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22539692 No.22539692 [Reply] [Original]

Is there a memoir or fictional book, of man well into adulthood renouncing formulaic bourgeois life, going on trips to exotic places, exploring city and town, living bachelor's dream, learning local dialect and wandering under the city night sky then escaping to next destination before he becomes too settled down?

>> No.22539698

How do I /aryanmax/ like BAP?

>> No.22539712

>Is there a memoir or fictional book, of man well into adulthood renouncing formulaic bourgeois life, going on trips to exotic places, exploring city and town, living bachelor's dream, learning local dialect and wandering under the city night sky then escaping to next destination before he becomes too settled down?
I did this but then I got WIFED

>> No.22539714

Be a gay Jew fag-enabling materialist "individualist" controlled opposition propaganda asset designed in a CIA lab to attract the Redditor subset of "based alt righters"

>> No.22539723

This guy literally travels around, especially in Brazil, so he can fuck young rentboys. He’s obsessed about rent boys and how the gay movement was a reaction to straight rentboys becoming unavailable due to greater economic prosperity in post war America. That’s all he does, just fucks young male prostitutes in poor countries and eats fancy food. All his followers are retards.

>> No.22539733

whats your proof

>> No.22539897

Probably. There’s definitely a bunch of people living like this rn it’s not that crazy or hard. Shit you can do this on a microlevel by at least going on road trips

More importantly though, this isn’t a book but there’s an anime called kinos journey about a girl that travels to bizarre countries constantly and only stays in each one for 3 days or less. If you do watch it only watch the older one. It’s a bit introspective and relatively short to if you like that.

>> No.22539904

small neck and asymmetrical features

>> No.22539909
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>there's an anime

>> No.22539925


>> No.22539960 [SPOILER] 

Holy based

>> No.22539983

>this isn’t a book but
>names a book that got turned into an anime
every time

>> No.22540126

>anon ask for book recommendation
>thread filled with irrelevant e-drama gossip

>> No.22540131

>renouncing formulaic bourgeois life, going on trips to exotic places, exploring city and town, living bachelor's dream, learning local dialect and wandering under the city night sky then escaping to next destination before he becomes too settled down?
This is called being a woman posting on instagram

>> No.22540833

Motorcycle diaries by che
I haven't read it but it fits the bill to a t

>> No.22540842

Moon and Sixpence

>> No.22540852

What you just described is one of the most bourgeois existences imaginable. Where do BAPist retards get this idea that traveling and going to restaurants, but in the tropics, makes them a Bronze Age aristocrat?

Anyway, read Christian Kracht’s Imperium.

>> No.22540865

>Where do BAPist retards get this idea
they're consoomers just like any other group looking for identity and getting it via various self-help paradigms. Just sell them shit

>> No.22541048

>renouncing formulaic bourgeois life, going on trips to exotic places, exploring city and town, living bachelor's dream, learning local dialect and wandering under the city night sky then escaping to next destination before he becomes too settled down?
But all of this is modern formulaic bourgeois life

non-bourgeois doesn't have means of traveling to exotic places much less having sex (bachelor's dream)
travels, frequent sex, wandering aimlessly are all bourgeois activities

also handsome men, the ones who can have sex with strangers, are all inherently bourgeois

>> No.22541062
File: 212 KB, 1310x1788, PaulGauguin_NafeaFaaIpoipo_WhenWillYouMarry_ExpensivePainting.jpg.optimal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

was going to suggest this. it's basically a parody of paul gauguin's life since he pretty much did that for real
also a time of gifts by patrick leigh fermor ticks some of the boxes and is just a great book anyway

>> No.22541133

>What you just described is one of the most bourgeois existences imaginable. Where do BAPist retards get this idea that traveling and going to restaurants, but in the tropics, makes them a Bronze Age aristocrat?
They don't.

>> No.22541153

>also a time of gifts by patrick leigh fermor ticks some of the boxes and is just a great book anyway
absolutely, some of the best english prose

>> No.22541281

Eat Pray Love

>> No.22542102

How's life?

>> No.22542116

Isn't that just The Road?

>> No.22542186

Who here sissy cuck faggot maxxxing?

>> No.22542193

Depressing that America has become such a joke that it’s effectively a platform for gay Romanians to jet around the world in search of bussy, and we’ll actually elevate them to university positions and pretend they’re intellectuals.

>> No.22542222
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Ive tried this
except I ended up living in my car in national forests and squatting at self service campgrounds/fishing holes in Missouri/Kansas

honestly its not glamour's and it sucked`

>> No.22542240

... or you could just be a mariner.

>> No.22542243

>honestly its not glamour's and it sucked`
That’s because you’re poor. Someone like BAP has the luxury of eating at high end restaurant every night.

>> No.22542248
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Yeah I guess itd be different if you had a limitless bank account
How is that guy so rich anyways?

>> No.22542251
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>> No.22542255
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just dumping pics

The photos look cool, but the overall life was shitty and I just was dirty and smelly all the time

>> No.22542257

Book and podcast sustain his luxury lifestyle

>> No.22542262
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I honestly cannot believe he has that many simps listening to his P-cast

The only podcasts worth listening to is MSSP and Warmode desu

30 minutes after this pic some weird methead came up to my car and was looking in the windows with a light, when I shined my light on him he just looked at me and walked away not even ran. I was down like a 5 mile dirt road at a fishing lake in Kansas so IDK what he was even doing there...I guess also a poorfag squatting, theres no comradery in the community lol

Ill stop spamming unless anybody wants more random pic dumps

>> No.22542265

Very nice view. May I ask where it was taken?

>> No.22542267

Trust fund
Cool pictures btw. Did you get any writing done while you were out there?

>> No.22542273
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stockton State park in Missouri

It was in the picnic area but if you arrive after 5pm and leave before like 8 or 9 the rangers will let you be normally

>> No.22542276

Not a book, but the travel bum show on YouTube should be for you. Especially the Latin American episodes.


>> No.22542278

He has mastered the art of viral marketing. Wouldn’t surprise me if he receives funding from think tanks after it’s been revealed that key figures in trump admin read his book.

As for you, this is clearly not what OP meant by exploring exotic places when he wrote “exploring city and town, living the bachelors dream”. I guess yours is more of a proletarian/hitchhikers version of what OP described.

