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File: 55 KB, 480x480, charles-bukowski-quote.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22572607 No.22572607 [Reply] [Original]

Will this book help me escape the rat race or will it just make me more miserable?

>> No.22572610

you're a slave, i say this unironically and i am also a slave, why do you think you can just escape slavery?

>> No.22572611

they're good books but the dont magically make you cool and smart

>> No.22572612

I dont know, is there enough BIM BIM BIM?

>> No.22572657
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Just accept being a slave man, you're gonna rot in the 9-5 shitshow just like me for years while the government takes our money and use it whatever they want, we have no freedom or control of anything, accept defeat.

>> No.22572689

Who's saying that you should be grateful for the opportunity to do so?

>> No.22572736

I lost my mind when I was young and my dad hooked me up with neetbux. I'm OK now, but I maintain the grift. Maybe just do what I did.

>> No.22572742

Yeah, Bukowskism means you
>stop work
>drink every day
>fuck lots of women
>device a strategy to win at the horse races

>> No.22572759

and that was bad? he knew life was full of shit so he stopped caring and fulfilled his desires, what a chad, he didn't need approval from anyone.

>> No.22572763
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All kinds of ways to go about it really. Be a neet like me, be a gangster, be a bum, be a whore, play poker or the races. Whatever you do, don't be a modern gamer. Small pool for that.

>> No.22572768

In the US enthusiasm for the job is almost universally expected especially before you get it. Even once you‘re on, openly acknowledging that it is ruining your life but a necessary evil to avoid starvation is penalized and may be grounds for dismissal.

>> No.22572775

It's never appealed to me. I've always hated being strapped down and feel like I have to be somewhere else.. even when I don't.

>> No.22574273

He was deeply unhappy.

>> No.22574510

Frankly I should be "grateful" because I got a programming job that pays pretty well and I don't feel like working much. And I wouldn't have earned as much by myself. From my perspective I'm getting free money, the only sacrifice is that I have to be present 8h a day, but what is the alternative? I would be those 8h in front of my computer anyway, for free

>> No.22574616

>I would be those 8h in front of my computer anyway, for free
It's always worse when under obligation and no privacy, even if it's the same thing.

>> No.22574624

How do you turn this into an argument you 16-year-old. I gave no normative qualities in my description of Bukowskis books.

>> No.22574639
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>Will this book help me escape the rat race
you are looking for a different book

>> No.22574657

>I can't be NEET so I'm going to become a drug addict instead

>> No.22574958

charles bukowski is the original rupi kaur

>> No.22575052

bukowski was ultimately a cheerful and happy guy, he just knew that life was a failure and that there was no winning, no matter what. He was a good stoic in a way. In most interviews he's laughing and smiling

>> No.22575143

actually for me it's better because I lack discipline, so I can read some article and learn something instead of jacking off or watching dumb YouTube videos

>> No.22575274 [DELETED] 
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I wake up at 4:30 by an alarm clock, get out of bed in a normal way, eat breakfast because I'm hungry, maybe piss and shit, then I go to the gym and work out for about an hour. Then I go home, have another quick bite, then drive to work, about 400m from my house. I dont walk because I'm lazy. At work I make lots of money for someone else because I don't yet have the means to do so myself. I am grateful to do so because I don't need to compare myself to others and because the experience I'm gaining will help me one day open a business to compete with my boss. How in the hell could I do it? Quite easily. It is a routine after all.

>> No.22575341

So he doesn't shower?

>> No.22575412

>Will this book help me escape the rat race or will it just make me more miserable?
How about you work towards finding a career in something that interests you rather than caring what someone who worked in a post office for a decade bitched and moaned about

>> No.22575415

Genuinely don't understand why Bukowski didn't just move out

>> No.22575557

The rat race is modern life, kid. We're all rats. The only way out is to die.

*sips wine*

>> No.22575585
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>For us to live any other way was nuts. Uh, to us, those goody-good people who worked shitty jobs for bum paychecks and took the subway to work every day and worried about their bills were dead. I mean, they were suckers. They had no balls.
Movies truly are a bad influence. This stuck with me as a kid. In addition to rock lyrics.

>> No.22575589

Get a girlfriend with a job and just live with her until you die, ez.

>> No.22575676


>> No.22576466

i dont even wanna family anymore, shits sounds unappealing and boring. wagecuck for fucking kid to become like you and repeat this shit ass cycle

>> No.22576757

lit. Employed; verbatim: to be enmeshed in a trap laid by someone else.

the notion was always a joke not be taken seriously; only landless vagrants had to do this historically. well, at least until tax in coin came about.

>> No.22576812

I have legitimately seen Rupi Kar’s vagina if that means anything.

>> No.22577401

nah, id rather not

>> No.22577572

Did you fuck her?

>> No.22577653

Reading Bukowski does automatically make you cool, though.

>> No.22577942

You'll buy a typewriter at an antique store and start hanging around bars trying (and failing) to have interesting conversations

>> No.22577992

No, he really wasn't. He had that cheerful exterior to cope with his depression. He talks about wanting to kill himself multiple times across his books and poetry.
Read Ham on Rye.
Also wtf are you talking about "a good stoic?" Dude was so addicted to having sex it was worse than his alcoholism, or his extreme angry rants at people, or his crazy mood swings. Stoic is the last descriptor I would give him.

>> No.22578272

A lot of that is what stoicism is; it's constantly being on the verge of killing anyone who annoys you and having the self-control not to.

>> No.22579878

I don't think this quote applies to today. There are plenty of careers that don't involve making another person richer, have meaning, and help others.

Yeah if you never tried in life, you're stuck working in the shit factory.

>> No.22579899
File: 463 KB, 1471x893, NEET guide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22579900

Remote work is 10x more tolerable for your body.

>> No.22579924

is that the nigga from Xasthur?

>> No.22579927

>he didn't need approval from anyone
Neither do I, but I still need money to survive.

>> No.22579929

>you will be a wage slave and you will be happy

>> No.22579934

somebody should've told this guy to just get a high paying remote job in the tech industry

>> No.22579941

go visit r slash vagabond, homeless, or urbancarliving, for the ugly alternative to working for a living

>> No.22580151
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Desu stopping work only makes sense if you work in shitty lowest level job designed for Indians. Nowadays you can get an easy job where you work from home and get paid while you drink, bet on horses and get blowjobs during the slack meeting.

>> No.22580372
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>No story tiem
Prepare to get docksed. Idiot

>> No.22580375
File: 621 KB, 2535x1890, 2018_18_hunter_s_thompson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's just Hunter Thompson if he were a pussy.

>> No.22580416

If this is the case, then man's primary choice each morning is if he will or won't become a spree shooter.

>> No.22580434

>I mean, they were suckers. They had no balls.
Directly related, but this is how I think about it: https://youtube.com/watch?v=Tg0FdvGEf68
Tl;dw it takes a tougher man to get up every morning and embrace the suck.

>> No.22580593
File: 80 KB, 468x650, 1680602989582665.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am a NEET.
I don't drink or smoke
I wake up around 6am
I do the chores before my parents wake up
Then some exercise
Spend days walking outside and playing vidya
Save all my neetbux so I can move out anytime (started looking for a flat)
Go to bed around 9pm