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22584805 No.22584805 [Reply] [Original]

What are some books that actually defends NEETdom and are against wageslavery?

>> No.22584829

10 years ago made and it still rings true..

>> No.22584839
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>> No.22584845

Kek, based as fuck for his sheer honest

>> No.22584851
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>jew boss
>work bad

>> No.22584855

If he changed his name to Odigbu Buduwe that would get him hired.

>> No.22584865

Ironic, the guy that wrote that 10 years ago has roped.

>> No.22584866

What do Neets eat?

>> No.22584876

cum and tendies

>> No.22584887

mom's food if your live with your folk or some cheap ass stuff if you live on the NEETbux

>> No.22584889

Cringe. You fags can’t even make it in soft modern times yet you think you could hack it when times were tough and not working meant not eating. Keep romanticizing a past that never existed because you just want to remain infantilized while daddy works to keep a roof over your head and mommy feeds you and makes up excuses for why you’re an abject loser.

>> No.22584895

What the fuck are you talking about? Kek, holy shit, absolute schizo moment.

>> No.22584897

Everyone is against wageslaving

>> No.22584898

>wageslave bad!
>being coddled by wageslave parents good!


>> No.22584906

This. If you are a drop out from society call it like it is, not rationalize it. Part of life is doing things you don’t like to do, like earning your own bread

>> No.22584920
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>The bourgeoisie professes a morality that is most closely connected with its essence. Its first demand in this regard is that one should carry on a solid business, an honest trade, and lead a moral life. To it, the swindler, the whore, the thief, robber and murderer, the gambler, the penniless person without a job, the reckless one, are all immoral. The honest bourgeois citizen describes the feeling against these “immoral” people as his “deepest indignation.” All of them lack a stable residence, the solidity of business, a solid, respectable life, a steady income, etc., in short, because their existence does not rest on a secure basis, they are among the dangerous individuals or lone drifters, the dangerous proletariat; they are “individual troublemakers” who offer no “guarantees” and have “nothing to lose,” and so nothing to risk. The formation of family ties, for example, binds the human being, the one tied down holds to a pledge, can be understood; not so with the prostitute. The gambler stakes everything on the game, ruins himself and others—no guarantee. One can include all who appear suspicious, hostile, and dangerous to the bourgeois citizen in the name “vagabonds”; every vagabond way of living displeases him. Because there are also intellectual vagabonds to whom the ancestral home of their fathers seems too cramped and oppressive for them to be willing to content themselves with the limited space anymore; instead of staying within the bounds of a moderate way of thinking, and taking as inviolable truth what grants consolation and reassurance to thousands, they leap over all boundaries of tradition and run wild with their impudent criticism and untamed skepticism, these extravagant vagabonds. They form the class of the vagrant, restless, changeable, i.e., the proletariat, and when they give voice to their unsettled essence, they are called “unruly guys.”

>> No.22584926

do you have a single fact to back that up?

>> No.22584937

I live by myself in my mom's apartment (she works and lives abroad) and she sends me money. Father also sends me money though we don't stay in touch. I eat whatever I feel like cooking at the time, usually low effort stuff.

>> No.22584983

This is a dumb strawman. No one expects their present self to be dropped into the past. But if they were born and raised in the past they would have been raised and socialized completely differently and likely turned out better for it.

>> No.22584990

neetdom is for mentally retarded loosers who want to rationalize never getting anywhere in life. A literal slave morality for mentally ill people

>> No.22585015

I think NEETs would be a lot more cooler if they actually did the activities that better themselves referenced in the pic, but we all know most of you just play vidya, smoke weed and jerk off

>> No.22585022

i wonder if there really are any such neets that are self-taught and do actually good things.
those kinds of people are more likely to go into a hard field, do those things in their free time, and try to lead a more free time focused life in how they allot working time when they're out of education.

>> No.22585023
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>> No.22585032

>slave morality
You don't know what that means, wageslave

>> No.22585044

He was a NEET commie that actually rope himself after some time.

>> No.22585053
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>> No.22585060

More likely you would have been superfluous and died young. Plenty of people raised in modern times make it even while *GASP!* working

>> No.22585065

I have a full time job dumbass

>> No.22585069
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>> No.22585083

Number one: In 2013, NEET posts made up 50 percent of board space. Now they make up about 5 percent.
Number two: In 2003, 90 percent of posters were unemployed. Now it's about 2 percent.

>> No.22585090

Ok, there are actual NEET that purse stuff beside anime and video game, I know a NEET that was a full blow programmer but didn't have a full time job because he hated the corporation environment

>> No.22585104

that is the sloppiest list for goys i've ever seen

>> No.22585145

Post then a real good reading list that is pro-NEET

>> No.22585183

The part where the NEET about all the things he could do without working do not ring true- for one needs money to have all those things. Only a minority of people are lucky enough to have a family willing to support them like that.

>> No.22585197
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>> No.22585200
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This doesn't exactly advocate for being a NEET but is still somewhat related. It argues that most jobs are useless makework.


>> No.22585205

>i knew a neet who actually had the third 'e' in NEET but he was still a neet
freelance is still working

>> No.22585252


>> No.22585273

>satirical strawman comic used to unironically strawman
GOD i love 4channel

>> No.22585297
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>zero books

>> No.22585321

>Just let a doctor label you insane
Am I the only one that sees how this will backfire? You will lose your gun liscence and could be held without your consent in the looney bin

>> No.22585331

Read the Ancient Greeks fool. They hated work, they thought it besmirched the soul and likewise, promoted a life of thoughtful leisure. So get to it. Learn Greek, read the Greeks.

>> No.22585346

>0 books recommended

>> No.22585385


>> No.22585450


>> No.22585476
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>Men generally work too much to be themselves. Work is a curse which man has turned into pleasure. To work for work's sake, to enjoy a fruitless endeavor, to imagine that you can fulfill yourself through assiduous labor—all that is disgusting and incomprehensible. Permanent and uninterrupted work dulls, trivializes, and depersonalizes. Work displaces man's center of interest from the subjective to the objective realm of things. In consequence, man no longer takes an interest in his own destiny but focuses on facts and things. What should be an activity of permanent transfiguration becomes a means of exteriorization, of abandoning one's inner self. In the modern world, work signifies a purely external activity; man no longer makes himself through it, he makes things. That each of us must have a career, must enter upon a certain form of life which probably does not suit us, illustrates work's tendency to dull the spirit. Man sees work as beneficial to his being, but his fervor reveals his penchant for evil. In work, man forgets himself; yet his forgetfulness is not simple and naive, but rather akin to stupidity. Through work, man has moved from subject to object; in other words, he has become a deficient animal who has betrayed his origins. Instead of living for himself— not selfishly but growing spiritually—man has become the wretched, impotent slave of external reality. Where have they all gone; ecstasy, vision, exaltation? Where is the supreme madness or the genuine pleasure of evil? The negative pleasure one finds in work partakes of the poverty and banality of daily life, its pettiness. Why not abandon this futile work and begin anew without repeating the same wasteful mistake?

