually fairly impressive from a military standpoint.

>> No.22589141

I always knew this nigga wanted the BBC

>> No.22589153

>more pilpul

>> No.22589166

Indeed Nietzsche's overman will be a BBC. Coping rightoids knew this long ago:

>There is a parallel to the fascination exerted by negro ‘culture,’ in the terms described by Mailer, in the effect of the message of Friedrich Nietzsche at the turn of the century. The starting point is the same concern with shattering fossilized conformity through the immediate awareness of vital and existential facts; but what confusion, what degradation, if the negro, as seen today with jazz and the sexual orgasm, is placed on the pedestal of the ‘Superman’!”

>> No.22589171

Good thing its all a crock of bullocks in the mind of a confused German homo. Many such cases.

>> No.22589210

How’s 5th grade going kiddo

>> No.22589233

I've slowly crept toward this unironically
I'm just so tired of being the only group trying to be consistent

>> No.22589248
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Nietzsche knew

>> No.22589253

BAP is a blockhead...but truthfully, these men are not the path to the superman, they shout "Allahu Akbar", these are not the words of the superman, they sacrifice themselves for a slave morality and an illusory Hinterwelt. They use themselves as cannon fodder for some great cause, what is this but the mortification of the self?

>> No.22589257

And neither is right or wrong cause it doesn't matter either way since it's all madeup bullshit lmao crazy dude

>> No.22589258

>trying to be consistent

>> No.22589262

people like you have never even read nietzsche as you have nothing to say about >>22589124

>> No.22589264

Source it, Moses.

>> No.22589272

they're actually doing things while you masturbate every time you type 'slave morality' on a schizophrenic indonesian coffee forum

>> No.22589278

How would that be a debunking? Because people he doesn't align with did what he said he thinks is good to do? That's a btfo not a debunk.

>> No.22589288

dionysian niggas

>> No.22589294

x,y coordinates on three planes
the intersection is the point
mutually exclusive binary ideas
to filter binary minds is the point

>> No.22589341

Nice psyop. Black people don't even read philosophy, so they're incapable of evolving to the level of human, let alone overman.

>> No.22589366

Leftoids really think they got something here huh

>> No.22589372
File: 1.20 MB, 630x1036, hi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Black people don't even read philosophy
Bop is for blacks... get with the program

>> No.22589380

why read when you can grasp the concept of the overman intuitively?

>> No.22589397

How divorced from reality you are.

>> No.22589400

Like the Canadian Parliment?

>> No.22589408

>is disproven by a cursory glance at the timid black bear and the mighty polar bear

>> No.22589415
File: 315 KB, 2048x1536, sn-polarbearsh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

polar bears are blakkk-skinned, honky

>> No.22589420

>chimps out and kills a bunch of women at a concert
>entire civilization gets glassed in a couple weeks

>> No.22589426

Oh no! I guess Jews on twitter are mad

>> No.22589428

>grasping concepts
>without reading

>> No.22589429

Nietzsche loved Islam. He was very critical of the idea of an afterlife in Islam as opposed to eternal return but the ethos he considered much more masculine than Christianity

>> No.22589431

When Muslims say they are a "slave to Allah" the implicit subtext is that they are slaves to nobody else.

Compare this to most Westerners who consider themselves free thinking nihilist nonconformists but balk at the thought of killing or dying for any cause and are willing to work like dogs for scraps of paper.

I know you're probably going to ignore this, but just look at the form and function of any mosque in the world. It contains no chairs, no pulpit, no man is held above another save for the beauty of his voice during the call to prayer. No graven images of "great" men adorn its walls. Then look at the function of a mosque: it is at once a town square, a courthouse, a well trained militia, a resting place for travalers, and a center for distributing alms. It accomplishes all of this outside of the state, or any other worldly power, and forms a network of autonomous, self organizing polities that is spread around the world.

How is that a slave morality? Doesn't slave morality require, by definition, masters? If a Muslim says "there is no God but Allah" is that a declaration of slavery or of absolute freedom? If you have eyes and ears then consider the facts and judge for yourself.

>> No.22589435

do you know what intuition is?

>> No.22589439

Do you know what a concept is? No one who hasn't read Nietzsche's books can grasp one of his concepts. Besides, blacks don't do anything besides act like apes, which were considered inferior to humans in TSZ.

>> No.22589438

Jewish lies. Only a subversive sophist could pluck a polar bear and proclaim "behold a moor"!

>> No.22589448
File: 44 KB, 947x337, gay academic larp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Goy, violence and killing people are cool. You're gay if you disagree
>Jews get gotten

>> No.22589467

You could burn the sealed envelope with this man's 23andme results in front of me and I would still be able to tell you with 100% certainty that he's a Jew simply based on the fact that he promoted something for years and then as soon as it didn't benefit him made excuses for how this instance doesn't count

>> No.22589471

>no one who hasn't read pythagoras can grasp any of his concepts
honky intelligence on display here

>> No.22589477

Blacks are apes. They don't understand high culture, which the overman stands above.

>> No.22589486


>> No.22589490

>>Man represents no progress over the animal: the civilized tenderfoot is an abortion compared to the Arab and Corsican; the Chinese is a more successful type, namely more durable, than the European.
Umm... westbros? what did Nietzschink mean by this?

>> No.22589491

Where did he make a post saying he stands with Israel? Everything I've seen by his people basically says they don't want to be on the side of Jewish faggots or Nigger Maoists, which is reasonable.

>> No.22589495


>> No.22589496
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Swords? Hand to hand combat a la Achilles and Hector? Brutal duels?
Nah, BAP is a bugman who fantasizes about air machines killing those HORRIBLE war criminals.
Quite the revealing (((soiboi))) moment for the 'Bronze Age' movement.

>> No.22589505

And what group would that be?
Because why not? Its like asking why honesty is good?

>> No.22589506

its based how he regularly calls various ethnic groups fake regularly tho (its true)
although he might not understand that hamas is pan-islamist rather than ethno-nationalist

>> No.22589510

makes sense since he's a neocon frauding as a fascist
fake fuck with no fangs

>> No.22589514
File: 463 KB, 954x718, super based neutral guy tweet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a based neutralist, goys. Trust me! I have no reason to dislike what's going on.

>> No.22589520
File: 172 KB, 720x1130, Screenshot_20231011_052132.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he blocked me so i cant follow his gaza war commentary
wat means?

>> No.22589523

Niggers rising up to decolonize is the basis of racial maoism. There's 0 reason you should be supporting scheming kikes or 70iq shitskins if you're a white man. The cleavage this causes between Jews and their golems in the West is only good for us and there's no reason not to sit back and relax while two groups of subhuman enemies tear each other apart.

>> No.22589525

Bad goy

>> No.22589527

wouldn't a neocon want to support israel?

>> No.22589533

BAP & Pakidemic Agent are the two biggest goy-shufflers around on dissident right twatter.

Who's a worthy 3rd candidate for this role?

>> No.22589539

2nd City Homocrat

>> No.22589540

calling all rebellions maoist is stupid
were the arabs who killed their white mamluke masters maoists too?

>> No.22589544

It’s a persona designed to sell. There is a big difference imaginary, theory, and reality. Shit can get real real quick. Idealism vs reality. The starving artist, the mountain man, the soldier who’s seen a lot of combat are archetypes that many idealize but also back off of when faced with the reality of them.

>> No.22589547

Is he not old enough to remember the Iraq War?

>> No.22589551

Look, anyone who his active on Twitter isn’t worth listening to. It’s that simple.

>> No.22589552

It's very (((wild))) that a gay academic who spent the entirety of their youth in classrooms while actual war was going on would glorify murder, drugs and bloodshed.
Odd case.

>> No.22589561

Does he do that? I assumed his shtick was likening homoerotic bodybuilding to Greek heroes and that it had nothing to do with murder or drugs.