>> No.22542287
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some but its totally incoherent, angsty teen type, manic ramblings, like page long run-on sentences with scratch-outs and "^" inserts rambling about gay shit and how much I love life (in hindsight it was literally just a lie i was trying to convince myself I was happy)

>> No.22542303
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This was my camp in Kentucky outside some state park
The night before about a half hour after sunset 2 dudes came out of the woods calling for help
Turns out some halfway house took a field trip for a hike and got split up after dark, there were 5 others still lost out there 1 staff and the rest patients
None of them had phones, they were wearing gym shorts and T-shirts, and they had no lights

When the park rangers came they told us to stay put and not look for them because that might just make it worse so me and these two dudes in court ordered rehab for fent sat in my camp and ate tuna and smoked cigs for like 4 hours while the rangers looked for the other retards

Im still pissed cuz I gave them both a 2 of my warmest hoodies and after they found the rest of the group they left with the police before I could get them back

>> No.22542524

Be literally half greek half jewish and gay like he is

>> No.22542560

He looks hollow and brutish.

>> No.22542699

Nigger just put two and two together. He constantly posts gay photos on his twitter feed, has the instinctual gay hatred of the family, always traveling, knows way too much about economics of rentboys. do u have to spoonfeed it to u? His twitter feed should have been enough

>> No.22542712

Very bronze age

>> No.22542714

He's indeed quite obviously a massive faggot.

>> No.22542716

Tate and Peterson were bad enough, but BAP shows that zoomers will accept anyone for a daddy. Even a gay Jew.

>> No.22542723

Tate and Peterson and BAP are e-celebs, they don't have any bearing to the real world. Maybe Peterson does as tenured professor. But BAP is a nobody.

>> No.22542778

I can assure you Zuckerberg and Larry Fink do the same except with better food and their life is still hell...
Is Nietzscheanism, hedonism anon?

>> No.22542786

Poast more with green/forests
He's hollow and metrosexual

>> No.22542797
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Imagine letting Adam Friedland AND this homo ejaculate inside your puss.

>> No.22542807

If she didn't she'd only be left with 108 other dudes whose dicks ejaculated in her puss

>> No.22543095

And michael tracey

>> No.22543148

You just described Eat Love Pray but for men. baka

>> No.22543190

Yes every 19th century russian novel describes edgelords like that

>> No.22543227


>> No.22543251

If this dude is such an badass alpha male why is it that the best trim he can get is dasha's ran through ass?

>> No.22543317

>women posting on instagram
>renouncing formulaic bourgeois life
Choose one and only one.

>> No.22543389
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He's a gay homo.

>> No.22543476

Boggles my mind how men will fuck literally anything (I'm a dude)

>> No.22543544

I absolutely miss being able to do wild stuff at the drop of a hat, but it was ultimately twisting me into something quite bad. So while I live a far more buttoned down existence I am more fulfilled, wealthier, probably healthier too and have stability. I still get my kicks by going on trips to Africa and Asia and my service with the army (on a part time basis).

It's like the True Detective quote goes
>Past a certain age a man without a family can be a bad thing
I have a child on the way soon so I know I am still experiencing new things in life, no point wanting to rehash being 22 forever.

>> No.22543550

The anthology of Hunter S Thompson's letters fills this bill pretty well. But he did get a wife and somewhat settled down by the time he was 40.
I reccommend the Proud Highway.

>> No.22543560

All those faggots like Land, Moldbug and BRAP are basically just edgy technocrats

>> No.22543563

Which army if you don't mind me asking? Would you recommend joining British army reserves?

>> No.22543581


Does he even have any advertisers? I can't imagine his channel could be monetized.

Isn't this Thiel's dead boyfriend?

>> No.22543606

A five eyes army. I would recommend it if you
>Don't believe it will magically transform you. Military training can only take you as far your own inherent limits permit
>Know what you want to get out of it
>Can stomach dealing with a lot of tedious bullshit
>Can learn quickly
It could be a really positive or really negative experience depending on your answers to the above. I'll see you somewhere in South East Asia in 2028 bro

>> No.22543619

>I've never read any of BAPs work and just parrot what others have said on 4chan

>> No.22543632

I've purchased every book he's ever produced

>> No.22543634

so...2 books?

>> No.22543652
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>> No.22543657

Elite Overproduction has led to Yale types blogging and writing e-books.

I have this thing I call the normie test. quote a line from BAP to 5 or 6 middle aged blue collar men with military experience or time in the trades. They'll laff. it's romantic homosexual pageantry

>> No.22543681

>quote aristocratic political philosophy to unsophisticated peasant class midwits and they will laugh
Wow, you might be on to something!

>> No.22543704

None of that stuff exists lol.

There are no peasants in America stop viewing the world through old Social Matter blog posts

>> No.22543709

Slave caste detected. Post physique or fuck off back to your wage cage

>> No.22543710

Unironically "Eat, Pray, Love" by Elizabeth Gilbert.

>> No.22543728

I could literally be 150lb twig or 350lb lardo it doesn't change the fact that your fantasy world of German philosophy and "barbarism" gets laffed out the room by normal men. Guys with families, guys who fought in Wars.

Nerds who lift are still conflict adverse social retards with no charisma.


>> No.22543742

these threads are dogshit

>> No.22543748

it's Costing kek

>> No.22543765

I really can't stand the popularity of this faggot. We have all the opportunity in the world to produce something great -- historical stagnation, libraries at our fingertips, a declining political elite -- and the best intellectual we can come up with in the Internet age is a literal homofascist kike? And people find him profound? It's like some kind of inside joke. A useless "thinker" with useless ideas and yet people are increasingly enamored with him.

>> No.22543774

Let me guess lmao, you haven't read anything he's written except some shit he said on Twitter lmao

>> No.22543777

Any author who has a twitter account is automatically worth ignoring.

>> No.22543779

I noticed you forgot to post physique. Just as I thought

>> No.22543793

>caring about the opinions of "normal" average losers
Couldn't be me

>> No.22543800

(thirsty phaggot fishing for a daddy)

>> No.22543802

>blows hundreds of thousands of dollars on fucking trannies and little boys across the world
>posts images of naked men online every other day
>wealthy Jewish immigrant background
>"the west... has fallen to degeneracy"
Oh really? Has it?