>> No.22585487


>> No.22585489

What did he meant at the end?

>> No.22585499

you venerate being a worthless looser who fails in life and trades his prime years for soft luxuries only to become mentally ill and commit suicide 40 years before your time. Wizchan is full of these people

>> No.22585506

and if the wiz has NEETbux? Swiss NEETbux literally give you income for housing, health and to use as you will, if you got hands on that would you feel enticed to fucking work?

>> No.22585509
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I've read the entirety of pic related and I paid pretty good attention, but I can't place this quote. Help appreciated (if genuine). It does sound like him but this sort of thing is easily generated by a prompt at the moment.

The general sentiments expressed are both genuine Cioran (preference for the personal "passionate" subjective, inner life over cold "philosophy", science, objective study etc), but also a clear support for NEET-dom (Cioran personally lives this), but if it's generated it might be inflected by online discourses on NEET-dom and posts deriving from this very board. There's also a very vague connection to Marxist alienation of labor in the given text.

>> No.22585519

On the Heights of Despair, Degradation through Work.

>> No.22585536

bump in the praise of NEETdom

>> No.22586663
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>> No.22586682


>> No.22586746

ok but how do you eat

>> No.22586861


>> No.22586868

This. You can’t discuss the morality of being a NEET without discussing where the money to support such lifestyle comes from.

>> No.22586894

I stopped working a year ago and live off crypto in Asia. Crypto is easy money if you're not retarded and you can easily earn more than enough to live in Asia. Rent is $500pm for a nice studio, all utilities including internet is like $100pm. I can eat a full lunch for $3. That's all at the bare minimum though and obviously spend more on good food and going to cafes and such. Get an entrepreneur visa, start a company, make up clients abroad who don't exist, pay taxes, ????, Profit!

In my spare time I read, write, do odd jobs for fun, go to local hobby groups, consume media, and visit local hot spots and tourist sites like museums.

No 9-5/996/remote kys timezone shit. No traffic, worrying about cars and licences and all that since transit is good. No bosses, annoying coworkers, office politics, keeping up with the Joneses, rat race hell.

The only reason I'd go back to work is for more money or because I'm bored and quit after a year.
>Uhhhh resume gaps
It's called a lie. You're supposed to lie on your resume. No one checks that shit, you're retarded. Even if they did, so what, apply somewhere else. Dumbass.

>> No.22586898

NEETbux, leeching off from society.

>> No.22586908

NEETs never quite get it. The reason people despise them is not because they don’t work. It’s because they don’t work in without anything that should be in place before or after. It’s not they’ll wealthy aristocrats opting instead for leisure, writing poetry, making music, dancing, and engaging in military adventurism. They’re usually broke, survive by shifting the burden of their existence onto someone close to them, and instead of a leisurely aristocracy they’re usually slaves to their vices. If NEETs could find a way to secure real resources and freedom, then whatever gets said against them really would be nothing more than resentment.

>> No.22586920

Holy cope, wagie

>> No.22586932

No, it's because they don't work. I could not give a fuck about whether you spend your free time bettering yourself or playing video games, I'm not your father.

>> No.22586970

Then that’s just resentment. Work doesn’t “better oneself” any more than leisure necessarily. It’s because retarded opinions like yours are the prevailing ones that NEETs continue to delude themselves.

>> No.22587021

which crypto and what was your starting investment

>> No.22587025

>Kathi Weeks

>> No.22587044

The crypto wave is largely over and unless you sold at the top you lost

>> No.22587190

I finished this last week
It's the least academic book ever written by an academic. He barely sights real figures and most of his "evidence" is anecdotal from people who emailed him, or "I reckon..."
The only people who would read this and think "Yeah that's well written and makes sense" are people who have never written a thesis themselves
What a bullshit book

>> No.22587252

>Work doesn’t “better oneself” any more than leisure necessarily
So? People just don't like leeches who don't contribute to their family and society, no one gives a fuck about your personal self-improvement.

>> No.22587268

Just curious for the NEETs here:
>do your parents work or trust fund?
>is your biological father married to and still with your biological mother who lives with you?
>what's your IQ?
>have you ever had a job?
>did you go to daycare?
>did your mother breastfeed you for more than 3 or 6 months?
>did your parents use birth control?
>have your parents had an abortion?

>> No.22587357

fuck off datamining creep

>> No.22587474


>> No.22587577

Started in 2018, traded anything, initial was 10k. If you can't figure out how to make money in a bear market you need to learn more about trading. Short dumb projects bc they'll crash harder. If it's not zero, you can still short it. There's also event betting on polymarket which is easy. You can also look into low liq shitcoins and find out arbitrage opportunities across chains. There's more but these are all decent ways to make some profit with "low risk" with a decent initial size. Picking up small gains also adds up, don't need to be aiming for ten grand profit on everything single thing you do, just not possible unless everything is really volatile. Best bet right now is to go long sometime before the the US fed lowers interest rates.

>> No.22587722

>>what's your IQ?
Won't answer rest of your question, though

>> No.22587842
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>Humane consciousness despises both the bourgeois and the worker’s consciousness; because the bourgeois is only outraged at vagabonds (at all who have “no definite employment”) and their “immorality”; the worker is “disgusted” by the idler (“lazybones”) and his “immoral,” because mooching and unsocial, principles. To this the humane liberal replies: The unsettled life of many is only your product, philistine! But that you, proletarian, demand the grind for all, and want to make drudgery universal, is a part of the pack mule life you’ve lived up to now still clinging to you. Certainly you want to ease the drudgery itself by all having to drudge equally hard, but only for this reason, that all may gain leisure to an equal extent. But what are they supposed to do with their leisure? What does your “society” do so that they’ll spend this leisure humanly? It must again leave the leisure gained to egoistic taste, and the very gain that your society promotes falls to the egoist, as the gain of the bourgeoisie, the masterlessness of human beings, could not be filled with human content by the state, and was therefore left to arbitrary choice.

>> No.22587862

Yes I'm 30, never had a job, don't learn new languages or skills, and watch anime all day thanks to mommy. Seethe.

