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/lit/ - Literature

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22551427 No.22551427 [Reply] [Original]

Why have the British stopped writing good books?

>> No.22551434

Same reason everyone’s stopped writing good books: everyone’s generally retarded, don’t read, openAI, don’t write, retarded, internet, lazy, etc

>> No.22551465

Truly a melting pot

>> No.22551509
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>import hordes of 3rd world monkeys
>city becomes 3rd world and feral
the wrong side won ww2 btw

t. English

>> No.22551512

why dey all black n brown n asian

>> No.22551518

This is literally what your great ancestors you make little dark age edits about wanted

>> No.22551519
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>gets colonize by the colony

>> No.22551533

Not at all, you idiot. Colonialism implies enforcing your superior culture on another group such that their quality of life increases, like what happens when White people colonize non-white countries. The 3rd worlders (like you and your monkey family) aren't doing this. Instead, they eagerly adopt the materialistic and hedonistic lifestyle of inner city bugmen (assuming they hadn't already), while tanking quality of life. They don't spread their culture or enforce anything. They vote for leftist governments and spread STDs and crime lol.

Virtually every single one of my ancestors were just as "right wing" as me, if not more. They were definitely more Traditional. You know that's kind of the point, you stupid tranny freak.

>> No.22551540

When England hopped on the prescription bandwagon they made the mistake of connecting that prescription with the monarchy (The King's English and the like) which had disastrous results, lended a certain credence to it all and made it seem more than the dumbed down prescription it was. To this day bongs have a belief they speak "proper English" and it has hobbled them in the literary world.

>> No.22551548

i'm sure you have occupation already

>> No.22551557

fucking cope
y'all gonna be minorities in your country
y'all prime minister is indian

>> No.22551559

>Colonialism implies enforcing your superior culture on another group such that their quality of life increases
unfortunately for you, black culture is considered superior now

>> No.22551584

Cope with what? you're admitting my point of view is correct, you stupid pavement ape.
Unelected, he was selected by the anti-White establishment to make poomen like you feel better (i.e., to help you cope).

Blacks don't have any culture, they simply adopted low class white trash "culture" (food, language, music, etc.) and stripped away any of the decent elements from it, like religion and independence. Also, with regards to the truth, it doesn't matter what the anti-white system or trannies like you think anyway.

Whether or not it is unfortunate for me is also irrelevant. My family and many other Whites have left or are leaving the non-white infested shitholes after our property values multiplied. The state of inner cities and the decline in civilization is unfortunate if you like living in 1st world conditions, which is actually the reason why these nonwhites come here in the first place, you total retard.

>> No.22551587
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British right wing parties have been in charge for all of it. You guys even did brexit over it.

>> No.22551593
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>right wing
fucking hell go back to r3ddit you monumentally fucking stupid faggot

>> No.22551596

That statement is weird because to have integration essentially disintegrates the other culture. People create paradoxical worlds just to sublimate as much as possible into the consumerist culture.

>> No.22551609

They aren't right wing, they're neo-liberal and support faggotry and the replacement of White native populations as much as any cucked leftist who thinks donald drumpf is a nazi. Lurk more retard.

>> No.22551635

>real right wing has never been tried!
Coping hard, the right has always been in favor of the wealthy, it just so happens that the wealthy have picked neoliberalism to maximize their profits and every other "traditional value" became secondary. Thatcher was woke to you apparently lmao

>> No.22551669

>cope harder!
>muh right wing just care about money even though i admit they're actually liberals!
Kek. Do you even have an argument? You're like a parody of a teenage marxtard, it's hard to even make fun of you when you're this stupid. Go back to r3ddit you brainless moron.

>> No.22551680

Each party exists only to reign in, if not, squash its own outliers.

>> No.22551698

Is this dialectics?

>> No.22551739

That's a lot of niggers

>> No.22551745

Yeah, you have to go back.

>> No.22551748


>> No.22551769

This isn't your safespace.
Kill yourself tranny.

