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/lit/ - Literature

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22538769 No.22538769 [Reply] [Original]

How to /pussymax/ your son? When I eventually have a son, how do I raise him so he’s able to get way more pussy then I did?

>> No.22538795

For pussymaxxing your son, you would need to be a pussymaxxed yourself or him being a son of a Stacy (his mother, your wife), genes are powerful, and if you're a borderline incel and you have son with a femcel you're a asking to your son be born to incelmaxxing at life.

>> No.22538805

What if I’m a cyborg with good physical characteristics but a complete autismo?

>> No.22538813

Probably you will end up in the hand of a unhinged borderline femoid.

>> No.22538831

Teach him to understand and respect the rules which govern society, to see the world and its inhabitants as more than something for him to abuse for his own needs. You know, do for him what your father obviously failed to do for you.

>> No.22538844

your future son is gonna get so much pussy bro. im really happy for you

>> No.22538858
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>what did he mean by this

>> No.22538864

Anon your children are going to fucking hate you and themselves

You are doing what every idiot father does. You are hoping to raise yourself so you can conquer your own stupid dad.

Why is it so hard to grasp that other people are not you?

>> No.22538872

>or him being a son of a Stacy (his mother, your wife), genes are powerful
Indeed. I’m not sure what OP is getting at, especially asking on a literature board, but there are many eugenic traits that I’ve identified in women that can predict a child’s height, hairline, physiognomy, and frame and it filters out like 90% of women. The remaining 10% aren’t even particularly attractive, they just have traits which are advantageous in gene recombination.

>> No.22539001

Like the first anon said, genes is number one. You want the tallest, hottest wife you can manage. Aside from that, you can try getting your son into wrestling from a young age. I really don't know any guy who wrestled in high school who ended up being an incel, even the turbo manlet ones.

>> No.22539070

I lift to intimidate women like this and, if need be, physically dominate them into submission. Somebody has to do it, since most "men" are too impotent to do a goddamn thing when a woman steps out of line. Fuck, most men are too scared to even make eye contact with a woman. No wonder they're walking all over us.

Example: women wear clothes in the gym or elsewhere in public to attract attention and show off their bodies and then shut men down when they give the attention. Most men play the game the way women want it to be played, the same way women want all their games to be played: with the woman coming out on top and the men losing. These same men think they win because they didn't get #MeToo'd by her because they were respectful and averted their eyes like good little cuckboys.

I refuse to abide. I stare. I make faces of disgust at them. I approach them and make comments: respectful but firm. The look on their faces and in their eyes and body language is priceless. I humiliate them in public and it feels great. They simply do not expect to be called out on their shit in 2023, and I do it, and it blows their mind. This wasn't supposed to happen! All their slutty, tattooed, pierced, used-up whore girlfriends said they should do it and there were no consequences! Then she goes home and wallows in her humiliation for days, weeks, months even. I know first hand because I've dated many women. Boys fail to comprehend just how easily women are influenced and how insecure they are under their micrometer-thin bad-bitch facade.

My muscular build gives credence to my disapproval, it helps ensure they know I mean business, and it also is a great asset when I'm dating a woman and she's out of line. Multiple women have, without fail, allowed me to slap them into submission when they get out of line and are manipulative, or dishonest, or otherwise unladylike. And most of these women have directly admitted it turns them on and they've gotten wet after I've hit them.

Try it.

>> No.22539362

Sir, this is a literature board.

>> No.22539626
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>force him to read this
>force him to read Anais Nin, Alberto Moravia, Mishima
>don't be ugly

>> No.22539681
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My plan is to die alone a virgin. I only have 60 years to go until I die assuming I die at 80

>> No.22539691

Teach me sensei

>> No.22539780

Just make sure you get him to socialize at a young age and he doesn’t get traumatized by a shitty family dynamic, make sure he’s confident, get him into sports, help him with his work if he needs it and be sure to stress the importance of effort. Hopefully he gets a gf young who he marries later unlike us.

>> No.22539820

I saw this girl who was like 6'3, robust, blonde, with small proportionate facial features. I didn't pay much attention at first but later realized I should have talked to her, she could have bore me absolute monsters

>> No.22539838

just tell me him to be a good beta cuck, like telling him to eat pussy for free

>> No.22540025

/lit/ - Literature

>> No.22540121

I’m not sure I should tell you. Off the top of my head…

They must have strong temple points as close to the eyebrows as possible. Hairline should be uniform in thickness. They must have quite thick hair, best indicator is how dense and large their braids are. Young Kirsty Alley is a good example of what I’m talking about. Many have very thin hair with weak ponytails and men are none the wiser.

Face is quite straightforward. No recessed chin, somewhat prominent. Distinct jawline. High set cheekbones. No nose bump. Didn’t need braces. Doesn’t have glasses/contacts. Check for skin blemishes. Lots of room for personal taste here.

Height minimum of around 5’8. This pretty much ensures that any male offspring reach six foot and female offspring aren’t abnormally tall. Smaller breasts, no difference in lactation and helps with athleticism. Natural thigh gaps also maximise athleticism, ‘childbearing hips’ is an erroneous concept. Smaller butt, again so that athleticism isn’t hindered. A lot of this is to ensure daughters don’t have intense body dysmorphia. If you’re particularly concerned about boys, look at wrist thickness and bideltoid width. Oh, also look at hands. Lots of women have mannish, brutish hands and cover up their ugly nails with acrylic fakes.