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File: 51 KB, 640x360, 640px-Allen_ginsberg_675-e1644532718846-640x360.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22558496 No.22558496 [Reply] [Original]

Why is leftist literature so ugly?

>> No.22558503

Because they didn't love God, so they were cursed with ugliness and they still blame God

>> No.22558506

this dude wanted boy's hole

>> No.22558512
File: 119 KB, 914x661, 1651044485385.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that Ginsberg was a member of NAMBLA and read erotic poetry at their conferences.

>> No.22558557
File: 37 KB, 352x204, EoB1Ah0W8AAIYTK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dworkin was so based for this

>> No.22558564

But when terfs like Greer were publishing shota books she kept that wide mouth shut.

>> No.22558565

Dworkin was an ugly fat pedo herself. So thankyou for the great contribution to this thread.

>> No.22558578

>Dworkin claimed that women had to learn from the experience of other "oppressed peoples" and carve out a homeland for themselves like the Jews in Israel where they could be "safe from men".
sign of a midwit

>> No.22558605

>Hugo, Zola, London, Calvino, Neruda, Garcia Marquez, etc
All SOVL and literary kino. Meanwhile all the modern chudlit /lit/ likes to read like BAP, Mike Ma, Luther Pierce, Siege = soulless dogshit. Theres good and bad in left and right wing authors.

>> No.22558617

>So thankyou for the great contribution to this thread.
Sorry to ruin your incredible thread with an amusing anecdote. Hope you get over it.

>> No.22558629
File: 66 KB, 564x802, 82781456c7de0c1ad76a62bacba0fd5d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bioleninism. Left-wing ideas attract perverts and degenerates because they hate society that despises them and want to destroy it.

By contrast, right-wing artists and writers usually look good. Hamsun and Junger were total chads, Ezra Pound was cool af, at least before the jews broke him, and even Dostoevsky, while not conventionally handsome, still looked very intelligent and respectable.

>> No.22558657

I meant it. Millennials really can't into honesty huh.

>> No.22558667

Oh sorry mb. It read very catty to me.

>> No.22558689

Np, don't blame you too much.

>> No.22558690

I think that is what Jordan Peterson means when he uses the term 'cultural marxism.' it really does seem to follow naturally with the commie ideas, but i'm sure some lefty faggot would balk at the implication.

>> No.22558722
File: 240 KB, 513x706, 1695897418601311.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>come across that movie Kill Your Darlings
>it's about homos and Marxists
>figure I like the whole "universities and vests" type of genre, so how bad can it be, I've already watched things with homos and enjoyed some of them
>they're all a bunch of druggie faggots whose only desire is to "fuck the rules"
>also Harry Potter gets fucked in the ass by "isn't that the question of the day"
>search for the real Ginsberg
>get that absolute troll
You're telling me someone managed to get his dick up and fuck that thing up in the ass?

>> No.22558739

This is called confirmation bias. I could find examples of both (and you know it).

>> No.22558754

I am a leftist
My entire life I have been ugly and treated as such
I have had people call me names in the street and laugh at me
When I was in my middle teens I began to notice a tendency I had which was to be disgusted with the desecration or destruction or the corruption of beauty
For example nothing is more disgusting to me than sexuality which I feel corrupts and desecrates beauty

>> No.22558760

I know you can cherrypick examples of good-looking lefties, mate. This won't change the fact that left-wing ideas, particularly radical ones, usually attract people who are defective in some way or another.

>> No.22558764

>posts hasan piker

>> No.22558780

>I know you can cherrypick examples of good-looking lefties
And mid/bad looking right wingers (the majority)
>usually attract people who are defective in some way or another.
All radicalism does this, including RW types. Normies tend to be well adjusted.

>> No.22559047
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unironically jews

>> No.22559091
File: 18 KB, 654x480, 49ffe5df-573b-4f84-96b5-00c83c0e9114_screenshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gotta pay the troll toll to get in that boys hole

>> No.22559100


>> No.22559110

He didn't look as terrible when he was younger. Not a guy I'd call handsome by any means but certainly not the ogre he'd turn into when older, he looked a bit like a chudjack though which is funny.