>> No.22589563

nobody called "all rebellions" maoist so perhaps you replied to the wrong post here? An uprising by 70iq brown subhumans in solidarity with every leftist organization in the West against muh heckin Apartheid in the name of human rights is racial maoism. Why do you care so much about shitskins? An intifada against "colonialism" is exactly what the niggers and spics who whine about BLM and La Raza would do if they could get away with it. This dirty subhuman Muslims are no closer to being your friends than the kikes who push them into Europe.

>> No.22589567

its not maoism dude, they're islamists

>> No.22589570

Refugees are brought in because of a declining workforce across Western nations.

>> No.22589572
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Are you like a double digit IQ or something?

>> No.22589574
File: 75 KB, 1033x391, goy age slop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In addition to gay porn, what frogs should do is become pornographers, drug dealers, mobsters (&c), and by transmutation, make these right wing and le based. It's a great plan!

>> No.22589581

"Maoist" is just a way of mobilizing useful idiots on the right to support Amerikkka's greatest ally because "its just like le heckin cold war I hate brown people so damn much hurrr." The poster you're talking to is either an intelligence asset or chronically insecure about his 80iq and grasping at racist straws to feel better about his own mediocrity.

>> No.22589582

no you are a 85iqlet who has convinced himself that this war has anything to do with 'racial maoism' because the israelis are half a shade lighter than the palestinians.

>> No.22589583

The view of a state as a mere economic zone with interchangeable labor units rather than the realm of a particular peoples with a cohesive ethnic identity was pushed by left-of-center secular Reform Jews as an attempt to alleviate their own Otherness

>> No.22589587

I used to think that, but I think it's getting pretty obvious they're importing cannon fodder for WW3 because they realized, some 20+ years ago, that no draft will work unless you incentivise it with something like legal papers/immense improvement of the standard of living, and you can't offer whites in the developed nations that.
I mean, never suspect their retardation, since they run this shit. Anyone could tell niggers and such will never actually be (biologically) capable of replacing the white population inside white countries, but they're more than capable of replacing them on the battlefield as fodder.
Or I went full schizo, time will tell.

>> No.22589588

I don't think you're equipped to have this conversation if you're equating race with skin color.

>> No.22589590

its a war between semites cmon

>> No.22589593

Maoism isn't really a great descriptor at all of how USG mobilizes people to support Israel. Israel mostly functions as a release valve for nationalist and nativist feelings that White Americans would otherwise be feeling for themselves. Instead they experience these impulses vicariously through Zionism in a safe and state-approved way rather than in a way that would lead them to advocate for their own ethnic interests.

>> No.22589594

>palestinians and israeli jews are different races
that's enough internet for you, unironically go outside
Also the kikes aren't "colonizing" Palestine, they're fucking occupying it you pilpuling subhuman

>> No.22589598

It's just capitalism

>> No.22589599

If this is your view why would you support either side?

>> No.22589601

>no you're not supposed to point out who actually did what just like blame some abstract idea lol and pretend humans don't have agency

>> No.22589605

Israel is our greatest ally.

>> No.22589606

Your conspiracies are just founded on a lack of understanding of how capitalism works.

>> No.22589610

jewry is powerful and dangerius to Europeans
palis not so much

>> No.22589614

No reason for a White man to care about dead Jews or Arabs.

>> No.22589618

Because my country also has a part of it's territory under the (((USA))) occupation, so solidarity and/or empathy for the most part.

>> No.22589620

Nothing I've said is conspiratorial. You're blaming everything on safe, narrative-approved abstract ideas because it's inoffensive towards any actual person. Pointing out who actually did what and why is good.

>> No.22589622

Oh well I'm speaking from the perspective of White Americans, not from the perspective of the brown masses.

>> No.22589624

are you retarded? they're racially similar but unequally powerful

>> No.22589630

This is not a literature thread. You are literally talking about current events. Shoo fags, don’t bother me

>> No.22589631

aren't you a baptard
fundamentally jewish

>> No.22589632

>"White" american
>not a mutt
A hearty kek

>> No.22589633

>not supporting Israel is Jewish
bad take

>> No.22589635

Fair point. I concede to your scathing critique of international zionism.

>> No.22589636

it's some schizo bap dork who follows whatever bap says to the letter

>> No.22589638

Unabashed antisemitism mostly.

>> No.22589640

bronze age jew is jewish hope that helps
gonna cry about muh infant baptism next?

>> No.22589641

I know, I've had my fun with him and I'll stop engaging with him unless he stops with retarded schizo takes.

>> No.22589658

>doubling down that not supporting Israel is Jewish
still not supporting semites muhammad/levi

>> No.22589659

No, I don't give a fuck about Israel. Too bad your e-daddy is jewish and you suck him off like the beggar schizophrenic judeophile you are

>> No.22589661

Decoupling literature from current events is a worse death-blow than a million Rupi Kaurs. Idk why there's a prevailing belief on this board that literature has to be sterile and marginal in order to be taken seriously. Every post itt is the dialogue to a world-historical novel waiting to be written.

>> No.22589664

>Nothing I've said is conspiratorial
Everything you said is. There's no group defending its "otherness," it's just the capitalist structure at work. Not enough workers? Well, government now runs on the economy's fumes, so no choice but to bring refugees in to compensate.

>> No.22589665

>no I dont care about israel you just have to care this war that israel's in!
still not supporting semites muhammad/levi

>> No.22589667

But it’s not. Literature is the contents of books, poems, and such. Not shit you see on the news

>> No.22589670

Who are you quoting, beggar schizophrenic judeophile? Too bad Kiketin isn't your actual friend like others on here - he would be able to come up with a smarter response than this.

>> No.22589672

This is conspiratorial. There's no structure "at work". It's just individuals coping with their own cultural alien-ness by formulating a worldview in which nobody is alien.

>> No.22589674
File: 1.41 MB, 1500x1001, trump-us-israel-1187049715.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Israel mostly functions as a release valve for nationalist and nativist feelings that White Americans would otherwise be feeling for themselves.
There's a lot of that going on. A lot of people who make up the mass base of the American right also have psychological trouble feeling nationalistic about America right now because the Democrats are in power, but all those desires of power, conquest and revenge never went away, they were repressed, and now have an outlet in sublimated form. Their absolute hysteria at the moment is even more vulgar and dishonest than it could even be for their native country.

>> No.22589676

>This is conspiratorial. There's no structure "at work"
Read Adam Smith

>> No.22589677

>I know, I'll prove to him I don't care about Israel whining about the Jews I hate

>> No.22589678

Several threads in the past 2 months have already exposed Alamariu as a wealthy Jewish Zionist Straussian from a prominent Jewish family connected to the Israeli government. Israel and Jewish superiority are everything that his ideology represents. The only reason he hasn't been more vocally supportive of Israel is because it would undermine his gay persona.

>> No.22589681

Read John Murray Cuddihy

>> No.22589682

Oh, I guess you don't know cozzy boy irl
get gud fag

>> No.22589685

Lol, you don't understand capitalism.

>> No.22589686

I don't know who any of these people are nigger I don't care about your eceleb bullshit

>> No.22589687

Oh, that's one thing I'm quite sure of

>> No.22589689

There you go with the conspiracy talk again.

>> No.22589691

>capitalism is a conspiracy
The only "other" here appears to be you. Please take your inane whining over non-influential religious primates elsewhere.

>> No.22589692

Being obsessed with random people's lives on Twitter isn't the own you think it is

>> No.22589695

>no maaaaannnnn you don't get it like it's just the system doing it maaaaaannnn it allllll just cooordinates together in my theory
Yeah that's a conspiracy theory

>> No.22589696

I am them. How maek u feel?

>> No.22589697
File: 183 KB, 479x595, 689406956.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to surprise everyone and point out there is a Maoist group in the Palestinian militant coalition called the DFLP (Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine). Fairly small in comparison to Hamas of course but it's a thing. You can usually spot them by the red headbands in comparison to Hamas' green headbands:

>> No.22589701
File: 624 KB, 1131x909, totally normal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Costin couldn't help the tribal side emerge, then due to major blowback had to retreat to a halfassed 'both sides don't matter'
Nig is a fucking joke

>> No.22589705

Not enough workers? Import more. It's not a difficult concept and it doesn't require Sith Lord Jews from Outer Space to happen.

