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File: 98 KB, 1024x1024, Calibre_logo_3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22572166 No.22572166 [Reply] [Original]

>is spaghetti-coded bloatware in your path
Nothing personnel bloody sirs

>> No.22572172

What sort of cope is that, iToddler?

>> No.22572216

maam do not redeem the lightweight ebook softwares

>> No.22572237

It works for me

>> No.22572285

Feel free to suggest an alternative

>> No.22572353

Whats the best pdf/epub app for a phone?

>> No.22572364

Or rater /r/lostredditors

>> No.22572381

>Calibre is a cross-platform free and open-source suite of E-BOOK software. Calibre supports organizing existing E-BOOKS into virtual libraries, displaying, editing, creating and converting E-BOOKS, as well as syncing E-BOOKS with a variety of e-readers.
mother fucking i fuck you

>> No.22572385

You're probably not a power user so you don't notice how shit and bloated it is
Organise files with Zotero and read them with Sumatra

>> No.22572463

>Organise files with Zotero and read them with Sumatra
My purpose for using Calibre is conversion from epub to kepub and syncing with my kobo ereader, none of which these programs do as far as I can tell

>> No.22572535

Just downloaded it again the other day for my new machine. A fresh install cost 418mb. Just what the hell is it packed with? It's only a word processor. Did I download a crypto miner?

>> No.22572546

not only it sucks but it's still the best. infuriating

>> No.22572548


>> No.22572551

>Just what the hell is it packed with?
Incompetence, curry powder
>Did I download a crypto miner?
Only Russians are competent enough to do this

>> No.22572552

Name 1 better alternative that offers as many functions and plugin possibilities.

>> No.22572567

God I despise /g/tards so fucking much it's unreal.
Calibre just works

>> No.22572691

It's complete shit, and also superior to every alternative I'm aware of.

>> No.22572692

Mindlessly slurp the slop.

>> No.22572695

>Name 1 better alternative
There aren't any; that's the problem. Our only option is a 3/10 piece of shit bloatware.

>> No.22572700

Surely there's a /glit/ anon out there who can whip-up a lightweight replacement for this curry code?

>> No.22572707

probably, but calibre works fine on my machine. never had a problem with it. it's all well and good to develop a replacement bit of software but then you'll be dealing with feature requests from literal autists

>> No.22573103

It works fine on everyone's machine. Few know how low the bar for "fine" is set though because there's no reference point.

>> No.22573106

mother benchod bitch

>> No.22573111

An install for software like this shouldn't be 400MB. Stop making excuses for this poo.

>> No.22573114

I love using foliate.

>> No.22573140

Good morning bloody benchod

>> No.22573153

realistically if 400mb is too much of an issue for you get literally any non-kindle e-reader and you can drag and drop your files onto it. Calibre is good for conversions but you can find most books in most formats these days.

>> No.22573156

Calibre is a pile of shit.
It's 2023, just drag and drop.

>> No.22573161

fuck off zoomer

>> No.22573162

Why is it so hard to design a non-cancerous and functional UI in the year of our lord 2023?
Is it harder than it looks or is everyone in software design a spastic runt?

>> No.22573171


>> No.22573202

total shit

>> No.22573626

I use pdfs.

>> No.22573758

Apple books is comfy

>> No.22573783

>nooo you can't just have software that works
>don't you understand? things working is BLOAT

>> No.22573874

Need to de-DRM? Then use it.
Need an ebook reader? MuPDF on Linux (or whatever trash they use on Windows).

>> No.22573899
File: 273 KB, 960x920, 1670396990517803.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking hate Calibre, if you read books in any non-latin-alphabet language, it WILL butcher the filename and you WILL be happy.

Fucking hate these EOPs who can't think of a person knowing more than one language yet parading themselves as the be-all solution for something.


>> No.22574005

White boys crying about the only functional and loaded application for these particular needs while none of them have come up with an equivalent software for some mysterious reason. Ungrateful, to say the least. Maybe stick to drag and drop?

>> No.22574033

People have complained about these issues and the dev has replied with "this is a marginal case so I don't care", so why should I respect his software?

>go to restaurant
>waiter serves you a wonderful dish with a side of poo


>> No.22574073


>> No.22574127

What's the issue though?

>> No.22574194

>not caring about your book covers
>not caring about formatting
>not caring about being able to use fonts
>not caring about metadata
>not caring about having a backup

Imagine being this much of a digital slob

>> No.22574440

it just works.
everything good is spaghetti coded because you care about pushing features instead of some abstract code purity

>> No.22574444

That's a PDF viewer.

>> No.22574631

i can't believe these retards can't tell a pdf viewer from an ebook organizer

>> No.22576055

For me?
Web browser to read PDFs, everything else I buy a paper book like a civilized man.

>> No.22576257

God it must suck being brown.

>> No.22576263

>it just works
How to know you're dealing with a tech illiterate code monkey and not a programmer.

>> No.22576282

>chad code monkey that comes up with downloadable software that just werks
>coding puritan that produces dysfunctional piece of shit that relies on cloud only and uploads your files directly into klaus schwab's mailbox

>> No.22576326

I only use it to steal ebooks from the library and upload them to my reader.

>> No.22576333

um, redskinsbros? i thought calibre was certified based? https://github.com/kovidgoyal/calibre/commit/9de70944805de951e6ad8e293ba0a9791bda99bc

>> No.22576390

You're not going to some restaurant. You're enjoying freeware and whining you POS.

>> No.22576863

>it just werks bro no need to improve it
This is why brown people never created advanced technological civilization.

>> No.22577284

>Downloading your books from EZHACKZANWAREZ.COM/LEGITBOOKS

Imagine being this big of a loser.

>> No.22577346

I would insult you for free if you looked ugly and tried to give me a blowjob for free, the point stands.

>> No.22577619

You don't know the meaning of that and you haven't looked at the codebase.
For what it does, it's fine as it is.

>> No.22577854

I just use it cli, the webui is just what I use to download books to my kindle.
Having it download rss feeds and package them into ebooks is nice too.

>> No.22577919

I don't get it, why would someone use calibe?

>> No.22577923


>> No.22578467

koreader for reading, syncthing for syncing, sigil for metadata editing and find and replace for recurring mistakes.

>> No.22578567

People use calibre to organize and sync ebooks
Just because it has the capacity to read ebooks doesn't mean that is its function

>> No.22578571

>use 3 different programs to replace 1
This is stupid

>> No.22578579

Organize and sync ebooks to ereaders

>> No.22578599
File: 17 KB, 916x172, 1685332062089887.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22578676


>> No.22579448

but cringe for using python in the first place for an application like this. i can't imagine how many issues he has run into over the years that could have been avoided with a statically typed lang

>> No.22579474

he actually has some decent points here desu https://bugs.launchpad.net/calibre/+bug/1756458/comments/5

>> No.22579507

/g/ still seethes about this. rent free.

>> No.22579623

calibre just werks fucking well. kill yourself op

>> No.22579755

Give it to me real, is Calibre actually faulty or is it just a pasttime for /g/ to be croaking about something?

>> No.22579797

It's a largely customizable program with tons of features. It's messy and intimidates newcomers (especially younger people who need everything to be clean and minimal) and it also turns away people who expect the default settings to magically justwerk when converting or doing other things, when there are pages of conversion customizations you can do.
Mostly, it's one guy who keeps making this thread to try and ask for alternatives, but there aren't any at the moment. It's the most powerful library management tool for ebooks.

>> No.22579881