>> No.22543805

kek. this bapism shit is degenerate trash same as weimar germany
wonder (((why)))?

>> No.22543814

>he's gay because .. uhhh... he just is .OK!?

>> No.22543815

You don't have to read his books in order to know he glows like crazy

>> No.22543817

you're a normal average loser.

People who read philosophy can't create their own. Your probably haven't had an original thought in your entire life.


>> No.22543826

what's wrong with being gay? why u in denial? are you closeted or something bro?

bap is gay
so was mishima

>> No.22543904

>Guys with families, guys who fought in Wars.
I have a family, served, haven't been to a war yet but hope to soon and once broke an aggressive tweakers neck. BAP is an entertaining gateway to a view of life which is more pragmatic than LMAO JUST HAVE A FRICKEN NORMAL ONE BRUH or Peterson style penis washing lessons for lost boys. Call it pop-Nietszcheanism or whatever you like, it is still better than the Maoist Sesame Street morality that the current regime adheres to

>> No.22543914

Also served.
BAP is an entertaining gateway for racism against blacks and Zionism for Israel. It's why he and 2nd City Bureaucrat are and have been acolytes of Edward Luttwak. It really isn't much beyond that - along with homoerotic selfies of gay Russians on the Baltic Sea. the gay shit just went too far for me despite his feed being generally amusing

>> No.22543922

>the gay shit just went too far for me despite his feed being generally amusing
Its really a way to drive wignats/tradcaths into autistic fits and confuse jewish reporters trying to fish for hit pieces. All of these (actually Jewish in spirit) attempts to psychoanalyse a guy who was totally anonymous for the last decade fall short because he is just a smart guy with a knack for pissing off people

>> No.22543925

>Its really a way to drive wignats/tradcaths into autistic fits
? He is gay and likes posting dudes straight from russian pornography sites. Just tineye them. Same shit as a gool ol boy posting kate upton

>> No.22543931

>He is gay and likes posting dudes straight from russian pornography sites
He also posts straight porn and implores readers to impregnate models as part of a lebensborn program on exotic islands. He posts insane shit all the time.

>> No.22543932

Cope, the post.

>> No.22543934

Then he's bisexual... and that must be a new thing since he for a very long time only posted dudes

>> No.22543940

Tropic of Cancer kinda

>> No.22543944

Faggots ran the entire fashion industry for decades too.

>> No.22543950

Eat Pray Love

>> No.22544080

>”I’m only posting these gay pics on twitter to rile up the trads and wignats bro! Believe me, its 4D high iq chess!”

>> No.22544085

The only time he posts women, he also types up a fantasy of the woman thirsting for muscly hunks kek. Can’t even post a straight pic without an accompanying gay fantasy.

>> No.22544169

Indisputably based. Great pics and great stories. You keep saying it sucked but you're doing a bad job of convincing me.

>> No.22544178

you took good posts and turned it into a shill critique about how he's not a custin fagmoo fanboi
shut the FUCK up shill

>> No.22544184

Came to mind for me as well

Perhaps the Beatniks and associates like Bukowski up to Vollman’s "Riding Towards Everywhere" kinda fit as well, or Hemingway’s novels about Americans in Europe.

>> No.22544188

steppenwolfe is kinda similar near the end

>> No.22544190

>oing on trips to exotic places, exploring city and town, living bachelor's dream, learning local dialect and wandering under the city night sky then escaping to next destination before he becomes too settled down?
Isn't this just the unformulaic bourgeois life? This is how the average modern femoid lives

>> No.22544198

it's a retarded shill post for Costin Alamir (the guy in photo)

>> No.22544246

I meant that he (the poster) was trying to convince me that this time of his life (relating to his pics) was bad, but that he failed to convince me of this as it looks and sounds based. Learn to read, m8. My post had nothing to do with BAP, although I'll cop to shilling Warmode. You come off as unstable and illiterate.

>> No.22544254

matt and shane is a better podcast anyway
learn to write then

>> No.22544436

>>Can stomach dealing with a lot of tedious bullshit
Not for me then.

>> No.22544907

Yeah except instead of going to exotic places and having the time of his life he becomes schizophrenic and autogynephelic.

>> No.22544951

Michel Houellebecq.

Check out Atomised, Platform and Serotonin.

>> No.22545100

He apparently has 30 thousand subscribers, including me.
Also, his dad was probably already rich (MIT guy).

>> No.22545118

That guy looks nothing like Costin.

>> No.22545505

He's a neurotic beta, see >>22540520

>> No.22545521

>i-it's not laughable!!! They just don't geddit!!!

>> No.22545524

post body

>> No.22545533

For anyone interested, BAP's literal zionist grifter project has been exposed. BAM is a larp grift because whites are bred to be niggercattle and eat it up. His goal is to decrease antisemitism:

>> No.22545553

fuggin bazed

>> No.22545622
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Gravity's Rainbow

>> No.22546371
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become a MED BVLL

>> No.22546378
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>Where do BAPist retards get this idea that traveling and going to restaurants, but in the tropics, makes them a Bronze Age aristocrat?

>> No.22546382

peter thiel didn't make him rich but gives him money nonetheless

>> No.22546413

costin alamariu (bap) is a gay romanian jew. not med, tio

>> No.22546434
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>> No.22546445

>jewish romanian is mediterreanean
plato would have laughed at you and bap
captcha pmdJ00

>> No.22546462

>30 thousand subscribers, including me

You mean you guys actually pay to listen?

>his dad was probably already rich (MIT guy).

He was a researcher

It's Thiel's dead rentboy (who jumped out a window)

>> No.22546471

>Thiel's dead rentboy (who jumped out a window
taking bets on whether this happens to costin

>> No.22546497

It makes perfect sense. Israel is literally his ideal country. Ethnonationalist, meritocratic, profoundly racist, filled to the brim with homosexuals and secularists, savage militaristic culture. And he is a wealthy fucking Jew himself. It's just so obvious that he's a psyop, how are people falling for him?

>> No.22546631

he clearly posted on this board a month ago shilling israel and jews

>> No.22546863

That shit was $5 a month. This nigga was making 150k a month just from that. Goddamn.

>> No.22546879

lol damn...

>> No.22546922

Holy shit that is actually him. First time having a level 99 newfag/outsider detector from wasting my entire life on 4chan has resulted in something interesting.