>> No.22551829
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french author wrote a good book
about to come true.....

>> No.22552190

When the British started writing good books?

>> No.22552205
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Don't worry pussies it's cooking, I'm just sitting on it a little. We'll be so back soon.

>> No.22552282

im convinced nobody who has ever used the word neoliberalism on the internet knowns what it actually means

>> No.22552294

Are you referring to jews being happy about whites being effectively replaced? Makes sense

>> No.22552298
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That was a reach.

>> No.22552313

No one here speaks “proper English”.
Even the royal family are speaking less of it.
Listen to the king speak then listen to Harry or William.
Also the assholes that do the proper English thing can’t do it themselves, like when Jacob rees mogg banned words then used them in his next speech.

>> No.22552388

The final mutt can't wait to happen.
After that civilization will collapse.

>> No.22552408

Two more weeks collapsebros!

>> No.22552429

There will never be a collapse, just a gradual replacement and Detroitization, as is already happening. But probably more functional, except in france
Collapseniggers are high on hopium. It's already over

>> No.22552454

Because Britain and the western world turned to shit.

>> No.22552493

In like game of thrones season 1,2, and 3 (before sandpeople showed up) they spoke pretty good English, it was worth watching just to hear all those accents. UK today is proper shithole, cities are pozzed and many white areas are actually pretty run down, infested with drugs and crime.

>> No.22552497

Not lit related

>> No.22552541

I can see that this thread is utterly awful, so I will say nothing, nothing but this:
>May the many sentient beings who are suffering, quickly be freed from their suffering. And may all the suffering of beings never arise again.
>May righteousness and order prevail
>God bless all Englishmen
Greetings from Slavistan.

>> No.22552550

That they were imported doesn’t explain why social media made everyone under 18 behave and speak like a black kid.

>> No.22552555

>>May the many sentient beings who are suffering, quickly be freed from their suffering. And may all the suffering of beings never arise again.
>>May righteousness and order prevail
Are you suggesting UK should be nuked?

>> No.22552561

I think many Englishmen would be okay with London in particular getting nuked. But that wasn't actually what I was getting at.

>> No.22553119

It's natural for humans to devolve into lower forms of humanity. You simp for niggers.

>> No.22553128

Doesn't necessarily need to be nuked. They just need to be put to work or sent back to their mudhuts. They certainly can't be allowed to wander the streets freely, they are too feral and disrespectful.

>> No.22553137

>I...is that the 21st century...I'M GOING INSANE

>> No.22553160

>21st century means cities devolve into 3rd world toilets full of feral blacks and other 3rd worlders
Keep simping for niggers, redditcuck. Take a look ar crime stats some time you clueless fucking imbecile.

>> No.22553171

Britain is an Indian colony

>> No.22553173

I mean, in a way, 21st century is all about whites going extinct in their own countries. So you aren't wrong

>> No.22553177

He said superior, not considered superior.

>> No.22553183

why don't white people do anything apart from bitching online. literally the only places where i see people bitching is online spaces, IRL they always keep their heads down

>> No.22553188

So pol is right?

>> No.22553198

Whites are dysgenically bred to be passive cucks with recessive genes
/pol/ is majority hispanic and is right and wrong about many things. If you mean whites going extinct then yes, average age for whites is >40 at best (already infertile), many don't have children, some mix, and immigrants make up 60% or more of the births in many white countries
Whether it's kikes/globalists/chinks/___ to blame, idk and idc if they are right on that

>> No.22553229
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>thread is full of special ed students sharting their knickers over melanin

>nobody even trying to pretend this thread is related to literature

>> No.22553234

>Whites are dysgenically bred to be passive cucks with recessive genes
They conquered the world multiple times while at war with each other. You're admitting that they shouldn't treat you as equals and should have enslaved you or something, it isn't in their best interest to mix with inferior races. Keep coping shitskin.

>> No.22553236

You mean simians?

>> No.22553239

20 glorious years anon.

