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22573249 No.22573249 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.22573259

I journal when I feel really shitty to track times and events that may have caused my shitty feelings and to slow down in the moment enough to realize that my whining, spiraling inner voice sounds really fucking lame. Probably half the time it gets me out of my funk. Does that count as "writing a diary?"

>> No.22573266

I never could - it would feel like I was putting on an act. But I do have a single massive text file that I've been adding to over the past couple of years: random thoughts, story ideas, movies I want to watch, notes to self, plans for projects that I'll never realise, passages I like from books I'm reading. I guess that's what they call a commonplace book. Except in .txt format.

>> No.22573294

I am not and never will be a woman, so no.

>> No.22573301

I don't know how to write

>> No.22573346

No but I should get back to reading.

>> No.22573351

Official thread theme:

>> No.22573367

Nvm, I misread the OP as “write dirty.” Carry on

>> No.22573373

I dont have an internal dialogue so when I journal it feels clunky and overly verbose since I try to explain myself to myself. That or its random words.

>> No.22573377

It can be cathartic to write your daily life on paper. It helps me reflect better than I would've without writing. I don't write everyday though.

>> No.22573383


>> No.22573385

Get a pocket notebook usually used for groceries :) I use it to write down words but catharses seems great too

>> No.22574668


>> No.22574679


>> No.22574683

I have a text file in an encrypted folder that I type my schizo ramblings into 2-3 times per week
I think its at about 80k words by now but I haven't checked in a while

>> No.22574832

once every few months. Everything prior to what I'm writing that month is cringeworthy, but what I'm writing there in that moment is incredible lucid, and insightful (until a few months later)

>> No.22575442

I did in jail. It was the best part of my day. Once I got out I just couldn't keep going. Too many distractions in this godforsaken world.

>> No.22575446

Please send it to me.
I'd be happy to read it. You don't need it public.
I'll keep your secret. I just want to see your mind.
I adore you.

>> No.22575763

I do the same anon, writing it down makes me realise that I was bitching and moaning about something so insignificant and it helps me understand I was just being retarded

>> No.22575806

Not everyday. Mostly when i'm bored, frustrated, or something interesting has happened to me

>> No.22575902

yes it's one of the few ways i can write without constantly stopping and thinking "wow this is shit." and there is a sort of catharsis in it, even if it's just because writing my issues sometimes makes my problems and emotions seem removed from reality and literary.

nice. needed something to listen to at work.