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22538555 No.22538555 [Reply] [Original]

Barbarian Edition

>Recommended reading charts (Look here before asking for vague recs)

Previous >>22528658

>> No.22538588


>> No.22538603
File: 23 KB, 236x258, Karl_Edward_Wagner_Seattle_1989.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys told me this guy was mid, i'll never listen to you cunts ever again.
Way better than moorcock self pity lsd induced shlock.

>> No.22538608

>finally finished Cradle
What a let down.
Is all modern fantasy so bad?

>> No.22538637
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What did you read? Wellworld? How is it?
Sadly yes

>> No.22538657
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>better than Moorcock
>better than Elric
You got filtered, you also have to be 18 to post here. Consider pic related, you might find his work more relatable.

>> No.22538665

Bakkerfag on the left

>> No.22538672

Liar. Bakker is not in the pic

>> No.22538679
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>> No.22538680
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Just realised that Kellhus is the greatest character in history of fiction. Damn, truth truly shone...

>> No.22538691
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>he used to be so handsome...

>> No.22538708
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I don't think so...

>> No.22538721
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>> No.22538733

>Interviewer: "So, what religions or mythological traditions are your stories based on?"
>Robert Jordan: "Different religions. Different mythologies. I felt that because America is a melting pot, I had at least some right to mine the mythologies of any nation that is represented in the United States. And also religion."

>> No.22538737

Elric is a not-so-thinly-veiled allegory of drug addiction with a marvel multiverse on top that makes whatever the author throws at you meaningless.
Aside from elric every character is so barebones to the point of being irrilevant, by reading an elric story you're in for a cope session from albino unable to control any aspect of his existence.

>> No.22538763

You are not making any sense

>> No.22538766

I look like this.

>> No.22538767

Why did you finish it? Why did you read it to the end?

>> No.22538770 [DELETED] 

Robert Jordan also said he listens to the audiobook version of his own book, in order to get an outside perspective on his writing. As he knows what he intended when he wrote the book, so he can't get that perspective from someone who doesn't know what he intended. He says that his editor is good for giving him that outside perspective, but he also uses the audiobook for the same thing. He gives an example, where he might realize through hearing the reading that a piece of foreshadowing wasn't strong enough. So he will correct that in the next book.

So Robert Jordan believes Americans have free reign over mythological use pretty much. because, America has just about all cultures in its melting pot.
And he believes listening to audiobooks is beneficial to writers, as it assists them in seeing their own work from an outside perspective and refine their work.

These are two things that go against a lot of the rhetoric I hear around here. What say you, /sffg/?

>> No.22538784

Robert Jordan also said he listens to the audiobook version of his own book, in order to get an outside perspective on his writing. As he knows what he intended when he wrote the book, so he can't get that perspective from someone who doesn't know what he intended. He says that his editor is good for giving him that outside perspective, but he also uses the audiobook for the same thing. He gives an example, where he might realize through hearing the reading that a piece of foreshadowing wasn't strong enough. So he will correct that in the next book.

So Robert Jordan believes Americans have free reign over mythological use pretty much. because, America has just about all cultures in its melting pot.
And he believes listening to audiobooks is beneficial to writers, as it assists them in seeing their own work from an outside perspective and refine their work.

These are two things that go against a lot of the rhetoric I hear around here. What say you, /sffg/?

>> No.22538786

Is John Gwynne a good writer? I'm thinking about reading Malice next but I'm scared of modern authors.

>> No.22538787

I thought Robert Jordan was dead?

>> No.22538800

Will Wight tricked me!

>> No.22539020

>And he believes listening to audiobooks is beneficial to writers, as it assists them in seeing their own work from an outside perspective and refine their work.
Same as rereading your own work after long period of time, you may not even remember half of it, it may look vaguely familiar or it might just look like somebody elses work.

>> No.22539124

Moorcock is significantly closer to Sanderson than Wagner

>> No.22539214

No. He's one of those modern authors who tries to be really edgy, except only in the safest and most politically correct ways. It's like if Sanderson tried to be grimdark.

>> No.22539251
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I read the first part of this series. Pretty basic tropey stuff. I wouldn't call the guy imaginative. He just uses tried and true archetypes, and bashes them together like a kid playing with action figures. Also, his prose is repetitive. All considered, I can't say he's bad though. I just didn't find his work compelling. I'm sure he's the kind of guy to have a hardcore fanbase, who just want their little D&D style adventure books.

>> No.22539299

What a based reply

>> No.22539309

Very tropey and predictable
Not bad but not great either desu

>> No.22539312
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Steel Frame - Andrew Skinner (2019)

Eyo Rook is a jockey, a highly skilled veteran shell pilot. She's one among a multitude of chain gang convicts who have volunteered to be sold to the Horizon. That's the Nor Collective's dreadnought and the largest space vessel ever constructed. It's stationed at the cosmic anomaly known as The Eye, which contains the remnants of an ancient civilization. They're here to serve their sentences more quickly, as time passes faster in the region, and it seems a better option than imprisonment. NorCol isn't the only corporation seeking the secrets of the ancients, several others are present. The corporations have already been here for subjective centuries without accomplishing their goals, but everything is about to change. Rook bonds with a centuries old shell, a Juno model, that can think for itself and thus begins a relationship that transcends flesh and steel.

Steel Frame is clearly influenced by mecha anime and videogames. In interviews Skinner has cited Evangelion, Knights of Sidonia, the Alien Universe, and several others as inspirations, especially in terms of its aesthetic. Personally the novel made me think more in terms of Armored Core, Zone of the Enders, and the Xeno series, but that may well be more about me. What that means that means for the mecha is that they're humanoid, fast moving, and flight capable. In terms of science fiction it's meant to be more on the Weird side, though I don't know that he quite succeeded in that regard. Iain M. Banks is noted specifically for how the book relates to AI and the story structure he wants to use.

The story is told from a first person perspective, which for me has a far greater variance of enjoyment than third person, though I felt it worked well enough here. You might think that because this is a non-Japanese mecha series, the author is South African, that that would be the most notable aspect of the book. It's definitely at the top, but arguably the non-sexual, non-romantic, yet all-consuming relationship between Rook and her Juno shell is just as important. I have to wonder if this book would've been somewhat different if it had came out after Gundam: The Witch From Mercury. That Gundam series is certainly reminiscent of it in ways, as are other media.

One of the greatest enjoyments I had while reading this was the visual imagery it conjured for me, though that may have only been possible because I had already had a considerably large visual library to draw upon for the specifics of what was detailed. It's difficult for me to know how much this affected my enjoyment versus a reader who isn't familiar with the mecha aesthetic and kinesthetic.

It's unfortunate that his debut novel hasn't received more recognition, even within its niche. It has its problems, much of which may originate from its inspirations, but I believe eventually those will be resolved. I'll be reading the sequel and I look forward to his future work.

Rating: 3.5/5

>> No.22539361

Sweet. Vocaroo can take m4b files. Here's the Robert Jordan interview. It's only 6 minutes and some change. Hear the words directly from the man's mouth, and not my disjointed paraphrasing.

>> No.22539705

Yeah I like this series, enough that I'll probably read the third one whenever it comes out. It's nothing amazing, but it's pretty good popcorn grimdark.

>> No.22539713

Dick was writing mentally ill protags with powers before Sanderson made it the meta.

>> No.22539809

Has there been a worse fall from grace than the 3rd book in the first law trilogy?