>> No.22546925

>level 99 newfag/outsider detector from wasting my entire life on 4chan
um... BASED

>> No.22546974

>Homie comes out with the tea and lolcow immediately locks down their post-leftcows thread

>> No.22547022


That' can't be real. Then people with a million subscribers are making $50 million a month? $600 million a year? Right...

>> No.22547053

So he's not jewish or gay?

>> No.22547096

uh ackshually hes just 50% jewish and lusting over nude men on twitter is uh not gay
-the bap shill script

>> No.22547108
File: 1.27 MB, 360x640, Sayuri.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>especially in Brazil, so he can fuck young rentboys
Truly a redpilled and BASED individual

>> No.22547121


>> No.22547124

uh (((you))) seem a little triggered my (((guy)))

>> No.22547139

Just sick of neetsocks being movement wreckers

>> No.22547145

Log off, touch grass, call your bubbe

>> No.22547385

Of course it’s real. I used to be subscribed to him. You think Gumroad is in cahoots with BAP to inflate his subscriber numbers?

>> No.22547387

moldbug makes about 15k or so a month
costinn does similar numbers

>> No.22547449


There's nothing on gumroad with any of his names, pseudonyms or products.

>> No.22547586

Didn't he pipe bomb Yale?

>> No.22547640

That was his brother https://unlimitedhangout.com/2021/08/investigative-reports/the-father-the-son-and-the-mencius-moldbug/

>> No.22547675

Moldberg is heterosexual at least

>> No.22547725

Why don't you people know to stop doing this

>> No.22547912

It was $5 on gumroad. Even if he only got half, that’s 75k a month.

>> No.22547916

moldbug mogs and he makes 15k

>> No.22549338

be born 50% jewish and have jewish nepotism pay for your hedonist life

>> No.22549347

being a mariner fucking sucks. 10% of the time you are in port doing the same shit in every shithole country but with a different language (port cities are the most globalized in the world), and then 90% of the time on a fucking boat with no connection to the outside world eating prison tier food from the mess deck and getting sea sick. It might've been cool a century ago when there was still things to explore and see.

>> No.22549420

>genetically european
Holy fucking COPE lmao

>> No.22549426

Zionists are the movement wreckers

>> No.22549562

There is plenty of alt-right Nietzsche types around here, the grift is aimed specifically at them. Why would anybody choose his meretricious LARP instead of, say, Mishima is beyond me.

>> No.22549567

bap targets the kinds of people who say based but don't know how to use 4chan

>> No.22549856

So fucking based how this grifting kike shills his trash on here and /lit/ just shits on him relentlessly. Fuck this fag.

>> No.22549867

Eat Pray Love, literally
BAP is a middle class middle aged white woman + esoteric hitlerism

>> No.22549884

I wish he was white, maybe then he wouldn't be so gay and cringe

>> No.22549989

He wishes he was white too kek
>whites want to become nonwhite
>nonwhites want to become white
strange times

>> No.22550031
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Where do the full podcast eps get uploaded

>> No.22550172

Amazing how it blew up in his face.

>> No.22550668


>> No.22551343

Right but where for free tho

>> No.22551459

it's a graphic novel, but "Blast" by Manu Larcenet fits your description pretty well.

>> No.22551480

skins do this autistic shit in real life and it's why nobody works with them.

>> No.22551792

You're a guy retard

>> No.22551797

There are no exotic places. There is a McDonald's everywhere you faggot

>> No.22551911

You know those exotic place videos you watch? Turn the camera there are a flock of narcissistic faggots taking selfies. Imagine thinking ascending Mount Everest is even special anymore.

>> No.22551970


>> No.22551988

If you're gonna sink so low to pay him your attention you can just as well pay him your money

>> No.22552300

>just give him money bro
Fuck off kike

>> No.22552343

>b-b-but I NEED to listen to random retard nr 83891 and his self-help tips, wheeere can I get it for free???!
You're lower than any kike

>> No.22552347

>You're lower than any kike
Nope, kikes are the lowest form of life possible. Even 60 iq cameroonians are superior to kikes. Nice try moshe

>> No.22552357

This is every midwit’s go-to response. How about just not reading dogshit?

>> No.22552509

Based knower, excellent taste in books

>> No.22552908

HAHAHAHAHA. Goyim taken for a ride again.

>> No.22552944

No i dont think i will

>> No.22552966

>begs to get some shitty podcast for free
>calls others kikes
You might have more in common than you suspect with them. You smell of human trash

>> No.22553031

I didn't ask for any podcast tho niggerbrained retard

>> No.22553056
File: 919 KB, 1562x2371, The Man who folded himself.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

David Gerrold - The man who folded himself

But here those "trips to exotic places" include all time periods as well, since i'ts about time travel without following any of the usual Time-Travel-Rules or breaking all of 'em.

>> No.22553090

why are you so angry

>> No.22553110

When Ashkhazars see goyim daring to call them antisemitic slurs they get irrationally angry in the way a plantation master would be baffed by a slave telling him off. It's just self-evident to Khazars that their slaves aren't supposed to talk back. They and their countries exist to make endless movies about how clever Jews are and how sad Jewish history is, for eternity, while Jews do whatever they want and openly joke about raping goy women. That's the natural order of things to a Khazar, he feels it just as you feel that gravity pulls downward and the sky is up.

>> No.22553165

I enjoy it

>> No.22554196


>> No.22554236

This fag is retarded, he wants to publish porn thinking it's le ebin proopaganda tool not realizing that millions of leftards already watch explicitly anti-women torture porn yet are still rabid shitlibs. The only thing he's after is notoriety and attention, and getting the right wing discredited as a bunch of manchildren in the process
Subversibe kike

>> No.22554279

>getting the right wing discredited as a bunch of manchildren
so whats the problem

>> No.22554291
File: 150 KB, 827x664, 1692206776453186.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, the guy is a gooner 'tard LARPing and grifting
nothing but golden star trash

>> No.22554301

Less funds toward right wing projects and institutions
He strikes me as someone with 0 real life experience

>> No.22554319
File: 3.52 MB, 6768x7132, 1681874721227845.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck this gay jewish controlled opposition shill

shapiro endorsed him and he studied with a bunch of them at yale, he even posted his genetic chart to show off to them that he's one of them

>> No.22554349

>Less funds toward right wing projects and institutions
so whats the problem

>> No.22554665
File: 73 KB, 780x460, danilla killing bap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>murderous pornographic samizdat

>> No.22554672

For the right wing, reduced influence, reduced content, inability to keep up projects, businesses and networks and engage supporters, inability to employ like-minded people, more difficult to oppose lefty actions in court etc
For lefties and jews there are no problems, obviously

>> No.22554686

I think you want anthropology books OP.