>> No.22559142
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>> No.22559273
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It is obviously true that societies fail to account for all their members. This gives the leftist enough warrant to indulge in the basest of his desires, as to spite convention is to spite the society that failed him. It centers on and around children most often (the overwhelming majority of pedophilic theorists, from Foucalt to Butler, are rabid leftists) because they understand that the value of children is the closest-held social standard and the last arena that can truly be transgressed in an increasingly numbed society. No one cares if you fuck a guy in the ass anymore and so the leftist no longer considers the act useful to his purpose.

The rightist sees that societies fail to account for all their members and concludes his position in the society is therefore warranted and calls to improve others' positions are based in jealousy or hatred. The poorest plumber living out of his truck will say, without a hint of irony, that people are coming for his literal shit-raking job because they personally hate him and society at large.

The truth is that no society will ever be able to account for all its members, that all members of a society are responsible for each other, and that populist movements will retake the broad spectrum of political parties with horrific violence before any of this calms down.

>> No.22559308

How was Ginsberg not assassinated

>> No.22559348

they rarely kill their own

>> No.22559374

ill admit why i made this thread
the tranny kept being a bother in the rw thread. i didnt like that they were being so dishonest
this allows a more balanced platform
now they can be grounded and defend their lit, or prove their leftist identity cannot exist without a referent they form an identity around.

>> No.22559377

Beauty is a right-wing value

>> No.22559381

Beauty has no political identity

>> No.22559388

Who said anything about identity?

>> No.22559398

It's a left and right wing value, but only moralists, usually right wing, have a concept of objective beauty, which is the only way to filter relativist beauty, ie, the garbage non-art rotting everywhere today

>> No.22559404


>> No.22559413

People who value beauty cannot be leftists, and leftists who say they value beauty are lying. Anything and everything leftists touch turns ugly.

>> No.22559419

>Anything and everything leftists touch turns ugly.
Refuted by works of art by leftists

>> No.22559420

That's not really true, since Tolstoy was arguably left. He did say alot of stupid things about history, religion, and art, but tell me anyone reasonable who's claimed War and Peace is hideous.

>> No.22559433
File: 395 KB, 1104x1405, IMG_6873.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why is leftist literature so ug—
Get cucked, polcel.

>> No.22559440

Pynchon's work is entirely ugly.
>Using that face to defend his lit

>> No.22559441

In Ginsberg's case, it's because he's trying to depict a hideous society.

>> No.22559444

He has great facial structure. Just his teeth are a little janky, yeah. But other than that he’s really handsome.

>> No.22559447

Russians are incapable of having beautiful expressions.

>> No.22559459

>more retarded generalizations
yea, this fag's an unironic chud

>> No.22559508

You got rekt and had to make a restart? KWAB

>> No.22559516

i got some good reccs actually. you trolls are boring.

>> No.22559518

Kek. This is like one of those communist block propagandas with empty platitudes and childishly dehumanizing the enemy.Le libtards are ugly!!! What are you 10 years old and trying to recruit dumb 10 year olds to your side?

>> No.22559521

i actually just encountered Lewis's Tarr mentioned while in the middle of Finnegans Wake notes. happy coincidence there.

>> No.22559523

ah the trannys been summoned. keep being living proof leftist speech is ugly.

>> No.22559534

The guy in that picture looks retarded

>> No.22559536 [DELETED] 

i think the bigger problem here is you're literally posting an edit where half of his skull has been deleted

>> No.22559711

Post one
Compared to the Russian Empire, almost everything and everyone is left-wing, myself included
Sure they are. Russia is compromised, not disabled.
That's someone else

>> No.22559725

I can't stand leftists, but they unironically have a deeper inner world than right wingers because they must develop their imagination as a way to escape from all their many terrible personal flaws, and by doing this they start exploring anti-intuitive things, like finding interest and insight in ugliness. Some right wingers can do this too, of course, and they are usually at the very top of literature, because they can explore ugliness without getting enslaved by it, like Dostoyevsky or Celine, but, while it saddens me to admit it, most right wingers are very shallow people.

