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File: 17 KB, 283x408, romano-guardini.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22549364 No.22549364 [Reply] [Original]

Is there a way to be able to feel the meaning of Christianity?
Guardini, Barth, Ranher, Boethius, Maritain, Augustine, Aquinas, Abelard, Anselm, Stein?
Are liberal theology and neo-thomism the answers to the problems of Christian religion in contemporary times?

>> No.22549373
File: 1004 KB, 3674x4783, DerTiefeDenker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in earnest

>> No.22549449

>no orthodox mystics mentioned

>> No.22549652

>meaning of Christianity
originally an "esoteric" jewish sect (like the essenes and nazarenes) turned into world religion,

>> No.22549658

Like who?
Is Lossky good?

>> No.22549715

Read the Puritans.
John Owen and Johnathon Edwards I think are the best but there aren't really any that I think are lacking except at times in style. Contemporaneous Presbyterians like Samuel Rutherford are also good. For a more modern writer Abraham Kuyper has interesting things to say.
> Are liberal theology and neo-thomism the answers to the problems of Christian religion in contemporary times?
Gross. No. The reason contemporary "religion" seems to weak is because it is. The vigor of Christianity is found only in the recognition of the true and absolute Kingship of Christ over the earth. If you do not believe this then you will always cede the earth to the heathen. When the Pope lost his temporal authority what the medieval Church had of that kingship withered and the bare vanity of it's naked theology was exposed. It's no accident that Roman Catholicism is rapidly liberalizing, When the mainline denominations of Protestantism abandoned their convictions on the true rulership of Christ they also liberalized.
When Christ is not truly king then you start to pay fee to whoever you think it is and the scriptures tell us who the world recognizes as king, as "god of this world".
The Orthodox haven't liberalized but they became pagan over a millennia ago when they failed to recognize the paganism of the ascetics and made mystical experience with God the foundation and goal of their faith. The adoption of the veneration of the icons was the event horizon of their collapse into irrelevancy.
> inb4 the orthodox aren't irrelevant, they're totally based
You don't know Orthodoxy, you're trust in them is based 100% on memes.

Christs bride grows in her knowledge of her groom daily and is sanctified and conformed to His image more and more with each passing century. The Nazarene faith grew into the Nicene, the Nicene into the Chalcedonian The Chalcedonian into the Orthodox, the Orthodox into the Medieval, the Medieval into the Protestant and the Protestant faith will likewise wither and die as a greater, truer knowledge of Christ grips His people.

Learn from the past what is good, discard what is not. The Prophets and the Apostles tell us what is true in all ages all else is learning.

>> No.22549769
File: 391 KB, 1059x1636, RESIST.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

like this?

>> No.22549807

St. Therese of Avila, a lot of patristics and other eastern works.

>> No.22549822

And, one of the most important books on it, the Philokalia.

>> No.22549947

If temptation is something you're concerned about yes. John Owen's book on suffering "The Bruised Reed" is also an excellent read.
If you want a good primer on the faith in general Thomas Watson's The Body of Divinity is good and has been praised for it's readability as many of the Puritans are sometimes accused (and rightly so) of being obtuse at times.

>> No.22550630
File: 83 KB, 198x334, FireShot Capture 134 - Kindle - read.amazon.com.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reading this soon, and I'll give you the answer

>> No.22551877
File: 429 KB, 800x2400, xnity2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

read moar learn moar discern moar
you are not making much sense op
meaning is logic
feelings are feelings
best of luck in your journey

>> No.22552199

">orthodox mystics"
">St. Therese of Avila"

>> No.22552271

Fuck off

>> No.22552578

Looks like Putin

>> No.22553041

orthodox in the sense of teaching, i.e. not being heretics.