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22552056 No.22552056 [Reply] [Original]

Why is New Age philosophically not taken seriously?

>> No.22552058

Because it's made up bullshit

>> No.22552211

Because certain people don't want you to take it seriously.

>> No.22552214
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Just like Vaccine.

>> No.22552307
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causally retroactively refuted by guenon

>> No.22552317

I have heard a few stories of new agers. They channel spirits or meet aliens or whatever and get convinced to waste their lives. It really is just misdirection from demons

>> No.22552381

>midwitry is a inverted bell curve
this is unbelievable beauty, pottery even

>> No.22552486

The PhDs still get vaccinated. Their "hesitancy" isn't the same as yours. You're on the left side of the bell curve. You're worse than the midwit.

>> No.22552505

it's a boomer growth philosophy, makes no sense in a post growth world, not just materially but in the arts as well

>> No.22552507

you are talking about Phds in gay sex, not actual Phds

>> No.22552726

It is poorly written feelz material for women. Men already have an extensive historical acumen of philosophical justifications for doing whatever. As with anything else, men do just about everything better than women.

>> No.22552745
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I've got a PhD in molecular biology and was initially somewhat hesitant, but i was willing to accept the mRNA vaccines. The biggest issue for me was the AstraZeneca vaccine, because the messaging around it was very schizophrenic, and i had to advise my parents whether to get it or not. I told them to do it because the benefits outweighed the risks, but i was pretty anxious the first week after they got it.

My biggest problem was with the messaging surrounding it, with everybody sucking the dicks of the pharmaceutical industry for some reason, and pushing a vaccine on such short notice is highly unusual. Those companies are not necessarily your friend. It even got so bad that i started to troll reddit, pretending i didn't have the vaccine and that covid was only a small cold for me, just out of spite to get a kick out of them. And i did.

>> No.22552751
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>> No.22552752
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>> No.22552758

because it's only practiced by women and faggots

>> No.22552931

Its just about taking the best out of all spiritual traditions. I see nothing wrong wirh that

>> No.22553341

Mostly because its forwarders were drugged-out charlatans.

>> No.22553348

It's all about magical thinking and tricking retards into parting with their money

>> No.22553353

also intelligence operators

>> No.22553398

1. it’s optimistic (gay)
2. it’s for women (very gay)
3. it all traces back to blavatsky (extremely extremely gay)
Verification not required

>> No.22553451

blavatsky was a bases nazi like me

>> No.22553460

Its no less justified than every other religious or mystical position, so why not?

>> No.22553505

It is until it starts to assert bs that not even Old Age can manage.

>> No.22553511

>I've got a PhD in molecular biology
Your prose is at best late teens. Go back.

>> No.22553733

>take the best piece of each house and combine them to create a new building

>> No.22554258

This sort of mollifying reduction and robbing of the world's philosophical traditions to make some bland therapeutic excretion is exactly why no one takes the New Age seriously, either in the East or the West. It's like the equivalent of a toddler on Thanksgiving piling up her plate with maccaroni and gummy worms.

>> No.22554280

Not really, that's typical jargon for people in STEM outside of publications. In publications, it's usually mechanistic impenetrable jargon about extremely niche issues.
STEM grads are nowadays trained to become highly specialized idiot savants; the age of the polymath is over. This isn't due to the divorce between the sciences and philosophy, but purely due to the fact that you can only really produce novel research (and therefore publish) if you specialize in an extremely narrow area.

>> No.22554329

Because all of it refuses to acknowledge the shadow. It is so obvious that it is the dream of the collective "upper class white woman with too much time on their hands" unconscious in its wishy washy idealism. But thats probably just the popular conception of what new age philosophy is. Ill get back to you after reading the 4 arcane's.

>> No.22554341
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>thats probably just the popular conception of what new age philosophy is
it is. read more.

>> No.22554539

>the PhDs still get vaccinated
Pol Pot kind of had a point

>> No.22554541

Because big science took over philosophy

>> No.22554570

which was?

>> No.22554573


>> No.22554759

lolno they know how to get fake certs retard

>> No.22554768
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>why is something that is self-consciously anti-philosophical not treated as being philosophically rigorous?
decent bait

>> No.22555879

Then why not just following actual traditionalism?