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File: 239 KB, 1200x1799, 1200px-Jordan_Peterson_by_Gage_Skidmore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22538810 No.22538810 [Reply] [Original]

I hate him as much as you guys but I will grant him that he is at the very least the most well-read public intellectual of our time. Listen to any of his debates with charlatans like Sam Harris or Matt Dillahunty and it becomes evidently clear that Peterson has a strong grasp of existential philosophy.

Charlatans like Harris and Dillahunty seriously think Peterson is playing word games when he asks them about Metapsychics, Truth or Reality but these concepts are literally philosophy 101 that you should have learned reading Plato. It's like they have never engaged in a socratic dialogue either with another person or internally with themselves. The fact that they then go out there and pose as intellectuals while being philosophically retarded infuriates me. Their NPC audience eat it up.

>> No.22538822

>I think Nietzsche made a pretty good case that we will lose our moral grounding without God in Good & Evil

Boneheaded Dillahunty
>I think I can make a pretty good case as to way that's wrong in two minutes hehe
*retarded NPC audience claps furiously*

timestamped: https://youtu.be/FmH7JUeVQb8?feature=shared&t=2211

>> No.22539235

Peterson was really weak here

>> No.22539261

Rhetorically yes, but he was still right.

>> No.22539269

Isn't this the guy that preaches individualism, self responsibility, and conservatism... and then got hooked on benzos and was so weak to withdraw from them he traveled to Russia to be placed in an induced coma because he couldn't deal with the pain?

This the guy I should listen to for life advice? The guy who said he drank apple cider vinegar and didn't sleep for a month? Whose daughter is a coal burning std carrying carnivore diet peddling internet whore?

Every single one of these youtube "intellectuals" are frauds grifters and fucking losers.

>> No.22539272

he barely even said anything, he didn't really say how we get morality from god. I was more convinced of Dillahunty's "Le well-being" proposal and I despise new atheists.

>> No.22539276

Peterson is unironically pretty kino. Imagine anyone else getting young inspiring intellectuals to read Solzhenitsyn. I get he got quiet when asked about 200 years together and he isnt a full right-winger, but the man has been by far the biggest gateway drug into being based that our generation has. Peterson would absolutely disavow my politics but I still respect him as someone who has studied very hard and spoken out against cringe faggot liberals to a very extensive degree. People who hate him are cringe imho.

>> No.22539296

He hasn't done much for the Canadian right at all. Late to the covid bandwagon, only core issue seems to be the transgender debate.

>> No.22539333

>Nietzsche made a pretty good case that we will lose our moral grounding without God in Good & Evil
is it even humanly possible to misinterpret Nietzsche this badly? is there anything more revolting than a Canadian conservative intellectual?

>> No.22539688

They definitely replaced him after the 'coma' incident. He isn't the same person at all.

>> No.22539701
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>Jordan Peterson is evil and stupid. He has a daughter and says, “We are here to suffer so learn to suffer like a man.” A potential paradise could be like a never ending DMT trip with the constant pleasure level of heroin. If you get bored then it’s not paradise. There don’t even have to be human bodies. His is just a severe lack of imagination. And there is no sense in which suffering or mediocrity create meaning. All the meaning you need would be packaged into the paradise experience. But I am not experiencing such meaning and perhaps never will. That’s why despite the abundant grace and mercy I think I am not subject to a fully benevolent God. Perhaps God is like Jordan Peterson and I therefore consider him my enemy.

>> No.22539729

If being a gateway to the far right is your only metric then andrew tate is by far a better, more effective and honest representation of far right ideology

>> No.22539735

As annoying as Sam Harris is, his politics make a lot more sense than Peterson, who is clearly losing his mind under the pressure of overnight fame and can no longer think self critically. It is sad to see the rapid adjustment in his personality.

I don't think I would fair any better. Fame on such a scale is simply mind boggling.

>> No.22539765

He at least got me going down the path but I don’t really pay attention to him anymore I just read older philosophers who are long dead.

>> No.22539806

>well read
>has six months to prepare for a debate on Marx, can't even read the fucking book, reads Communist Manifesto instead
>makes himself a fool in the process
Had one fucking job but clearly too retarded to do anything, also, benzo addict. Shouldn't be the face of anything

>> No.22539824

A thing is true if it’s true regardless of who says it

>> No.22539835

Harris can't really think critically, his defense of his fascist covid beliefs is that they are justified if everything about covids severity and the vaccines effectiveness were different

>> No.22539839

Harris should be dismissed for the premise of "The Moral Landscape" in itself.

>> No.22539852

He is just a smart shiny Redditor worldview. I truly did not intend to hold him up as an example of self-critical thought, I meant that he is more consistent than Peterson.

I previously decided consistency requires perpetual self-criticism, not obsessive peevishness, but a true sence of one's limitations and unknowns.

Peterson has lost his way from the core ideas and topics of his pre-fame professor days, which is what people really enjoyed about him and what made him at least a fresh figure in a very stale and partisan politics. He seems to think out loud like a 4chan poster, I do not see him organizing his thoughts, formulating good arguments or demonstrating insight or new deep knowledge. If he were a serious thinker he would he putting out real books with bibliographies.

>> No.22539882

>Isn't this the guy that preaches individualism, self responsibility, and conservatism... and then got hooked on benzos and was so weak to withdraw from them he traveled to Russia to be placed in an induced coma because he couldn't deal with the pain?
How on earth does that relate to individualism or really anything at all

>> No.22539889

When he publicly admitted he was wrong about the faggot cake (in front of some fucking woke bong) is when I lost my remaining respect for him.

>> No.22539930

This is such a retarded talking point.