>> No.22539913

I've read all of his Kane books. Some of them are a bit questionable, especially when it comes to dialogue. I'm not sure if I'm just autistic, but when he's gonna use words like "OK", in dialogue, but the rest of it is written as Howard lite, it just breaks immersion for me. He's not bad though, still wish Kane used magic more often, but he never does.

>> No.22539984

>You guys told me this guy was mid
no one said that ever

>> No.22540023
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fuck you whoever recommended Shadow Slave in a previous thread!
What a waste of not only my time but ones and fucking zero's!

>> No.22540152

you're brave to read such a modern book

>> No.22540200

any cunt here fancy saying 'yeah, go for it' or 'fuck it, choose Conan or Red Sonja' to my asking whether I ought to read Krull's omnibuses I own but have not touched?
i also own the conan ones. can I read the 5th rather than, say, the 2nd or 3rd?

>> No.22540386
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This worth my time?

>> No.22540445

What did you expect from webnovel slop

>> No.22540582

Wagner was a huge fan of the elric stories and even wrote a story in which kane meets elric and moonglum in a ruined castle
Wagner began writing the kane stories before he started reading conan

>> No.22540621 [DELETED] 

Then I must be even braver for reading books that haven't even been released yet. Thanks!

>> No.22540635

>Wagner began writing the kane stories before he started reading conan

>> No.22540715

What counts as modern to you?

>> No.22540720

Stick with Lord of Mysteries, Reverend Insanity and Bakker.

>> No.22540728
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my buddy recently finished the final book. series was a huge letdown after underlord

>> No.22540729

Bakker is actually hidden kino

>> No.22540736

Consider reading something that isn't the most action scene-oriented series published in the last decade. Maybe Senlin Ascends? Or some such.

>> No.22540739

Leckie's Raven Tower.

>> No.22540742

>boy sure would be bad if my wife disappeared in this huge mysterious place we've never been to before
>gets kidnapped in the first chapter
You're right though, anon has a history of reading trash so he may pick up Senlin.

>> No.22540748

I'm not saying it's something that could be universally considered objectively good. I'm saying it's a different style than Cradle so if he didn't like Cradle he might like Senlin.

>> No.22540753

>Senlin Ascends
It has cuckoldry tho

>> No.22540756

"Western xianxia"

>> No.22540761

Do you always shy away from anything that makes you uncomfortable?

>> No.22540783
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Well, this was easily the corniest fantasy book I've ever read. Some parts were so cringe I literally had to close the book and go do something else for a few minutes.

>> No.22540791

Nono i like cuckolding, it was just a warning for anyone who might read it.

>> No.22540795

don't say we didn't warn you
the second one is even worse

>> No.22540798
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Don't make me post the pasta, anon

>> No.22540804
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Great post anon, very original but just started three body problem and i'm wondering when does it gets good? are the witcher books any good? Only played Witcher 3 and the netflix's series. Just started Eye of the World when does WoT gets good?? Any books like dark souls/berserk/Bloodborne??? Any books like FF/Dragon Quest/Tales of..??!! Any books with N'Wahs?Kvothe is a cuck, will slob Martin ever finish winds of winter??? Abercrombie is Reddit-tier?? Are the dune sequels worth it or should i stop with god emperor of dunc? Should i read the Hyperion sequel???? Did severian fucked his grandma? Is severian a clone? Any books with chinks? Any books like fallout/metro? Any books where the mc gets cucked? Any books where the mc Doesn't get cucked?? Stormlight book 5 when? Will kaladin fuck the fairy?? is the Eisenhorn trilogy a good place to start with W40k??? Or should i watch 4hours YouTube vid about le EPIC lore??? Any books with young petite women? Any books with old thick women? Any books with MANLY men like David Gemmell? Soulcatcher or Lady who is the better waifu? When does malazan gets good?? I didn't finish highschool so i can´t understand Malazan?!?! Any books with chinks??!! When does ASOIAF gets good??!? When does Farseer gets good?? When does lightbringer gets good?? When does codex alera gets good??? When does Lord of The Isles gets good?? Dunsany is king or bakker?? Any books with incest?

>> No.22540808

Buckbroken post

>> No.22540811

post it

>> No.22540827
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Has anyone here read The Chronicles of Amber series by Roger Zelazny? Are they worth a shot?

>> No.22540829

thanks for the recs

>> No.22540830

They are a classic. LeGuin liked Zelazny, I think.

>> No.22540834
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>Any books with old thick women?
>Any books with incest?
I did it, i'm in the pasta!

>> No.22540848

>using real life physics theory to justify magic (electrodynamics, gravity etc)
Cringe or nah?

>> No.22540854

Really, really bad. There's no genuine sense of worldbuilding, at least in the first novel. The characters inhabit a fantasy land but talk as though they're from 1970s New York City. Avoid it.

>> No.22540863

It's fun and very unique

>> No.22540869

>but talk as though they're from 1970s New York City
That's the joke chuddie

>> No.22540890

>that's the joke
It is not, stupid retard.

>> No.22540908

>Polchuds can't into lighthearted comedy
Many such cases!

>> No.22540925

Newfags present a strong case for eugenics in these modern times.

>> No.22540926

Cringe. If magic can be explained by physics then it isn't really magic

>> No.22540955

You should read pretty much everything he ever wrote

>> No.22541041

>real life physics theory to justify magic
The blight of modern fantasy, i blame videogames.

>> No.22541050

This immortal/Call Me Conrad is beyond Kino.

>> No.22541066

I hope 22540827 makes it to next edition's pasta. Zelazny wrote a book with Dick which is a bigger claim to anything than what that radfem LeGuin thinks of someone.

>> No.22541095

>The characters inhabit a fantasy land but talk as though they're from 1970s New York City.
yeah, because they've all probably spent decades if not centuries fucking around in places like 1970s New York City if not more advanced
The time they spent in Amber is probably less than what they spent in some modern level Shadow lol

>> No.22541105

Are the prequels another Dune situation and best avoided?

>> No.22541117

Weird way to spell Sanderson

>> No.22541174

I liked the first 4, and then the fifth one went in a direction I didn't prefer but had a good ending. It wasn't bad or anything, just not what I wanted. It's about a family of godlike beings who are all assholes who kinda hate each other fighting over who gets to take over for their dad. They mostly fight each other by traveling through different realities to try and gain advantages in army size or technology. There's a lot of political shit and backstabbing and plans within plans within plans.

>> No.22541406
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Why do all of you act as if Ursula Le Guin didn't exist?

>> No.22541413


>> No.22541415

I didn't know calibre duplicated everything you added to it.
Had 4.2gb of sff books (and assorted pdfs) lol

>> No.22541420

She's shit. Some of the driest garbage I've read in my life.

>> No.22541422

But why

>> No.22541556

Fast paced, good action, and it's a bit different than D&Dified fantasy. I have two criticisms. Amber itself is never really described. And the author has a poor understanding of how armies work. Both sides fight until the last man, there's no sort of tactics or logistics involved. The battles are like a simplistic video game.

>> No.22541596

She's not very good. There's a reason she has no hardcore fanbase.

>> No.22541602

sending chess books to my kindle

>> No.22541696

I for one am glad it does. An 'update' a while back crashed the program & wiped several books form memory. After reloading Calibre, they reappeared in my reading list.

