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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 57 KB, 620x775, Holden_John_D_Salvador.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22581733 No.22581733 [Reply] [Original]

>i am le evil... because... because i just am ok!!!

>> No.22581742

you're retarded and there is nothing that can be done about it

>> No.22581755

Did anyone feel his character to be too try-hard? It feels like the author was trying way too hard to make a character that was deep and interesting.

>> No.22581788
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>> No.22581820

Correct. Naming him "The Judge" is a bit too on the nose.

>> No.22581885

Were you parents try-hards too? They definitely succeded in making an embarrassment for everyone around. It's a wonder how they managed to do it to their own child. Or were you adopted?

>> No.22581997

they found him on their porch and decided to keep him as a pet.

>> No.22582021

that's just the entire book

>> No.22582024


>> No.22582647

Some people just are anon. They feel they are normal and that being a pedo or torturing cats is just the right way to be.

>> No.22583536

>I'm the joker baybee

>> No.22583621

>They feel they are normal and that being a pedo or torturing cats is just the right way to be.
Nah, more suffering/agony and childer rape has been caused in the name of God or a country than by all psychopats serial killers combined

>> No.22583722

The point isn't that the judge is evil but that people are better at categorizing minor evils than giant, exaggerated evils. Somehow, making the judge comically bad makes him "morally ambiguous" to many readers. There's some truth to that, desu. People condemn Hitler for being a racist, not for systematically killing countless people. One unjust police shooting upsets Americans. The Bataan Death March doesn't.

>> No.22583805
File: 122 KB, 736x953, 55165f8bdb19ab0f96d9ab7c1b3645f6--judges-blood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's his tax policy?

>> No.22583897

*tips fedora*

>> No.22583904

How long has /lit/ hated McCarthy? It seems like contrarianism

>> No.22583994

I still don't understand what that means but in general it is an answer to those for shameful atheists. No, I'm not an atheist. And I am definitely not wrong in what I said, i took it from a documentary though

>> No.22583998

There's been so much McCarthy spam threads lately, they replaced all the senseless Pynch threads that are normally about

>> No.22584331

It is wrong as shit and you’re dumb for believing it

>> No.22584414


>> No.22585490

The Judge being "evil just because he is" is just a moronic oversimplification. But even if that is all that's going on, I think that can only seem stupid to someone that has never encountered truly evil people in their lives. There are a lot of people in the world that want to do, and would do, the worst things you can think of, without any remorse or empathy. It isn't a meme or a cop-out just because you haven't encountered it. When you've encountered it, it's incredibly scary.

>> No.22585545

You know this is just a silly bait thread, right?

>> No.22585555

I hate silly bait threads. I'm autistic. I refuse to be silly

>> No.22585573 [DELETED] 
File: 89 KB, 1024x1024, Seven foot tall, pale, bald man enters a church service held in a tent in the wild west. He wears a black, oil cloth slicker, has a cigar in his mouth, and has his hat in hand. It's dark outside and raining..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22585784

Was he really evil? Is nature evil?
Leave her alone.

>> No.22585916

>Was he really evil? Is nature evil?
Judge doesn't represent nature at all, only man.

>> No.22585922

Everything that exists in the natural world is natural by definition. So, the judge must represent nature. In the context of BM, even the coin trick is natural.

>> No.22585979

>Everything that exists in the natural world is natural by definition.
>there Judge le represents nature
Don't use this cringe circular logic.

>> No.22586279

McCarthy hate only began after election tourism started. At that time they were mostly postmodern shitters scared of his position and popularity in world literature, but that died away after 2018/19 when most of these 16 year olds hit adulthood and realized that postmodern shitters were almost exclusively hot air. These days McCarthy haters are 95% retards who haven't even read him and 5% are butthurt that he gets more replies than shitty European writers from the 50s that nobody reads.
Hi newgag.

>> No.22586681

I don't like the prose in the book

>> No.22586852


>> No.22586981

I always thought the judge represented civilization in some way
he's clearly erudite, can speak multiple languages and read countless books, is scientifically knowledgeable
contrary to the savages that surround him who act no better than feral beasts the judge knows the difference between good and evil, he has all the capacity to to good he just deliberately choose not to

>> No.22589152

I just finished reading it for the first time. I thought it was one of the best books I’ve ever read, but there’s a good few of the judge’s lines and monologues that come off as so preachy. It’s really the only failure of the book.

>> No.22589159

>bald people are... le bad!
Bravo McCarthy

>> No.22589162


>> No.22590428
File: 926 KB, 3024x4032, 5dvgnspsivrb1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Monero Blackhat tax evasion