>> No.22553241


Isn't Kazuo Ishiguro still writing books?

>> No.22553251


Why do I get a Terminator feeling just looking at that artwork?

>> No.22553298

>passive cucks
Nice cognitive dissonance retard. Whites are the active race par excellence. They remodeled the globe multiple times in their image. That's why you know English and use computers and have toilets and basically everything else, stupid monkey. Poomen like you and your stinky family all run to White countries (or cities) and follow in White footsteps, never the other way around. Whites are innovators and conquerors, the only reason they are at risk of being replaced by shitskinned 3rd worlders is because they won and wanted to treat you fairly. Their weakness is compassion and consequently thinking darker races are their equals.

The groups fighting back against globohomo are all almost completely white. They create movements and hold protests against the invasion of their countries all the time, but NPC monkeys like you wouldn't know since you only pay attention to kosher media which never give these groups a voice. Do you expect them to start ranting about blacks in public and beating them in the streets? that's a great way to go to jail and have your life ruined and accomplish nothing. Whites are the only demographic to vote right against all this garbage too btw, nonwhites all vote for globohomo, bigger government and the parties that support this 3rd world invasion.

>> No.22553307
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there's something about these numbers.

the melanin is accessory, the biggest difference in racial groups is neurophysiological.

>> No.22553311

>le /pol/ thread

>> No.22553323

Correct, they were pretty good at what all tribes crave (subjugation and conquest) and then committed suicide while making a fool out of themselves in the process. This is evidence of dysgenic breeding
See above. You are a fine example of this genetic cuckoldry. Whites are actively getting predated and your response to this is getting butthurt over anon comments on an Indonesian rice farming forum because that's all you can do
Seethe, cope and dilate

>> No.22553324

they are too civilized for their own good

>> No.22553328

All I see is one group asserting dominance over a weaker group

>> No.22553330
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Yes, but this is what your side fought for. Well deserved.

>> No.22553332

Romans and Assyrians were civilized

>> No.22553337

> whites are getting predated
By whom? Swathes of immigrants who come to work for them?

>> No.22553339

/lit/ - Politics

>> No.22553340

Let's see how sarcastic you'll be when you get beaten half-dead and your gf gets raped by niggers, then the (((authorities))) punish them with 10 hours community service and tax-funded therapy retreat

>> No.22553343

>they were pretty good
Not pretty good, the best, nobody else could even compete.
>evidence of dysgenic breeding
Meme term that means nothing given the context. Whites are genetically superior. They're tallest on average, all the strongest men in the world are white, they're the most beautiful race, and have the best minds, etc., I could go on and on. You calling this dysgenic for no reason is literally just non-white cope. How about the races that can't do anything other than copy white people while whining about whites totally dominating them are dysgenic? that makes a lot more sense, you're projecting.

>> No.22553352

Swathes of immigrants who live off of their taxes, kill them, commit crime unopposed, and physically replace them
Whites are also a minority in the workforce now too. Chinks and jeets and spics replaced them
You clearly have a fantasy where you are cucked yet somehow "better off". The reality is you're defeated and high on copium. Keep believing what makes you less butthurt about it
Notice how in execs, managers, professionals, whites are replaced

Worse of all, and prime evidence of dysgenic breeding, is that most whites aw completely fine with this and even applaud it. It's over

>> No.22553357

>being a retarded monkey criminal is asserting dominance
hilarious shitskin cope. most of these crimes are committed against other shitskins btw. which language are they learning? which culture do they adopt? not nigger africa or pooman india, they conform to Western materialism more fervently than Whites do.

You have a nigger-tier IQ. How fucking stupid are you to equate feral activity or inability to control your base instincts with weakness? true strength (power) comes from the ability to control these things yourself, according to any philosophically sound conception of power.

Your entire life is crafted by white achievements, you're literally projecting, shitskin.

>> No.22553359
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>> No.22553360

Hey but more people => GDP number go up!
I just moved to Texas and the amount of Hispanics everywhere is insane.