>> No.22541710

What kind of conversations can you have about Le Guin's stuff? It's pretty much
>have you read _____ by UKL?
>yes I have
>okay then

>> No.22541715

I personally find it boring so I wouldn't bother reading such a series. I'm sure some physics nerd would cum in his pants over it though.

>> No.22541738

It's complicated. The story is kinda bad, but the main character carries it hard in the first two books by being the ultimate chad unapologetic asshole with a good heart. As a young man I sometimes modeled my behavior after him.

Like with every series, you have to read the first one and see for yourself if you want to continue.

>> No.22541744

It's a polarizing book. I actually liked it a lot, but the second book was a disappointment. He clearly painted himself into a corner with his elaborate framing devices and then spent way too long at the University so that book 3, if it was going to keep to the original 3 day arc he set up in book 1, would be extremely rushed, having to cover like a decade or more of events to make up for how book 2 moved way too slowly.

>> No.22541869

Bakkerfags, who does Bakker show (or tell) about Gnosticism and Transhumanism, if anything?

Also, Soulcatcher > Lady.
And punch camels like that?
I read some of them years ago. It was decent enough. Dara was my waifu back then.

>> No.22541980
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/SFFG/ Recommendations:

Read Reverend Insanity, Lord of The Mysteries, Neuromancer, Hyperion, The Prince of Nothing

Also read The Wandering Inn, Between Two Fires, Mother of Learning, Cradle, I Shall Seal the Heavens, A Song of Ice and Fire, The Poppy War.

>> No.22541994
File: 339 KB, 891x686, LITRPG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/SFFG/ Recommendations: LITRPG Edition

Read Azarinth Healer, Primal Hunter, He Who Fights with Monsters, Dungeon Crawler Carl

Also read System Universe, Dissonance, Defiance of the Fall, Iron Prince.

>> No.22542004

This has to be bait

>> No.22542015

I think her strength is in her short stories.

>> No.22542046

I like her but I haven't read anything of hers in a while and I really can't be arsed to have 'discussions' on a board where at least 50% of the potential repliers are people who love to argue about books they haven't even read
If it's appropriate to a recommendation question I'll mention her

>> No.22542095

fantasy > sci-fi

>> No.22542114

fuck scifiggers

>> No.22542120

I agree but I think bad/generic scifi is way more tolerable than bad to mediocre generic fantasy

>> No.22542145

It would be a nightmare to keep track of your files otherwise
With calibre portable I can simply copy the folder to a portable hdd and have all my books and calibre settings saved

>> No.22542158

Is that because sci-fi ages poorly?

>> No.22542237

Sci fi might as well just be called fantasy but with different sort of settings.

>> No.22542249

Fantasy is a subgenre of science fiction. Do I have to explain?

>> No.22542260

>Do I have to explain?
Yes, why did angloids put science next to fiction?

>> No.22542261

Only gayniggers redditors believe this

>> No.22542306

Older sci-fi works largely failed to foresee the development of the internet and digital technology. Fantasy is just that... fantasy.

>> No.22542316

Science is a speculative virtue of the intellect. Fantasy is rationally speculating what a world results with fantastical premises, and if not, then it's absurdism, so it's a science.

>> No.22542383
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>Please. Don’t be a—
>The roar of flame. The thunder of toppling shelves. Fire broke like foaming surf about his Wards. A blinding flash, illuminating the vast chamber from corner to corner. The crack of thunder. Achamian stumbled to his knees. His Wards groaned in his thoughts.
>He struck back with Inference and Abstraction. He was a Mandate Schoolman, a Gnostic Sorcerer-of-the-Rank, a War-Cant Master. He was as a mask held before the sun. And his voice slapped the distances into char and ruin.
>The hoarded knowledge of the Sareots was blasted and burned. Convections whipped pages into fiery cyclones. Like leathery moths, books spiralled into the debris. Dragon’s fire cascaded between the surviving shelves. Lightning spidered the air, crackled across his defences. The last queues fell, and across the ruin Achamian glimpsed his assailants: seven of them, like silk-scarlet dancers in a field of funeral pyres: the Schoolmen of the Scarlet Spires.
>The glimpse of tempests disgorging bolts of blinding white. The heads of phantom dragons dipping and belching fire. The sweep of burning sparrows. The Great Analogies, shining and ponderous, crashing and thundering about his Wards. And through them, the Abstractions, glittering and instantaneous …
>The Seventh Quyan Theorem. The Ellipses of Thosolankis … He yelled out the impossible words.
>The leftmost Scarlet Schoolman screamed. The ghostly ramparts about him crumbled beneath an arcana of encircling lines. The Library walls behind him exploded outward, and he was puffed like paper into the evening sky.
>For a moment, Achamian abandoned the Cants, began singing to save his Wards.
>Cataracts of hellfire. The floor failed. Great ceilings of stone clapped about him like angry palms to prayer. He fell through fire and rolling, megalithic ruin. But still he sang.
>He was a Scion of Seswatha, a Disciple of Noshainrau the White. He was the slayer of Skafra, mightiest of the Wracu. He had pitched his song against the dread heights of Golgotterath. He had stood proud and impenitent before Mog-Pharau himself …
?Jarring impact. Different footing, like the pitched deck of a ship. Shrugging slabs and heaped ruin away, tossing thundering stone into sky. Plunging through meaning after dark meaning, the hard matter of the world collapsing, falling away like lover’s clothing, all in answer to his singing song.
And at last the sky, so water-cool when seen from the inferno’s heart.
Unholy kino. Bakker really is king.

>> No.22542528

Anyone else notice the cover art for the Kindle version of the Kane books looks like it belongs on a gay romance novel? What the fuck is up with that?

>> No.22542609
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I finally got around to it, and I'm just about half way through. So far it's pretty good. I only have some minor grievances.

>he keeps describing hair the same way (shone like silver/gold)
>muh boiled leather every other chapter
>talks about food at least once every chapter
>dialogue is starting to feel catty

Funnily enough the dialogue is one of his strongest tools I feel. It's just that even though it's well written, too many of them turn into gay little quip battles, bordering on medieval cape shit. His second strength is setting the scene. You can always visualize what's going on. Thirdly, he built the world, and the rails by which everything is going to collide seamlessly and quickly. I think about 4-6 chapters in everything is chambered and ready to go which was surprising considering the scope. So far the most kino scene was Tyrion and Jon speaking atop the ice wall.

>> No.22542620

>>talks about food at least once every chapter
Oh, you're going to hear about some food. The man loves his food.

>> No.22542621

I dropped it at the second chapter when it changed perspectives

>> No.22542657

And whores, and livery.

I would pick it back up, and give it a fair shake. I hated that initially as well, but it all ties together, and really helps to keep things from getting stale because each perspective introduces their own mysteries.

>> No.22542662

>And whores, and livery.
And capon and rushes.

>> No.22542691

It's pretty funny that the most shocking scene in ASOIAF is about dinner table decorum being broken

>> No.22542701

Hey /lit/ I was trying to find a lot of the books I used to read in high school, and I'm stuck looking for one sci-fi book in particular. I have vague memories of parts of it, but it's not very helpful when searching Google.

It's set in space, there's some kind of portal system I remember for faster than light travel. I remember ships attacked with lasers, which was pointed out as being invisibly cutting through the metal hulls of ships.

I believe the main character was human, and he was paired up with some other kind of alien species that wore some kind of harness. I remember one part where the human tried to put a harness on the partner alien while he was unconscious and was chastised for doing it wrong later. The alien species put big weight on pheromones for communication, and that some group of them were being influenced by a hologram with a pheromone emitter or something.