>> No.22554784

Very based. Just ordered second copy of Selective breeding

>> No.22555189


>> No.22555612

the Ginger Man. fittingly, the protagonist is Jeish

>> No.22555620

alamariu's gay homoefaggot rentboys

>> No.22557308

The Achean heroes were metrosexuals who loved producing pornography, eating out at exotic restaurants, island hopping, and worshipping YHWH.

Just like a reverse-Alcibiades

>> No.22557315

>Living like a hobo sucks
Kek, You should have read Bukowski

>> No.22558385

Yeah the one my grandfather wrote documenting his 20s and early 30s. What a waste that he burned his memoir because he thought it would be narcissistic

>> No.22558492

Saint Augustine's Confessions. It features rollicking adventures across North Africa and Italy during the Roman Empire. He has a concubine and then another, he seeks glory, he dabbles in Manicheaism and mysteries, does some Neoplatonism, goes to parties, gains prestige and a place at the imperial court. Then he realizes this is all vanity and making him miserable, calls of his politically advantageous betrothal, renounces worldly gain, gives up sex, sells all his property and gives it to the poor, starts a monastery, and ends up being forcibly appointed bishop before living happily ever after as one of the most influential writers, theologians, and philosophers in all history, in humble piety, knowing he owes all to the grace of God.

>> No.22558823

Yeah because ZOGbots are famed for their graps of literature and philosophy and not for getting cucked during deployment right?

>> No.22558833

He's fucking Dasha Nekrasova currently

>> No.22558840

Where are your top-selling books Mr. Important?

>> No.22558850

Apparently she's a psycho in the sack. BAP mentioned on his show not long ago that he was shacked up in Tokyo hotel room for a week with a "maenad" and it just came out that he and Dasha hooked up the first time in Tokyo

>> No.22558855

That's so corny

>> No.22558857

>Why should I be expected to read the book we're talking about before giving my opinion on its contents?

>> No.22558862

>blue collar men with military experience
So former enlisted low iqs? Quote it to a young officer and you'll probably get a good reaction

>> No.22558868

>noo stop posting photos of muscular white men bap you're turning me gay!!
>baaap stop we only post 'built for bbc' and schizo post about jews putting trannies in video games
>bap please we have to save the white race by being weak losers

>> No.22558873


>> No.22558875

>I get my Aryan material from a jew

>> No.22558886

This is totally valid. Mostly because he never said anything about specific content. I've seen plenty lit reviewers engage with the culture/persons surrounding a book rather than the text itself (for example booktok and Colleen Hoover).

>> No.22558889

People that are filtered by #HandsomeThursday are too dumb to even be allowed in discussions about this issue. The entire thing is about counter-propaganda against emasculated white men in media. BAP presents white men as chiselled, intelligent, charismatic, beautiful sociopaths drowning in pussy, which is the reality for white chads and makes regime propaganda completely useless

>> No.22558893

Yeah because women thirst for muscly hunks. Poast fizeek dyel

>> No.22558899

>he also types up a fantasy of the woman thirsting for muscly hunks kek
sounds like you're a closeted homo wanting a deep dive by daddy too

>> No.22558903

That post is based and true and it's not BAP

I know this because I wrote it

>> No.22558906

How closeted are you? just DM BAP and ask him, he'll gladly tell you he isn't straight

>> No.22558909

You couldn't produce something in a similar voice if your life depended on it.

>> No.22558914

The post was cringe and jewpilled just like everything Fagtin Jewmariu has ever written

>> No.22558917


>> No.22558920

Thank you, Chaim. Very cool!

>> No.22558924

Nice fanfiction
>yeahh I actually know all the anonymous twitter accounts that I hate irl and they're actually all jews
Martin isn't even associated with this group originally, this is how you can tell this stuff was written by a tradcath or pajeet that he pissed off

>> No.22558932

>coping and seething, the post
bro, your shilling is turning people against the BAP project
you're straight retarded

>> No.22558934

Half the podcast is uploaded free libsyn, and the first is hour is more than enough to listen to. You're missing nothing if you don't want to pay

>> No.22558937

do the jews that live in your skull tell you to do bad things?

>> No.22558940

Don't you (((people))) know to stop doing this shit by now

>> No.22558942

Why would he ruin his whole academic career over a thesis about eugenics and plato just to play a borat character to shill for Israel? Also your timeline doesn't add up here. Lmaoing at you samefagging this shit post

>> No.22558950

This is based but most are too low iq to comprehend. It's why wignats will always lose to jews. Here he is giving you the keys to the kingdom and you're screeching about 'degeneracy' like a mexican grandmother

>> No.22558953

Shapiro did not endorse him lol, half that video was him talking about how evil the book is

>> No.22558956

explain for us midwits

>> No.22558960

I can't believe that retard said that 100% seriously

>Yeah but crayon-eating grunt retards wouldn't understand it!

>> No.22558971

You could criticize him about a lot but handsome thursday is genius and it should be adopted by all racist anon twitters.
You're closeted because it upsets you btw, also sexually inadequate for being intimidated by it

>> No.22558975

You're a mentally ill embarrassing faggot. The jews are not conspiring to keep you a virgin

>> No.22558984

The posts aren't even logical, this clearly some fag that sat down and really thought hard before injecting his own seething fantasies in because he just couldn't stop himself

>> No.22558990

Really disproving my point with this one

>> No.22558995

ITT a retarded thin-skinned kike replies to every single post that isn't fellating some faggot twitter jew

>> No.22559003

Step 1: Ask yourself how does ZOG control the narrative through propaganda, and how do they take over institutions
Step 2: Realize that you could just do the same thing if you're smart about it

>> No.22559008

You're a weak bitch haha

>> No.22559009

Jews aren't smart, they're just degenerate pornographers, drug dealers, atheists, and shameless nepotists. Jews can't create anything on their own, only steal from others.