>> No.22587885

You can be diagnosed with a mental health condition without being labeled insane or having your rights taken away from you (at least in any uncucked US state). You can only be committed if you are a danger to yourself or others.

t. I have actual social anxiety and autism diagnoses and have a CHL and 7 guns

>> No.22587932

In the past decade as a NEET I have
>learned Latin and German
>learned to draw
>studied philosophy
>memorized over 70 poems
>read over 600 books
God knows what the future holds but I’m extremely grateful that I was allowed to live as I pleased

>> No.22587938

I have seen it happen to a lot of dudes. A woman usually labels them with a mental health condition and he basically become ward of the woman

>> No.22588032

>>learned Latin and German
>>learned to draw
>>studied philosophy
>>memorized over 70 poems
>>read over 600 books
I kneel.

>> No.22588040

Sag mir etwas auf Deutsch please

>> No.22588169

>NEETbux, leeching off from society
I have NEVER talked to a NEET on here who was supported by government money alone. They always leech from their working parents. You can only "live off NEETbux" if you don't pay for your own housing, groceries, and utilities. NEETs wanna act like they're exploiting the system but in reality they're only exploiting their family members.

>> No.22588176

Versuchst dir mich zu in Deutsch schreiben so dass ich will ein mistaken machen und dann du kann machen das "fun" von me?

>> No.22588202

Just checking if you are really Germa

>> No.22588218

I'm not actually a NEET, I have a part-time job, but I still get tismbux and work alot less than the average wagie.

>> No.22588264

I don’t have NEETbux and get by through exploiting my family. I feel like my enjoyment is more important than theirs so it doesn’t bother me.

>> No.22588328

>Working 40 hours a week is greatest tragedy man can suffer
>Why date 3d? I hold myself to higher standard
>I can studt Nietzche
>There is no reason to have a job in 2013
Holy cringe

>> No.22588330
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>> No.22588335

pro neet isn't anti-work
pro neet would be more like working for yourself off the grid

>> No.22588342

actually no
most people are NPC's that need to devote their lives to drone activity or else they go insane

>> No.22588345

>More likely you would have been superfluous and died young.
No that's the modern wageslave that works worthless extraneous white collar jobs constructed by the bourgeois to offer a steady income for their """labor"""

>> No.22588349

Stfu and go LARP with a greek statue avatar on twitter stupid faggot.

>> No.22588352

Everything is a cope. That is all there is.

>> No.22588362

>Part of life is doing things you don’t like to do
I'm not pro-neet but the 40 hour work week is absurd and I don't know how anyone can defend it. Literally once you enter the work force, you spend the majority of the rest of your life working, and your brief moments of rest are basically spent either running errands, sleeping, or just waiting for work to start again.
I wish there were more people with this perspective in the political realm but its impossible given how Capitalist and corporatist our system is. And it would just be drowned out by boomers saying people just want to be lazy.

>> No.22588369

What do you mean?

>> No.22588378

>Why date 3d? I hold myself to higher standard
This is unironically true. Scott Pilgrim, tiktok and instagram ruined women.

>> No.22588382

I think the most sustainable argument for pro-neetdom is to teach self-sufficiency without dependence on employment or education or whatnot. The typical neet strategy, mooching off parents or gov, isn't sustainable and shouldn't be encouraged in good consciousness. Although maybe living off the grid isn't sustainable either considering the amount of code and regulation around it, I guess you could move elsewhere and do it with minimal money but you'd still need to know your shit.

>> No.22588388

>T. Cucked Wagie drone that thinks dating Only fans girls is ok

>> No.22588398

Living off the grind is hard as fuck, only a few dude can pull that off, like why you would do that if you have a good NEETbux? Leeching from your parents is cringe, but leeching from government and society I think is extremely based, like you games the system.

>> No.22588408

The government can collapse at any moment, or garnish your bucks, or remove them entirely if, God forbid, they decide you're fit to work. It will also be a LOT easier to attract a worthwhile woman if you say "yeah I live off the land and I'm fully independent" than to say "I'm a lazy fuck who leeches from the government".

>> No.22588411

>It will also be a LOT easier to attract a worthwhile woman if you say "yeah I live off the land and I'm fully independent" than to say "I'm a lazy fuck who leeches from the government".
Have you tried just telling said girl that you work from home?

>> No.22588414

Just lie to the woman about what you do long enough to fuck her and then never contact her again.

>> No.22588418

I was under the impression most men seek long term companionship. If this is the case then just jerk off.

>> No.22588425

All she needs to know is that you're making money, stupid faggot.

>> No.22588429

>name calling
No need for that
Most worthwhile (the key word) women look for competency in a man. They want to feel secure. Living off neetbux doesn't offer most worthwhile women a sense of security, when they have the option to be with a man who is living off his skillset.

>> No.22588441

>They want to feel secure
Then get a job.

>> No.22588449

Thats the conventional solution, yeah.

>> No.22588453

The novel I'm currently writing. I will be shilling it once it's complete and published. Keep your eyes open for it in about a year or so.

>> No.22588456

fuck off to trad west twitter, retard

>> No.22588470

Why being a NEET cause so much butthurt? I understand that leeching your parents off is not that great, but I don't see the wrong gaming the system and getting NEETbux and living off without wagieslaving, even better if you have some kind of trust fund or something, being a NEET with your own money is the optimal life that one can have.

>> No.22588473

it isn't your own money

>> No.22588474

this isn't a book but I want to present the argument that NEETs can't be incels because it's not a sexualized gender role in the first place. in fact the absolute domesticity of the NEET is closer to pre suffrage levels of control over the individual (who clearly has lost agency over their life)

>> No.22588501
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>> No.22588606

>leeching your parents off is not that great
They brought me into this world, so it's only their responsibility. The blame for my existence doesn't magically shift onto myself when I reach adulthood, it's always on them. And it's not like they would not have to work any more if I started to work, they would just have more money for luxuries. It would be insane and psychopathic to deprive your child of bare necessities and force them into a life of wage slavery just to have more money for unnecessary things.

>> No.22588609

what happens when they die and you're 45 years old without employable skills or experience

>> No.22588622

I think that's pretty obvious. But I am working on some skills that could potentially let me escape wage slavery.

>> No.22588623

What do people get so butthurt over neets but not the real parasites in the economy? 'man that guy doesn't work and gets handouts to live in the bare minimum, what a disgusting parasite!!'

And yet people who do nothing but live (generally vastly richer lifestyles) just by owning property/capital are ok because???

>> No.22588630

Those people are despised too. Some neets here seem to have a bizarre uppity attitude here which I don’t get at all

>> No.22588631

NEETs are the scapegoat for their impotent wagie rage. They do hate those people, but because they’re too weak to do anything about it they take their frustration out on easier targets.

>> No.22588632

both of those are hated but this thread is about neets
for the record I advise against neetdom mostly because its unsustainable, I don't care about you being lazy or whatever.

