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/lit/ - Literature

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22560017 No.22560017 [Reply] [Original]

/lit/ is now an idealist board. Matterheads GTFO

>> No.22560035

Can you cope with death?

>> No.22560065
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*instantly disproves idealism by giving you permanent brain damage*

>> No.22560076

It’s a medical fact that consciousness persists even when brain activity shuts down.

>> No.22560093

Prove to me a soul exists

>> No.22560102

you're not a p-zombie

>> No.22560129

oh boy here come the bugmen

>> No.22560139
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>>22560017 >>22560076 >>22560102 >>22560129
So if i cut your hands off, the real reason why you wont be able to use door knobs anymore is because my mind is stronger than yours or smn?

>> No.22560153

No serious idealist still believes in subjective idealism anymore.

>> No.22560180
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>subjective idealism
whats the alternative then? "objective" idealism lmao?

>> No.22560231


>> No.22560234
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Materialism and idealism are both garbage. Only dualism remains eternally unrefuted and is supported by quantum mechanics.

>> No.22560251

Actually, nothing exists and this post isn’t real.

>> No.22560252
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Hypothetically if i had a gun holding only one bullet and was faced by both you & some dumbass idealist, i'd shoot you instead of him desu

>> No.22560263

The fact that my post triggered such an alethophobic response is a huge compliment and a confirmation of its truth.

>> No.22560300

No one believes stupid shit like that. Duh, consciousness exists in a material body. What an epic win! The point of idealism is that we wouldn’t be able to comprehend anything if it were not first apprehended by the intellect and claimed by it. You wouldn’t be able to saw off someone’s hands if you didn’t know what a saw was or what cutting is or where to place it to cut through cartilage instead of catching bone etc. Material things are the vessel of consciousness but the ability to do anything other than passively vegetate stems from consciousness alone. If you were kept in a dark box for the first 20 years of your life and never learned English do you think that you would be able to think abstractly? Would you be able to reason? What is it that separates man from animals other than reason?

>> No.22560304

My existence gives me proof enough.

>> No.22560341

sauce me on this

>> No.22560347

That’s not the point of idealism at all. You’re retarded.
You’re trolling

>> No.22560390

Materialists don't exist, nobody is that dumb. Why would anyone assign any special significance to matter?
The mind stops working if you put in a blender. If the material was the important part the brain would still work, what it consists of hasn't materially changed. The relevant part is the relationships represented by the neurons, a logical structure that can be represented independently of medium.

>> No.22560578

>No one believes stupid shit like that. Duh, consciousness exists in a material body. What an epic win! The point of idealism is that we wouldn’t be able to comprehend anything if it were not first apprehended by the intellect and claimed by it.
However, this means that consciousness is specificially shaped for comrpehending the material world,
>Material things are the vessel of consciousness but the ability to do anything other than passively vegetate stems from consciousness alone
Rather: consciousness is the shape or impression put upon it by the material world,

>If you were kept in a dark box for the first 20 years of your life
Exactly, without the material world to shape the consciousness there is no consciousness; a dark box and no language and no reasoning at all.

>> No.22560593

contd. >>22560578
i.e. little Dhimmi would not reject the material world and retreat into religious fantasies or social contact craving activities if little Dhimmi had not been shaped in so doing in his consciousness, but then this is like a little child coming of age and becoming depressedand just never snapping out of it.

HE has discovered consciousness and the material world, now let him discover his other tools for shaping the material world and rather than being passively shaped by it.

Retreating into his head is the absolute cope of slaves.

>> No.22560681

Electromagnetic forces (what makes the mind function) are also part of the material world. In idealism was true the mind would exist in all kinds of matter, in rocks, chairs, flowing water, lamps etc. But the mind can only be found inside specific matter, specifically arranged, and specifically conducting electric impulses.

>> No.22560715

I dont care about your freshman year philosophical interpretations of reallity built upon assumptions that hold no more validity then other interpretations.

>> No.22560810

Materialist nutjobs are all obsessed with killing and shooting! They’re sick people

>> No.22562125


>> No.22562129
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>> No.22562131


>> No.22562133

>In idealism was true the mind would exist in all kinds of matter, in rocks, chairs, flowing water, lamps
>t. doesn't know

>> No.22562135

What determines the “seriousness” of a learner?

>> No.22562138

haw haw made you bump

yeh bt seriously though refuted.

>> No.22562146

Consciousness by definition is immaterial but it can't exist independently of the material brain. At least I have no experience of it.

We don't know if this universe belongs to an idealist or a realist genre.

>> No.22562200

Electromagnetism has nothing to do with it. The structure of relationships has been recreated in different mediums.
We know why the mechanism stops working if you put in a blender, there's no reason to make up shit about spooky magnets.

>> No.22562202

Consciousness is not a thing it's a bodily function. It's why when you get hit in the head or take drugs your conscious function is altered.

The body is material. Don't believe me cut your arm with a knife.

>> No.22562215

Thanks for your insights, anon. We only figured out things like "hitting someone in the head fucks with their mind" like 10000 years ago.

>> No.22562235

/lit/ is a dualist board. Animal-men who are scared of meaning and air-men who are scared their own bodies are all useless.

>> No.22562287

>hit my radio with a hammer
>it stops playing music
>va la - invisible radio wave theory debooooonked

>> No.22562456

>if its invisible its not material
Nigga glass doors are your archenemy

>> No.22562483

Waves are not matter. They have no mass.

>> No.22562520

>Materialists don't exist
They exist in my mind. Since idealism is real, that means they exist in reality.

>> No.22562526

you can see the tower from where the waves are coming
but where is the receiver chip in the brain?

>> No.22562560

The receiver in the brain are microtubules. It's all explained by Penrose.