>> No.22589711

Not sure who you're replying to because it has nothing to do with anything I've said?

>> No.22589717

>Sith Lord Jews from Outer Space
>left-of-center secular Reform Jews [alleviating] their Otherness
Same bullshit.

>> No.22589726

>conspiracy theorist thinks accomplished Jewish intellectuals are sith lords from outer space
you said it not me

>> No.22589731

No, you said it. National and supranational economies aren't regulated by specific groups like this. It's a very complex and volatile machine with tons of moving parts.

>> No.22589733

How would you feel if you didn't have breakfast this morning?

>> No.22589795

This is completely bogus. Israel would never drop an atomic bomb on Palestine because it would result in an immediate war with all her neighbors that America wouldn’t get involved in. Israel’s barometer is not international law (which it totally ignores) but how far it can go and be assured of total American support

>> No.22589855

he's posted genetic proof of him being a jew

literal nigger cope invented by jews. Nordics have the largest penises on average, and are also the strongest by far.

more shitskin cope. people idolized islam at the time because they didn't know that in reality 99.9% of muslims are mindless chimps

based. bap is a literal jew shill/controlled opposition, pakidemic agent is an admitted grifter who makes boring shit-tier content, plus he's an anti-white sandnigger.

>> No.22589858

low IQ boomer-tier take. the fact you call them refugees instantly betrays the fact that you have no idea what the fuck you are even talking about

>> No.22589862

90 IQ take

any retard hog dyke in college would come to the same conclusion

lurk more

most of the US in terms of geography is extremely white. quit coping because you have shit-coloured skin and live in a toilet city full of other stinky brown monkeys.

>> No.22589871

you're only seeing a tiny fraction of the picture, because that's all your leftist-influenced pea-brain can see. your schema doesn't account for the virulent anti-White garbage pushed across the West, nor does it account for the fact that Western governments encourage the White population to not have children through anti-white, anti-human ideologies.

>> No.22589876

Whites should just sort their countries out then take over Israel and make the jews and muslims share the area. Whites would run it best.

>> No.22589877

nice bluepilled midwit dyke take

do you have blue hair and go to starbucks like a fat hog?

>> No.22589878

they should deport the tribe to madagascar like originally planned

>> No.22589899
File: 33 KB, 500x483, 1684460279865059.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any 3rd worlders taking sides for palestine or israel in the West should immediately be deported so they can go fight for the cause instead of bringing their stupid 3rd worlder monkey issues to the West

these toilet people are already a plague on our civilization as it is, we don't need more of you chimps clogging up the streets whining in your monkey language waving your poo flags

there are new videos almost every day of lone Whites being surrounded by gangs of shitskinned 3rd worlders and beaten for no reason or killed, and the media ignores it or gaslights the populace claiming browns are victims. i'm not concerned with your 1000 year mutt war. we'll take our countries back at some point at sort your shit out for you after that, and you can keep whining like you always do, because you have nothing else.

>> No.22589906
File: 8 KB, 242x208, bank.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>twitter screencap
lol all this shit is gay
just go to church

>> No.22589920

Vgh anon.... thank you for defending the white race.

I also spend hours a day watching brown people ganging up on whites, or sucker punching whites, or violating the soft pink pussies of our beautiful white sisters, and it's infuriating how Jewish society tries to gaslight us into pretending that it isn't the number one problem in the world. I cant even go outsde without feeling intense anxiety being surrounded by these sinister brown hoards, most days i just stay inside compiling evidence of the ongoing genocide against our people. Every normie I try to talk to about this, their eyes just glaze over. But we will rise again and take back our birthright. Devs Vult!

>> No.22589932

Sounds just like you admit that he's right and browns/blacks are a plague to White people in terms of the violent crime they bring to their countries and the leeching off the taxpayer, but you don't care because you're either brown yourself (lol) or some sort of leftist/tranny subhuman (LMAO).

>> No.22589933
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>anti-White and simping for shitskins on 4chan
just tie the noose and kill yourself already, faggot.

>> No.22589937
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Remember to ask anyone you suspect of being a bad actor whether he thinks Jews should be able to live in, and have influence in, other people's countries.

If you ask this, and their reply is evasive or tries to change the subject or the terms of the question, you've got yourself a slimy little ZOG agent. Then just keep asking him until he folds or starts freaking out. He'll try to disengage and get someone else talking to change the subject, but if that person asks him the same question, he will spontaneously give you his Jew gold.

It's that simple. One question.

>> No.22589938

You think it's funny that innocent white children and elderly people are beaten and raped by 3rd world invaders every other day and the media covers it up? or did you just not know about it?

>> No.22589945

If the media accurately portrayed nonwhite violence/crime and the flooding of our countries with 3rd world garbage, virtually every Westerner would be WN overnight.

>> No.22589952

This is accurate. Remember the basketballer who ran over that dude on the bike?
Never saw that on the news

>> No.22589959

You don't see any of it on even the local news. 4chan, twitter pages and right wing alt media are really the only places you will even find it. Leftists are too cucked and/or clueless to even know about it. Like that faggot journalist who approached some raging nigger in the streets last week at 4am and got stabbed to death for asking him to calm down. His la goblina BLM gf didn't even want to tell the cops about it. These people are mentally disabled, like trannies.

>> No.22589960

Based. I don’t give a fuck about the Middle East or the holy land or their age old beef.

>> No.22589962

I still remember my red/blackpilling moment when some fag on /pol/ spammed like 500 images of specific black on white torture/murder crimes. It was just (verifiable) case after case of "three blacks set this 90 year old grandma on fire and stabbed her in the face 50 times." I looked up the stats and sure enough, white on black is almost nonexistent and black on white is horrific. The rape rate too, and articles about how when you remove blacks from the equation in various statistics, America goes from a third world nation to up there with the top European welfare states.

I don't remember how I started to notice Jews. I guess it was always just obvious that it makes no sense for them to be so overrepresented in all the areas they are. Why would an invasive minority of atheistic cosmopolitans that refuses to farm or work any blue collar jobs, and only wants to work in media, academia, and finance, ever be normal? That's a recipe for disaster. Also Jews are just personally unpleasant once you get wind of a few of their private conversations about non-jews.

>> No.22589966

harsh, but also very true

>> No.22589973

I don't know what you mean "people idolized Islam". That sounds like bullshit to me. Most people considered Islam to be backward and evil

>> No.22589976

I just think a person of any race who spends their time on the internet watching racially charged victim porn is a fucking loser. And yes, I've met plenty of brown people who are the same way. Without exception they were all massive pussies who lacked an internal locus of control.

>> No.22589985
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didn't ask, don't care. shut up.

>> No.22589987
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>> No.22589990
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it was bill whittle what got me

>> No.22589998

>any 3rd worlders
1st worlders too. Arabic semites and jewish semites are the same people, any conflict between those too is the left hand arguing with the right hand. Europeans and anybody non-semitic has no business worrying about this.

>> No.22590011

Friendly reminder that there hasn't been a single video, picture, or evidence at all coming from anywhere to support the claim of "mass rapes". Just bargain bin "LE BARBARIANS ARE DEFILING OUR WOMEN" garbage from every homosexual fascist state

>> No.22590012

i'm referring to the browns rioting and fighting in the streets of london and other western cities. fuck off to your home country with this bullshit. this isn't our problem, but now that we've imported a bunch of 3rd worlders and people with alternate loyalties, i guess it is? diversity is strength though, r-right goys?

>> No.22590014

are you saying jews lie?
do you know where you are, redditor faggot? are you a fucking antifa queer? kek

>> No.22590017
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>are you saying jews lie?
never. jews are known for their fair dealing.

>> No.22590020

Why would you want to be consistent in the first place. Consistency makes no sense. It's like trying to eat every dish with a spoon.