>> No.22588636

Don't forget about the (((military))), they use tax dollars to wage imperialistic wars and pick out another ineffective camouflage pattern or malfunctioning PoS rifle at the whim of generals that haven't touched a rifle or gotten dirty in the field since 1970

>> No.22588656

one of the military's core functions is to provide a path for low class to enter the middle class
the reason there are so many homeless vets, most of the time at least, is because the kids who sign up are too stupid to plan ahead.

>> No.22588663

Flawless and classic
>heh Im more handsome than u btw

>> No.22588670

Out of touch
Xir knowest not the gender of my parental couch sacs and have not seen the light outside my endless concrete screen dungeon where legs are not permitted more than standing space for high security clearance strafing
Only aristocrat xirs can walk xir

>> No.22588680


I have independently verified this claim, thanks for your pointer. I read them chronologically and despite taking notes, this one slipped me.

>> No.22588687

where i live you can get neetbux and also get your housing paid for by the goverment.

>> No.22588744

I have my own job and money, but if it were up to me, indulgent boomer retards would be forced to give us all their money at gunpoint.

>> No.22588754

these are the exact people who poast about suicide all day and have a retarded circlejerk about it

>> No.22588805

Why did you go to wizchan if you are a 30 years old virgins? Beside they have a thread for wageslaves there.

>> No.22588817

don't waste your time on that site, it's an unironic gay circlejerk full of kiwifarms people orbiting an autistic queer janny. There's no semblance to any of the old wiz userbase and it's basically just a bastard site for loosers at this point, which is why I bring it up as the prime example of why not to fall for this meme

>> No.22588838

Pretty much this. They are try to rationalize to themselves in these types of threads but deep down they know. As someone who NEETed when I was younger, working can suck but it’s vastly preferable to NEETing, and the baggage that comes with. You pretty much forfeit a social life, relationships, and hobbies and such that cost money, plus the psychological strain. I’d bet that depression is much more prevalent and worse in NEETs. Giving up on life because you don’t want to do something is a huge cope. Life is better when you are productive, have a place to call your own, friends, girlfriend, and money. Sure it sucks losing a chunk of your time but it beats boredom, apathy and anhedonia that arises after a few months of NEETing plus it destroys your social life, self esteem, motivation, and bank account. No one wants their parents reluctant to bring them up or speak in hushed whispers

>> No.22588855

neetdom and working fucking suck but at least neetdom is nice while it lasts. working will never not be shit

>> No.22588873

Oh yeah, so where the old school NEET wizard loser hang out this day on the web?

>> No.22588875

Working comes with benefits like the ones in the post you quoted

>> No.22588879

but with no time to enjoy them

>> No.22588894

Unless you are working 60+ hour weeks you will have plenty of time

>> No.22588899

I think you're being disingenuous if you think 40 hours a week leaves you with plenty of time for leisure

>> No.22588903

The weekends, the 5+ hours after every day of work, and vacation and sick time are enough. What do you want to do where you can’t do it?

>> No.22588910

>eat scraps while I eat steak, don’t protest, accept your place, slaving for others is actually le good

>> No.22588915

The weekends only last long enough to make Mondays feel worse, and 5 hours of free time compared to 8 hours of work + other obligations and errands feels like nothing. Once you enter the 40 hour work cycle, the majority of your life is now spent working. I don't know how you can't see that as a hell on earth
>What do you want to do where you can’t do it?
Literally anything but work. Life isn't meant to be lived staring at Microsoft excel

>> No.22588920

Might want to do the math there

>> No.22588923

You're wrong and don't know what to say

>> No.22588933

>168 hours in a week
>8 hours of sleep a night is 56 so now there are 112 hours left
>subtract 40 hours for work
>72 hours of free time
>72 vs 40, what is more?

>> No.22588934

I work as a teacher and enjoy NEETing it up over the summers. I get three months off and the school, a private one, has 20 days less than the average American school. So I only work 160 days in the year and still get full benefits.

>> No.22588937


It depends on the job itself, the commute, and other things. For normies and dum-dums who have partners/kids/debt, they generally have to keep hustling about errands and that sort of thing. If you're a smart bachelor like me then you can work a 40 hr/wk schedule and actually spend your free time largely doing what you actually want to do with your life outside of work. Which in my case is drinking, masturbating and browsing 4chan, with the occasional reading and writing projects and the odd museum/concert visit.

The other anon is also correct about the 60+ hr/wk cutoff, that's where quality of life really dips and people may do it in their 20s or later in shitty jobs (I've done this), but you're physically and psychologically drained so the "work/"leisure time" (read: extended work break at home)/sleep/work" feeling creeps in. I'm not self-actualized and as a lazy man I don't care to be, but I have plenty of free time that I squander in peace. People stop putting up with 60+ hour weeks as soon as they can, unless they're doing some big money job (doctor/lawyer/finance), and even then people in their 20s making money usually burn out and either prove themselves and work their way into reduced hours, or else quit and do something easier for their sanity.

>> No.22588939

ok so? you still spend most of your days at work autist and just because you get a couple hours at the end to play a video game or watch 1 movie doesn't mean you didn't waste your day working
I started this conversation saying both neeting and waging suck, but I have far more sympathy with neets than I do people who DEFEND waging like you. Waging is a necessary evil, it exists for a reason but it is NOT good or something to be defended

>> No.22588955

People have always needed to work to stay alive, whether for a tyrant or a company, or themselves. Working for yourself is more stressful and there is more at stake. Working for a king or tyrant has obvious downsides. You are able to earn a living in softer conditions today. I fail to see how that’s a bad thing. If you don’t want to have your own life or agency, whatever, I fail to see how that’s a good thing though

>> No.22588967

>how do we gain agency workbros?
>we do it by sacrificing portions our lives to others so that they might grant us the privilege of existing

>> No.22588970

>People have always needed to work to stay alive, whether for a tyrant or a company, or themselves.
never said otherwise
>Working for yourself is more stressful and there is more at stake
never said otherwise
>Working for a king or tyrant has obvious downsides. You are able to earn a living in softer conditions today. I fail to see how that’s a bad thing.
never said it was a bad thing
>If you don’t want to have your own life or agency, whatever, I fail to see how that’s a good thing though
never said it was good

nobody can defend wage slaving without their brain falling out, or just being dishonest. wage slaving is a necessary evil, as I said, but its evil because it obliges most of us to spend most of our days doing what we do not want to do. I can be a neet for a short while and just start working and making money a year later or whatever, but I can never get back a single day that I spent waging.