>> No.22559033

>Jews aren't smart
>They just rule over me and trick all of my women into being whores that won't have sex with me and there's nothing I could ever do about this
You can't have it both ways retard, you can either have your histrionic screeching about supernatural jews that control the world or have them as cheap ethnic mafias, it cannot be both

>> No.22559044

If your beliefs were consistent with this then you owould see jews as hardly more of a threat than pajeets (which they are)

>> No.22559062
File: 47 KB, 800x695, 1601043883339.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Both wrong and retarded. Jews are professional nepotists who move into other people's countries and do things decent people are unwilling to do. There's nothing magical about it. Jews are immoral atheists and shameless exploiters of local populations. They are just a more dangerous version of gypsies.

>> No.22559068

sorry or happy for you that you're closeted and like thinking about getting dominated by a dude

>> No.22559070

lel the BAP jew twitterfag clique is in the thread
these fucking 'tards are SO fucking obvious

>> No.22559082

? just dm Costin, he's pretty open about his likes if you're trusted

>> No.22559092

Cringiest, twitterbrained shit i've seen on here for a while. Go back to twitter, faggot. Kek :)

>> No.22559146

This makes them no different from indians so why do we have to listen to endless shrieking about jews 24/7 when they're nothing special as far as invasive ethnics go

>> No.22559150

Why do conversations about BAP bring out mentally ill fags like this guy

>> No.22559152

these threads always so dogshit

>> No.22559156

Does this work in your head? Do you realize that doesn't mean it will convince anybody else? Everybody intuitively knows the difference between Jewish parasitism of a country's economy and culture, and pajeets and other immigrants following welfare gibs. Every community has in-group preference and multiculturalism is bad, but the Jews are honed from centuries of being professional parasites to destroy countries.

>> No.22559172
File: 20 KB, 448x120, KEK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because you're gay and schizophrenic, like bap

>> No.22559174


>> No.22559177

Holy shit the Martin tirade. Yeah this is 100% a schizopost from a guy that Martin fucked with on twitter kek
>BAP writes an extensive phd thesis about Nietzsche, Greek philosophy and eugenics that is described by his advisors as both brilliant and morally abhorrent
>The stigma sticks with him into his short teaching career, where he is quickly fired/quits after conflicts with the college's HR
>Starts shitposting about his philosophy beliefs online, creates pseudonym
>Writes book that lines up thematically with his thesis but it's a meme manifesto written anonymously
>insist to everyone that they should remain anonymous at all times and never show up to rallies like Jan 6 and Charlottesville to get doxxed
>This is all done to play a borat-esque character working to expose critics of *checks notes* Israel?
BAP haters getting more deranged by the day, this fantasy doesn't even make sense

>> No.22559183

>pajeets and other immigrants following welfare gibs.
A pajeet is prime minister of UK, leaders of several companies including prominent silicon valley firms, pajeets are using mafia tactics for their small businesses all over america and looking out for their interests, nepotism hires, etc

Jews cannot be "professional parasites that destroy countries" and also weak, stupid, small-time thugs that are easily outclassed by the average /pol/virgin. You understand the conflict here? You can't even decide what the jews are, they're practically mythical creatures from the way you talk and behave

>> No.22559186

>practically mythical creatures from the way you talk and behave
(((they))) should be made a mythical creature
how this maek u fill?

>> No.22559202

Your stupid ineffective distraction tactic doesn't change anything. Literally everybody on earth knows that Jews tend to be parasitic nation-destroyers. It's a terrible idea to let Jews have any influence in your country. Other minorities only take what's lying wide out in the open, but Jews worm their way into anything. They're the reason the UK is so bad to begin with.

Read Sombart's The Jews and Modern Capitalism. The Jewish translator and editor of the book's modern edition doesn't dispute any of the facts in it, despite Sombart basically saying Jews invented everything from dishonest advertising tactics to stock market speculation. Everybody in the 19th century knew Jews were like this. Marx, a Jew, said:
>The bill of exchange is the real god of the Jew. The chimerical nationality of the Jew is the nationality of the merchant, of the man of money in general.
Most leftists were antisemitic in the 19th century. Definitely all the most prominent ones, all the founders of anarchism (Proudhon, Bakunin) and communism. Nobody had any illusions about Jews until they began dominating America's culture industries.

>> No.22559206

- the Bronze Age Jew Shill script

>> No.22559208

Why does America have unrestricted mass migration? Because of Jews:
>You can see why [in the 1920s] American felt our borders were out of control. [The immigration law passed at the time] stated a preference for Northern Europeans] ... [Restrictions on] Southern Catholics and Jews—this went on to 1964, so all through [World War II] there were incredible restrictions. 1965 comes, we’re reluctant leaders of the world, we have an economic boom, we didn’t have much immigration, and we have a ton of guilt. First, about the Holocaust. [Rep.] Manny Celler was voted in in 1923…he was Jewish, from Manhattan. He was warning about the Holocaust, and everybody was ignoring him. In 1947, he was head of the Judiciary Committee, and he was able to get jurisdiction [over immigration] changed from the Labor Committee. He had control over immigration reform. There was a huge attitude change. Exodus had been published. Israel was popular. The other thing was the civil rights movement. Black soldiers were coming back, and there were Jim Crow laws. Those movements drove the 1965 law. Philip Hart, called the conscience of the Senate, was passionate about civil rights. ... They decided to do away with preferences for work skills, and have preferences for family reunification. That’s pretty unique to immigration law—they gave green cards to extended family members.
>“Manny Celler managed to get immigration into the Judiciary committee,” Orchowski told TAC in an interview. “That changed the whole focus on immigration from a labor thing to a justice [thing].”
>Following the conclusion of the war, Celler worked to liberalize American immigration laws. He helped pass a bill that allowed 339,000 Displaced Persons to come to the United States, including many Jews.
>Over the next few decades, he continued to work to liberalize American immigration laws, pushed by Jews and others who were discriminated against by the current system. That culminated with him writing and passing the INA, which is also known the Hart-Celler Immigration Act of 1965.

The first link, the actual interview the greentext is from, is a mainstream Jewish biographer just admitting all this. It's not a conspiracy theory. Jews gain influence through nepotism and then ruin nations. Like I said it's nothing magical. They're just invasive and extremely exploitative and despise everybody but themselves, like gypsies.