Peterson hasn't made a decent contribution to the intellectual zeitgeist since 2019, but the idea that him being physically dependent on an anti-anxiety medication because his wife was diagnosed with cancer makes his ideas about individualism invalid is so fucking retarded.

More retarded than the shit Peterson says on twitter everyday.

>> No.22539938

>More retarded than the shit Peterson says on twitter everyday.
He made Nazi apologia while being a Zionist lol

>> No.22539952

>well read
>he's only ever read the communist manifesto in terms of commie lit
>doesn't even seem clear he's read the bible beyond the few stories he focuses on
he absolutely is a charlatan and a dumb motherfucker
the only things he says with validity are things he learned directly from practice, the moment he goes into religion he sounds like a postmodernist cunt

>> No.22539958

Watch his “debate” with Slavoj Zizek

>> No.22540014

>the most well-read public intellectual of our time
Setting the bar pretty low for him to be considered this.

>> No.22540022

The bar is low.

>> No.22540136

You're not as smart as you think you are

>> No.22540140

Peterson was good, even necessary until around 2016/2017. Now he's just another politico faggot. He should've gone solo.

>> No.22540154

>well read
any high schooler has read nietzsche and dosteovsky and fucking jung, that's how the the bar is for canadian "intellectuals". neoconservative scum, although he does sometimes hit on good insights in his more lucid states. still, really living proof of just how mentally retarded and subhuman canadians really are

>> No.22540159

>tfw he went down the political fag path and not full Jung or dare I say Evola path
Bad timeline

>> No.22540160

Everyone got sucked into the politico faggotosphere around then. Everything has political tapestry in it now.

I like him because he has strong convictions and faggots don't like him.

>> No.22540166

>in order to listen to someone's advice they must live a perfect life

Genuinely, when is this standard ever going to be met? I mean jesus fucking christ.

It's always hilarious how /lit/ leftists out themselves as the most vicious fucking retards when the mean no-no man makes mistakes but give insane levels of understanding to the most obnoxious philosophers if they were based.

See what I mean? Little fucking marxists faggots always complain he utterly BTFO'd their idol

>> No.22540177

These people worship the state and act like they are rebels, they only post on 4chan because they are scared of downvotes

>> No.22540194

Telling a generation of slobs to wash their penis doesn't make someone intellectual. Cobra tate could kick this pussy's ass. I can't even imagine caring enough about an eceleb debate to actually watch one.

>> No.22540197

I remember Zizek being pissed off at the audience of redditors celebrating each argument like they were at coliseum.

>> No.22540201

>Cobra tate could kick this pussy's ass
>imagine caring enough about an eceleb to actually watch one

>> No.22540206

Don’t dignify obvious fallacies with an answer, they’re smart enough to know what they’re doing.

>> No.22540213

>"you should improve your life."
>"yet you yourself have problems! HA! I am very intelligent."

>> No.22540216

Every board you zoomers have to shit up with your gay icon just piss off you troglodyte

>> No.22540222

My take as well

>> No.22540228

Full Jung peterson would've been unfathomable based. Politics really ruins everything.

>> No.22540232
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Zoom zoom

>> No.22540234

>Rail against postmodernism
>Push Jung

>> No.22540250

Go on and explain how Jung is post modern

>> No.22540252

Media attention ruins everything, especially when it is the attention of devoted followers hanging on your every word.

I would like to tell the ascending "public intellectual" types of the world to keep their egos squeaky clean, masses of people suddenly, finally adoring your thoughts and taking your advice must be an ego trip out of this world.

>> No.22540259

So you haven’t read any Jung?

>> No.22540260

yeah. JBP really landed on the worst possible ending. seeing him make a fool of himself for shapiro and netanyahu is depressing

>> No.22540268

The Jung archetypal stuff is intellectual cold reading confidence artist shit-- he's a leftist co-author of UN 2030 type literature and his rise and persistence in media is entirely AstroTurf. Lobster Boomer is as un-noteworthy as Yarvin Moldbread, and serves similar Pied Piper containment purposes. Fuck him. Look at the daughter. "By their fruits ye shall know them."

>> No.22540271

trips of truth. the level of cope it takes to pretend zarathustra isn't a call for eugenics so you can please your jew masters. well at least his intellectual flexibility is paid very well. the usual reddit gymnast bends over for free.

>> No.22540274

>andrew tate is by far a better
literal no jaw pimp who converted to islam for profit

>> No.22540464

Clearly not very far right are you?

>> No.22540473

fuck off

>> No.22540475

Zizek owned him. JP doesn't even know anything about Hegel, an actual conservative liberal(the position that JP thinks he is).

JP is the worst thing to happen to the far-right.

>> No.22540476
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>> No.22540477

Aww look at the little seethelet

>> No.22540488

I don't hate Peterson at all, and i don't get why people seem to hate him so much. He seems like a run of the mill self help book seller, i dont get why he could elicit any strong reaction whatsoever.

>> No.22540505

No anon, you are cringe

>> No.22540546

lol, lmao even

Zizek raped him like he was Kevin Nash in 92. Absolutely embarrassing, looked like a lost little kid.

>> No.22540637

Lol the actual nazis considered giving the jews their own homeland lol

>> No.22540639

He's very impressive in an atmosphere that has completely lost standards and devalued education and culture. He's a very fitting, in fact he should be a definitional example of what Adorno called 'Halbbildung' (half-education): memes and tokens of 'educatedness' grabbed from here and there to serve for one's rhetorical purposes, to shill whatever one's trying to sell, most of all oneself as being part of a cultural elite.
The references he makes to great thinkers remain on the level of wikipedia knowledge. You can tell he hasn't deeply read them. He uses them as signaling to awe an audience easily impressed by smart-people-talk. When you peek behind the intellectual pretensions, all his work puts emotion over reason and arbitrary associative jumpiness over argumentative clarity and substance.