>> No.22588987

Wagie is unfortunately necessary for many, still I'm pro NEETbux if one can get it

>> No.22588992

I've said its necessary in many of my posts, including the one you're replying to

>> No.22589005

I don’t disagree but part of growing up is realizing and doing things we don’t want to do. I’m mostly chiming in because the amount of times this topic comes up on a literature board offends me. It is clear most of the neets aren’t making the most of their time wisely. They certainly aren’t reading judging by this board and I’m tired of reading all the doomer suicidal blogs in WWOYM. I think getting a job would greatly help many here. It would give them more control over their life, more structure, and will help them to learn responsibilities while making money. “But the wage man controls your life!”. Not to the extent you are beholden to your parents if you are a neet. Unless you go full bushman Bill there will always be people, laws, and organizations that control your life to some extent, and even bushman Bill is at the mercy of nature which can be worse than any corporation. I’m sure there are some neets who make good use of their time but the majority come off as lazy. Instead of frying their brain in front of an excel spreadsheet they are frying their brain in front of a computer, phone or tv screen, which is infinitely worse. I don’t dislike neets. I dislike their rationale and coping. I’d like to see them try. Life ain’t all sunshine and rainbows but that’s life, and you only can appreciate the sunshine and rainbows when you have something to compare it to. Responsibilities and adversity creates character.

>> No.22589028

You convinced me to get a job and start sucking my boss’ dick for monetary value. Where do I start?

>> No.22589029

NEETbux is like $15k a year. Not a livable amount even with $200 a month for food stamps. It’s hard to get too. Vast majority of NEETs don’t get it. Getting cash assistance in the USA is impossible if you aren’t a single black woman with 8 children living in poverty and a damn good reason for needing the cash. And if you get it you better make sure your i’s and t’s are dotted and crossed. They don’t give af about fraud for food stamps but they will prosecute for cash assistance and such

>> No.22589041
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Unironically Guénon

>"The modern West cannot tolerate that men should prefer to work less and be content to live on little; as it is only quantity that counts, and as everything that escapes the senses is held to be non-existent, it is taken for granted that anyone who is not in a state of agitation and who does not produce much in a material way must be 'lazy'."
>”Men struggle in every possible way to obtain the means of procuring material satisfactions, the only ones that they are capable of appreciating: they are interested only in 'making money', because it is money that enables them to obtain these things, the more of which they have, the more they wish to have, as they go on discovering fresh needs; and this passion becomes for them the sole end in life."

>> No.22589044

Yeah, some NEETbux are just shitty, but if you were born a swiss citizen you would get a income to spend your need, a income to pay for housing and a income for medical expenses, unironically you could live a very good life with swiss NEETbux and probably some Scandinavian Neetbux, I know a Finnish NEET that has an apartment and income all giving by the state, some people are just lucky.

>> No.22589046

Made everybody itt seethe but this is cold hard truth

>> No.22589051

>I’m mostly chiming in because the amount of times this topic comes up on a literature board offends me.
You sound like a faggot, no offense. Anyways
The real answer I strive for is a better balance between free time and working, and I wish there was more dialog leveraging for some sort of compromise here. Working has benefits yeah but it sucks, the fruit of it is good but the actual work is shit and I frankly believe 40 hours a week is too much. I guess if you're fine with 40 hours then thats your choice but my time is invaluable to me, more time is the ultimate indicator of freedom, not money. I guess my whole point is negated if you simply say "but I like my job" but I can't imagine liking the same job every single day for years on end as opposed to actually having more time to be genuinely free.

>> No.22589061

Unironically thinking that wasting 8 hours, plus commuting, plus daily basic errand for 5 days per week, for years of your best years to make some income to survive so that some shareholders can make millions out of you is one of the most KEKED things in existence right now, I'm all for going full NEET if you have the money to do it.

>> No.22589063


>> No.22589064

I do think 40’s a week is too much. I work 20-30 myself. But there was never a time when you didn’t have to work, and the work was grueling, more time consuming, and had more consequences for failure. If we are bitching about having to work in life, might as well bitch about sickness, disappointments and such. They are unavoidable, same as having to work. Anons need to grow up.

>> No.22589070

I would have total respect for these people if they were bums living in squalor, picking up odd jobs and hustling to stay alive instead of living at home with mom and dad and not even helping with the dishes

>> No.22589084

I haven’t worked a day in my life, wagie. Neither have the rich living off of what they inherited. I couldn’t imagine being so buckbroken that you start shilling for your own exploitation.

>> No.22589085

Are you thinking of someone in particular or are you inventing a neet in your mind to righteously seethe at

>> No.22589169


>> No.22589244

If I could press a button that let me contribute to society for free, I still wouldn't press it. I spit on your society.

>> No.22589325


>> No.22589406
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>> No.22589459

Truth hurts sometimes. Especially when you’re a NEET loser who spends an inordinate amount of time honing their juvenile defense mechanisms.

>> No.22589538

>Unironically thinking that wasting 16 hours, plus nighttime respiration, plus daily basic metabolism for 7 days per week, for years of your best years to make some income to survive so that some heterotrophs can make biomass and energy out of you is one of the most KEKED things in existence right now, I'm all for going full NEET if you have the cabohydrates to do it.

>> No.22589617

I would disagree. There are many people (older men usually) who constantly brag about how often they work.

>> No.22589629

It’s because they see the fruits of their labor, enjoy their jobs and/or support a family.

>> No.22589649

I disagree
Old men didn't wageslave
Old men worked hard, were able to buy a home and support their stay at home wife
That's not wageslaving, that's just work

>> No.22589673

biological communism will commence after the revolution

>> No.22589898

I look like and wear this.

>> No.22590024

>5+ hours everyday
I dunno if I a little bitch or what but the free time after waging is meaningless to me because I have no energy to do anything worthwhile anyway. People always make the time argument but waging takes energy which is just as important.

I'm starting to think if I'm going to be a wagie I should just work more and earn more money because working 40+ hours I have no meaningful free time or energy to do anything anyway.

>> No.22590038

>feminist theory
Most men work to please women. Post-Marxists cannot grapple with this fact.

>> No.22590041

Cope a feel of deez nuts nga

>> No.22590043

>this was revealed to me in a dream

>> No.22590044

Based sociopath

>> No.22590057

I can’t own weapons due to a snafu in my apartment complex. I got diagnosed with aspergers thirty years ago plus and have been in this >>22588169
situation, but am encouraged to have a job. I do a lot of philosophy and theology research in my spare time.

>> No.22590185

if i'm gonna be neet failure i should at least pull a forest anon but i'm failure at going out too

>> No.22590207

lets say i do want that wageslave dosh how do i mentally come back from giving up on society
will agents just put me back into the matrix they'll probably do it at the lowest place and torture me for it too

>> No.22590209

This is pretty true.