I believe it's part of the same story, but there was also a third species that I believe was described as having a mane of hair down their necks and backs. This species collected memories in little orbs under their manes, and others of their species could cut them out and eat them to learn things. The species also had a long hibernation period I believe.

That's about all I can remember of the book, if any part of that rings a bell with anyone I would love to find it again and would appreciate the help.

>> No.22542853

You're looking for "The Night's Dawn" trilogy

>> No.22542903

Imagine being scared by that, lmaooo
I'm sorry you will never be able to enjoy reading Dune or anything relevant at all.

>> No.22542950

Science fiction was originally fiction that was scientifically plausible. That's the origin of the term. Take Asimov for instance, he basically just took scientific concepts and played with them making stories and shit.
It wasn't just fantasy in space back then. Therefore the distinction was meaningful some years ago.

>> No.22542971

Asimov's Foundation book 1 is OK, maybe a 6 or 7 outta 10 but it's not pulling me in hard. How are the other two books of the trilogy?

>> No.22542987
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Anyone got any kaiju/monster/fathomable cosmic horror related recs that manage to be taken seriously? Anything from medieval period with slight fantasy elements to hard scifi is acceptable apart from run of the mill godzillas, demon lord gook shit or dragons. Solutions preferably non mecha or similar cliches. Charts give me nothing and google only turns up non trustworthy shit.

>> No.22543181
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Are there any authors with poetic prose like pic rel?

>> No.22543241

Lord Dunsany

>> No.22543258
File: 1.36 MB, 1919x2532, Reverend Insanity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22543264

I'm going to start counting the days I haven't read Reverend Insanity. Starting with today.
This is Day 1 of never having read Reverend Insanity.

>> No.22543269


>> No.22543270

>was writing a fantasy book
>finally find another job
>no longer care about fantasy book
it's over bros

>> No.22543274

why are you complaining about repetitive posts in a

>> No.22543328

All of Abercrombie's works are a hopeless boring slog

>> No.22543440

A few months ago someone posted claiming to have read the manuscript for Bakker's No God and claimed the ending is (DO NOT READ IF YOU ARE A NO SPOILERCHAD, MAYBE THE BOOK ACTUALLY COMES OUT ONE DAY AND THIS IS RIGHT) deified Kellhus in the afterlife raping Cnauir/Ajokli into submission in front of all beings that have ever lived, then raping the god of gods (Mimara's babby/a being of pure love) as everyone is forced to watch in horror for all eternity Is this real/can you drop any more deets?

Also if it's a LARP this is utter genius and the best ending I can possibly imagine, grats on doing what Bakker couldn't. You made my year.

>> No.22543470

>deified Kellhus in the afterlife raping Cnauir/Ajokli into submission in front of all beings that have ever lived, then raping the god of gods (Mimara's babby/a being of pure love) as everyone is forced to watch in horror for all eternity
what did he mean by this?

>> No.22543473


I would like to put it on record that *I* did not think of this, I just read it in the archive a few minutes ago.

But it's objectively the perfect ending, sorry.

>> No.22543482

>he doesn't become even more motivated when employed and working full time

>> No.22543499

Good, make sure to update us daily, and g-d help you if you forget to do it even once.

>> No.22543515

Nah, I'll just update whenever I feel like it. I can keep track of the days by using the archives.

>> No.22543553

Anyone a bit more modern? Like a living author?

>> No.22543605

try marlon james

>> No.22543624
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There's virtually no one as poetic as them alive in the genre today. Fantasy with elegant yet functional prose is all but dead. The closest you're going to get is Tad Williams. Pic related is from the first chapter of The Dragonbone Chair.

>> No.22543639


Also this answers the biggest mystery in the Bakkerverse: who or what shattered the god of gods? Kellhus did. In fact it was always shattered and in the process of being raped by Kellhus. The God of Gods (described as "a radiance that fairly struck [Mimara] blind", as she looks upon her newborn baby near the end of TUC) was born of a serially raped and abused mother, and Kellhus is the first rapist in the entire chain of being. And he's just cuckolded all beings that will ever live out of ever getting to experience the pure unconditional love that was their birthright, in reunification with the god of gods. Rape and cuckolding is their new god. Kellhus's perfect victory and his achievement of the absolute, and mastery of the /spoiler]darkness that comes before you, raping you out of completeness of being

Bravo Bakker

>> No.22543648

I'm gonna start reading Dune

>> No.22543676

Someone rec'd a book on here that I think had chess pieces on the cover. I think it was about a guy who realized collapse was inevitable but was seeking to reduce the length of the collapse. Also, I think there was a discussion on whether the villains were edgy or right. Does anyone know what I am talking about?

>> No.22543721


Williams is submediocre, above Jordan (hack) or Sanderson (not a real novelist, what he does is typing, not writing) I guess at least. GRRM is better, hilariously Terry Goodkind was better even. Steven Erikson is probably the best living (white) fantasy prose stylist actually a lot of his cancelled Kharkanas trilogy is really excellent, same with his first few Bauchelain novellas.

>> No.22543727

player of games?

>> No.22543732

Is it just me or does anyone else absolutely LOVE the smell of a fresh, untainted book?

>> No.22543738


After the first book I ever read on a tablet I joined the "shred em all" club.

>> No.22543758
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I hate how in later books he begins using "half-helm." I have no idea what the fuck a half-helm is unless he means a sallet.

>> No.22543845

You are right that the alien and chess cover thing was from player of games. IDK why I associated a collapse plotline with that. However, the book with the collapse plotline was the one I was trying to remember, not player of games. Thanks for helping though.

>> No.22543909

read it was i was way younger but got bored of it

>> No.22543915

>>talks about food at least once every chapter

>> No.22543918

Jon rubs Arya's hair with the same wording like 6 times in one chapter.

>> No.22543949

that the gods are demons who feast on the suffering of men, and that the GOD is is an impersonal Absolute that may as well be 0.

That it damns those who pursue it, but those who pursue it do so to escape damnation by living forever in this world.

>> No.22543959
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What are the best/essential Golden Age Sci-Fi books and stories? Ideally 30's and 40's but 50's are acceptable too but nothing beyond that decade.

>> No.22543988
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Ahmen brother.

>> No.22544037


This also cements Kellhus as the most powerful fictional character ever (he's already omniraped eternally anyone you can care to name

>> No.22544058

maybe a medium helm from runescape type?

>> No.22544064


>> No.22544114
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Fashion me a ring, little Dusky Elf. Fashion me a spear like lightning striking, O Black Elf of the Murky realms.

>> No.22544192

5 chapters into Red Rising and it's quite enjoyable so far

>> No.22544199

>Black Elf
Doesn't sound right, unless you mean drow. Elves should have Caucasoid facial features.

>> No.22544280

Not reading this shit nigga

>> No.22544403

Only cuckoldry. Well that and scatology. Only two lines I cant cross.
Ive forced myself to read through things that made me vomit before, but I will not read cuck shit.

>> No.22544442
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Probably something more like a skull cap in contrast to a helm that completely covers the head

>> No.22544773
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Question. Where do you download ebooks from now? I've mostly used z-library but they want payment now it seems.

>> No.22544781

Can Hyperion be read as a standalone or is the Fall of Hyperion needed?