>> No.22590045

Coping pussy bitches
Shitrael would be embarrassed if they "dropped the bomb" by the surrounding Arab militaries, same reason they had to threaten to nuke Euro and ME capitals in '73 for American help after they were getting their shitraeli ass kicked. The last real war they fought they lost, and the 15 years since they've been fighting nothing but children and grandmas. Their survival depends ENTIRELY on their nukes, nobody can touch them because of it. That's why they were willing to assassinate American presidents over their nuclear program. Shitrael doesn't care about international law
Even after this week's embarrassment the "invisible Israel" shit is still around lol.
Really fun to see all the BAPfags expose themselves with this level of coping.
>hehe I am le scheming smart master race man
Shut the fuck up you dumb pussy bitch. You are nothing but a fat stupid coward smashing a keyboard. You know nothing, you are nothing. You cope with your ignorance and impotence through this racist little delusion and brief pleasure it brings.
>do you know where you are, redditor faggot? are you a fucking antifa queer?
I actually just came back to this shithole website after 6 years away from it, thinking now would be a good time to see how far it has fallen in the toilet. Nice to see the fifth asshole munchers of the /pol/trash centipede populate it enough where every board is undisguisable from those braindead faggots. Blah. That's enough for this check in, I can officially never come back now. Yes you fascist bitch, can't wait to blow open your skulls once you rodents start chimping out again.

>> No.22590047
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>nietzschean ubermensch = being a retarded animal
this is why nonwhites and tranny pseuds shouldn't be allowed to use this board

>> No.22590048

I'm as white as they come anon. I'm just not a huge vagina who's scared of getting his ass beat by every brown person I meet.

Whats the real reason you spend so much of your life obsessing over crime statistics anon? Did black kids bully you in hs? Steal your gf? Nordics are among the tallest races, so I'm just trying to understand why you would feel so intimidated by a bunch of swarthy immigrants. Maybe you're not as physically impressive as you pretend to be on the internet? Is it some sort of humiliation thing? We're all anonymous here, help me understand.

>> No.22590050

What kind of coping nigger nonsense is this? Blacks are a net drag on society and commit the vast majority of crimes. Seeing a statistic and acknowledging this is true has nothing to do with fear or "obsession."

>> No.22590053
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>t. pic rel

>> No.22590061
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Lol. You literally have no argument.

>> No.22590063

Shut! It! Down!

>> No.22590064

Drop this cringeworthy, amateurish attempt at psychoanalysis and just admit that you're triggered by racist crime stats. You don't pass btw.

>> No.22590065
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>> No.22590069

>there are new videos almost every day of lone Whites being surrounded by gangs of shitskinned 3rd worlders and beaten for no reason or killed
If you're watching videos every day of this, and selecting for the specific theme of "black man humiliates white man through physically dominating him" idk what to tell you anon. Most heterosexual men don't think about this stuff.

Ah yes, because "shut up! youre browwwwn!" was such a brilliant rebuttle.

>> No.22590072

>doesn't care that violent 3rd worlders are destroying his civilization >refuses to acknowledge race
>claims others are pussies
keep coping boomer-tier retard

>> No.22590074

More dumb pussy bitch coping, Its something so obvious when you spend any time away from this shithole. The amount of retarded loser cope that hinges on racism here is not even funny or shocking, its embarrassing. Something so obvious that can only survive when surrounded by other dumb loser copers
About what I expected. Still even using the same meme pics. Dead site

>> No.22590075

you're an idiot
>its embarrassing

>> No.22590076

>Ah yes, because "shut up! youre browwwwn!" was such a brilliant rebuttle.
You didn't present an argument in the first place you total fucking retard.
>If you're watching videos every day of this, and selecting for the specific theme of "black man humiliates white man through physically dominating him" idk what to tell you anon. Most heterosexual men don't think about this stuff.
Not an argument. Refute>>22589990
or just tie the noose and kill yourself, tranny subhuman.

>> No.22590079
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>> No.22590083

Benchod, sir!

>> No.22590086

>unironic grammar police
Says everything
Yes everybody knows that an Indian's favorite pastime is shitting on Israel! The most intelligent nu4chan posters.
Dead site. Probably speaking to bots

>> No.22590087

Dude you don't pass. People posted data refuting you, and all you can do is impotently post juvenile attacks on character, while you still don't pass as a woman.

>> No.22590091

I think the point is that you're a seething shitskin.

>> No.22590092


>> No.22590096

>If you're watching videos every day of this, and selecting for the specific theme
People are posting hard data tho

How are you not aware of this entry-level redpill that every mexican teenager on /pol/ knows about kek

>> No.22590100

Is there a more awful word in use today?

>> No.22590110


>> No.22590138

i was looking for this fucking jej

>> No.22590154

Anon.... I'm a six feet, 200lb Caucasian male. Spent long periods of time living in the third world and was homeless in the first for a while so I'd meet a lot of refugees, drug addicts, career criminals, etc. They come in all types. Sometimes niggers will try to punk you, but if you know how to carry yourself it's easy to shut that down.

What I don't understand is what drives someone to spend time watching these targeted racial humiliation videos. I see them on rw twitter all the time: "black man VIOLENTLY DESTROYS white grandma" or whatever. It's like some kind of homo-masochistic fixation you people have. When Joshua Luna or Tariq Nasheed post their racially charged pity porn online its rightfully derided as cringe and gay. But you guys have made a whole cottage industry out of it. And then act like you're "triggering the libs" or whatever the fuck. Don't you feel embarrassed for yourselves?

I'm not even a leftist. But you people make it really hard to be openly right wing. Hell, I've been to parties where I'm the only white guy in a sea of blacks, and gone on rants about how maligned Hitler was and he actually made some great points.... and you know something? Mostly they agreed with me.

But for every cool dude out there trying to lay the foundations for a conservative coalition that could actually mobilize politically, there's a half dozen racist pussies like you gooning to their candy-ass humiliation fetish of being beaten up by a bunch of swarthy teenagers. And that's what really pisses me off. It's not that I'm a transwoman maoist sjw, it's that you're an embarrassment to the very cause you claim to represent. A wimpy insecure racist loser that shitcoats everything you come into contact with. If you really care about western civilization hit the gym once in a while so you can walk past an immigration office without pissing youself.

>> No.22590159

>D-Das racist!
you sound like a fucking soiboi

>> No.22590190

Fucking Jews working to gaslight whites itt and that one stupid fuck says that 'Every post itt is the dialogue to a world-historical novel waiting to be written.'. Are whites really destined to be this stupid and cattle-like? I look and find that all of the central BAPists are Jews kvetching and moaning for Israelis as their goy students take notes and spread the message. I wish I could move away from Anglosphere to some bumfuck like Papua New Guinea.

>> No.22590202

you don’t have to pay attention to bronze age pervert or even think about him

>> No.22590203

Yeah i shit on that guy instead

>> No.22590323


Only Jews are allowed to do that, not the goyim. It's exactly the same logic as the Old Testament.

>> No.22590493


>> No.22590502

watch you dont trip over any benches

>> No.22590509

They are the same audience for cuck and IR porn

>> No.22590542

No, they’re not. They don’t work and the states know this.

>> No.22590554

BAPists are going to get killed on sight when shit hits the fan, if they even do try and live the principles of BAM.

It should be pretty clear by now that with the current state of affairs in the west, we aren't going to be able to vote our way out of what's to come. That much is certain. However, what isn't understood by a lot of people still is that we aren't even going to be able to strongman a dictator in to restore order and clear out the rabble. Monarchy cannot replace democracy, it can only replace anarchy.

So, anarchy comes first, regrettably, and will be the inevitable tide that washes over the filth of the world (and, of course, kills off a lot of good people as well, such is its nature). Only then, among the rubble and ruins, can budding communities begin to thrive and some level of monarchy begin to take root.

I'm not an accelerationist and I don't take pleasure in what's to come, but it should be telling that what we currently have is going to crumble no matter what, it's only a matter of when, and not if, and it's wishful thinking that some well-connected sane human being will swoop in and right the ship just before it gets to the point where it may capsize.