>> No.22590295

when they said dont work too hard they actually were right, hardworking not only threatening all your colleagues both making them look bad and it hurts their ego which we need to build that cause who you trying to impress, not only that but it also hurts our team's performance, break trust, and are just agitating to everyone else, on top of that hardworking only showed that youre a good fit for what you do, so no one wants to give u a raise and! it becomes really difficult to go managerial cause why dont u just keep doing your hard labor at the bottom you seemed to like it

i will make sure i never value hardworking so much, at the end of the day it's just going to hurt you

>> No.22590336
File: 724 KB, 798x853, Jacques-Monod-in-his-biochemistry-laboratory-at-the-Pasteur-Institute-manipulating.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is not whether to work or not to work, but whether to live genuinely or to wallow in fakeness. The most important things in life are free, hence one does not need to hold a highly esteemed position, nor one that pays well to live truly. Work that does not run your soul dry by the time you finish it, allows you to sustain yourself and live in civil conditions is all you need. It's hard to find, yes, but either that or you become a slave - to your boss or to whomever willing to pay for your existence. Fakeness is the death of the soul, or at least it would suffocate mine if I didn't fight it. Jacques Monod is one of the historical figures from whom I draw inspiration for how to live. He was of the rare breed of scientists who understood that without philosophy and exactness (that you can reinforce in yourself by studying logic, grammar and writing) there is no science, he was one of the few that understood and practiced the method of multiple working hypotheses. During the WW2 his lab was used by allied forces as a cover, when they eventually got caught he was forced to abandon his home and flee from the city. Yet he still sneaked back into the lab to continue his research, even though he knew he couldn't publish this research. For him fakeness was more unbearable than the risk of death.

>> No.22590422

Why NEETs make people seethe so fuckin much, look at this thread the sheer amount of seethe here is incredible

>> No.22590498

>People just don't like leeches who don't contribute to their family and society
Implying wagies contribute positively to society

>> No.22590530

wow, this thread hit the insecure wage slaves HARD
>wah wah romanticizing my objectively shit life so i dont want to kill myself
>my ego is not at stake here! this was my decision, not grooming from youth

>> No.22590534

any wage slave coming from privilege is a casualty. you had a chance to live exotically, to be self sufficient, to leech-- any of these were a choice at one point
you dont have the courage to do this now, if you even have the ability to at all

>> No.22590547
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loser/winner-logic apart, work is a part of life and it will be unless we get machines to do it for us. I hate work in all of its forms, and I do not believe that there is any inherent value in working, participating in society, collaborating with other humans: these, as all other activities, should not be forced upon any individual. If they are, it should be out of sheer necessity, because you are unable to obtain by yourself all the goods you need for your survival, and therefore accept to give up a (resonable) portion of your time to "work" in exchange for such goods.
That said, and for as much as I endorse NEETdom and the hostility that society as a whole deserves, not working usually results in you depending from others, and most likely from people who are close to you, and hurting them - unless you are born rich. If you are not, I don't know how you find it desirable to have your parents work for you and provide for you as they get older and weaker. Maybe I can see this happening for some sort of sense of revenge if you had very bad parents, but for the rest, at least for me, the chief motivation to get a job was to not see old and broken people getting more old and more broken in trying to keep me alive.
The second thing is that a lot of this idealized NEETdom is really just masked consumerism, and it looks and feels miserable. It's kind of some of the zoomer fringes of the "silent quitting" movement, where people don't want to work so that they can sit at home and watch netflix and Instagram reels all day. Anime fans know very well how this is an epiphenomenon of a kind of inbred consumerism that destroys itself, where you just want to buy products and consume products to the point of annihilating yourself. And the vision of the hermit NEET who cultivates himself, reads, learns languages and skills is for the most part a delusion. Most of your time as a NEET will be spent playing videogames, watching television or streaming stuff, and so on. I think this became very clear when the pandemic shut people inside their houses for months and everyone thought they would become some sort of monk and instead they mostly bingewatched anime and played videogame. Maybe you did some reading, and some very exceptional individuals may be able to do something useful with this kind of extreme and estranging loneliness, but I doubt they spend much time on the internet.

>> No.22590639


>> No.22590773

Lemme guess? Europe?
I can't wait for the rug to be pulled out from under you when my country decides to stop bankrolling your defense. Your countries are already falling apart because they give free housing to any brown person who waltzes in. Western europeans are so pompus and self hating, you can't even feel bad for them anymore.

>> No.22591003


>> No.22591022

>jew-owned governments import brown people into your country
>jew-owned media brainwashes your people into thinking it's a good thing
>"gee stop being so pompous and self-hating guys :^)"
Shalom, rabbi.

>> No.22591048

I have seen European trannies gang up on Muslims and Jews who tried to suggest that maybe we should cool it with the mass migration. There are miserable creatures out there who want civilization to burn because they twisted their genitals

>> No.22591132

American media does all of this too. The difference between America and Western Europe is that a large percentage of Americans can spot the grift. American's actually stand up for what they believe in. The "conservative" factions in Western Europe are dead and the left wing establishment is all that is left.
Blame jews all you want, but your society got complacent and let them walk all over you.

>> No.22591165

for unskilled work there isn't really a great way to make peoples' labor worth it otherwise. if your job is just to be the person people transact with, they can't pay you enough to only do that for 3 hours a day. perhaps this is a good argument for UBI, but I do think that mankind craves a purpose, and most people aren't creative enough to try to forge their own path towards a purpose. they need to be told what to do, and told that they are contributing.

>> No.22591267

So… NEET fags. Is your family loaded so you never need to work?
Or do you literally just suck at the teat of the government?

>> No.22591310

Why are you so mean when poor peope don't work, when I know that you don't care when it's rich people that remain inactive

>> No.22591311

They're not loaded, they work blue collar jobs. You don't need to be rich to feed one extra person.

>> No.22591316

you only consume the bare minimum of food and don't ask for video games and use inordinate amounts of electricity?

>> No.22591317

Of course I do. Entertainment is also a need.

>> No.22591321

>engaging in military adventurism
do you even read the stupidty that you write

>> No.22591345

You're the one coping here, I'm pretty that "deep down, you know"

>> No.22591363
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This is the most based answer in this shitty thread

>> No.22591382

lmao like a wheel for a hamster

>> No.22591392

Sure. Even animals get bored and depressed, which only goes to show that it's a basic need.

>> No.22591481

>waaaaa your parents give you money
Do you own a business, or are you paid a wage that allows you to live? Do you own property, or are you granted the permission to “own” property as a fief from the state? You don’t own anything, you have no independence, and you merely exchanged one form of dependence for another, except this time it’s more cucked and backbreaking.

>> No.22591533

You can't have an economy with 100% employment, so what do you do with NEETs?

>> No.22591536

I've realized this some time ago. People dont hate NEETs, they hate that they cant be NEET.

One of the things that made me realize this is job glorification, the constant need of the wageslave to remind everyone that he is busting his ass, breaking his back, all just to get, according to himself, scraps, the bare minimum. This is obviously, people screaming that they hate their job, they are suffering and trying to cope, always remind that its THEIR choice to have chosen become a janitor, construction worker or whatever.

