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/lit/ - Literature

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22561354 No.22561354 [Reply] [Original]

I’m not into Japanese stuff but Sam Hyde said he liked it and usually our tastes align

>> No.22561367

the only way you will ever know whether anything is worth reading is by properly reading it yourself

>> No.22561456

Can anyone tell me what this symbol means?

>> No.22561517

It promote homosexuality

>> No.22562559

No, it's just a pile of random anecdotes driving home the point that you should be ready to die for your feudal lord at any moment should he wish it.

>> No.22562570


>> No.22562571
File: 754 KB, 1125x2436, B56B5DDC-E327-4C29-9447-E7865AE16A71.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sam got a hapa pregnant

>> No.22562682

>I’m not into Japanese stuff
Don't bother, then.

>> No.22562705

Its the lit equivalent of having a katana stand on your dresser

>> No.22562878

Reply to my comment if you are not a bot
And write in it something unexpected

>> No.22562905

I have put toothbrushes in my ass

>> No.22562961

Does Sam Hyde talk about books often? I cant figure out how to use gumroad (seriously that site is designed like shit) but I would like to hear him talk more about books

>> No.22564840

hate to say it but yeah pretty much

>> No.22564843

it's actually based and relatively chill
didnt read this translation though

>> No.22564848

IMO its shit without the historical context. Read a book on the Sengoku civil war first(the era that came before big era of the samurai).

>> No.22564871

he said unexpected

>> No.22564887
File: 100 KB, 850x850, 1683579442172883.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's just far eastern stoicism the only difference is you can see the kernel that would become the soulless japanese salaryman and how you can feel dignified even while crawling around on the floor eating garbage. I find it almost bizarre Sam hates stoicism but likes Hagakure. I also find it strange he likes PKD despite how spiritual and psychedelic he is.

>> No.22565431

I love this book it's very deep but I think that you need to read up about confucianism, zen buddhism and taoism before reading it because Tsunetomo often cites the arguments of each one.

>> No.22565701


>> No.22565847

Honestly, I would avoid Japanese literature like the plague. There’s a lot of it that is quite good, aesthetically any way. But it lacks depth, and to Westerners cultural relevance. All of that brain space you allocate to Japanese literature, would be better spent on Western literature, or even Russian and Latin American literature.

>> No.22565851

>and usually our tastes align
so you're a tranny fudgepacker?

>> No.22566017

Most people that read PKD have no idea that he believed in God. I doubt Hyde has ever read Exegenesis, he likely can't look past PKD's anticapitolism and schzio Paranoia

>> No.22566843

very true

>> No.22567785


>> No.22567902

The only japanese shit i ever read was the first five chapters of Tales of Genji and it was terribly boring.