>> No.22559739
File: 322 KB, 1080x1920, F4ibPOrakAAqvB8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think pic related explains pretty well the difference between left and right wing art and why the later is better.

>> No.22559750

This is idiotic

>> No.22559753

>whining, coping, and seething

Kek. Who made this chart here?

>> No.22559761
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>> No.22559767
File: 713 KB, 1381x2048, 20220412_111609.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22559769

At its ugliest it portrays right-wingers for they are: Without exception they're power-hungry, jealous, violent freaks of nature.

>> No.22559771

This Nietzschean Chad right here. He has a pretty big presence in the dissident right twitter sphere, so give him a follow, and he uses a lot of 4chan memes so he's definitely one of /ourguys/.

>> No.22559775

Yeah it’s weird. There is definitely some strange motive that went into making it and the 4chan meme phrases make it extra obvious it has no authority, which it never appears to in the first place

>> No.22559776
File: 514 KB, 450x675, 20220414_110053.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22559779

Those twitter right-wingers co-opting 4chan-speak are as cringe as those leftists doing the Dark Brandon shtick. I wish a meteorite fell on America so we could get rid of most of these people.

>> No.22559780
File: 125 KB, 750x1334, 20220325_223358.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22559785

why are nazis so gay tho?

>> No.22559789

They aren't gay. They just have a fetish for masculinity.

>> No.22559813

This. The world and internet would be a better place without the far left troon libtard and the far right /pol/cel. Imagine such a world and internet

>> No.22559817

I don't understand from where these twitter niggers get their 4chan memes, when it's obvious they have never come here.

>> No.22559823

Are you joking?

>> No.22559838


>> No.22559845

I can assure you the pajet who posted that chart has never been to /pol/. If you don't go there often I can see why you would think twitter trad larpers are similar to /pol/bros, but both groups have a very distinctive flavor. /pol/ is very bleak and it feels like the law of the jungle, while the twitter niggers have a smugness to them that reminds me to redditors, and the twitter niggers may co-opt /pol/ memes, but they have the ethos of those WAGMI crypto scammers.

>> No.22559866

Nta but /pol/ has dispersed from their hive and are spreading through other boards like cancer. Look at this board compared to like 5 years ago. Given all the twitter screenshot OP pics here, it’s clear there are definitely some twitterfags

>> No.22559876

What's your favorite One Piece saga, bros?

>> No.22559891

Purported literature knowers itt incapable of understanding historical context of some épater la bourgeoisie. You don’t have to like it but this is embarrassing and tired

>> No.22559896

Not to mention precedes ”leftism” as understood after the russian rev

>> No.22561120
File: 132 KB, 602x744, uriel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They want to "disrupt" tradition and sometimes something is tradition because it is cool and people like having it around. Same with lefty art

>> No.22561130

Very based for a mentally ill Jewess who hated men but there is a lot of shotacons among feminists too. They think that men are all impure so they fantasize about idealized little boys

>> No.22561135
File: 181 KB, 1024x630, The_Funeral-of-a-Viking_by-Frank_Dicksee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some of this is correct but I doubt that are good art improves mood, some of the best art has made me cry or feel thoughtful
The best point here is the "instinctively" part. Good art doesn't have to be explained to people by critics it has some emotional appeal that even a child good get

>> No.22561138

lmao I like the dude's book recs but when he tries to meme he looks like a fucking retard
he is still doing the lens flare eyes for almost every portrait

>> No.22561140

MUH BEAUTY IN ART is such a midwit commentary, and doesn't even get the leftist subversive project correctly. Ugliness has its purpose in art and well used can even enhance the aesthetic value of a given piece. Gothic cathedrals had ugly demons on their doorsteps. Dostoevsky wrote about prostitutes and the sewage of society. What characterizes leftist artwork is not the PRESENCE of ugliness, but the DENIAL of ugliness as such, either by trying to sell something ugly as beautiful, or trying to pretend beauty and ugliness aren't legitimate concepts.