>> No.22540641

Postmodernism means nothing has any inherent meaning
I don't see the application to Jung

>> No.22540645

>blah blah doesn't even get marx right blah blah
what is with communists and peterson

>> No.22540646

Yeah Tate is pretty kino as well. He hasnt been around as long though

>> No.22540680

I think it’s hilarious that he finds Jungian schizophrenia to be markedly different from post-modernism.

Honestly, JBP is the shining example of how far the academy has fallen exactly because he’s pretty smart and well-read and at least takes his role seriously. And yet, he still fails to be a serious intellectual. There’s just no space for that sort of thing anymore and anyone who rises to the top of academia, which will need to happen for you to be a public intellectual in any capacity, will have made a name for themselves thinking about and writing bullshit. That’s just how it is. And frankly, Heidegger was probably right that we are just a post-philosophical civilization now.

>> No.22540784

he wasn't addicted to them, he was taking them as regularly prescribed you moron; benzos are the new oxycodone

>> No.22540806

>"Researches estimate 20-100% (that's a wide range) of patients, taking benzodiazepines at therapeutic dosages for the long term, are physically dependent and will experience withdrawal symptoms. Benzodiazepines can be addictive and induce dependence even at low doses, with 23% becoming addicted within 3 months of use."

>> No.22540813

Supposing he has the key to other’s problems why should his lock be the same?

>> No.22541115
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>blocks you're path

>> No.22541126

What are you implying exactly? I’m not getting this joke.

>> No.22541155

Why though? He’s a nothingburger

>> No.22541246

(not that anon)
Most of Peterson's fans are aware on some level that the little 12 rules book is thin and pithy , and gee dont it seem strange he didn't write us theory, research or prose seeing as he the big brain guy.

JPs ancient book "Maps of Meaning" (which he has probably more or less forgotten the contents of) goes some way to building up the myth that JP has a powerful mind

>> No.22541657

If psychoanalysis isn’t post modern, I don’t know what is

>> No.22541691


>> No.22541726


>> No.22541777

>Zizek raped him like he was Kevin Nash in 92.

>> No.22541788

and then they went, 'no, that's gay', let's just slaughter them' lolololol

>> No.22541801 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.22541846

>Is upset someone hasn't done any research before going into a debate on the topic
>"People who don't like the things I like are libtards"
Being proud of ignorance is sad.
You cannot simply say something has "bad vibes" or assume you know what it is because you heard a college freshman regurgitate what they think it is about.
If you desire to hunt rats, you must know how rats think.
If you want to debate something on stage, you should know the thing and do more than skim Wikipedia.

>Did you clean your room yet?
>Did you find any "postmodern neo-marxists" hiding in your closet?
>Are the dragons in the room with us right now?
Keep blindly swinging at ghosts in internet forums, I'm sure you'll "slay" them one day.

>> No.22541888

>Heidegger was probably right that we are just a post-philosophical civilization now

The difficulty in finding good debates is enormous. The space is flooded with " Titan of wit DESTROYS opponents in the coliseum. No quarter, no disagreements allowed. The marketplace of ideas demands a CHAMPION."
You've got people on the same relative side of the fence trying to dunk on each other to get a 5 second clickbait knockout highlight clip.
You've got people that refuse to budge on the idea of coexistence and will dig their heels in with a torrent of whataboutisms, adhoms, and anecdotes.
The fans want blood and don't want to hear an "I don't know" or "you make solid points, agree to disagree for now."
They NEED the answers now, or they will forever lose respect.
They need someone who knows everything and who speaks with utter certainty. They will allow posits, but only as long as their God unfolds the world before them.
Be right, think right, or perish.

>> No.22541895

I just pooped in a cup

>> No.22541940

if you want good debates you should look for specialists who stay in their fields and don't make a career out of the youtube gladiatorial games. The best content is researchers with a concrete topic talking about it, without taking on le Big Questions that really aren't that big

>> No.22542043

That’s the problem, there is no debate amongst “specialists” or “experts”, there is only state approved consensus

>> No.22542051

You assume that everything we know today is correct. You forget that 60 years ago the specialists were giving lobotomies and promoting cigarettes

>> No.22542053

Why would you hate this pathetic faggot?

>> No.22542056

I'm aware. My YouTube algorithm at work is still fucked to death with garbage, though.
It gets tedious sifting through it, is all.
It also makes having any discussions online or offline a pain, because I'm certain the shit in these vids are part of the reason.

>> No.22542094

>Genuinely, when is this standard ever going to be met? I mean jesus fucking christ.
Yes, exactly

>> No.22542101

Hell we're cutting people's genitals as a cure for gender dysphoria right now.

>> No.22542110

>JPs ancient book "Maps of Meaning" (which he has probably more or less forgotten the contents of)
He still talks regularly about it in his podcast and his coming up with a new one now, I guess he's beyond his self improvement stage now, also he doesn't need the money.

>> No.22542234

Your precum is leaking

>> No.22542256

Not at all. If you only want "correct" information go learn math, it is certainly pointless to listen to debates and discussions because you won't find the ultimate intellectual hero who utters only truth and nothing but the truth.
Specialists certainly do have debates, though they might not be as exciting of a show as an average Peterson-vs-lefties match. My point was more that those specialists usually aren't opinion-peddlers that have a whole worldview to sell. They'll talk about their narrow field and be reasonably humble, with a clear indication about the limits of their findings. At least that's my experience with talks at conferences and suchlike...

>> No.22542295

islam is gay and wrong

>> No.22542300

you're full of shit and I think you decided you hated him before you listened to any of his lectures

>> No.22542322

The “erm actually Nietzsche wasnt fascist and every thing he said was only a critique of his times!” cope has been going on since the end of WW2. It’s hard to blame Peterson for it.

