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22581748 No.22581748 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.22582012

archive.org maybe.

>> No.22582028

it would be funny if it wasn't true

>> No.22582163

It wasn't supposed to be an instruction manual...

>> No.22582386

To be fair newspaper are an theist thing.Journalism is essentially humanistic since only secular humanists have created the job of journalist and they love the idea of a journalist as the gatekeeper of secular humanism by denouncing some Human rights violations, political scandals and enlightening the plebs, because journalists like any cockroach humanist cling to their idea that they are the gatekeepers of the truths.

All the journalists 100 years ago were already self righteous atheist assholes addicted to their brain poops.
Journalism has always been pathetic.

>> No.22582811


Yeah I know it looks like shit but it's a boomers retirement project so it's more complete than official archives.

>> No.22582829

bro where are all these christrannies flooding from? /his/ is enough for you pedos

>> No.22582835

>Yeah I know it looks like shit but it's a boomers retirement project

hardly an excuse. boomers really did have it easy.

>> No.22582856

Boomers aren't known for being masters at web development.

>> No.22583816
File: 32 KB, 718x526, disgusted kot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I was a christian this post would make me embarrassed for the people I share my faith with. As it happens I'm not a christian, so I'm only embarrassed for the fact I share my species with you.

>> No.22583896

Jesus, I didn't realize I was scrolling facebook

>> No.22583918

Holy reddit

>> No.22584121

Schizophrenic but true regardless. Journalists should eat shit.

>> No.22584125

Why have journalists when the government tells us what to think?

>> No.22584165

Don't confuse old journalists with current journalists

>> No.22584172
File: 84 KB, 750x775, 1692235087886240.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying the government and media are separate

>> No.22584177

>pro-establishment piece was better than the one now!!!
Stfu insipid moron.

>> No.22584184

>old journalists
journalists have only ever been willing pawns and propagandists for their given ideology (chiefly liberalism)

>> No.22584190

I don't care about politics, the point is, journalists used to get killed for their job, and thats honorable

>> No.22584193

Okay? I don't give a fuck.

>> No.22584198

Okay? you're acting like a black person, are you black?

>> No.22584201

Its not. Funny how supposed "white nationalists" hate jews and then side with them when its convenient.

>> No.22584215

All americans are retarded, its a fact

>> No.22584598

based jewish academic
>Gets taken in and saved from the nazis by america
>yeah you guys are fucking stupid btw
>wow hes the smartest man to ever live!

>> No.22584605

if you got saved by monkeys would you lie and say they're smart

>> No.22584665

Which ones do you know, Hans? The ones that exist in your head?

>> No.22584669

This is true, look at how Europeans glorify sandmonkeys.

>> No.22584787

The ones that exist on 4chan for starters

>> No.22585024

there's newspaper dot com and you can get a free trial and cancel it

>> No.22585078

wait sorry it's newspapers.
it has stuff from the 1700s to the 2000s.
post some cool stuff if you decide to use it

>> No.22585105

As many jews probably believe americans to be retards (correctly) more of them don‘t say the quiet part out loud to avoid making their slaves aware of the deal

Different anon here but american and hate it. Sick, gay, negrophile, golem country from day one.

>> No.22585323

>Where can I read old newspapers?
Get a library card from the big city (even if you have to pay a bit more), they usually have some in their online sources.

>> No.22585871

Well sucks to be you then. You should get over yourself.

Dude if you hate us so much then why do you bomb us? Oh wait…