>> No.22544795


>> No.22544803

I hate cuck shit too anon. Idk why people like writing about it so much

>> No.22544806

die hard wolfefag here. Not here to argue about whether Wolfe is good or not but would you recommend Bakker to me?


>> No.22544817

Which one next, guys?
>Latro in the Mist by Gene Wolfe
>The Wizard Knight by Gene Wolfe
>Tigana by Guy Gavriel Kay

>> No.22544819
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My guy, thanks a lot. I appreciate it. Please have this pic as a token of my gratitude. I just downloaded six books from that site

>> No.22544823

Why is "monsters and other supernaturals are secretly preying on humanity, so go foil their evil magic rituals" such a popular plot for Urban fantasy?

>> No.22544825

The Wizard Knight because it sounds cool

>> No.22544826

It's logical and makes sense

>> No.22544830
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Why yes, my books do have the best titles, how did you know? Did The Fifth Head of Cerberus or The Island of Doctor Death and Other Stories and Other Stories clue you in?

>> No.22544835

what do you guys think of "the dragon waiting"?

>> No.22544836

It reflects our reality where Satan and his demons prey on mankind in secret

>> No.22544839


>> No.22544853

>It's logical and makes sense
Total non answer.

>> No.22544861

people naturally gravitate towards antisemitism

>> No.22544898


>> No.22544922

Thanks for the review

>> No.22544928

Apart from >>22544861 I think it is...

1. The complexity of the world is such that we are now arguably more superstitious than a medieval peasant. A peasant though ignorant of science knows how hammer or a plow works, but good luck getting the average modern to explain the gadgets that they use with any level of depth.
Likewise power and trade networks that undergird the day to day of society are extremely complex when visible, mysterious, borderline sinister, when obscured.

2. People are comforted more by personal malevolence than impersonal complexity. Bad people in black robes meeting at 3.00 AM bleed like anybody else. This is comforting. An all encompassing system that you can barely disentangle yourself from not so much.

>> No.22544936

You're welcome

>> No.22544955

Almost by process of elimination, let us take as a central premise that you needs two factors for an urban fantasy: one specific to the genre and the other a basic necessity of narrative.

A) You must have the fantastical
B) In almost every case you want to have conflict of some sort to create a plot, I've heard there are SoL urban fantasies but I've yet to read them

So you end up with a desire to have a plot driven by a conflict involving the fantastical. At this point we enter into a binary choice, is magic hidden or not? Most often its hidden because to have an openly magical society is to require so much more world building and bandwidth spent on it that the genre would lose a lot of its appeal of being fantasy in the world as we know it for horny middle aged women. There are of course urban fantasies where the fantastic is publicly known, but again this is a minority.

So we take the necessary elements of the genre with a predominantly popular decision on how the settings are implemented and we come up with the template for most urban fantasy being a fantastical conflict hidden from the public. You can have internal conflict of some sort, or purely intra-magical community conflict, but those are harder to pull off and require much more investment than involving the public. It takes a deft hand to craft a character worthy of rooting for when they're resolving their personal issues. As for conflict kept within the magical community, that's very constraining and also cannot escalate very far without breaking the masquerade. Thus we've arrived at the narrative that is most commonly effective being the concept of a secret magical threat preying on baseline humanity that can only be dealt with by our heroes.

>> No.22545069

Depends on how pretentious you feel. Hyperion is a collection of short stories united by an overarching plot. These short stories are self-contained but the overall narrative requires the sequels if you want a proper resolution

>> No.22545137

This is the number one problem with urban fantasy. It's fine to have magic and shit but religion should stay just being a tool to deceive and control the masses. Satan, angels, demons, heaven, hell etc once these are made real then the story instantly goes to shit.

>> No.22545152

Literally every single good urban fantasy I can think of has elements of religious mythology in it.

>> No.22545188

And that is the problem.
now it depends what you mean by elements, I don't have examples but bible is fucking long, so likely some stuff mentioned there can be used in a fantasy story, but specifically god, angel, demons and things closely related to them like heaven/hell should stay fictional. Having some sort of different space or even entire world for souls is fine, but the moment it gets religious flavor it should be discarded.

>> No.22545191
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>> No.22545201

>religion should stay just being a tool to deceive and control the masses
Only for the villains. In fact, that could be a popular villain view of religion, becuase evil cannot comprehend good.

>> No.22545234

>becuase evil cannot comprehend good.
No, retards cannot comprehend basic concept of good or evil. Assuming top tier villain, they would be extremely intelligent and naturally be able to comprehend good/evil just fine.

>> No.22545271

>open Goodreads
>most fantasy authors are women
What is /sffg/'s excuse for this?

>> No.22545274

what did you expect from a "religion = good" drone?

>> No.22545282

>He had squatted for hours in the courtyard of the philosophers, listening to the arguments of theologians and teachers, and come away in a haze of bewilderment, sure of only one thing, and that, that they were all touched in the head.

>His gods were simple and understandable; Crom was their chief, and he lived on a great mountain, whence he sent forth dooms and death. It was useless to call on Crom, because he was a gloomy, savage god, and he hated weaklings. But he gave a man courage at birth, and the will and might to kill his enemies, which, in the Cimmerian's mind, was all any god should be expected to do.
How will the French post modernists and deconstructionists ever recover from being rammed by Robert E Howard's gigantic barbaric cock?

>> No.22545284

>goodreads is used a lot by lefties
>lefties love female writers

>> No.22545287

Publishers want to be woke so they publish a lot of female authored books that don't sell.

>> No.22545312

>“I can tell that if you two go out and run into him, he’ll end up killing you both.” Looking at the sect leader, he said, “Then you’d get pissed off and go chasing after him, and he’d kill you too. Finally, I would show up, but by that time he’d be long gone. Then, years later, he’d come back and slap me to death with a single blow.”

he's too genre savvy

>> No.22545315

>open [field built by men, previously regarded highly. Now primarily inhabited by women, and dying]
It boggles the mind

>> No.22545317


>> No.22545333

Yes? Why should I waste time reading something that makes me feel bad?

>> No.22545344
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>> No.22545359
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>old fantasy books are becoming collectable now because people realise how much more soulful paintings are versus gay modern cover design
wish we could just get new painting covers to be honest

>> No.22545361

It's not bad.

>> No.22545372

Aren't you enjoying the covers with gay dwarves making out and women covered up to their heads?
What a bigot.

>> No.22545411

sixty whorish years

>> No.22545438

Thoughts on Lyonesse?

>> No.22545444

Jack Vance gets a yes from me. Looking forward to the new all-in-one collection of Lyonesse next year.

>> No.22545448

Very comfy read

>> No.22545480

Lmao. That would actually be incredible and is surprisingly consistent.
I don't buy it though, despite all the grimdarkness and rape I think Bakker is at heart still a normal guy. I expect the real ending will be Mimara creating a new religion based on love and compassion which will rewrite the rules of the outside and Kellhus existing forever as a severed head to avoid going to hell.

>> No.22545482

>Assuming top tier villain, they would be extremely intelligent and naturally be able to comprehend good/evil just fine.
Nah, they wouldn't be a villain if they could comprehend the evil of their actions. Evil is antiethical to wisdom.

>> No.22545484

Sounds like Foundation by Asimov

>> No.22545490

The Stars My Destination
Foundation Trilogy
The End of Eternity
Voyage of the Space Beagle
Childhoods End

Should go without saying but obviously Time Machine and War of the Worlds

>> No.22545496

If you like Wolfe I think you'll like Bakker.
He's obviously not the same caliber of writer as Wolfe but he's likewise very philosophical and a big fan of breadcrumbing overarching mysteries, and if you like Wolfe you won't shy away from rape and irredeemable protagonist.