>> No.22553365

Nah genghis khan did better with far more limited means. I'm a bit surprised anglos didn't conquer more given their massive technological advantage
Now whites are losing to goat herders with AKs, strange times

>I could go on and on
And yet you can't explain why whites are passive cucks despite going extinct in their own countries and are buckbroken by jews. Many even applaud it
You're coping incredibly hard but remember, coping online is all you can do while white children are turned into trannies and sterilized in real life.

>> No.22553366

I find it enjoyable to discuss taboo political topics with people who have an IQ above 70

>> No.22553371

>if you kill your enemy he wins
See, this is the dysgenically bred cuck mentality
How fucking stupid are you to equate unnatural passivity and complicity as you are openly hunted down socially and physically with some kind of virtue?

>> No.22553373

Lmao the feel of living in a Jewish led country
My country has immigrants too but most of them work their asses off for low wages and they are white

>> No.22553376

Tejas is already majority spic
In 15 years without the white boomers it will be about 80% spic or so

>> No.22553378

>the immigrants don't work
>actually they do work and are replacing your jobs in exec positions!
Everything you post is schizophrenic shitskin drivel. Not a single exec I've ever met is non-white, you are totally delusional. Shitskins totally drive up housing prices and white people sell their massively inflated homes to move somewhere not infested by 3rd world subhumans like you and your stinky immigrant family. You wouldn't know.
>is that most whites aw completely fine with this and even applaud it. It's over
Wrong again, you stupid monkey. Whites overwhelmingly reject all of these policies and consistently vote right, the problem is no party will ever maintain the democratic will. Your entire view of white people comes from jewish media, you are a subhuman NPC and a shitskin.

>> No.22553386

I'm getting tired of you, you stupid Scottish piece of shit.
>superior culture
Beautiful in what? Sucking Jew dick? There isn't a single beautiful thing in the entirety of Christcuck tradition. Only inferior fags would be fooled by it.

>> No.22553389

>Nah genghis khan did better with far more limited means
He had red hair and blue eyes. He also only had to compete against beta asians like you.
>Now whites are losing to goat herders with AKs, strange times
Nice MSM view of reality.
>And yet you can't explain why whites are passive cucks
I've already refuted this multiple times. It's not my problem you have an aversion to reading. Stop projecting, and start arguing, 3rd world garbage.

>> No.22553392

Nice, might give other whites the idea of conquering the shithole and enslave the inhabitants
Non-whites have demonstrated throughout history that they are incapable of preventing such things from happening, subjugated by whites getting into their countries in sometimes ridiculously low numbers

>> No.22553401

"majority" as in a tiny bit over 40% so a 'minority-majority'

>> No.22553404

He's a retarded shitskin. Immigrants all work the shittiest jobs. Food delivery, fast food, 7/11, etc.
What country are you from that has white immigrants? you're so full of shit.

Nice strawman.
> unnatural passivity and complicity
You're just making it up as you go. What language are you speaking? your entire life is molded by white accomplishments, you're just a fool to think whites are passive. You equate criminal and animalistic behaviour with activity and dominance? no wonder your country is such a toilet copying everything White people do. You are an idiot.

>> No.22553408

It takes 50000 BILLION GORILLION shitskins to destroy a single white nation
It took 300 Spanyards to crush Mexico

>> No.22553410

>Tejas is already majority spic
No it isn't you retard.

Go back to your 3rd world toilet and take your stinky immigrant family with you, good for nothing anti-white brown faggot.

>> No.22553412

> What country are you from that has white immigrants
EU has a EU immigration policy where EU members can freely immigrate to other EU countries without visum.

>> No.22553414

>you're using the internet and calling me a shitskin!
>that means you don't do anything else and are passive!
It's fun watching your little nonwhite pea-brain trying to come up with arguments to cope with the fact that whites dominated your irrelevant cucked ancestors.