>> No.22590557

in that scenario BAPist advice would be counter-intuitive, since family/clan are the only instiutions you can somewhat rely on in anarchic conditions.

>> No.22590655

>le blacks and browns are secretly based and if you care about shitskinned savages invading your country you're actually a cuck!
Holy r3ddit. Take a look at crime stats in any European nation you bluepilled fucking retard. You think i like seeing videos of an irish boy being surrounded and beaten by nigger apes? No, I'm aware of it, and the fact that the media and nobody will talk about, while you simp for niggers like a faggot and not even recognize any issue is the part that is so absurd.

You're not right wing. You're a bad faith leftist, or you may as well be, because ultimately you care more about not appearing racist and attacking others who are than protecting your own people. I don't give a shit it you go to the gym or met le based black people. That isn't the point at all.

>> No.22590663

Nice samefagging, redditor cuck. Go simp for niggers some more as they're shipped in and used as a weapon against civilization.

>> No.22590686
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ok ahmed

>> No.22590783

He never, not once, said anything like that. I‘ll add to the point actually being made and say that the faggot frogposting, the impotent declarations of all the racial vengeance you‘re going to enact, the vigorously newfagged terminology, the feminine sarcastic impulse to create reductions which can easily be torn down, all points to a very sorry picture of what your awareness of the issue has created.

In your example: if you say that you‘re truly in the know of what is going on, why keep exposing yourself to it? There‘s a reason jews spam nigger porn and blacks spam those world star videos or whatever of select instances where they win a fight. Moralization/demoralization is an incredibly potent tool and you do more harm than good if you channel your understanding into breaking your own mind with them. You really need to go to a gym if you can afford it. If not, burpees are a great bodyweight exercise. Just imagine how you‘ll feel if you do ten burpees in the time it would have taken you to watch a White woman get molested on leaked footage.

>> No.22590926

it really reinforces the view of bap as a self-help guru e-daddy when his acolytes offer weightlifting as a solution to every problem

>> No.22591396

so this guy is a meme, right? a joke book to make newfags waste their time? this seems to have replaced the meme trilogy on this board so I am curious

>> No.22591419

i dont find his work interesting personally but hes a pretty creative popularizer of nietzsche tbf.
the book is partly a meme and partly serious.

>> No.22591429

It's entirely spam by a one or two shills. This book has almost never been discussed here organically, like not once. The only time he's ever mentioned here is twitter tourists posting screenshots of his tweets. In the past month the same shill or small handful of shills have been posting threads about him and arguing about Jews being based in them until bump limit.

There's nothing to discuss in the book anyway. It's 2016 alt conservative grifter memeshit, basically a self-published set of substack articles, with a shallow reading of Nietzsche tacked on.

>> No.22591433

Case in point, the shills all sound like they're fresh off the boat from twitter, because they are.

>> No.22591437

>a Nietzsche misinterpreter
that's all I needed to know thanks anon

>> No.22591446

So much for jewish pacifism and humanism, amirite?

>> No.22591457

Cope more

>> No.22591483

Commenting on a direct quote that places browns on a pedestal above whites is coping? Ok Ahmed

>> No.22591487
File: 1.44 MB, 256x172, 1695309578923914.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give me a non meme QRD on bronze age mindset.
From the surface level it looks like a post technology manifesto about larping as conan the barbarian or some shit.

>> No.22591504

its that, plus the accumulated autism of two decades worth of white nationalist forums (thephora, saloforum).
i think the latter makes it rather interesting if you're new to that stuff.

>> No.22591513

>atheism, scientism and materialism are objectively true
>morality is a noble lie
>most people are dysgenic
>the real secret message of nietzsche is that only a eugenic bodybuilding "ironically gay" elite ever thrives in any society, and that societies thrive best when they are led by ironically gay bodybuilders
>you should become this new elite by becoming the ultimate fag bodybuilder, listening to podcasts, and upvoting epic memes on twitter
>you should do it in secret so that the inferior plebs, who don't listen to insider ironically gay bodybuilding podcasts like you, don't get jealous and lynch you
>you should also spread pornography and degeneracy "as a weapon" against the dysgenic hordes
>you should build up a secret cabal of elite ironic fags, not get married or have kids, and be an elitist atheist nihilist who also hates the masses of your own nation (nations are copes, all that matters is being an ironic nihilistic fag)
>take over the government
>world becomes (ironic) fag utopia
tldr it's just peter thiel astroturf to promote nihilism and "individualism" in the guise of elitism/nietzscheanism, they like to appropriate and siphon off other conservative discourses and ideas like spiritual aristocracy (redefined by them as ironic fag bodybuilders on twitter). plus the recent trend of terminally online zoomers constructing their identities around namedropping mishima nietzsche etc (usually without actually reading them).

interesting sociologically as a window into the thiel/zionist natcon group's propaganda machine, and how they plan to coopt "alt right" discourse to prevent it from becoming ethnonationalist. but as philosophy/political commentary very shallow. you'd get a hundred times more out of reading gobineau, chamberlain, stoddard, and many others on the dysgenics front, and just actually reading nietzsche and mishima. also very unfunny and dated gimmick, BAP is basically alt-lite borat.

>> No.22591521

whats funny is that nietzsche didnt really come up with anything much better than this when you break down, except that the gay bodybuilders would be "artists".

>> No.22591528

break it down*

>> No.22591544

1001 goals from Zarathustra you must submit

>> No.22591564

I don‘t like BAP

>> No.22591647

missing the point this hard twitter was a mistake

>> No.22591695

No. Talking about BBC is coping faggot.

>> No.22591720

Than you don’t know what the word coping means lmao. I guess you are brown.

>> No.22591733

BAPism always was just low IQ zarathustra LARP mixed with Gobineau. Nothing more
Just imagine the following:
>south african boers attacking the south african state, massacring nigs and taking war brides, crashing parties with parachutes etc
what do you think the reaction of the baposphere would be besides YASSSSSSSSSSS KAAANG SLAYYYY
but when it's brown barbarians slaughtering jews then it's the "wrong kind" of vitalism, unsuprisingly

>> No.22591742
File: 609 KB, 1816x526, BAP zio.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that BAP is an open zionist and his mission was to make right wingers less antisemitic (he succeeded)

>> No.22591748

>Gradually, I came to hate them.

>> No.22591764

>If Israel wanted
stopped reading there. israel is a haredi-infested shithole that exists solely because of US gibs
Israel is basically an apefreakan country

>> No.22591774

but this does not address anything. dirty brown muslims are more vitalistic and barbarian and life affirming than the western urbanites that bap caters to (himself being a western urbanite academic)

they basically just proved that Bronze Age Mindset is for browns because westerns are neutered cucks. that's all

>> No.22591779

>the Chinese is a more successful type, namely more durable, than the European.
OH NO NO NO NO NO BAPSISTERS..............................

>> No.22591780

My takeaway from this thread is that you're all impotent faggots. Get a life, homos

>> No.22591795

Every white country has a million obstacles (mostly created by foreign invaders) preventing anyone from living “vitalistically.” Try being a warrior-pirate as a white man in America and see what happens.

>> No.22591803

Kek exactly. They clearly do want to wipe them all out and they can’t because they depend on the support of the international community to not get jihaded.

>> No.22591847

>are not the path to the superman
that's not the point of BAP or BAM. that's the point of nietzsche's zarathustra
BAM is all about being an unhinged barbarian pirate against organized state and society

>They use themselves as cannon fodder for some great cause
as did countless bronze age men, dying in a glorious blaze, deified by their people at home

>> No.22591852
File: 514 KB, 592x511, DOMESTICATE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

his wine bar quote was always projection
he loves wine bars

>captcha G0D JWV

>> No.22591861

You're a fucking idiot my dude. Learn some grammar before posting. And stop cucking to BBC faggot.