>> No.22545499

good/evil is relative and it is an understanding shaped by specific society and culture, basic understanding of it isn't even an understanding but just society telling (indoctrinating) what is evil and what is good. From the perspective it may not be seen as evil, because they are from another society or if they are intelligent they may have formed their own understanding that is free of society bias.

>> No.22545512

>if you like Wolfe you won't shy away from rape and irredeemable protagonist.
Severian is the exact opposite of an irredeemable protagonist though. That's the entire point of the series.

>> No.22545546
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name 5 please

>> No.22545557

I'm reading the first book, not bad for now.
I particularly liked the beginning.

>> No.22545566

Context: I haven't read much of anything for the last few years despite buying/borrowing lots of books.

I found this fantasy book series that I really love. It's a trilogy and I just finished the second book. I read the first book in a night, stayed up until 3am to do it. The next day I went to the library, borrowed the second book, and did the same. I haven't had a reading frenzy like this in ages. Back in my prime I used to read a book every day or two. It's amazing. Also the second book ended on an obscene cliffhanger.

Unfortunately all the copies of the 3rd book in the series are currently borrowed from my motherfucking and fatherfucking library. Very unfortunate. I'm just going to have to sit here for however long it takes for my hold request to snatch up a returned copy. Please pray for me.

>> No.22545581

Other libraries exist that can be borrowed from, including from your preferred library. There are many other ways if you cared enough.

>> No.22545589

All those books are available on libgen

>> No.22545607

Dunno if you're still around anon, but that sounds like Foundation. Collapse is inevitable, but one of the main characters finds a way to make it not suck so much

>> No.22545643

If a psycho lunatic like Fang Yuan reincarnated and started to live a virtuous life, would he be redeemed?

>> No.22545651

So kellhus rapes his son? Thank god bakker doesn't have any sons

>> No.22545663

Bakker hasn't written anything. Bakker is never coming back. He's free now. Let him be.

>> No.22545689

I'm not really into ebooks.

Yeah, it's not that big a deal. I checked my city's whole public library system for it, so it's not just the library closest to me. Whatever, I can wait.

>> No.22545692

Bakker appears to be a nihilistic asshole.

>> No.22545713

>I'm not really into ebooks
You're not really in reading either

>> No.22545716

Mimaras baby is Achamians son

>> No.22545726

>Bakker appears to be a nihilistic asshole
This is why Wolfe is superior. No matter how fucked up and awful the world is in Wolfe's writing his sense of love for humanity and the sacredness of life always shine through the darkness. Bakker is just a depressed bugman with a rape fetish and a chip on his shoulder. That's why this general loves him so much. They relate to him.

>> No.22545728

No-God is coming next early year. Trust me on this.

>> No.22545730

I may have a rape fetish, but there's no chip on my fucking shoulder mate

>> No.22545736

Holy shit they have internet in Canada?

>> No.22545739

>I'm gay
Sorry for your loss.

>> No.22545747
File: 249 KB, 742x498, 1694767816373112.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a single fucking modern fantasy series with females not written to be as obnoxious as possible to the point of exhausting the reader

>> No.22545753

Male authors don't sell either

>> No.22545758

What would be your ideal female character?

>> No.22545773

I think the females in Malazan are pretty well written in general at least to me.
They don't feel obnoxious, or at least they are on par with the male cast.

>> No.22545774

Too bad the old books were mostly made with cheap materials and are almost impossible to keep in good condition

>> No.22545779

When does Wheel of Time get amazing? Im about halfway through book 1 and while it is not boring by any means, it is not the great epic fantasy I expected it to be.

Also I heard like 3 or 4 of the books are "boring" but the things that normies consider boring aren't what I consider boring, so what are the usual complaints?
Just tell me if the series stops being about getting chased around by the dark one's minions and actually gets complex and compelling.

>> No.22545788

First one is amazing, then it slowly degrades in quality.
With every book the scales increase, but with every book more and more pages are purely dedicated to women being obnoxious.
I think book 5 is a good point to kinda rethink your life and move on if you make it past book 3.

>> No.22545798

So basically if I dont think book 1 is amazing the series isn't for me? Everything I read about the series says that the first book is one of the worst if not the single worst.

>> No.22545811
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It's like saying Fellowship is the worst hobbit.

>> No.22545816

>When does Wheel of Time get amazing?
For me? Never.
There are some cool scenes here and there but that's it. I simply cannot stand the cast and don't want to read thousands of pages for them to "get better".

>> No.22545832
File: 88 KB, 800x518, HD-wallpaper-the-glory-of-the-human-nature-art-fantasy-qi-wang-people-child-man-mother-luminos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not anymore, he's a husband and father and that's why he didn't finish no-god.

>> No.22545836

Hol up finna post the pasta fr

>> No.22545840

Apparently Jordan intentionally made the characters unlikable and one dimensional in the first couple books so you can see them grow and mature and become wise so they payoff in the last couple books is like the greatest catharsis in all of fiction. That idea intrigues me if true.
I would rather read "boring" books that have an amazing payoff than read a series that starts great but gradually loses steam with each book because the author clearly didnt have a game plan going in.

>> No.22545844

The Great Hunt is much better than Eye of the World, but if you don't find Eye of the World enjoyable at all you're not going to like the series.

>> No.22545845


>> No.22545857
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>write shit characters intentionally so that you're praised for making them slightly less shit later

>> No.22545863

Like I said, I am enjoying it. Its not bad. I can see glimpses of a world starting to be built.
Im going to give him the benefit of the doubt and assume the first book is just the setup where they introduce the characters and the stakes. I will keep reading to book 2 and if I dont feel the series becomes more complex beyond "heroic quest and getting chased around the map" then yes, that is probably the point I will drop it.

>> No.22545864

This is true of the male characters and Hermione because she gets oathcucked but the female characters never behave any different, if anything many of them go from being annoying to being crazy schizos who know what they do is wrong but rationalizing it by calling men stupid.
>maybe I shouldn't put my foot in this bear trap
>no it's a good idea I might be able to help Rand with this bear trap around my ankle

>> No.22545882

Kek Im literally only book 1 and I get who you are referring to as Hermione. Noticed that immediately.

>> No.22545892

>being crazy schizos
that girl perrin likes in earlier books lel

>> No.22545902

Paladin's Legacy by Elizabeth Moon
Dragon's Gate by Lindsay Buroker

>> No.22545903

Min is the only female in that series who was worth anything. Women! Can't live with them, can't kill them all.

>> No.22545913

Why do you want to read books with females

>> No.22545919

Are there books without females ?
Even the Drenai books have females in them I think.

>> No.22545923


>> No.22545929

Well yes but I've already

>> No.22545930

The Wind in the Willows

>> No.22545933

From what?

>> No.22545936

From being terrible people

>> No.22545945

>When does Wheel of Time get amazing?

>> No.22545946

Has anyone on sffg written a book?

>> No.22545949

the shill guy did

>> No.22545952

Patrick Rothfuss

>> No.22545953
File: 24 KB, 239x360, e9b9ff040e4723b05294f3b8681c624e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Redpill me on pic rel

>> No.22545957

Don't bother

>> No.22545980

Who's the shill guy?