>> No.22559218
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>> No.22559224

Sombart wasn't really pro-Jewish, he just says repeatedly that he's being value neutral and doesn't care about anything but facts in the book. The book clearly doesn't paint a flattering picture of Jews in Europe.

>> No.22559235

value neutral on jews in the early 1900's was probably considered pro jewish t bh desu

>> No.22559240
File: 2.74 MB, 5918x700, 1689106321374178 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a sample of the book.

>> No.22559245

Oh I agree that it's value neutral and isn't flattering towards Jews
I mean that in the era of Mencken it was very "moderate"

>> No.22559250

Oh yeah, true.

>> No.22559251

>Point out that he conflicts with himself
>Starts in with copypasted jew infodump of stuff everybody on this website has been seeing for the past decade
The problem here is you conflicting with yourself, nobody here is gonna argue against jewish parasitism you autist

>> No.22559256

I think jews are lovely people and that Israel is our greatest ally

>> No.22559289

>drowning in pussy

does Brazilian boy pussy really count though?

>> No.22559671

>nobody here is gonna argue against jewish
other than bapper's

>> No.22559848

Only the ones in your imagination

>> No.22559852

Please tell me people are not actually believing this fanfiction? /lit/ is officialy an 80iq board if so

>> No.22559872
File: 41 KB, 2480x156, Jews ROCK!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yeah. (You) are Jewish

>> No.22559878

also, >officialy
lel how's the weather in tel aviv

>> No.22560056

That is what you sound like though. You're being made fun of for being a sperg, of course this has to be explained to you

>> No.22560063

Not sure what you mean, dude. Jews Rock! And Bronze Age Pervert Rocks!

>> No.22560075

Israel is our greatest ally

>> No.22560109

new BAP article dropped

>> No.22560733

Costin Alimariu (“BAP”) is a Zionist jew whose PhD adviser and his works was a Zionist jew and whose father is a Zionist jew that posts about blowing up palestian kids on Facebook. Costin is also a self admitted homosexual, having admitted to having sex with a man early on in his podcast. His tweets are written in baby talk. His book is written in baby talk. He worships naked muscular men. If you follow Costin you are some combination of jew, faggot, or oblivious atheist Goy

>> No.22561114
File: 1.16 MB, 2022x2048, Costin stare..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22561272

>baby talk.

Is this a gay thing?

>> No.22561275

Love how he makes the /pol/cels seethe. All he said was that you should lift weights, get pussy. The white man has no excuse to be incel. Last thing you wanna hear lol, you must remain eternally the victim. /pol/cels are spiritually niggers. Why do you think they loved Kanye so much? Why do you think they talk about interracial porn so much? The way /pol/cels see jews is the same as how black people see white people. The irony is delicious. Now please, tell us more about how the jews are making you a virgin and putting trannies in your video games. The entire hatred of jews has left any grounding in reality. Call out the /pol/cel and they'll start shrieking, they'll spam you with same infographics everyone's been seeing for the past decade. "Did you know that da joos are da heads of many major media companies???" he pants to know one in particular. The cruel light of his computer screen burns his corneas in his dark room. His box fan cools his sweat-covered body, anxious from an anon telling him to do some self-improvement. "There could be jews here" he says out loud to no one in particular. "There could be jews anywhere." And thus another thread is derailed, and any real criticism of jews is made to look foolish. The SPLC and the ADL are satisfied. Their work is completed for them.

>> No.22561322

For any lurkers here's BAPbook, if you wanna see what's actually causing this obsessive seething

>> No.22561331

>All he said was that you should lift weights, get pussy.

This is it? The grand solution? This is the answer to the problems of our times?

Wow, right up there with Aristotle and Socrates this one.

>> No.22561373

The /pol/cel quivers in his chair. "This is it? The grand solution? This is the answer to the problems of our times?" He nods to himself in smug satisfaction. "Wow, right up there with Aristotle and Socrates this one." The absurdity of his own non sequitur never occurs to him, the fact that no one ever claimed it the 'answer to the problems of our times' does not cross his mind. Relieve washes over him in an awesome wave. "I've won the argument now" he says to himself. "Let's see these BAPfags try to stay in this thread when I can be this annoying and intentionally dense." A flash of pain in his stomach. The frozen buffalo boneless wings are not sitting well tonight.

>> No.22561406

DESU, I think I prefer selective breeding and the birth of philosophy. I feel as though it actually further develops Nietzschean thought beyond what bam espoused. I still found some of its concepts interesting, such as the notion of owned space, but Costin’s most recent work definitely feels more comprehensive.

>> No.22561496

Why won’t the BAP group just fully embrace its philosemetism and cut the pseudo-nazi LARPing? Because there’s definitely a “conversion” aspect at play, which in it’s initial stages is to get people to buy books and subscribe to the podcast. Influencer-tier shit with the long term goal of creating pro-Jewish attitudes. “Nietzsche is a how-to manual for Jewish elites!” The bait is Hitler.

>> No.22561501

Not on my income

>> No.22561657

You sound retarded. The entire criticism is people who have never bothered to read his book trying to poke holes in their strawman image of this guy. And don't forget, it has to be somehow related to zionism too, you can't just admit you din't like him

>> No.22561664


>> No.22561686

English your first language, bud? You sound retarded. I’ve read BAM, listen to the podcast, and am familiar with all the activity on Twitter. My argument stands.

>> No.22561691

>you live in owned space, invading nomads become warrior castes, evolution does not fully explain animal behaviors so there must be a missing piece: the nietzschean will, the height of life is strength and beauty and your enemies hate these things, judaic nerdishness leads to wordcelling and impotent moral pandering and endless theological debate, nietzschean master vs slave morality, the greatest threat to the west is the migrant hordes that already streaming in and if you cannot stop this your civilization will collapse
>btw this whole book is a plot by jews to umm... get people to like jews
Your jew angle doesn't even make sense

>> No.22561700

It doesn't and you're retarded. Anybody could read that post and know that you haven't

>> No.22561744

Yes, and is BAP and the hordes of his PDF screenshoting frends not exactly just a massive group of judaic wordcels? There is nothing “active” about this “movement.” If anything, BAP is a corral for current and future “nerdy wordcels.”