>> No.22561143
File: 429 KB, 541x600, 21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Good art doesn't have to be explained to people by critics it has some emotional appeal that even a child good get
Agree. Can't stand conceptual art either.

>> No.22561151

Good points; Dostoevsky is an Orthodox Christian and I can feel that love of God even when he writes about the demon on the doorstep of the cathedral as you put it. Good art incorporates ugliness because it is part of our human experience

Conceptual art is a cop out; Pablo wasted his talent on this bull

>> No.22561155

Sex between a married man and woman is the ultimate appreciation of beauty just like God intended.

>> No.22561156

>Pablo wasted his talent on this bull
Picasso wasn't a conceptual artist. He was a modernist. I actually love that painting I posted. One of his best.

>> No.22561160

>I like the dude's book recs
Are you sure about that?

>> No.22561163

>And mid/bad looking right wingers (the majority)
The majority of the human race is mid or bad looking,even beautiful women if they live long enough will look like shit and women make up the majority of good looking people.

>> No.22561165
File: 311 KB, 700x1065, pablo-picasso-self-portraits-chronology-7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess its a matter of taste; for me his very early impressionistic but still lifelike works has so much soul that it hurts

>> No.22561170
File: 17 KB, 181x278, 20230911_072123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22561171

We get it you have a crush on him but your opinion is very far from the objective truth.

>> No.22561174
File: 142 KB, 655x983, old-boy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>even beautiful women if they live long enough will look like shit
Truly cute girls look like fairy godmothers when they become grannies; cutest twinks will come to be pic-related

>> No.22561175
File: 187 KB, 636x1000, 20230906_094323.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22561179

I could easily beat that wimpy faggot in a knife fight.

>> No.22561180

"Dworkin failed to consider the shotacons" is certainly a take you'd only get from 4chan.

>> No.22561182
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>> No.22561184
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>> No.22561198
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>> No.22561201
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>> No.22561205
File: 182 KB, 616x972, 20230814_202920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do nazis hold books with all the runes and wasp dicks in their hands?

>> No.22561210

terrible joke from a bitter envious person

>> No.22561212
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>> No.22561213
File: 1.21 MB, 1536x2048, 20230822_195742.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

read some losurdo then, mr sensitive

>> No.22561231

hell yeah, nigger.

>> No.22561317
File: 140 KB, 798x993, 20230918_232557.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

from an indigenous perspective, types of communism may become a red Christianity. but also lmao at any rw alternatives

>> No.22561351
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>right-wing literature

>> No.22561392
File: 41 KB, 658x1000, the world spirt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>is communist
>hates pedos
>hates wokeness
>raises 800m out of poverty
>builds belt and road, greenifies deserts
>leader of the world's workshop, growing while the pathetic west languishes
>handsome af

you were saying?

>> No.22561480
File: 59 KB, 540x721, 1695343371125326.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm attracted to dudes and everyday liberals are ugly.
>Don't read into me finding those I agree with attractive or the fact that I don't talk about the relative attractiveness of everyday people compared to my glamorshots of thinkers/writers.
>Bad and Wrong = Ugly and probably Extra Gross
>I will not be taking notes. I'm just here to post on my anime forum and pine for old dudes.

>> No.22561675
File: 372 KB, 1104x1559, udnua-ligotti.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

According to Emil Cioran, right-wing reactionaries are always losing that's why their seethe comes straight from their soul/heart which makes great art. Economic leftists from working class are capable of beauty tho.

Ugliness can be kino. Beauty is coherence in art and if ugliness is coherent then it is beautiful. It is paradoxical.

>> No.22561701

Kind of wild reading about Ginsberg and how he had Beatnik and Hippie followers, yet he was also a NAMBLA supporter. Was it more secret back then, and slipped past the public?

>> No.22561720

If a man wants to fuck children, who cares if they aren’t your children? Stay in your own lane

>> No.22561742

and what if I wanna change lanes?