>> No.22591870

most ethnic groups are entirely real. His on the other hand isn't, he's a mixed mutt
use nitter
i love how his "comeback" to muzzie UNDERGROUND OUTLAW SOCIETIES (MAFIAS) literally attacking israel and kidnapping, raping and slaughtering jews is some jewish soldiers bantering against a palestinian (in the past) and some jewish civilians watching israeli warplanes bomb palestinian civilians (also in the past)
dude is completely buckbroken and seething insanely hard. It's genuinely amusing

>> No.22591885

sounds like whites are just a collectively thoroughly pussified people and are getting what they deserve for being weak bugs

>hes a pretty creative popularizer of nietzsche tbf.
he hasn't popularized nietzsche at all. in fact he has made people NOT read nietzsche and instead read midwit substacks from people who haven't read neetsch either

>> No.22591890

Like 5 retards have said this when the original comment was clearly making fun of Neitzsche for cucking to BBC. Autism or brown rage?

>> No.22591897

Yale PhD, ethnic jew, mentored by literal IDF soldier, IDF intelligence and Israel Lobby founder Sidorsky, middle aged, childless, dates a walled 32 year old woman who has a bodycount greater than prostitutes of the past (she has sucked >100 dicks)
Has no clue about what he writes about besides political history.
Urban bugman, professional grifter, zionist. Does not actually understand Nietzsche because of his multiple emotional complexes.
Got buckbroken by Hamas merking his precious compatriots.
His project is to make right wingers less antisemitic.

That's a quick summary.

>> No.22591901

Nietzsche didn't cuck to BBC though.

>> No.22591911

In his Will to Power Nietzsche says the abolition of slavery was a mistake.

>> No.22591912

Read the quote again

>> No.22591918

>preventing anyone from living “vitalistically.”
no, lol. nobody is stopping you from not be an urban bugman or just migrating
unless you're a zoomer stuck in your basement. in that case sure
>Try being a warrior-pirate as a white man in America and see what happens
america has literal cartels operating in it plus thousands of smaller nigger gangs
what's stopping you?

>> No.22591920

I don’t care about what other schizo thing he said in some other schizo book. Read the quote the other anon posted and tell me its not obviously anti-white and fetishizing blacks.

>> No.22591925

Try joining those as a white man. Better yet, try establishing a white gang and see how quick you are thrown in an unmarked van.

>> No.22591927

You're taking it out of context from his larger intellectual project though.

>> No.22591930

he meant roman slavery of germs :^)

>> No.22591934

>His project is to make right wingers less antisemitic.
This is an effective summary, people should lead with this in describing him from now on.

>> No.22591938

He meant niggers.

>> No.22591940

Every time a Nietzch-cuck gets caught in an obvious inconsistency, they say “its out of context!”
The “context” is you picking the quotes you like and discarding ones you don’t.

>> No.22591943

> I hate you because I have black friends and you don’t
Most retarded shit I’ve read on this site in months

>> No.22591946

No it's reading the entire corpus of Nietzsche before coming to any conclusive judgments. I'm a completionist and I read the entire Western philosophical canon so I would know.

>> No.22591947

oh noes
almost as bad as living in a random village during teh bronze age...

>> No.22591954

but that's what I said

>> No.22591956

Are you retarded? Prison / death is far worse than the life in the bronze age.
I really hate that I have to defend this retarded meme ideology but I can’t let nonsense like this go unchallenged.

>> No.22591964

*Reading the entire corpus and deleting parts you don’t like

Also, major doubt that you actually read it

>> No.22591966

Why do you idiots take this shit seriously enough to even talk about it? This is fantasy pretending to be political theory. No serious person remotely cares about this book or its author.

I swear you just like the eCeleb gossip.

>> No.22591970

At least I don't cuck to niggers.

>> No.22591980

Me: Referring to opportunities that one can milk now compared to being in bumfuck nowhere as a bumfuck nobody in the Bronze Age.
You: Thinking that I'm referring to punishment for misbehaving.

>this retarded meme ideology
Don't feel bad, BAP does not have an ideology. He's a zionist trying to make others dislike jews less.

>> No.22591981

Again, what did I say that was cucking? I said Nietzsche was a homo and his ideas are fake and gay (objective facts). You are the one who thinks blacks are superior to the “weak” whites.

>> No.22591985

>You are the one who thinks blacks are superior to the “weak” whites.
Nope don't think that. Go read the post again. Nigger.

>> No.22591988

Try reading back your posts and see if they make sense to you

>> No.22592019

it does make perfect sense
>just join a gang nigger, there are several running already. or just start your own. Or just don't be an urbanite, you can even gtfo pozmerica
>BUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUT it's hard to actually do that
>almost as bad (hard) as living in the Bronze Age huh?

>> No.22592032

Its not just “hard” to join a gang, its impossible for a white man to do!
Also, theres a difference between something being possible to do, and not having obstacles. Sure, a white guy could abandon his family, his homeland, be hunted by an advanced security state, and become a vitalistic pirate. There are still obstacles there which is obviously one of the reason whites do it less than the palestinians, who are encouraged to join a tribal militia from their birth. Get my point yet?

>> No.22592039

holy fucking shit nigger, can you read what I write? you can just not be a bugman, you don't have to be a literal cartel member. nobody is stopping you
or you can just be a merc and get paid to shoot niggers.
>Get my point yet?
Your point is that it's not easy, my point is that it's easier than it was in the Bronze Age.

>> No.22592046

Your one example of how a Westerner could join in on the “bronze age” was joining a cartel. You are not smart dude.

>> No.22592052

completely moronic

>> No.22592058

the bigger problem is that most whites aren't ethnocentric & uncucked enough to build their own cartels and gangs.
i dont have a solution for this.

>> No.22592068

BAP is the only hope for the future

>> No.22592070

BAP is the only hope for Israel's future

>> No.22592082

I kinda agree, but its partially due to the fact that any ethnocentrism is immediately censored and quashed. There are plenty of people in the West that would join a whites-only community if it was built. There are not many willing to risk their lives building it.

>> No.22592097

true, but the vexing thing is that it's mostly other white cucks (and jews) who will persecute you for having normal levels of ethnocentrism. that's why the entire right wing cause seems pretty hopeless to me, unless you intend to cull or enslave like 80% of your fellow whites.

>> No.22592101

>unless you intend to cull or enslave like 80% of your fellow whites.
BAP literally supports this.

>> No.22592108

Israel’s future has never been better under current policy. You’re either with BAP or you’re fine letting Marxoids get more of a hold and kill your people.

>> No.22592117

>Israel’s future
Israel's Haredi-dominated Arab-majority future*
And yes I am fine with Marxoids holocausting jews.

>> No.22592121

Get rid of the jews and the other gentiles will renormalize. I think most white traitors are just responding to incentives by the people with money and power.
He does which is why he’s an obvious anti-white shill

>> No.22592129
File: 2.68 MB, 1200x1385, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>homosexual white men
Isn't he literally boning Dasha these days

>> No.22592138

he had to wait in line but yes

>> No.22592147
File: 115 KB, 608x490, kek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek bap pussied out and blocked him
what a giant fucking pussy, neurotic like all jews

>> No.22592148

That's literally the best and highest form of life thoughever (for those people, who are the only ones that matter).

The rest can be starving troons and single moms or retarded desert niggers stabbing each other over a bottle of water.

Simple as.

>> No.22592151

Learn English you benchod indian

>> No.22592153

>That's literally the best and highest form of life thoughever
Counterpoint: It isn't found in the Bronze or Iron Ages therefore it isn't. It's just modern Lastmannery decadent escapism masking as Nietzscheanism.

>> No.22592154

Iridescent-throned(1) Aphrodite, deathless
Child of Zeus, wile-weaver, I now implore you,
Don't--I beg you, Lady--with pains and torments
Crush down my spirit,

But before if ever you've heard my pleadings
Then return, as once when you left your father's
Golden(2) house; you yoked to your shining car your
Wing-whirring sparrows;

Skimming down the paths of the sky's bright ether
On they brought you over the earth's black bosom,
Swiftly--then you stood with a sudden brilliance,
Goddess, before me;

Deathless face alight with your smile, you asked me
What I suffered, who was my cause of anguish,
What would ease the pain of my frantic mind, and
Why had I called you

>> No.22592158

Any pro-White content is immediately torn down, all while we're beaten over the head with anti-White propaganda in virtually every form of media.

