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22546235 No.22546235 [Reply] [Original]

I need ultra-gory/brutal horror novels for spooky month.
The literary equivalent of NC-17/X rated slasher gorefests.

>> No.22546244
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>> No.22546252

Storming Flight 181: GSG 9 and the Mogadishu Hijack 1977

it will be like you're really on the plan

>> No.22546339

bump for interest

>> No.22546852
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Read the works of Harry Adam Knight, he's fantastic.
Also the works of Richard Layton, Shaun Huston and the early books of James Herbert

>> No.22546855

*Richard Laymon

>> No.22547147

Don't even think about it, groundskeeper.

>> No.22547302


>> No.22547361

Endless Night by Richard Laymon. It's about a group of people who do home invasions, torturing murdering raping etc. One PoV is from a survivor of one of these raids- the other one is from a leader of the maniacs. Guess which chapters you'll like better. Definitely worth it and it's a fast read with little downtime.

>> No.22547375

Some of the stories from The Consumer by Michael Gira definitely fit this bill

>> No.22547484

You're welcome

>> No.22547610

Hogg by Samuel Delaney

>> No.22547619
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True Crime memoirs

>> No.22547815

Look up the splatterpunk genre and pick a title that suits your fancy.

>> No.22547848

bump for hello weenies

>> No.22548950


>> No.22548997

Halloween bump

>> No.22549013

This might be a stupid question but are these a meme?

>> No.22549019

Those are real books if that's what you are asking, they're sincere and not self-aware.

>> No.22549835

You're a meme.

>> No.22550003

Ταραραρούρα, if you can find it (you can't)

>> No.22550062

Why do you want this OP? If you want to enjoy slasher smut, movies are much much better medium than books. Dont waste precious reading time you could devote to worthwhile literature on smut.

>> No.22550297

>no fun allowed

>> No.22550369

NTA but yuck and no way am I reading this shit. Please provide QRD in as much detail as possible, thank you.

>> No.22551811

This niga never been scared by a book wow the autism.

>> No.22552731

Bumping best thread

>> No.22552734

Itt we celebrate Halloween because we enjoy reading and appreciate a good book unpretentiously

>> No.22553334


Right now, I am reading the Death Note manga by Tsugumi Ohba and Takashi Obata. Will start Uzumaki by Junji Itoh and Hideyuki Kikuchi's Wicked City soon. Going to speed read through Wicked City as fast as I can for obvious reasons. Might also read Clive Barker's Cabal, the edition that also includes some short stories.

Usually during October I would read Mary Shelley's Frankenstein, but since there is that new Frankenstein film, I'm going to forego reading that book this year.

>> No.22553572
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Happy Spooky Month frens

>> No.22553805

that's a very comfy... dang I forgot about my hot chocolate!

>> No.22553815

I'm listening to Bite Sized Audio Classics Edwardian ghost stories and HorrorBabble Clark Ashton Smith horror stories on youtube on a long night walk, maybe a little Edward French to spice things up

What are you all doing for Halloween?

>> No.22553906
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The greatest

>> No.22554102
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My plan is to binge William Hope Hodgson stories from the night shade books anthologies "the house on the borderlands and other mysterious places" and "the night lands and other perilous romances." I also ordered pic related and will probably go through my favorites from Poe, Lovecraft, Ligotti and Machen.

>> No.22554766


>> No.22554795
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You can't never go wrong with Guy N. Smith

>> No.22554929
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>NC-17/X rated slasher gorefests.
lol. lmao. read dese instead nigga

>> No.22555092
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you too

>> No.22555115

I'm not into this stuff anymore myself but Jack Ketchum and Edward Lee are exactly what you're looking for

>> No.22555118

Seconding this anon. Clive Barker is great. Read hellbound heart and If you like it continue with his books of blood

>> No.22555500

Dang, like these pics. Wish there was a comfy slice of life horror subgenre to read during the month.

>> No.22555528
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>> No.22555559
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everything by this guy is on kindle unlimited, any specific recs besides endless night?

>> No.22555929

The only one in this thread who knows his shit.

>> No.22556122
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>>22555929 >>22555118
thx anons
look into the older horror-oriented works of soren narnia too

>> No.22556756

New release of noctuary and spectral link coming out this month. Im taking your post as a sign to buy it.

>> No.22556811

read this story about old house with this big slab in the basement and guy who owned the house by heritage that becomes insane
i don't remember what it's called tho

>> No.22556844

"The slab in the basement" -Steven King

>> No.22556917

The Pines by Robert Dunbar
cool take on the Joisey Devil

>> No.22557141

>books of blood
fuck yeah

>> No.22557155

Is The Rats by Herbert any good?

>> No.22557266

Upton Sinclair's "The Jungle" is pretty horrific and gory

I don't seem to recall much explicit gore from Lovecraft apart from him describing profane and horrid sights that the narrator shall refrain from relaying to the reader that they may not be afflicted by ceaseless night terrors and visions in the dark.

>> No.22557584

Here the season is spooky in a too cute a way, at least until past Thanksgiving. By January a more convincing spookiness can set in: Driving rural interstates in a big quiet ol' sedan can seem a bit like landing on the moon at times, with music you didn't expect to match.
>Upton Sinclair's "The Jungle" is pretty horrific and gory
More than that, as expose it not only took a lot of balls to go there, its impact was huge and almost entirely salutary.

>> No.22557723

Can never go wrong with Tales of the Unreal

>> No.22557737

Don't know what you were reading but that first release was rough man.

>> No.22557786

I liked it

>> No.22557797

The Travelling Vampire Show is probably the best thing he's written, a horror coming-of-age story set in the 60s. But you can't really go wrong with many of his books, they're all quick reads.

>> No.22557852

reminds me of the saga of darren shan books
I imagine the one you're mentioning is probably darker considering the author

>> No.22558347

It's good if you're looking for extreme horror, just don't expect anything "classy" if you get what I mean, me personally I love it.

>> No.22558772

Here you go OP