The other behaviour that made me realize the envy from the cattle to the unemployed, is the hate that they have for another group of people, and is a hate similar to the one towards neets, and that group of people are the sons and daughters of the rich.
No other group of people,aside from neets, generates so much ammounts of seething as the sons and daughters of the rich. They make the general population anger in despair.
And why is that? Its because they dont work, and dont need to work. They got lucky, and theres nothing you can do about it. The neets lives off their family, or gibs, he is at the same level of the average worker, but the son of the rich, oh no, not in a billion years youll see such wealth, and that guy got it all in complete fairness, he just inherited it, what are you gonna do? Those are the rules of the game. The wageslave wishes to have been more lucky, to have been born in luxury or with a family that helps him, but instead he is cursed to rot his life enriching some old man that doesnt even need the money, all this while having to put a fake smile and an apron.

>> No.22591563

What annoys me the most about work is the whole presenteeism shit. I've only had one job in my life where i was actually busy the whole work day. I generally finish my work at my current job in like 3 hours or less but i gotta be there on the clock the whole time. Its so fucking stupid. And i'm limited in what i can do in that time so its not like i get paid to read or do stuff i want, but just being there and looking 'busy'. And talking to people a lot of jobs are like this. Fuck me imagine how much life would be improved if you paid enough people to live but didn't make them do bullshit like this. I'm sure some jobs are flexible like that but most are not. Companies gain nothing by forcing you to be present, your employees are going to be more productive and happy if you just let them go once the work is done instead of sitting on the clock doing nothing. You are spending the same amount but gain nothing.

>> No.22591568

the difference is you can go outside and get exercise you fucking faggot
animals aren't begging for video games and movies

>> No.22591581

Are you having a stroke? What's going on?

>> No.22591657

Not all jobs are like that, some have constant flow of work through the day, but I understand what you meant.

>> No.22591697

I know not all jobs are like that and but many are and don't need to be

>> No.22591731

Blame capitalism, bro

>> No.22591968

Captialsm isn't going anywhere. Even under the current system i could still be allowed to go home when the work is done. The company is paying me to be present but getting nothing from it. It's the same for a lot of jobs. People are not productive 8 hours a day, 5 days a week. Its pretty much impossible to do that consistently. People burn out. They will slack even if they have work because you can't put full effort in for that long long term. It's absurd.

>> No.22591976

What if your boss is a woman

Oh wait. I get it now…

>> No.22592197

I have some money, not enough to live off of in the west but in some developing shithole it would probably last the rest of my life.

I hate heat, humidity and brown people thoughever, so no easy way out for me.

>> No.22592223

I am the shareholders you fucking brainlet and I'm buying more shares with what I earn. So hopefully my kids will have a proper aristocratic life, my parents easily could have achieved that for me if they weren't retarded lead-poisoned pseudo-revolutionaries.

>> No.22592285
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>I am the shareholders

>> No.22592295

any book about buddhism

>> No.22592488

I don't understand how one can participate in modern society. Every time I try to observe the actions required I am filled with disgust. I am forbidden from taking part in these rituals. I believe firmly firmly in the idea that every action is a political statement, and I assert my political will by refusing to participate until conditions become more more favourable to my inclinations. Unfortunately I am drowned out by the masses, who are inherently conformist. I suspect that many of them even enjoy partaking in this life of vapidity.

>> No.22592497

Fine solution if you're ok with resigning to being an incel and dying alone

>> No.22592511

ISOLT is the most pro-neet book because it was written by a neet secluded in his bedroom.

>> No.22592553

Life has always been like this. You work for yourself and the benefits it brings you.

>> No.22592560

You avoided the question.

>> No.22592587

Yes, one either conforms or they die. Now repeat the mantras: we are all free, we are all equal, we are all unique. I choose death, by the way.

>> No.22592618

So what type of society do you dream of? One where everyone shoulders all the work and you can live a life of leisure? Communism? Retvrn to monke?

>> No.22592620
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>The cat is for the aristocrat—whether by birth or inclinations or both—who admires his fellow-aristocrats (even if Little Belknap isn’t especially fond of Felis). He is for the man who appreciates beauty as the one living force in a blind and purposeless universe, and who worships that beauty in all its forms without regard for the sentimental and ethical illusions of the moment. For the man who knows the hollowness of feeling and the emptiness of human objects and aspirations, and who therefore clings solely to what is real—as beauty is real because it pretends to no significance beyond the emotion which it excites and is. For the man who feels sufficient in the cosmos, and asks no false perspective of exaltation; who is moved by no mawkish scruples of conventional prejudice, but loves repose and strength and freedom and luxury and superiority and sufficiency and contemplation; who as a strong fearless soul wishes something to respect instead of something to lick his face and accept his alternate blows and strokings; who seeks a proud and beautiful equal in the peerage of individualism rather than a cowed and cringing satellite in the hierarchy of fear, subservience, and devotion. The cat is not for the brisk, self-important little worker with a “mission”, but for the enlightened dreaming poet who knows that the world contains nothing really worth doing. The dilettante—the connoisseur—the decadent, if you will, though in a healthier age than this there were things for such men to do, so that they were the planners and leaders of those glorious pagan times. The cat is for him who does things not for empty duty but for power, pleasure, splendour, romance, and glamour—for the harpist who sings alone in the night of old battles, or the warrior who goes out to fight such battles for beauty, glory, fame, and the splendour of a kingly court athwart which no shadow of weakness or democracy falls. For him who will be lulled by no sops of prose and usefulness, but demands for his effort the ease and beauty and ascendancy and cultivation which alone make effort worth while. For the man who knows that play, not work, and leisure, not bustle, are the great things of life; and that the round of striving merely in order to strive some more is a bitter irony of which the civilised soul accepts as little as it can.

>> No.22592648

>For the man... who seeks a proud and beautiful equal...
>*names his cat 'nigger'*

>> No.22592685


>> No.22592874
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>Leech of government indefinitely
>Resell vintage objects I thrift and do freelance editing jobs which fall into an income loophole
>Make more than my wagie friends
>Have time and resources to date zoomer girls and impress them with my knowledge of literature since I just get to read and write all day
>About to publish first book
>Have a savings while my friends slave and toil away for their boss

Yeah, I can see why you would be upset. My life is books, exercise, adventure and pussy. Meanwhile you have to hate being alive 5-6 days per week.

>> No.22593707

Nobody calls a landlord living on 20 monthly rents a "loser", yet he doesnt work, its because neets usually have no stable wealth and rely on "bucks" that they are despised.

>> No.22593763

Heh but they manage the properties! They are providing a service!

>> No.22593885

Everybody hates landlords.