>> No.22592165

not to those of us who are actually religious in some way. i think its safe to say most ancient aristocrats were religious men too rather than godless aesthetes.

>> No.22592167
File: 3 KB, 206x140, ΤΟΙΧΟΣ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Deathless face
bit too late for that

>> No.22592169

Move to the country. It's 99.9% White, people are openly racist, and you can own land and a house for a reasonable price.

>> No.22592173

Evola rectified Nietzsche.

>> No.22592182

The black and brown man and the Jew really do be keeping the white man down, huh?

>> No.22592194
File: 989 KB, 1057x828, IMG_0777.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whether anyone likes it or not we are returning to the world of antiquity
Meeting it with horror
Meeting it with celebration
It matters not, the fact of the matter remains the same

>> No.22592196
File: 167 KB, 1024x1024, _a255f1b7-c9f2-4e23-9da4-789fe76fc343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is it that BAP gets like 4+ threads a day and they're never removed?

>> No.22592198

BAP is a brown jew so nobody is keeping him down. He has affirmative action in his favor

>> No.22592207

They impede Western civilization and make our countries shittier through violent crime and leeching off the taxpayer. The only reason they're here is for economic reasons, they leave as soon as they find a better economic option. They'll never fight in wars for our countries, they just want handouts from the White man. Fuck em.

>> No.22592212

"western civilization" was killed by westerners themselves
read nietzsche

>> No.22592213

Because he's a controlled opposition jewish grifter?

>> No.22592229

This "great cause" is not glorious...and what is it? They perish foolishly with it on their lips, it is the hope that they might glorify some Good and therefore escape to some illusory beyond-world.

>> No.22592240

I didn't say anything about a "glorious cause", that's your own projection
keep in mind that by your standards, the sea peoples were irrelevant losers who perished foolishly

>> No.22592241

Because he's controlled opposition to turn the goyim into edgy racist queers. There's nothing organic or even interesting about what he's saying, yet somehow he gets shilled relentlessly and has tens of thousands of bot twitter followers. The American deep state doesn't want art, culture, or dialogue, they want buffoons to keep the cattle people from leaving the plantation.

>> No.22592242

I cannot ascertain any great difference between Islam and Christianity, and how could there be? The former is greatly inspired by Judaism and Christianity. Nietzsche could not have seen the state of Islam today.

>> No.22592246

by the way, do you think that a weakling manlet who worships nietzsche and BAM should be spared the mass grave?

>> No.22592256
File: 203 KB, 1024x1024, _a94aba28-f354-4596-a296-538bafdbb808.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't remember if it was 1 week ago or 2, but I was banned off 4chan for 3 days and my thread removed for pointing out BAP had ***5*** posts on /lit/ at a time and each with like 100+ of the same bot-filled posts. /lit/ is modded to bump up the worst content and then bury or remove original posts by real people. Fucking insane times to be living in.

>> No.22592260
File: 53 KB, 414x698, 196b5a40cce6733a250eb76f753d688a4e09e21541d111ecb1c56859a7026790_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this true?

>> No.22592261

he just liked the jihad thing

>> No.22592263

All I know is that tonight, those men do not lay with 72 virgins but with the desert sand

>> No.22592268

as do all the vikings who thought they are going to valhalla

>> No.22592271


>> No.22592280

If a man must have a beyond world, it should be placed at the path to the superman

>> No.22592298

I checked out Karim's feed, he and some of his followers are "communists", and by communism they refer to Stalin and China. They're basically chuds larping as leftists.
>jewish zionists larping as nazis
>fascists larping as leftists
Whatever even is this kind of schizophrenia?

>> No.22592302

1. no such quote in BAM
2. apparently forestniggers and snowniggers didn't place their beyond-world at the path to the superman

>> No.22592303

Cool. That doesn't change the facts I mentioned, shitskin.

>> No.22592309

of course it doesn't. it just means that they are mere manifestations of your own weakness
that's BAP actually.

>> No.22592312

You will never be White, shitskin.

>> No.22592320

I'm European, and BAP isn't. You worship a literal brown jew. Seethe harder tranny

>> No.22592322

So you're saying Whites should just ruthlessly dominate the inferior nonwhites? Holy based.

>> No.22592332

>I'm European
No you aren't. You're an anti-White faggot, calling White people niggers. Plenty of browns in Europe, that certainly doesn't make them European. Fuck BAP.

>> No.22592333

Of course, if the group you consider white can do that.

>> No.22592337

>Plenty of browns in Europe, that certainly doesn't make them European
entirely true, thankfully they're all in germany

>> No.22592348

>the group you consider white
Anti-White faggot. White means ancient Germanic. Whites dominated and conquered most of the world multiple times throughout thousands of years, of course they can do it.

>> No.22592352

No they aren't. They're all over Europe. If you just don't care about that, you may as well be a shitskin. You don't support White people and laugh at their plight, you're a shitskin.

>> No.22592360

You're retarded, I'm Southern European and for some I am White and for others I'm not. I don't care because I base my identity around my actual state and people and not what rootless amerimutts and now increasingly culturally cleansed Western Euros have to rely on to feel some kind of belonging.
Sure, I accept the term White. I am White.
>Whites dominated and conquered most of the world multiple times throughout thousands of years
Recent centuries, but yes entirely correct. (including myself).
>of course they can do it.
Of course they can't (excluding myself).

>> No.22592368

I have never read BAP

>> No.22592371

>If you just don't care about that
Why should I care about people I have nothing in common with besides supra-national proximity (same native subcontinent)? Moreover, why should I care about people that are competition to me? Are you retarded?

I laugh at the plight of the weak because they deserve it. You are a resentful small man.

>> No.22592375

I don't care how you try to rationalize it like a jew. You're a faggot who laughs at the plights of other Europeans, i actually initially suspected you might be a shade or two darker because of this.

>> No.22592377

Isn’t it embarrassing to write stuff like this knowing you have never done anything, violent or otherwise?

>> No.22592386

What am I trying to rationalize anon?
>who laughs at the plights of other Europeans
One of the most European things to do. Are you mad about it?
>i actually initially suspected you might be a shade or two darker because of this
I have never actually met a migrant, brown/muzzie or nig that talks about europeans. they just bitch about gibs at most. It seems that these types of immigrants are a western phenomenon, when they come in contact with western euro culture. Who's fault is that? (there answer is dual)
Did it offend you? Also yes it would be if I didn't train combat sports. (I don't consider street fights as legitimate, everyone can do that with shitty technique and call it "violence")

>> No.22592388

Everyone can train in a sport to you fairy.

>> No.22592389

by this I refer to my own fights btw (they don't count). but it applies to everyone else as well

>> No.22592391

Germany isn't weak. They're a lion being kept down by a swarm of rats. Same with all of Northern and Western Europe. If you actually valued strength and beauty you would want them to overcome their struggles. Instead you're like a kike who doesn't care that his brother's house is being robbed by niggers because he's jealous of him. You realize Southern Europe is also being invaded by shitskin hordes? I wouldn't laugh at that because I'm pro-White and not a shitskin in spirit.

>> No.22592404

Yes. 99,99% of modern men and about 95% of men that have ever lived have not actually done anything violent. That doesn't make you any less incapable of addressing anything I said.

Why do you feel the need to rationalize the weakness of obviously weak people who lost their best men in WW2?
>If you actually valued strength and beauty you would want them to overcome their struggles
Should I support an eugenics program for Liberia too? Yemen perhaps? To make them more strong and beautiful since I value these things?

Aren't you supposed to be smarter than me? But maybe I was wrong.

>> No.22592405

>One of the most European things to do.
No it isn't. Lone European teenagers are swarmed and savagely beaten by gangs of simian invaders and you think it's funny? You're just a piece of shit and a disgrace. You have the mindset of a 3rd worlder.

