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/lit/ - Literature

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22556751 No.22556751 [Reply] [Original]

It's that time of year again. Who gets it this year?

>> No.22556755

Tyrone Blackman

>> No.22556766
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time is nigh.

>> No.22556767

still can't believe they gave one to Bob Marley

>> No.22556774

It's was Peter Tosh's year!

>> No.22556780

What is it with Bobs?

>> No.22556861

Kek I was about to write how angry Bob Dylan winning it made me until I reread your post

>> No.22556865

a jew will win it

>> No.22556867

Kurdiska räven

>> No.22556876

TrueLit wants Rushdie and some random African cunts to win it

>> No.22557194

The prize has been completely discredited. I don't even remember who won last year. It's irrelevant.

>> No.22557202

Remember when Obama won it lmao. Been discredited for much longer than you realize.

>> No.22557213

>cracks monster
Now Henry Kissinger, now he were a *proper* discreditor of the Nobel prize

>> No.22557225

Rushdie would cause the Muzzies to seethe. Sweden wouldn't dare to that

>> No.22557269
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Although recent winners have been all over the place it's still a generally safe rule to bet against any style that's not defined by its austerity. (I like Handke but he's a good example of it)Your Pynchon's and whatnot have no chance. And neither do more likely candidates like Edna O'Brien.

It has been a while since they honored the philosopher, so to take a stab in the dark I think Nussbaum someone like her has a chance. She has both the institutional cache, and specializes in various sacred cow topics like animal rights and global warming.

It will also make retards here seethe and so would be absolutely worth it.

>> No.22557278

Posthumous McCarthy

>> No.22557287
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>> No.22557325

Hey now, peace through superior firepower works.

>> No.22557336

This or Lydia Davis.

But its 90% gonna be some chinky guy I never heard of

>> No.22557346

You've now heard of Can Xue

>> No.22557358
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Who are we betting on?

>> No.22557365

Either Jamaica or Niggugy

>> No.22557375

I wouldn’t mind Anne Carson winning. Lol at Pynchon and Murakami

>> No.22557380

Retards really think Murnane even has a shot kek even more delusional is Adonis. If they were going to nominate a middle eastern poet, it was going to be Mahmoud Dwarish but he died in 2008 and he fits their socio-ideological categories perfectly: Palestinian, critical of Israel but believed in the peace-process, willing to examine the psychology of the “colonizer” etc., The middle east nominee has sailed and we will only get East Asian “people” and Africans for the “minorities”

>> No.22557392

It's either gonna be Mwalali Gwandingo, Berdeshwan Baralinbalim or Nancy Alberstein.

>> No.22557413

>Can Xue
she's kino thoughbeit

>> No.22557419

All I know is that whoever wins a bunch of clueless retards who know nothing about contemporary literature will go “who?!?”

>> No.22557422

For retards who have read fewer than 10 books in their life

>> No.22557426

for me it's jon fosse

>> No.22557446

be nice

>> No.22557451

Houellebecq, if not only for the absolute seethe it would produce.

>> No.22557493

my nigga jon fosse

>> No.22557509

obamer won the nobel prize in literature?
the peace price is a separate thing given out by norwegians. the category wasn't even included in alfred nobels will

>> No.22557512

if you're dead you can't get it. look it up

>> No.22557519

it wasn’t?

>> No.22557530

sorry, had it mixed up with the economics one. still, it is given out by norwegians.

>> No.22557545

us norwegians have never won a war, we’re very good at peace :)

>> No.22557550

>Neutral Pine in Livalanc
Funny. But AI still needs to die.

>> No.22557554

Wasn’t Quisling Norwegian? Really fiddles my diddle

>> No.22557633

every nation has its rightoid traitors

>> No.22557642

Can Xue tell me who these people are please?

>> No.22557696

Where is the gypsy rat? Chris via asshole didn't shill him enough it seems.

>> No.22557760

Peter Singer? He has been a leading voice in libtardation.

>> No.22558023

>Peter Singer

Nussbaum is very much seen as the intellectual choice, rather then Singer who is dismissed as a popularizer . She is someone who is both capable and willing to think through the philosophical underpinnings of animal rights.

>> No.22558173

My guess is an Asian, so Lianke, Can Xue, Ogawa, or Yu Hua. If Oceania, then Murnane or Alexis Wright. If northern Europe, then Fosse. If Western European, no idea. Nadas, if Eastern Europe.

>> No.22559662

The fix is in. Rushdie will be the newest laureate.

>> No.22560995

is rushdie actually worth reading, or is he just popular because he made muslims sperg out?

>> No.22561026

>Emily Wilson - The Iliad
They'll find a way to make it win.

>> No.22561096

Does Zurita really have a chance?

>> No.22561321
File: 195 KB, 800x1067, Olga_Tokarczuk-9739.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It lost all meaning when they gave it to this untalented whore
>t. Polish

>> No.22561348

>some chinky guy I never heard of

I would put my money on Yan Lianke. He's already won the Kafka and the Nobel is next.

>> No.22561356

>because he made muslims sperg out?

Yes. He's not a very good writer but for some people that kind of florid style is right up their alley.

>> No.22561362

is she not heckin based and redpilled enough for you?