>> No.22545997

Instead of writing the third book of KC he wrote 5 books under a pseudonym and posts them here.

>> No.22546004

It's young adult SF that's basically also fantasy. Mostly it's about teenagers strategizing how to best kill each other. The protagonist is a power fantasy wish fulfillment sort of guy.

>> No.22546005

Is there any truth to this?

>> No.22546011

Him >>22545191

>> No.22546024

Me but it isn't sff it's Amazon age-gap smut, i wanted to be incest but amazon doesn't allow it

>> No.22546033

Is there such thing as old adult fantasy? With reasonable adults solving problems like decent human beings

>> No.22546040

who said he was terrible? Hes done many good things and improved countless peoples lives

>> No.22546043


>> No.22546051
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>womale writer

>> No.22546052

Long Sun series by Wolfe.

>> No.22546065

>He doesn't know who bujold is
The absolute state, die zoomer trash

>> No.22546071

Reverend insanity

>> No.22546076

I know who she is, a mediocre female writer who writes about space homos

>> No.22546082
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I just finished the Warrior Prophet by Bakker. It was fucking awesome. I am considering reading the next book in the trilogy but do not want to burn myself out of it.

Should I read it? Or start Malazan?

Also considering switching it up and reading a Blindsight by Peter Watts.

>> No.22546083

Don't start malazan if you're not gonna read it at once, you'd regret it.

>> No.22546105

See >>22540804

>> No.22546162

ugh.. I just started Malazan. What am I in for?

>> No.22546185

Lit recommend me some french authors of fantasy ; best of some midwit level. Apparenty I was unable to learn french through reading Guenon and now i speak it like a massive schizoretard unuderstandable for anyone

>> No.22546195

Different stories from different points of view across space and time that reconnect several books later bringing many threads together that didn't seem to connect at first, a lot of really cool characters with great progression and arcs with an overarching narrative that doesn't seem to be there until it is.
It's also really good fantasy.

>> No.22546196

Jaworski, Druon

>> No.22546198

Malerune by Pierre Grimbert and L'Agent des ombres by Michel Robert. The latter also has some smut.

>> No.22546229

Gemmell's women where so hot holy shit i wanted to impregnate every single one of them

>> No.22546230
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>> No.22546240

What is this shit?
Why do you faggots post shit out of context? How are we supposed to know what you are posting about.

>> No.22546241

I wish I were a Prelate.

>> No.22546243

currently half-way through the book and nothing interesting has happened so far, reads like you standard sol isekai

>> No.22546264
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>I can't believe this guy is still alive my dad used to read his books when he was a teen
>check his age

>> No.22546273

second one is even worse

>> No.22546284

That's why the third book will never be released.
The fucking retarded way he set up his narrative will prevent him from ending his story in a single book.

>> No.22546337

Don't see how that is relevant

>> No.22546377

je suis un chat

>> No.22546392

Find out in book 6 of the series

>> No.22546417
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one sentence in I knew this was written by a woman
tell me I'm right

>> No.22546423

Died the day the notre dame burned down

>> No.22546428

Since I read that cuckholding scene by Robyn Hobb I have refused to read anything written by a woman.

>> No.22546431

Maybe if we burn down a diabeetus clinic GRRM will die

>> No.22546438

what scene in what book

>> No.22546442

I bought a near mint copy of that exact book last week.

>> No.22546455

Not him but in the farseer trilogy Fitz gets cucked by his adoptive dad/master. Thankfully his piece of shit dad dies in the sequel trilogy

>> No.22546463

The scene where Fitz watches Molly, the woman he loves and who loves him fuck Burrich his adoptive father whike pregnant with his child with his farseer vision, she ends up having six children with Burrich and then they get back together.
It's spread over 3 books or so.

>> No.22546466


>> No.22546474

Fuck just thinking about Robyn Hobb makes me as furious as I was when I read those fucking books.
I was only a teen and it's the day I joined Kazakhstan in spirit.

>> No.22546504

what the fuck. I guess it's safe to remove Liveship Traders from my PTR as well. Why are women like this?

>> No.22546523

Women revel in the suffering of others, even when they write, they must create abhorrent situations that only exist to create pain in both the characters and the reader, not for the sake of their stories but out of sadistic intent.

>> No.22546535

>Liveship Traders
Nono, that one doesn't have Fitz, Tawny man is the sequel to Fitz story. Liveships is another story with new characters and is good, doesn't have any cucking but it has rape and abuse

>> No.22546564
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>he was looking forlornly at the floorboards
Fucking dropped.

>> No.22546571 [DELETED] 

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Nigger spearchucker you woke up eh. Loli nigger this will be fun!

>> No.22546574
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Hello stranger, you might not like that but you ought to know that around here we do look at floorboards forlonly, or not at all.

>> No.22546582

Brutal. Is the Fool's Errand (Tawny Man Trilogy) free of cuckery? I was actually interested in reading that one.

>> No.22546589
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Any books for this mood?

>> No.22546594

Lost me at "gazing out the stern". I ain't reading boat shit.

>> No.22546605

I'm reading rama and i don't know if i missed something but sometimes norton is describing things when all is supposed to be dark and empty

>> No.22546607

I don't recommend reading anything involving Fitz now that you know what you know

>> No.22546611

I didn't even know it was the same character nvm then it's over.

>> No.22546612

Elric of Melniboné

>> No.22546624

It's part of his cycle, I think it comes in between him watching the cucking and getting back with Molly

>> No.22546639

It's obviously a larp and I don't know how anyone could think it's genius
It's the only path kelthus could go in the eyes of his cuckoldy worshipping faggot fans and still be seen as alpha.

>> No.22546644

Don't forget your lunch today anon!

>> No.22546647

>free of cuckery?
Yes, tawny man is beautiful and imo is where Hobb's writing peaks. To this day in my headcanon i consider The Fitz and the fool trilogy an alternate future lol

>> No.22546705
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I face no problems with cuckoldry, as I only read harem and Gene Wolfe.

>> No.22546725
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Now that the dust has settled, who was in the wrong here?

>> No.22546732

The writer

>> No.22546749

For me it was the end of book 1 and all of book 2 that made me fall in love with the series. The run of books from 2-6, roughly, was an incredible bit of reading. I recall around book 7 or 8 it started to drag a bit, but still had great moments, but books 9 and 10 especially were so slow.

>> No.22546758

Lots of authors set out to write trilogies then end up writing more than 3 books, but yeah most of them don't bake the "3 part story" thing directly into the narrative. Tad Williams is one example of an author who has tried without success for essentially his entire writing career to produce a trilogy, but always winds up with tetrologies. It's now become kind of a joke between him and his readers and in his latest series he apologized in book 3 for "once again failing to wrap it up in 3 books".

>> No.22546771

Well there is that and Rothfuss also spends most of his time bringing his children to gay pride parades as per his blog.

>> No.22546778

That's a consequence of his burnout, not the cause of it. He clearly couldn't figure out how to finish his series and couldn't handle the criticism his second book got, and basically gave up writing. He filled his time with convention appearances and other celebrity author activities for years, until people continually hounding him about book 3 drove him from public appearances too, and he started complaining about Trump and pretended that not writing was some kind of protest or something, and then the fantasy scene just sort of dropped him. He's still active, no doubt, but nobody seems to care much about him or what he's doing now.

>> No.22546784

If possible can you give me a spoiler free explanation as to why he can't write the third book? How did he write himself into a corner?