>> No.22542364

if you've ever read maps of meaning, or even worse, attempted to lsiten to him speak at length about a subject other than "identity politics" or "free speech" then you will realise the true failings of this poor man's small brain

look into his teary canadian eyes and tell me that there is a sentient being in there somewhere. that this drug addicted sophist could pass for a public intellectual or social commentator is truly a damning indictment of just how bad things really are

>> No.22542561

>lectured at harvard
>kept a clinical practice with thousands of redeemed clients
>has written three bestseller books
>known in every country around the world based on his ideas alone
>has developed a full, white, happy family

Niggas be seethin oh niggas be seethin
thin-wristed leftists be kvetchin oh leftists be kvetchin

Back to r/communismmemes with you, you utter FAGGOTS ;)

>> No.22542578

>got assraped by a tanky with a lisp

>> No.22542656


> Niggas
> ;)
Oh, you're a child. This is starting to make sense.
I understand why you don't think people should do any homework now.

kek, how confidently wrong
You're on /lit/, so at least try to pretend you read or are interested in reading every once in a while.

>> No.22542659

>the most well-read public intellectual of our time
E. Michael Jones

>> No.22542672

You type so gay lad lmao

>> No.22542671

yeah... "nietzsche would root for israel!"

>> No.22542722

More like spoonfed and spanked.
Zizek had to explain everything to him so that he could participate in his own debate. JBP didn't even have a response once Zizek said he was more of a Hegelian.
Even Zizek felt bad and altered course so JBP could go off on his platitudes.
It was pathetic.
Zizek can't even make eye contact half the time he's spitting all over his own shoes, and yet JBP was a squirming cuck anytime he couldn't just regurgitate his tired drivel or was asked to explain anything that came out.

>> No.22542726

It was fucking gold. I don't know how every Canadian and JBP fanboy didn't rope themselves after that.

>JBP assumed his opponent was a Marxist instead of researching beforehand
>Zizek had more to say against Marxism than him
>JBP revealed he didn't even read anything about Marxism, the thing he rails against and the thing he expected to speak on
>Zizek identified as a Hegelian
>*Crickets, stuttering, and confused Kermit 'well, uhm, uhh' sounds*

>> No.22542729

Bro thought he was debating the communist manifesto, and even then only read it the night before.

>> No.22542745

I wonder if he would be viewed differently had Andrew Tate pumped and dumped his daughter recently and not before he blew up and became known to the mainstream

>> No.22542747

Zizek versus sanatized GPT nonsense would be a more interesting event

>> No.22542755

> perfect life
Kek. Anon, I think there’s a happy medium between a ‘perfect life’ and being a drug-addicted loon. It’s called ‘not being a junkie’. Peterson is a hack and his daughter is a whore.

>> No.22542770

Peterson’s lectures have always been pretty good and entertaining for the most part, even if the titles of half of them are clickbait to attract incels. He is good at giving advice that most men should be given from other men in their lives from a young age. Pretty much everything else he talks about besides boiler self-help advice and psychology is fucking batshit though. His tweets these days are so far removed to the person in his old lectures that I’m led to believe he knew he was BTFOd by academia after embarrassing himself in the Zizek debate, and has since opted to pivot to becoming a full on grifter.

>> No.22543048

I have a feeling you’re mischaracterizing the debate. You’re saying Zizek isn’t a marxist?

>> No.22543058

Not even Marx called himself a Marxist.

>> No.22543076

He should have called himself a faggot

>> No.22543230

Dumbest thing I've read all night, thank you.
I don't think you could get through Zizek's Wikipedia page, let alone an ounce of his material if you think he's a Marxist from listening to any of that debate.
Shit, there's even a whole wiki article on the Peterson-Zizek debate that'll spell it for you if you wanted to cheat a little before saying something stupid again.
I wouldn't think reading a wiki article is a difficult feat for a /lit/ user, but I am frequently surprised by this site.

>> No.22543243

Me saying I have a feeling implies I haven’t seen it. You’re a big faggot, though. This Zizek guy doesn’t really interest me. My main point was that you niggers always exaggerate. There were probably some pauses and flubbed words, but that doesn’t mean that JP’s ideas were refuted.

>> No.22543260

Zizek was rendered unemployed for years by the oppressive communist government that ruled the Slovenia of his youth. For you and Peterson marxism is just a rhetorical superlative employed against obnoxious grad students and parliamentary interventions you disagree with. There is no debate.

>> No.22543267

>I will grant him that he is at the very least the most well-read public intellectual of our time.
lol lmao

>> No.22543352

Also big fan of covid lockdowns

>> No.22543360
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>Charlatans like Harris and Dillahunty seriously think Peterson is playing word games when he asks them about Metapsychics, Truth or Reality but these concepts are literally philosophy 101 that you should have learned reading Plato. It's like they have never engaged in a socratic dialogue either with another person or internally with themselves.

I can't listen to Harris's inane babble. It's hard to accept that someone who undoubtedly has a higher IQ than me is so retarded.
Harris and his ilk are pure spergs who are utterly caught up in a worldview they've constructed for themselves and assume it's self-evident truth. I couldn't get 30 seconds into a video of him talking into a cruddy webcam shitting on religion saying shit like
>how can people get so caught up in religious texts? It's just a book! Like, someone could like Macbeth more than Hamlet but they're not going to kill someone over it!
I honest to God think in his mind a book like the Bible or the Quran, the Bhagavad Gita, etc are sheets of paper bound with some leather with ink splotches scribbled throughout. He's so lost in his mind that he can't even imagine how someone could have value judgements substantiated by metaphysical claims over his empirical squalor.
I now remember him saying something like
>I think the Is/Ought distinction is just semantics
You stupid fucking retard Harris.
I remember another video where he started talking about his neuroscientific view of transcendent states and he said
>Why not practice these meditative or contemplative states but without trying to commune with a (non-existent) transcendental power. You still get the mental health benefits!
This revealed to me how small and pedestrian he truly is. Harris thinks people do this because it feels good or leads to relaxation neurochemical proliferation or some shit. And he imagines they would want to keep doing it once they (rightly) realize God doesn't exist and they live in an arbitrary and meaningless universe because it feels good!
He is the Western form of the bugman, the last man.