>> No.22553418

>Genghis Khan had blue eyes and red hair, hence he was BASED
Man, you are such a retarded classless piece of shit. Jump off a bridge, you stupid Scottish fag. Even bots based on deep learning algorithms are smarter than you.

>> No.22553420

Kys, you stupid Scottish fag. Stop shitting each thread with your low IQ illiterate Nordicist bullshit. Genuinely kys.

>> No.22553421

the shitskins aren't really responsible for any of it. they have no agency. it's the financial elite who are behind it, controlling all the politicians and the media.

>> No.22553426
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You simp for afro-simians.

>> No.22553435

I'm convinced your IQ is 85. Most immigrants don't work. Niggers don't work. The minorities who do, replace whites
It's amazing that you are so mentally incapacitated that you can't put this together
You haven't refuted anything, and you got BTFO in Afghanistan.
Whites were pretty dominant, and then got cucked fatally. This is indisputable evidence of dysgenic breeding

>> No.22553436

>Whites overwhelmingly reject all of these policies and consistently vote right
If by overwhelming you mean older folks and only by about a 10% margin. That's the reality on the ground. I'm a college student, 90% of of whites are self-hating liberals.

>> No.22553440

I just don't like *you*, Scottish fag. I can sympathize with certain segments of the far right, but *you* are an undeniably a piece of shit, the bottom of the barrel of your race. You're spiritually on the level of an insentient demon or ghost.

>> No.22553441

>Imperialist country ends up getting imperialized

>> No.22553444

> Most immigrants don't work. Niggers don't work. The minorities who do, replace whites
It's amazing that you are so mentally incapacitated that you can't put this together
If you had a single ounce of faculty you would knowost immigrants come to Europe to work, save up money and invest it into their shitholes. It is an irrelevant minority of them who comes to just rent and NEET in an apartment. It doesn't even make sense. To get an apartment you basically have to have a job in Britain at least.
> dysgenic breeding
You mean mutting with non-whites?

>> No.22553446

Some whites will actually flee there to escape trannytyranny. Many white dudes mingle with latinas due to most white women being jewified so you'll have a sizeable castizo population there, in case there's white geneflow although I doubt it given the sheer dearth of whites births and moving is expensive
Is he the scottish shizo? Ironic because scots got conquered and got even their language replaced

>> No.22553453

Well, reshape /pol/ in the image you want. Be the change you want to see. It’s ridiculous how many times there are threads about African or Slavic skull shapes, racial IQ’s, white flight, the west has fallen, and all those other lowbrow subjects on a fucking literature forum

>> No.22553454

That's counting legals. Illegals are easily +7%


>> No.22553458

>your IQ is 85!
>source on all my claims: just trust me (a shitskinned immigrant), don't believe your eyes!
Every uber or food delivery driver you get in big cities is an immigrant. Basically every person working at a gas station is brown. Nearly all fast food workers aren't white, unless they're high schoolers.
>The minorities who do, replace whites
No they don't, you total fucking retard. Everyone I work with is making >100k per year and virtually all are white. The management is all white, and all the execs are white. I work at one of the biggest companies in the country.

Whites dominated the globe so thoroughly that your entire life is defined by White achievements. Your assertion that Whites are passive cucks is obviously just non-white projection/cope. In reality, your ancestors are irrelevant cucks. All the endless 3rd world monkeys like you and your stinky family abandoning everything for Western materialism and running to the West "benefits" are passive cucks. Keep buying in to the failing ponzi of the West, you make white families millionaires simply by driving up our housing prices while we all go to nicer areas while you slave away in nigger-ridden inner city shitholes. Cope.

>> No.22553464

You are literally getting replaced and whites worship nigger floyd while hate crimes against you are at an all time high as well as genocidal rhetoric, and most whites simply do no thing, just like you do. It's over, you can cope about it all you want but it really is over and you wont do shit about it

>> No.22553468

I have no idea what you're talking about sxhizo, see >>22553307 and dilate.