>> No.22561759

t. nigger
Dworkin did though. A lot of feminist women and academia whores are into underage boys and she didn't incorporate that into her critique of rape culture

>> No.22561765

Then you best be going the speed limit of everyone else in the lane

>> No.22561768

Why is the gnarled tree so ugly to you?
Why are Wolfpack's feeding on corpses so ugly to you?
Why is free found love so ugly to you?
Why is the search for mystery and satisfaction with wonder so ugly to you?
Why is dusting oneself off after failure so ugly to you?
The nature of the universe scares the shit out of you, I guess.

>Conservative, nationalist, capitalist, Marxist.
This is not a communist. He says he wants it someday, but I don't think he has a clear idea of getting there. I think they all lie about that.

>> No.22562701

i want to stay in the lane and run that pedo over

>> No.22562723

This is actually pretty useful. I'll keep it in mind when I write. Thanks.

>> No.22563958

She took feminism to its logical conclusion and they hated her for it.
Proves the whole lot of feminists are spiteful mutants who simply want retribution against men because of their inferiority complex as the feminine sex.
Not a true believer among them. They’ll parrot only what’s convenient for them in the moment. Very fittingly womanish indeed.
I do have to respect Dworkins for actually being a true believer.

>> No.22563966

What was with all the foot stuff in Pan? There's at least 3 instances where the MC pervs out over a woman's feet. Are his other books like that?

>> No.22563999

>art should be catered to the retarded masses
fucking pleb

>> No.22564120
File: 129 KB, 1024x716, NGS3333.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Leftism and modernism as a whole rejects essence of reality (which is why we get relativism as standard for truth) and thereby rejects the great philosophic quest for apprehending the platonic form of Beauty in itself. Instead relegating humanity to either be self indulgent or working on being famous because people aspire for immortality in either children or fame. Both of which are lackluster pursuits and fail to capture the Olympian goal of attaining the divine by the necessary help of Beauty, and becoming immortal and a friend of the gods.

In other words, without beauty immortality is impossible, even immortality of generation is impossible without the view of beauty in one's partner (no sexual excitement), imagine how much more impossible it is for those souls that desire the holiest immortality without the aid of the holiest Beauty.

>> No.22564186

No one seems to bring up female pedos because society is so mindbroken they just turn a blind eye because
>doing bad things?
>why I never!

>> No.22564188

So it’s a rewrite of Higher Learning kind of?

>> No.22564189

What would be bioleninism filtered through the right look like to you?

>> No.22564191

I dunno, stereotypes exist for reason. Sometimes you’re right.

>> No.22564194

>black people

>> No.22564196

The wide expanse of the internet ensures no place is pure forever. You can’t just expect your precious corner of the internet to be free of outsiders until the end of time. That’s not realistic thinking.

>> No.22564203

Nice fantasy and fetish there, Jamal.

>> No.22564206

Not white

>> No.22565888
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>> No.22567134

>made me cry or feel thoughtful
Wouldn't that just be the hints at forgotten values? Sacrifice, mistakes, regrets are all forgotten values of culture.

>> No.22567324

I love the story about how he triggered hitler by being deaf.

>> No.22567334


>> No.22567545

>They think that men are all impure so they fantasize about idealized little boys
Are they wrong? Especially if you were the kind of woman that was traumatized by men but can't gaslight yourself into lesbianism.

>> No.22567658

Evola (pre wheelchair) was a slayer who pounded all kinds of tantric nympho pixie dream girl pussy

>> No.22567685

Yeah, but why taint something so innocent

>> No.22567689
File: 2.28 MB, 3008x2000, Centre Georges Pompidou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because "leftist literature" is Jewish literature, and Jews are ugly as fuck. And Jewish intellectual and artistic movements glorify ugliness.



>> No.22567730

Evola died a virgin.

>> No.22567739

I will now read the Nazi philosopher

>> No.22567755

No he didnt lol. He father atleast one confirmed bastard and possibly another

>> No.22567965

didn't she horseshoe theory herself into advocating abstinence

>> No.22567971

tiktok motivational videos are good art
shakespeare is bad art
got it