>> No.22543395

>"You niggers exaggerate"
>Hasn't seen it
>"I have a feeling..."
You should really watch the thing before you just make blind 'theories' about how it went. Wouldn't that be novel?

The sublime irony of not doing any preliminary searches on the debate to try and defend a dude who didn't do any preliminary searches for said debate. Distilled art in motion.

>> No.22543427

Alright, if you just want to make up your own internal fantasy about it and don't care enough to actually read about it, listen/watch it, or accept anything people say about it, then I can only assume you're posting for one reason: here is the (You) that you're craving.
You have successfully interjected yourself into the conversation and added nothing. Congrats!

>> No.22543484

I think, much like he sees things like meditation and whatnot through a single lens, that you might not be watching him properly.
>He has made a living by professionally not understanding people.
>He keeps searching for an answer that only someone as autistic as him cannot fathom, and must dig deeper.
Peak autism and ignorance like that is magical.
He must be cherished.

Watch him through the lens of being entertained by his self-imposed madness in world he painstakingly created for himself where there is only one clear truth that is impossible for everyone to not see.
The serendipitous irony of it.
>People be dumb.

>> No.22543565
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>He's a well-read intellectual who cites classic literature and philosophy!...
>just so he can endorse basic libshit democratic ideals about freedom and Western superiority
And this is supposed to be impressive why? He's just a boring conservative with extra steps.

>> No.22543664

What ideas should he be endorsing

>> No.22544079

Good. Boring conservatives with extra steps quite literally built the biggest empire of blossoming historical worth this world has ever seen. We need more of them, not little snivelling faggots like you.

>> No.22544100

Don’t give him the compliment of being autistic, he’s a snake oil salesman who lacks all self awareness.

>> No.22544978

>at the very least the most well-read public intellectual of our time.
Are you fucking shitting me?

>> No.22545009

all the fags seething in this thread about some gay debate are only doing so because they know that jordan is the larger public figure
>but he didn't understand the ideas
the idea is that you're my enemy and he opposes you and pisses you off
fuck you

>> No.22545090

>I can't BELIEVE somebody doesn't take my skylord seriously

>> No.22545114

I think they’re just pointing out hypocrisy, but I tend to see it more as demonstration of the limits of individualism. Life is hard and sad a lot of the time; his wife died of cancer, he was under increased public scrutiny (his own doing, he could have shut up and stopped spraying his opinions in public) and he cracked. What would his life had been like if he’d had a community to take care of him?

>> No.22545192

>I think the Is/Ought distinction is just semantics
The problem with this one and the topic of moral nihilism in general is that the new atheists do not understand it. If I was an atheist, I wouldn't believe a bunch of faggy neoliberal propaganda as my moral code, I'd be a moral nihilist, because that's a more coherent worldview.
Now, due to the decline of intelligence in society, a lot of Christians and atheists will give poorly understood versions of critical arguments. I think the big one is morality. Laymen theists might give the pitiful argument that, "you can't be a good person without God. What's to stop you from killing or raping?" Atheists will respond with the equally pitiful argument, "Well what's wrong with you that you would want to do that? I have no interest in doing those things because I'm a good person and don't need God to make me so." To be fair, this isn't altogether unreasonable for the atheist, if prompted with such a poorly made argument.
The problem is that leading new atheists intellectuals use this same kind of response when dealing with the proper and sophisticated question: "How do you ground your numerous moral claims?" Harris and Dillahunty make lots of unfounded moral claims based on presuppositions, and often misunderstand this question. In no way are they in the path of Hume or Nietzsche. If there is no God or a thing like God, or if you hold to an eliminative materialist worldview, there is no good. It would be nonsense we make up. There are mere descriptions of things like human evolution, which provide no true moral imperatives. Perhaps Hume's argument applies to even theistic worldviews, but that's a separate question.

But the new atheists do not study philosophy. They may not understand it, but their ideas are as much anti-metaphysics as they are anti-theist. That is, the very discipline of metaphysics is something they think should not be done, despite making metaphysical claims.
This is why Matt Dillahunty can so easily rip a quote from Hume, and not realize that Hume isn't a mere antagonist to religion. Hume's problem of induction is a problem for the whole scientific worldview and science itself. No surprise, these same new atheists only understand practical arguments, and ultimately sophistic ones.
This is why they make bizarre and unfounded philosophical claims while dismissing philosophy. They cite scientific innovations, yet have no comprehension that their moral and epistemological ideas are not, in any way, founded in science, nor proven through it. It's basically one giant canard when they talk about science, saying, "look how much science has done, compared to religion..." It's like saying, "your lawn mower sucks compared to McDonald's. It doesn't even sell hamburgers." And, irony of ironies, most of the new atheist authors aren't actually contributing to science.
Some certainly do, and yet, how much of it actually mattered to "improving the world?"

>> No.22545288

I hate new atheists so much it’s unreal and you just laid out everything I hate about them.

>> No.22545309

>or if you hold to an eliminative materialist worldview, there is no good. It would be nonsense we make up
at the very least, good is reflecting for caution at least once. and then you get worthiness, or something like it, instead of good. i think that is mostly English though.