>> No.22553474

>If by overwhelming you mean older folks and only by about a 10% margin.
I'm talking about the collective of Whites in every Western nation being overwhelmingly against the importation of 3rd world monkeys like you and your stinky immigrant family, chink. In the UK it's easily over 70%, if not 80% of the population who want this immigration to stop, virtually all of these people are white. It's only shitskinned 3rd worlders like you and your stinky family who actually vote for these policies, because you people lack the insight and wisdom necessary to keep countries from devolving into 3rd world toilets, which is why you ran to the White man in the first place, ape.

>> No.22553476

Ah yes all these niggers and pakis working in france and canada right? Lmfaoooooooooo keep coping
Also are you saying that because the people you literally lose your country to are working class, it's no big deal? Ok lmao

>> No.22553483

You said they overwhelmingly and consistently vote right -- that's not true.

>> No.22553484

>You mean mutting with non-whites?
No, intratribal mutations. The worst and most cucked of your race got to breed and many of the best died in war. So most white today are cucks because they descend from cucks, and the rest are generally conformists so they stick along
Easy to grasp.

>> No.22553485

>Many white dudes mingle with latinas due to most white women being jewified
No, the reason they do it is because "latina" women worship them and are used to a lower quality of life, so they'll be impressed if you buy them mcdonalds for dinner and pick them up in a shitty car

>3rd worlder rejoicing that White areas are turning into 3rd world toilets
kek, you "people" are subhuman.

>> No.22553487

>Your assertion that Whites are passive cucks is obviously
the truth, judging by how whites countries are swarmed by disorderly immigrants as whites do nothing and keep voting for their own extinction

>> No.22553490

I don't care what you think you seething shitskin. I'm not Scottish either, take your meds you mental patient.

Racially Scots are Nordic, and they didn't get conquered the same way dark-skinned races got conquered.

>> No.22553494

if most whites dislike it why don't they do anything? they're just sitting passively there? sounds insane, so you're lying.

>> No.22553497

>yes white dudes racemix but haha here why it's actually a good thing!
Cuck lmao

>> No.22553500

Because it's impossible to get an apartment without a job you retard
Your argument is empirically illogical and can be dismissed without further examination
The immigrants who don't work live in the streets lmao
Lmao, cucks with private properties, cucks who work 14 hours a day and earn big bucks, cucks who dominate swathes of immigrants and drain every ounce of penny out of them and get bucks for it
While the immigrants are such masters they don't even get to be economically successful, they have to emigrate to other countries to work for foreign masters and they will never get anything for it

>> No.22553506

>as whites do nothing and keep voting for their own extinction
Only a minority of whites vote for this. The overwhelming majority of Whites vote against this, the problem is the democratic system is a joke and politicians are paid off to go against the will of the people. According to every survey in any White nation, easily the majority of the population stand against this invasion. In every White country, the White segment of the population vote right. Non-whites as a racial collective always vote left. Did you just not know this?

Also, there are myriad groups standing against these things, and all of them are White. You wouldn't know, since you're just a shitskinned monkey with an MSM view of reality. Go watch marvel with your disgusting immigrant family, subhuman. Your ancestors are all irrelevant cucks, keep projecting.

>> No.22553507

Whatever you are, you're an annoying faggot who is always shitting up these boards with your vulgarity, and you're not helping your race either. You're ultimately trying generating more schadenfreude for your race. For all I know, you could be a Jew larping as a white man.

>> No.22553517

They do things, you just don't see it because you aren't involved or aware of it's existence. All of the organizations standing against these things are totally White. You can also see it in voting patterns, white people as a collective support drastically limiting immigration, the problem is that isn't what the financial elite who control the politicians and media want. I talk to white people all the time, most of them are redpilled on these issues, including even jewish power. It isn't an age thing. Actually older white people are more likely to believe in the cable news version of reality. But if you talk about these things publicly you will be banned and attacked, so where can an organic support base form and gain ground?

>> No.22553519

Why not just aim for mutual respect and speak impartially about modern-day problems? This is /lit/. Delivery is important. Go to /pol/ if you just want to scream racial slurs or whatever.