>> No.22592411

Im not interested in adressing anything else you said as I didn’t read it. I am just laughing at someone who says things like “I pity you weaklings” and yet also admits theyve never actually done anything vitalistic outside of a supervised sporting event

>> No.22592412

>obviously weak people
>almost took over the entire world all on their own after being kneecapped after ww1
You're a fool.

>> No.22592417

No worries mate, I'll burn in hell for my evil nature so you win in the end.

>> No.22592418

>Should I support an eugenics program for Liberia too? Yemen perhaps? To make them more strong and beautiful since I value these things?
Yes, they should have a Nordic aristocracy.

>> No.22592424

You aren't my mate. You're an anti-White child who laughs at the plight of his brothers.

>> No.22592431

Give me a list of all the things you consider vitalistic.
Palestinians are doing some violence right now.

It's also amazing that you think I'm talking about physical weakness. Northern Euros are not physically weak at all, I've seen many. Doesn't make them any less neutered shitlibs that make you cry. You can also ask yourself whether tribal strength is a thing or not.
Too bad these people aren't here with you now as I made clear, coping autist. You're stuck with the niggercattle.
Should I feel bad about niggercattle?

>> No.22592437

Actually this made me think. I entirely support Germans and Swedes, they should be ruled by me and others like me.
My brothers are confined within the brothers of my nation and maybe a few nearby genetically similar countries. You're retarded

>> No.22592447

I mean if you admit that your “strength” and superiority over the weaklings is entirely a mental construct in your head than I guess I agree.

>> No.22592453

Northern Europeans are mentally strong as well. Their entire history is about overcoming adversity. You have a puerile understanding of these people. My Northern European ancestors were in -50 C pioneering unknown continents while savage natives were trying to slaughter them. I think you are mistaking a higher degree of empathy for weakness. One can feel empathy and still overcome it or not indulge in it. One of the main sources of their weakness today comes from the comfort they achieved through success, which has made them lazy and fat and ready to indulge in passions, since they no longer have to compete or fend for themselves. There's also the fact that there has been massive propaganda run against their minds since before either of us were born.

>> No.22592456

My superiority over weaklings comes from the fact that my people aren't nonchalantly committing ethnic suicide.
If you want to talk about physical superiority, I'm taller and more martially able than about 96-97% men in Europe. It's not a hard thing to achieve, but most people don't do it
I don't really get what your point is. A literal 60 IQ pygmy nigger could say the same things I do and they would still be true. You would just find it easier to dismiss them as niggerbabble because you get butthurt when confronting reality so you hide from it.
99% of the people you care about will go extinct because they are too weak to not go extinct. You might be included or not. That's all.

>> No.22592464

>I think you are mistaking a higher degree of empathy over people who hate you while lacking empathy for your own people and culture for weakness
Am I mistaking it?

>Northern Europeans are mentally strong as well
That's my entire point. I admire many of the things other Europeans did. Did.

>> No.22592465

The more purer Nordic Whites make better rulers, they are superior.
>My brothers are confined within the brothers of my nation and maybe a few nearby genetically similar countries. You're retarded
So to you there's no difference between Germans and Somalis? you don't feel any stronger connection to the former over the latter? no shared history, genetics, culture, etc.? that's just objectively false. Europe and the West should be united under a new Holy Empire to fight off the brown orc-like hordes of anti-civilization.

>> No.22592477

>from the fact that my people aren't nonchalantly committing ethnic suicide.
No whites are doing this apart from leftist mental patients/propaganda victims. Every European nation overwhelmingly rejects mass immigration into their countries, all surveys have shown this. The problem is the democratic process is dysfunctional and doesn't represent their will. Politicians are elected to do stuff about this and nothing happens, see Italy for example.
They still are. Like I said, you have a puerile understanding of things, like you judge the world from memes.

>> No.22592485

>The more purer Nordic Whites make better rulers, they are superior.
Depends on what those better rules are for.
>So to you there's no difference between Germans and Somalis?
I'd rather live closer to a German than a Somali but I don't care about either of them going extinct.
>you don't feel any stronger connection to the former over the latter?
No, I just don't think the German is 60 IQ and inbred.
>no shared history, genetics, culture, etc.?
Very little to matter. Genetics also never played a role unless we are talking about a very close relationship. Germans had no issue slaughtering other people nearly identical to them throughout history, and also had no issue allying with Balkanites, Turks, or Asians.
>Europe and the West should be united under a new Holy Empire to fight off the brown orc-like hordes of anti-civilization.
No, the weaker European countries should disappear and the strong ones should bond together. If the ones you like (but I don't care about) manage to survive then we will be saying the same thing.

>> No.22592490

>Every European nation overwhelmingly rejects mass immigration into their countries, all surveys have shown this.
Yet they do nothing about it and keep voting for "centrists" and "trads" who just open the border wider or do nothing about it.
>They still are.
No, they are not. I have zero reasons to actually believe this and also zero reasons to take your word for it.

>> No.22592492

I guess BAPposting necessarily invited cringe but holy kek

>> No.22592502

I am simply better than anyone else. Anyone in denial about this is in denial of his own limited intellect. When they look at a mirror all they see is what they wish they were themselves, and that is me. I am literally god.

>> No.22592512

>Yet they do nothing about it and keep voting for "centrists" and "trads" who just open the border wider or do nothing about it.
no other option is presented to them or allowed to run. if you followed radical politics for a second you would be able to tell that people are fed up with it.
>No, they are not. I have zero reasons to actually believe this and also zero reasons to take your word for it.
so you think thousands of years of proof is negated by a 50 year latency? you wouldn't know, you judge the world through 4chan memes and have the mindset of a shitskinned 3rd worlder. You are anti-White, you don't care about the plights of your Germanic brothers. You may as well be a paki or somali.

>> No.22592518

how much andrew tate do you watch?

>> No.22592525

Acting like the West has never been momentarily invaded by retards before. Shouldn’t a Nietzchean understand that struggle can actually be valuable?

>> No.22592528

All of it and none of it at the same time. I have transcended mere time and space and am a being consisting entirely of pure unfiltered will. I can ejaculate thrice in a row within 12 seconds and can execute several no-hand push ups while eating three mangos that I hold at each hand. I am simply better.

I'm too bored to write another grandiose post so I'll just tell you that I simply don't care about what happens to people that are not my people. I do not share your collective identity.
The reason most western euros are cucked is because their best men have all died out. All that was left to breed and populate their nations was the morons and the cucks. I don't care if you disagree, stomp your feet all you want.

>> No.22592533

There's no struggle anywhere in the countries in question, and these countries never had 60-70% of their births being to 70% Nigerians before in history.
Do you really wanna keep doing this?

>> No.22592551

70 IQ* Nigerians

>> No.22592554

Thats a lot of percentages to think about for a bronze age man like myself

>> No.22592569


>> No.22592579

I wonder if we'll have another 5 threads on BAP in the catalog at once again

>> No.22592635

>claims to be le based nietzschean ubermensch
>wah its over there are too many niggers in our countries and the nazis aren't in power
you're literally a child, not strong or manly. what kind of man would want to follow a faggot like you in to battle?

>The reason most western euros are cucked is because their best men have all died out
No it isn't. It's because anti-White leftist propaganda has been shoved down their throats 24/7 and because the entire system is designed to censor them and not allow them to hold any institutional power. Go to any rural area in America, Canada or Australia and the average country boy would knock your little faggot teeth out easily. You're a pseud, you don't know these people at all

>> No.22592692

nah its just some rumor promoted by bap
gay best friend is more likely

>> No.22592720

This. They are a low IQ people with a one track mind, they aren’t furthering themselves or the human race in any way.

>> No.22592730

nietzsche was literally a pan-european white supremacist, said niggers were natural slaves and lamented slavery being abolished, seems like you just pulled this out of your ass

>> No.22592785

It's from the Preface of Will to Power, fucking retard. kek

>> No.22592948

>you're not le manly if you dislike anything ever
>also anti-white stuff is bad, but millions of african immigrants invading europe is le good
Riveting commentary

>> No.22593842

Confirming BAP being utterly BTFO ITT.