>> No.22561365

Probably Atwood. It will make press.

>> No.22562460

>Can Xue, Murnane
for what?
he's as mid as it gets
no writer of the meme trilogy has or will ever be considered a contender
get real
>Anne Carson
sounds like the logical conclusion to Gluck and Erneaux
>Ngugiwa Thiongo
relevant when? Abduly'allhaveta Googlemuhname already won in his category.
>Pierre Michon, Ulitskaya, Aira, Zurita, Kincaid
literal whos
maybe he deserves it, maybe not. nobody outside Hungary can tell.
he'll never get it. he never wanted it.

>> No.22562474

Colm Tóibín. You'll heard it here first.

>> No.22562513

Emmanuel Carrère

>> No.22562535


As much as I would love for Pynchon to get it he's too white and boomer for current audiences if it does go to an American again probably a female or POC it'll be someone from Britain or Europe this time I think maybe someone like Zadie Smith

>> No.22562708
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He won't, but a good shout, and not undeserving

>> No.22562713

Rushdie would be based but there's no way.

>> No.22562734

She must have written a memoir about killing her hair stylist, because that haircut is atrocious.

>> No.22564392


>> No.22564404

I just hope it’s someone who will make /lit/ lose their shit. Like a rapper or someone. But there would be too many troll threads on second thought..

>> No.22564406

Not a white male.

>> No.22564556

white genocide isn’t real, but it should be

>> No.22564852
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Give him the Nobel already!

>> No.22564874

Austere is about right, I find his prose completely empty.
A shame too as I like both Henry James and Thomas Mann, this guy should be right up my alley, but while lacking some of the cringe of a lot of modern MFA writers he does have a remarkably similar style.

As far as the Nobel goes that could only be a benefit.

>> No.22564885

Brandon Sanderson :)

>> No.22565761

Peterlope Transpersonof Color

>> No.22565774

I want King to win so I can laugh at all the seething comments

>> No.22565815

Have it on good word it will be Hirohiko Araki

>> No.22565955

yung leans dad is one of the guys who decides btw. look it up

>> No.22565982

I'm assuming that this young lean is some kind of nigger?

>> No.22567102

It's a kind of wigger

>> No.22567327

It'll one hundred percent be a safe female person of colour choice like Zadie Smith or the trans author who wrote Discomfort of the Evening

>> No.22568232

is there a list anywhere of what odds previous winners have had?

>> No.22568300

you can create one.

>archive posts/blogs from the day before nobelprize 2022,2021,2020
>check odds
>compile list


>> No.22568331

Jefferson Mandingo

>> No.22568393

So what you're saying is she's the /lit/ frontrunner

>> No.22568858

So, it's announced in half an hour. Any final bids?

>> No.22568861

Krasznahorkai gang, get in here

>> No.22568936


>> No.22569064

Fosseboys we did it! Anglos will never understand

>> No.22569067
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>> No.22569096

feeling pretty smug right now

>> No.22569104

As you should, what's your favorite work of his? for me it's Trilogien, very rarely does a book make me cry but this one did the trick. What a sublime experience.

>> No.22569112

i haven't done trilogy yet, for me it's septology although the melancholies hold a special place in my heart too

>> No.22569133

Houllebecq for the lulz and endless seethe

>> No.22569152

I just read an essay by knausgaard from 2019 pushing for fosse to win nobel. From essay:
"Few modern writers could be as far removed from Jon Fosse and the place in which he stands than Michel Houellebecq. Houellebecq’s novels are idea-based, provocative, engaged with the contemporary, disillusioned, smart, misanthropic, and seem somehow to present a face towards the reader. Fosse’s writing contains scarcely an idea, and not a scrap of provocation, the contemporary is toned down or else avoided completely, and although his work often approaches death and explores a kind of existential ground zero, it is never disillusioned and certainly not misanthropic, but full of hope."
Do you agree anon? I've never heard of fosse but like knausgaard quite a bit. Do you think i would like fosse? What other authors do you like?

>> No.22569173

If you like Knausgård you'll like Fosse, although they're quite different. Fosse was actually Knausgårds teacher at the writer's academy, and as such is an important character in My Struggle ...5, iirc.

>> No.22569200

they are very different, and i would guess fosse is a lot more difficult to translate, but give him a try. start with trilogy.

>> No.22569219

I’m ordering Trilogy, brahs

>> No.22569223


>> No.22569232


I like the scene where Knausgaard calls him a cunt over and over again after Fosse said his writing was bad

>> No.22569240

culture war-bros....

>> No.22569288

Fosse was asked to name another author deserving of the prize when interviewed today.

He mentioned Krasznahorkai and Dag Solstad
Think Knausgaard might off himself now

>> No.22569339

Desu I don't think Knausgaard is delusional enough to think he deserves the Nobel. He's not innovating or blowing people's minds with the content of his writing. The only impressive thing is how he manages to stay so consistent (in a good way) while churning out thousands of pages over the years.

>> No.22569368

Can you link the interview pls?

>> No.22569535


>Knausgaard writes a follow up to My Struggle
>It's nothing but 400 pages of him calling Fosse a cunt after finding out he won the nobel prize

He must be seething beyond belief