>> No.22553520

>financial elite

You mean the demonic Jews.

>> No.22553526

The ones I'm referring to mostly just fuck them and move on to the next one, most of the time they'll settle down and have kids with a white woman.

You as well aren't even white, I don't care about your opinion.

>> No.22553539

>The worst and most cucked of your race got to breed and many of the best died in war
Wrong. Do you just make it up as you go? sounds like it
>So most white today are cucks because they descend from cucks
Also wrong. You're projecting your nonwhite inferiority on to White people. The fact is, your entire genetic lineage is worthless cucks, your entire life if defined by White achievement. You're projecting, all you can do is whine online about how Whites are cucks even though they totally dominate your people, and all your women worship them.

>> No.22553543

>like religion
American blacks are some of the most religions out of all Americans, at least the ones not raised in the hood. You ever seen the video of Jamie Foxx reciting every OT book in order? That’s black Baptist church for you.

>> No.22553546

>You as well aren't even white, I don't care about your opinion.
The Japanese aren't white, yet you suck their dicks.

Shut the fuck up, you arrogant memelord edgelord faggot. These issues are too complex to be reduced to edgy imageboard meme culture. All of you are dysgenic faggots and should die.

>> No.22553550

That's fine. But if nonwhites start attacking and slandering White people, I show no mercy and rip their fucking heads off. Don't like it? Then go to any other jew-controlled website where anti-white garbage can attack White people all day long with impunity and we get banned for defending ourselves.

>> No.22553565

I highly doubt that. Maybe some of the older generation in the South. I don't care about faggot jamie fox or whatever fake and gay hollywood bullshit you are referencing. I can sit on twitter and a new video will come up every hour of blacks looting stores or brutally beating or killing old people for fun. There is a huge problem with that demographic.

I don't simp for japanese either, they're weird. Whites who worship japan are almost always weird freaks.

>> No.22553576

I support immigration in the US.

>> No.22553586

The white race is grateful for your service kind sir. Where would we be without you defending us on 4chan?

>> No.22553587

Of course you do paco

>> No.22553592

How did you know my name?

>> No.22553593

You don't know what race they are.
Whites are not collectively unified either...
>I show no mercy and rip their fucking heads off
Talking like this online is counterproductive to your goals, retard. Do you want more ressentiment/scape goating from immigrants? It just adds more fuel to the fire.
These are complex problems. Going around extolling the virtues of colonialism isn't beneficial to you either. Also, stroking the victim narratives of immigrants is bad too. "White guilt" is obviously destructive and understanding its role in stabilizing the modern globalized world is complex and social engineering.
Granted, not a SINGLE positive thing came from industrialization. There's nothing worth being proud when considering the increasing destruction of the world and destruction of traditional and communal integrity. When talking about European achievements, pointing to Bach makes more sense than pointing to technological innovation.
My approach is to realize there is a problem, get to the source of that problem, but to also see how volatile everything has become. I don't have an easy solution, but calling all whites OR nonwhites subhuman helps no one.
>I don't simp for japanese either, they're weird. Whites who worship japan are almost always weird freaks.
Yeah, ok.
I really don't give a shit.
I personally don't like Western culture, historically speaking, but I don't view you as subhumans. There's a difference between disaster versus outright dehumanization.

>> No.22553596


>> No.22553614

Our poor country lies in Roman decadence. Where there is no longer an aristocracy worthy of itself, a nation dies. Our Nobles are conceited fools and cowards. I no longer believe in anything nor have any views. From Louis-Philippe we shall proceed to the first trimmer who will take us up, but only in order to pass us on to another. For we are without fibre and moral energy.Money has killed everything.

>> No.22553620

It's the principle that i stand for.

>> No.22553625

I don't believe all nonwhites are subhumans at all. Just the antiwhite ones who think they can shit on White people with impunity while they and their ungrateful families insolently reap all the benefits of White civilization.