>> No.22561749

At this point jew histrionics are a sign of being low iq. Everybody knows whyat they get up to but it's now a purity test to check who's not constantly screeching about jews. Most of this is driven by various kinds of brown /pol/cels who are concerned about racism directed at themselves. Who's the common enemy they can distract the nazis with? The jews of course. The jews control everything and make your life miserable. If all the races banded together we could stop jewish subversion. Jewish subversion at this point being things like working toilets and high speed rail and space travel. The fact remains, there could be based jews. There could be based white castizos, there could be based aryan indians 1500 years ago. But the modern pajeet, spic, black? They have never produced anyone of worth ever and I would take all the jews in the world before I let smelly brown dwarves move in next door and cook domestic dogs in the backyard.

>> No.22561758

No. They can sink to this sometimes, but generally the discussions in his sphere are far more interesting than anything in stagnant academia for the past several decades

>> No.22561800

I like BAP’s reading of Nietzsche, always will. It’s refreshing in a world that constantly tries to bend him to the left. But Twitter and especially some of the BAP adjacent satellite accounts have made me question the probity of his entire project.

>> No.22561819

>pilpul attempt #139: "Yes it's all true, Jews are doing exactly what you're saying they're doing, but why talk about it so much? Are you obsessed? Based and redpilled, fellow kids!"
shut up jew

>> No.22561824

Who cares? Anon accounts can do what they want, by its own nature nobody can control it or police anyone else. The value that's come out of the sphere just in terms of translations and publications of obscure works is enough to justify its existence in and of itself. Nobody is doing that kind of stuff, even actual academics ran out of things to talk about decades ago and largely just coast on the status of their positions.

>> No.22561837

>immediately proves my point
Hate jews all you want it won't turn you white. You will be deported

>> No.22561851

BAP/shill still at it.

>> No.22561891

So would you say that the BAP sphere is anti-semitic and that I’ve got it wrong?

>> No.22561895

>no argument
That's what I thought. You're welcome to worship at my aryan feet Pedro

>> No.22561908

Is there a qrd of BAM? I just don’t have the time right now

>> No.22561911

Largely yes, but they don't engage in the same kind of uncritical anti-semitism as the average /pol/ack where jews are the unstoppable masters of the world. There's still the same talk about ZOG and the ADL and everything, and of course condemnations of semitic morality

>> No.22561923

From wikipedia:
>The book centers on BAP's ideal vision, the eponymous "Bronze Age Mindset",[31] which he defines as "the secret desire…to be worshiped as a god!"[29] and which he calls a state "of complete power and freedom".[31] The book's main theme argues against the concept of human equality.[29] BAP discusses classical figures, including Alcibiades, Periander of Corinth, and the heroes of the Homeric epics.[32][15] In particular, BAP argues that the historical figures of the pirate and soldier of fortune are heroic ideals and asserts that classical education is wasted on both (social) liberals and conventional conservatives.[32] Although BAP does not provide sources, notes or formal references in the book, he mentions Nietzsche, Schopenhauer and pre-Socratic thinkers like Heraclitus very frequently.[29]

>> No.22561998

Yes, a “gentleman’s anti-semitism,” as BAP once referred to it on a podcast episode. In other words, Nietzsche’s perspective. I get that and again, I like that interpretation of N. But man, some of these Twitter accounts, Curtis Yarvin, etc., really hit a nerve. Even BAP himself downplaying the Jewish component of N’s First Essay in the Genealogy. It gets tedious and makes you wonder. Anyway, I’ve got to run. Nice chatting with you guys.

>> No.22562008

>unstoppable masters of the world
only you guys say this, jews die like anyone else

>> No.22562090

>Yes, a “gentleman’s anti-semitism,” as BAP once referred to it on a podcast episode. In other words, Nietzsche’s perspective.
So an apolitical, depoliticizing, individualist antisemitism. That is useless.

Try reading these instead:

By or about Julius Evola:

And watch this:

>> No.22562141

>So an apolitical, depoliticizing, individualist antisemitism. That is useless.
Oh yes because your political movements to expose the jews are really taking off. Kanye West has definitely done a great deal to lend credibility to mainstream criticism of jewish power.

>> No.22562217

idk the nazis were pretty formidable

>> No.22562266

Yeah they were weren't they? In Germany? In the 20s? Why don't you do a little nazi roleplay and see where it gets you? Oh that's right, you already did at Charlottesville, and all that happened was more discrediting, more embarassment, and a lot of retards that doxxed themselves. Fucking larping retard.

>> No.22562316

not american stop chimping at me kike

>> No.22562542

Even worse lmao, pretty good odds it's illegal for you to even larp. Maybe you should start living in reality instead of fantasy

>> No.22562556

>start living in reality
>follows bronze age larper

>> No.22562606

Perfect, thank you.

>> No.22562652

>If you intend to go public and try something politically, work now instead so that America and Europe don’t become Bosnia or South Africa. People who try to mislead you from such things and try to encourage you to talk in public instead about abstractions like “ethnostate,” dork ideological constructs like “Eurasianism,” anachronistic slogans like “blood and soil” that never had any historical attraction to Anglos and Americans...these people are spergs or very often federal informants, or manipulated by such. By all means study such things, believe in them, troll with them, let them guide your final aims; but know what is possible in the normie political sphere and don’t become the clown of ZOG like Nehlen and so many others did. If they were serious people they would have never come in public and encouraged young men to go on marches where they could be identified and tracked for life. Know when the snake is defending itself—don’t be a patsy. Your models must be those that have worked: Trump, Orban, the Italian movements now ascendant, Sebastian Kurz and his party in Austria. You don’t see these people marching around in hotel bellboy’s uniforms with a Sonnenrad and talking about the “Jewish Question” and this other kind of role-play. It’s true that in the end, my aims here and those of someone like Orban have little or nothing in common. If they were successful, all they would be able to do is reestablish the same world of sheep that existed a hundred years ago, maybe inoculated against the latest degradations...but nothing very great. Still, I think it’s better for the nations to be well-tended, happy sheep than to be reduced to teeming piles of starving rats. This, anyway, is my advice for those who want to go into normie politics and have a relatively normie life, and there’s nothing wrong with that—it’s even a great necessity.
Guess what book

>> No.22563755

fagtin is a dork