>> No.22593897

It would have been one of the two. I have no illusions that I would be fit to live in the old world. I can hardly go a day without thinking of hanging myself in the modern one already

>> No.22593900

>rely on "bucks" that they are despised.
Relying on "bucks" is no different than relying on rent

>> No.22593903

>instead of a leisurely aristocracy they’re usually slaves to their vices.
I mean, if we're judging "aristocracy" by late Roman Epicurean standards, then there's no difference

>> No.22593907

It's not as if we're going to work to make people more happy or satisfied or whatever positive value you claim people derive from work, and lately the material rewards are getting slimmer too. You go into your job as a fast food worker or at some warehouse and there's no room for innovation at the personal level, and even less motivation to actually pursue what little opportunity you have to improve your job. The majority of us are not architects or doctors or entrepreneurs, and those of who aren't have very little incentive to keep the system going. No new cars, no comfortable homes, no foreign vacations, no energy left at the end of the day to pursue anything besides entertainment.

>> No.22593923


First of all, according to history, there was only one cardinal rule for honestiores (aristocracy) in Roman times and society: Do not work. Even Cicero is quoted saying:
>"opifices omnes in sordita arte versantur"
That means translated = "all workers are engaged in sordid professions"

Labor was/is only performed by those who were not respectable, that is, those who were not honestiores. In Roman society, even those succesful capitalists/merchants could achieve success later in life and in terms of wealth and leisure and rise up to the ranks into the higher echelons of society in terms of wealth, this sort of wealthy merchant or other succesful person's reputation would always remained tarnished and taited by the stain of having once labored for a living. There were historical cases where Roman merchants did out-achieve honestiores in terms of material wealth, but they were still forever viewed "lesser".

This sort of same kind of caste division existed in India. For example, Shudras and merchants could achieve a sort of wealth and power inside the society, but they were always viewed as something less respectable to Brahmins.

>> No.22594030

Chicken and rice. Top shelf whiskey. Lobster and caviar on special occasions (Friday night)

>> No.22594043

>Only work a part-time job, not full time
>Work the full-time job while not spending a lot of money (especially on rent/mortgage, that is most crucial imo), NOT because you are 'forcing' yourself to be frugal, but because a satisfying life doesn't need huge amounts of money to be spent; and quitting the job at intervals once enough money is saved.

I saved almost $30,000 at a part time job I worked for a year and was able to NEET off of that for another 2 years. Australian dollars. Keeping expenses low is the best way to cope with the current system because it means you don't have to work that much to support your lifestyle.

My rent is $371 a month, try beat that you American pigdogs. It also means I have plenty to spend on other nice things too and still live within my low income.

>> No.22594084

>neets leech off their parents and this is bad

The people who say this have paid back all the money their parents spent raising them right? Wouldn't wanna be a leech

>> No.22594088
File: 66 KB, 500x500, IMG_1122.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a child being raised by its parents is leeching

>> No.22594095

If parents raise a man child neet it's their fault as parents so they should take the responsibility

>> No.22594180

And being brought up spoilt with everything they want will create lazy children who squander your wealth and leave nothing for the next generation. An endless cycle.

>> No.22594246

I guess you found the loophole to absolve you of being useless

>> No.22594267

I'm not neet and my parents are dead so that doesn't really add up

>> No.22594300

You apparently still found the loophole somehow

>> No.22594312

all those leisure activities are only meaningful to contrast with work
great art can only be produced in the shadow of toil and suffering
also wjlhy does his hair change

>> No.22594352

man is meant to toil

>> No.22594354

I wish I could NEET but my parents have the most sadistic work ethic imaginable, and are proud of it. The only con to neetdom is work is a great place to meet shy women who you'd never get the chance to meet going out. A jobs does give you something to write about. I'm gonna be the next kafka womanizing the shop floor while moaning inwardly I'm unattractive.

>> No.22594379

if you said stuck up managerial types i would feel less bad

>> No.22594453

Ignoring the morality of NEETdom, are there any books that deal with the practicalities? Like how to easily set up passive income streams, tax loopholes, methods for defrauding government welfare programs, etc.

>> No.22594461

no because writing that book would take work and effort. you can find some youtube faggots just shitting out their retarded opinions and telling you to say you got raped to get on disability.

>> No.22595018

when all the retards here that advocate for working inevitably get drafted to die for Israel (they will certainly argue that only leeches and cowards dodge the draft), will we inherit the earth, NEETbros? how should we reform society so that it works for us instead of us working for it?

>> No.22595535

A lot of the greatest art pieces in history were produced by people who didn't work so how do you explain that?

>> No.22595549

Jokes on you, I have a very particular hereditary disease that doesn't affect me in everyday life but makes me completely useless for military service

>> No.22595563

Poorfag cope and proven wrong by le heckin science. It's almost impossible to get into the upper upper class without already being born (on the way) there and with some crackpot exceptions like Hunter Biden, intergenerational wealth only grows and improves quality of life.

>> No.22595787

Can anyone actually live on NEETbux outside of Europe?

>> No.22596227


>> No.22596264


>> No.22597075

So your reasoning for why the world is mostly poor people and not nothing but billionaires is because the poor people just didn't want to be rich enough?

Sure hope you don't find out about inheritance tax!

>> No.22597428

this is so cringe.

>I'm willingly entering the job market but teehee I don't actually like working I'm above it all xD

no one will hire this faggot and rightfully so

>> No.22597432

No you fucking brain-fog ridden basement dweller, the opposite in fact. Maybe work on your reading comprehension instead of cooming 10 times a day to futa porn.

>> No.22598505

I like NEETposting but I'm not even a neet, I'm a graduate student who works like 60 hours a week and makes a crappy 30k stipend
There's some thematic crossover because I'm an incel though

>> No.22598523

>losing a chunk of your time
You mean losing literally all of your time
Also I don't understand how having friends and a gf is worth it, you constantly have to give a fuck what they think about you and for the GF it's even worse. A small comment can fuck up a normie friendship or relationship. I enjoy social interaction and validation but the bad just outweighs the good. The only good friends are ones grandfathered in from childhood who will tolerate most quirks
Money is nice to be fair

>> No.22598527

Same. I get tismbux and live with parents but also have a part-time job because tismbux money is chump change. I'm technically not a NEET but I live the same shut-in life as one.

>> No.22598564

Not really directly on topic, but I recently realized something. My brother told me he can't procrastinate because he feels terrible when he does it. Meanwhile, I literally don't enjoy my hobbies unless I'm putting something off. I can't imagine just sitting down and consciously focusing on something. I just sit down, try to get into doing whatever, and sometimes it works and goes smoothly and other times it takes much longer than it should with me bashing my head into a wall the entire time. Can normies really just sit down and do something?