>> No.22545310

Here it sounds like Peterson is presenting Nietzsche as pleading for us to keep Christianity to save Christian morality, which is completely wrong and confirms my instinct to not read Peterson

>> No.22545323

That’s not it at all, did you even listen to the time stamp? Also, why would that be your take away when the other retard Dillahunty just wrgonatly said that he will debunk Nietzsche in 2 minutes? Get your priorities straight.

>> No.22545394

I am specifically responding to this
>>I think Nietzsche made a pretty good case that we will lose our moral grounding without God in Good & Evil
if that is Peterson's reading of Nietzsche then he is a retard >>22539333
not going to watch your pseud grifters stroke each other

>> No.22545458

The only pseud here is you, you utter fraud and lazy anti intellectual moron. You can’t even take 2 minutes of your day to listen to what he actual said, instead you’re going to spew nonsense and have already form an opinion on the guy. I bet you will then go on to repeat the same retarded and baseless opinion whenever his name comes up. People like you are a problem, lazy and useless waste of space who only go around and talk nonsense about things they don’t understand or even care to understand.

>> No.22545464

>read peterson
Fucking kek

>> No.22545487

All that text and no explanation, who is the waste of space? Of course, that IS Peterson's position yes?—to plead for Christianity, to stuff the skin of its corpse with straw and use it to scare off the very forces it once gave shape to. So he cannot help but give us the worst possible reading of Nietzsche. Canadian conservatism, not just a waste of time but a waste of brain

>> No.22545928

god i love when the marxist retardation drips from kvetching posts like this. you can literally smell the body odour

>> No.22545979

Who said anything about Marx (the Pauline ideologue of the 19 century)? And surely your tactical yiddish is meant to imply something... Have I really been arguing with yet another Nietzsche hater who just so happens to worship a dead rabbi as lord of the universe while also being an anti-semite? These are the people who defend Peterson and Canadian "conservatism"?

>> No.22545991

>zarathustra isn't a call for eugenics
what? Can you elaborate, anon?

>> No.22545992

Not every doctor can heal himself

>> No.22546077

>I don't hate Peterson at all, and i don't get why people seem to hate him so much.
I don't hate him either. I just lament the amount of bastards who need him or BAP or Tate in the first place.

>> No.22546148

>I just lament the amount of bastards who need him or BAP or Tate in the first place.
This. It's clear he has a heart for young men who seem endlessly adrift, but the advice he's giving them - keep your quarters cleaned, yourself groomed, develop skills, and be usefully competent - are so fucking basic it breaks your heart they need to be said at all. Where are all these faggots' fathers? Why does it take a professor who hates being alive to tell you these things?
We need men like Peterson right now, and that terrifies me, frankly.

>> No.22546149

/// Up-country traders and porters were makers of their own destiny, and were not hapless casualties of change /// Her second movie followed close on the heels of her successful film debut /// The analysis needs to be more granular /// These shops are offering the physical accoutrements of polite manners - lace, gloves, linen underclothing, snuff, and gentleman's powdered wigs /// That lawsuit was just a blip compared with what was to come /// There are still a few kinks to be worked out of the plan before we start production /// When one strained oneself to listen to the speaker one could make out that some important male writers were speaking in generalities /// She started gabbling away at me in Spanish and I didn't understand a word /// I find many aspects of your proposal to be inadequate. For one thing, you don't specify where you'll get the money /// A player with that kind of talent is tipped for the top /// The room was decorated with twee little pictures of animals /// He's always sneering at the way people dress /// I thought I saw someone skulking in the bushes - maybe we should call the police /// The question is, does his statement on this mean anything, or it is just an obeisance to the popular ideas of the moment? /// His assistant’s carelessness is exasperating him /// I have a lot of saggy skin on my stomach since I lost weight /// She fleshes out the characters in her novels very well /// Miss Bennett whiled away the hours watching old films /// This could have caused increased numbers of mosquitoes that could serve as vectors for the disease /// All I can do now is to carry out his wishes, that will be my expiation for my neglect /// Their stage act is a little too raunchy for television /// Tania stared at him aghast, unable to speak /// They wore garlands of summer flowers in their hair /// Pine needles turning from tawny to amber /// Alcoa, a global aluminum products producer, is cutting a third of production at its smelter in Norway /// He was initially blackballed because of a dispute he once had with a couple of the committee members /// The appendix provides a very useful crib sheet for exams and reference /// Why has there been such a political flap over his appointment? /// Most people and organizations just roll over and give up when they're challenged or attacked by the IRS /// He walked out to jeers and catcalls /// To him, nationalism is an independent cultural construct and not just an epiphenomenon in the process of capitalist development /// Are you kids strapped in back there? /// These performance differences point to a pattern of highly variegated national responses to relatively similar sets of international constraints /// There was a lot of grousing about the last two Sopranos seasons, and the end remains divisive /// She liked me better from that time on, and she never took a supercilious air with me /// It's another moralizing tale filled with jejune platitudes ////

>> No.22546304


>> No.22547049

Zizek is a phony cuck

>> No.22547059 [DELETED] 

>biggest empire of blossoming historical worth
An empire which is now in decline hence why Peterson spends his days throwing drug-fueled autistic tantrums. Seems like his liberalism doesn't actually lead to glory, maybe he can read Nietzsche and Dostoevsky and learn a thing or two about it? Oh wait...

>> No.22547072

>biggest empire of blossoming historical worth
An empire which is now in decline hence why Peterson spends his days throwing drug-fueled autistic tantrums. Seems like his liberalism doesn't actually lead to glory, maybe he can read Nietzsche and Dostoevsky and learn a thing or two about it? Oh wait...

>> No.22547093

All "public intellectuals" are schills and whores pimping out their writing abilities to pander to an audience. Their only erudition is in making themselves appear intelligent and erudite and their prose sophisticated, when in fact they are nothing but windbags. The intellectual equivalent of a v tuber with an army of desperate simps trailing behind them because they desperately need someone with a name and certificate to validate their incoherent meme based worldviews.

You only need to read Peterson, Harris, Dillahunty, Pinker, Dawkins etc. to realize they haven't read 98% of the people they cite, pull random garbage out of their ass or, worse, Wikipedia. None of their arguments are grounded in logic, but shrill appeals to emotion and popular assumptions. America used to have genuine appreciation for intellectuals. Arnold Toynbee, C Wright Mills, Leo Strauss and Herbert Marcuse could be featured on radio or in print and fairly represented despite their political leanings.

Genuine scholars and thinkers strive for knowledge not to have an army of drooling fanboys. Peterson is as much an intellectual as Lysenko. That's all public intellectuals are, charlatans who identify a demographic and pander to them to get rich, get laid, and have their 15 minutes.

>> No.22547182
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If you believe Harris's reductionist worldview only applies to people who believe in a skydaddy you're mistaken. It's not his materialism that I'm opposed to, it's his odd attempt to gleam objective human values from a material existence. At least Nietzsche or Stirner can turn away from this fool's errand.
>your lawn mower sucks compared to McDonald's. It doesn't even sell hamburgers
kek, I'm going to use this.
>There are mere descriptions of things like human evolution, which provide no true moral imperatives.
There's a trend I've noticed pop up sometimes in new atheist circles, and I even implicitly believed this when I was a new atheist, that evolution's "survival of the fittest" means "survival of the most sophisticated". They honestly think the human species is the end of history, or that if man was to evolve further that it would evolve into something that is even more sophisticated and intelligent.
This line of thinking makes human evolution into a kind of moral imperative, and they (over) stuff their pre-conceived value structures into this natural process, making evolution into a kind of religion of unending moral progress. I'm glad this anon >>22543484 can laugh with mirth at it all, because my laughter is purely exasperated.

>> No.22547184

>Leo Strauss and Herbert Marcuse

>> No.22547221

>evolution's "survival of the fittest" means "survival of the most sophisticated". They honestly think the human species is the end of history, or that if man was to evolve further that it would evolve into something that is even more sophisticated and intelligent.
western atheists who haven't read Nietzsche are basically Christians who don't like Christianity

>> No.22547225

The correct take, I think it's actually gotten worse with the internet

>> No.22547243
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He is pretty fucking smart and way above the shitstains reading Hegel and Kant here. Maybe bit weird emotionally, because his personal life has gone to shit, and that breaks a man like him. His phenotype is similar to that of Alan Watts too. Lately he has become a little bit too commercialized now, but understandable at his age; he ain't gonna grow much smarter anymore anyway.

>> No.22547244

JP knows his field of psychology and Jung to well to be disrespected by some fag on 4chan. And his success is partly due to the fact he has intimate knlowgde of psychological literature.

I do think his reading of Dostoevsky is poor, his Christianity is extremely shallow and too eager to incorporate Jung, and his general attempt at philosophy and politics is as shallow.

But I respect him and perhaps if wasn’t so busy with clinical psych he could have more than just esrly thoughts on the other stuff.

>> No.22547261

checked and generally good take

>> No.22547278

Zizek is over rated and disgusting and he is a Marxist not a fucking Hegelian.

You can’t be a Hegelian and a Marxist or an atheist but Marx is a modified version of Hegel.

Zizek was playing games to win the debate. He’s a dumb mix of Freud and Marx and because he’s marxist he’s automatically somewhat Hegelian.
Pure dishonesty

>> No.22547282

this is true. and i consider myself a marxist
zizek has always been a coked up overrated writer

>> No.22547285

Zizek claimed he was a revolutionary Marxist.
He’s a sneaky debater using some technicality and the audiences ignorance of Hegel and Marx to pull one over on them and make Peterson look stupid (Surprising that a career clinician in psych isn’t well read on the most difficult technical philosopher in history)

>> No.22547292

Go back

>> No.22547298

Well said. Took me too long to realize how pathetic these types are. Not that I ever ‘bought in’ but I wanted to understand what they were so hyped about and what evryone was so excited about. Even saw Richard Dawkins speak once.

They havnt even a clue how little they know

>> No.22547312

Lol fag. I just ask them to be at least a normal person with a wife and decent kids. I'd rather listen to my dad and uncles over all these niggers

>> No.22547316
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>cries in your path

>> No.22547324

you sound like an underage retard

>> No.22547325

cry about it

>> No.22547372
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JP cries WAY too much. He even cried over how great Isreal is while speaking at a conference there. I'm not your average /pol/ poster or something but that's too much.

>> No.22547381

chill out lil buddy, those hormone changes for someone your age can be rough

>> No.22547399

Found it

>> No.22547521

he also shill solzehetizn who is frankly anti semitic
he's all over the place

>> No.22548240

>professor of psychology has intimate knowledge of psychology literature
Any other brilliant insights? Other psychologists have even more expertise. They even know enough not to position themselves as explainers of everything and anything with pretensions to some grand message while uttering meme-level banalities.
Good for him that he was a competent clinical psychologist, maybe should have stuck with it and avoided going insane over a messiah complex.

>> No.22548243

go back to whatever subreddit you call home

>> No.22548249 [DELETED] 

If /lit/ (midwit central) hates him, he must actually be smart.

>> No.22548405

The anglosphere is still the most dominant force on the planet you little faggot

>> No.22548414

The incel father figure kek

>> No.22548508

>he is at the very least the most well-read public intellectual of our time.
It doesn't count when you onnly ead books to quote shit out of context so it looks like it supports you're argument.
>Why N would agree with me that you should just LARP as a Christian

>> No.22548880

Sure and then he got fucked by Benzos and became a retard neocon

>> No.22548891

How do four words typed out onto a screen "sound"(?) underage?

>> No.22548914
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>> No.22548964 [DELETED] 

>I am one of you because I hate him, but actually I love him.
NPC's must have gotten an upgrade if they can have contradictory views and not crash.

>> No.22549006

It makes me sad when I see him

>> No.22549042

ITT: nerds cock sucking the nerd talking heads and talking shit about the other cock sucking nerds' talking head team. No different to football fans after a game or ape men flinging shit at the other tribe over the creek. There are no valid opinions in this thread, no matter how many -isms or -ists you try to use in a sentence.

>> No.22549125
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indeed it is

>> No.22549163

>>in order to listen to someone's advice they must live a perfect life

>Genuinely, when is this standard ever going to be met? I mean jesus fucking christ.

What truth is there to advise that is impossible to carry out for any real existing person?
Imposing idealistic advice isn’t advice at all, it is make believe shrouded and obscured by fine intellectual postering. At its foundation it is nothing more than a hollow concept that is not applicable to the world.

>> No.22549295
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>I think Nietzsche made a pretty good case that we will lose our moral grounding without God in Good & Evil
This is what I can't fucking stand about Peterson. He says shit like this while leaving out the most important part of Nietzsche's message — that this was an event to celebrate, not lament.

It's the nihilistic Christian and pessimistic Europoor (Peterson being a hybrid of these two degenerates, also known as a Canadian) who see the death of God as a sad event rather than the beginning of a new and far more creative millennium for humanity. Peterson either doesn't understand Nietzsche at all or he's masking his real beliefs in order to make a quick buck. Either way, he's a faggot.

>> No.22549303

Dillahunty will accuse opponents of using “word salads” for using terms like ontology. He’s an absolute retard

>> No.22550066


>> No.22550108

It's hypocrisy, but it's also that his advice is not anything special.
Giving advice is useless if no one follows it.
Spouting platitudes in front of an audience doesn't make you a visionary, it makes you a cult leader or a snake oil salesman.
>get a job
>work out
>be confident
Amazing stuff. What's next? Breathe air? Drink water?

>> No.22550376

I wouldn't take nutrition and dietary advice from a fatty.
I may be interested in some topics and find other resources on them, but to obsess over someone incapable of following their own "simple" and "fundamental" knowledge is wild to me. How is anything based on a foundation that cannot be maintained something to be trusted at face value?
If said "expert" cannot do the basics or so much as admit to any struggles inherent in them, why would you have reason to cling to them?

I often think about the nutters on /x/ that claim enlightenment or to have some sort of true knowledge about the universe that reveals "the path" to them, but are utterly incapable of speaking to others in an intelligible manner or helping themselves function in the world at a very basic capacity.

>> No.22550401

What are you on about?
There is no approved consensus in philosophy, at least not in the western world.
There are unpopular or unfavorable ones, like anything involving race science, but there are still even vocal proponents of that.

Any reason you don't see the "champions" of your ideology in the forefront of the discussion is because their stance is weak, they have no base to their claims, or they are fearful.
Or you're just too retarded to find them so you screech on the internet until you are spoonfed what you want. There is a very strong possibility of that.

>> No.22550587

>Any reason you don't see the "champions" of your ideology in the forefront of the discussion is because their stance is weak, they have no base to their claims, or they are fearful.
NTA but that's a really naive and overly vague understanding of the transition between "ideologies."

>> No.22550609
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>Jungian schizophrenia
Jung solved humanity

>> No.22551482

How was he BTFO by Zizek? Asking for a friend

>> No.22552040

He wasn't really. Neither were familiar with the other's work/ideas and held caricatures one another going into the event. Zizek was more forceful and combative whereas Peterson treated the event more like a discussion as soon as he realized Zizek wasn't what he expected him to be. The main thing was Zizek insisting on the philosophical toolkit of Marxism while refusing to accept Peterson's looser terminology. Zizek never got beyond that whereas Peterson seemed genuinely interested in what he had to say.

>> No.22552046

Yes and he’s a huge gatekeeper for copevid

>> No.22552048

>not even hinting at foreign occupation

>> No.22552124

>Peterson's looser terminology
Right, why not just call whatever you dislike Marxism. It's suitably scary, evokes Stalin and gulags and all that. Couple that with 'postmodern', you know, the shit where you have no morals and hate God. And add 'cultural' because it's just in the air somehow. Zizek is truly a poor sport for insisting on precise terms.

>> No.22552464
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>Kermit the Frog VS a raccoon given human form by a witch

>> No.22552473

You certainly aren't going to birth and raise the Übermensch with dysgenics

>> No.22552489
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>it's his odd attempt to gleam objective human values from a material existence
Shit, that's an easy one.

>> No.22552494

>because they know that jordan is the larger public figure
This is mostly because media outlets spoofed him up as the next coming of Hitler, despite him just being the nuck version of a classical liberal

>> No.22552504
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Thanks anon

>> No.22553215

Peterson has become such a bitter and choleric old bag. watched a recent interview. and he can't go 2 sentences without either seething or welling up

>> No.22554139

> he is at the very least the most well-read public intellectual of our time
The good news is that you’re wrong. Look up Tyler Cowen and his podcast Conversations with Tyler. He’s even interviewed Peterson and got him to start crying and seething with an honest question that was just more insightful than Peterson was ready for. Essentially:
>You are an outspoken critic of postmodern philosophy but are you not yourself a postmodern Christian?
>No I’m not a postmodern Christian!
>So you take the Bible literally?
>No it can be explored metaphorically
>Audience laughs, Peterson seethes

>> No.22554187

I want to give the poor dude a hug