>> No.22546791

Rothfuss claimed that the trilogy was already written when first getting published

>> No.22546827

Basically the way the story is told is a man recounting his memories over a period of 3 days, a single time, no repeat.
Third book is third day.
The first book covers about 5 years and is 600 pages long or so.
The second book is about 1000 pagesong and covers about two years ending with the MC around 17-18.
By that point he has to cover 5 to 10 years in the final book, and seemingly that's the real meat and potatoes of his life.

>> No.22546834

many such cases

>> No.22546835

There's nothing very spoilery about it, it has to do with the way he's set up the story, using a framing device. Most of the plot is actually a flashback, it's Kvothe narrating his own life to another character in the "present" and we get a couple scenes of the two of them talking as interludes to the "main story" which is Kvothe relating his life story to this other character.

At the outset of book 1, Kvothe announces he will tell his life's story over the course of three days. The end of the first book coincides with the end of the first day. In that time he told about his early childhood up to his adolescence. So one would think book 2 would cover a similar stretch of time, considering that the Kvothe relating the story is way past his prime. He's presumably lived several eventful decades, and tons of amazing feats are hinted at in book 1 as being in the future. But book 2 barely covers a couple years. He squandered almost a thousand pages of narrative on a couple years of teenaged Kvothe adventures. So now if he's going to keep to his "three days" pronouncement, he has to squeeze in what is presumably 20+ years of amazing adventures into one book.

He's either got to abandon his overly cute narrative framing device and do more books, or else ruin the rest of the story by heavily abbreviating it.

>> No.22546841
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this sounds hilarious

>> No.22546848

Most of it can probably happen by the time he's 22 or so, especially if he wants to pull off the implication that kvothe is bullshitting.
Even though he's presented as washed up he's not shown to be old, you have a few years of narrative and then time for the stories to spread and mutate in universe.
desu the main problem is that he spent years refining book 1 before it got a publisher.
Book 2 had a much faster turnaround and whilst it's fairly well received he's a smart enough writer to spot all of the things that made people like book 1 hate it.
Also even when book 2 isn't ouright bad it's still worse. Like book 1 is this breakneck journey of someone who is travelling the continent in sheer desperation and then book 2 opens with an incredibly long and flabby magic school arc. It's just boring.

>> No.22546849

But it was so important to go into exhaustive detail about how much casual sex he had with the ninja lady while she trained him, an outsider, to be a super ninja. And all the amazing sex he learned from the sex goddess of the faeries. All that was essential material. Not to mention all the Denna simping scenes, those couldn't have been left out either.

>> No.22546853

DESU the sexy adventures part of the book was WAY better than the dull as fuck university stuff.

>> No.22546857

Student loans are a serious issue OKAY

>> No.22546872

>couldn't handle the criticism
Does that even matter to authors? I assume traditionally published authors completely don't care because once the book is out all they care is agreed money from publisher and those on ku only care about sale figures and maybe the star rating, if the rating is above 3.5 and the book is selling who is gonna give a fuck about readers oponion and criticism.

>> No.22546903

Seems decent to me. Why do you call him mediocre?

>> No.22546905



>> No.22546930

I had an author make like 3 twitter posts on me and reply to my review on an alt/have one of his friends do it because I gave his novel 1* on goodreads

>> No.22546937

Okay but when DOES Wheel of Time get good?

>> No.22546938

You would be surprised how fragile they are.

>> No.22546954

It doesn't it peaks at book 2 then inky gets worse, reaches the absolute bottom at 6-7

>> No.22546976

Thx bois. Sounds like the best thing for him to do is abandon the whole three day thing unless it's really important for whatever reason.

>> No.22546984

Book 1 but books 4-6 are the peak.

>> No.22546986

That would be the sensible thing. Yeah it's embarrassing to admit you fucked up your perfect trilogy plan, but w/e. Readers will forgive you if you keep giving them more of the story they like. But I feel like Rothfus is too much of a prissy autist to do that.

>> No.22546987

What test did Severian fail with cacogens?

>> No.22547023

I dunno which earlier book was but when rand charged to a city with countless ghost soldiers
it was kino

>> No.22547074

Dwarf and elf were used interchangeably in Norse culture

>> No.22547129
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>cool idea completely ruined by utter fucking retarded developments

>> No.22547230

it degenerated into coomer fantasy

>> No.22547238

And edgy teenage angst

>> No.22547275
File: 36 KB, 367x451, hahahafaggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he still doesn't know what the word shill means

>> No.22547289

He literally spammed his book wanting for reviews for several threads

>> No.22547300

You're an insufferable prick. Fuck off.

>> No.22547315
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huh, you don't say

>> No.22547364
File: 119 KB, 1213x1440, butthurtreport.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Asking for feedback isn't "shilling." I'm seriously trying to help you out here, man: consult a dictionary.

>You're an insufferable prick. Fuck off.
You sound upset. Please fill out the form in pic related. PS: If you're going to samefag the thread you need to put a little more time between your posts so it's less obvious. At least try.

>> No.22547398

Here's some feedback. You and your book are shit. Now fuck off.

>> No.22547427

I don't listen to the terminally butthurt, sorry. Man up a little and I might consider it :)

>> No.22547439
File: 98 KB, 1755x382, Screenshot 2023-09-29 at 22-41-30 _lit_ - _sffg_ - Science Fiction & Fantasy General - Literature - 4chan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only samefag here is you when you respond to your spamming saying you like your own book. Kinda like your Goodreads reviews that are from accounts that have only rated your books, and they say the exact same thing, word for word, book to book. Neck yourself.

>> No.22547448

What book/author?

>> No.22547451

I am right though, I don't understand why people are so accepting of coomerism in a self insert ya hero stories. I am not against coomer stories (I think he wrote another novel that is pure smut) but just keep different genres separate

>> No.22547453
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Literally none of that ever happened. Take your meds.

>> No.22547457

your shit is spamming your shit books. they're shit, you're shit, get the shit outta here

>> No.22547460

but enough about wheel of time

>> No.22547462
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>> No.22547468
File: 83 KB, 750x1000, lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Typing in lowercase isn't going to fool anybody into thinking you're not samefagging from your phone, lol. All right buddy, gonna stop replying to you now, you've gotten enough attention out of me for one night :)

PS I hope your real dad comes home with the milk at some point so you can stop seeking attention from guys like me on the internet

>> No.22547494

ignore the angry aspergers sufferer samefagging against you. your books are good (so far, still havent finished book 3) and I hope you keep writing

>> No.22547495
File: 130 KB, 1191x407, Screenshot 2023-09-29 at 22-50-53 Jared Collins’s books on Goodreads (8 books).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22547501

that is the same book aspie

>> No.22547513

Yeah, he shows up anytime those books are mentioned. Serious mental problems. Probably just some obsessive nerd.

Huh, interesting. I guess goodreads fucked up somehow and created two entries for the same book? It's the old version with the old cover, too. Weird. I guess somebody must have reviewed both with the same text. I'm not really sure what this guy is spazzing out about.

>> No.22547555
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the Shrike

>> No.22547578

Nigga I can't read that shit

>> No.22547581

Wow, AI art can generate the same level of literary text as Bakker

>> No.22547588


>> No.22547804

They were not testing him.

>> No.22547819

I've never seen this book before in my life

>> No.22547850

>google author
>Ryman was born in Canada and moved to the United States at age 11. He earned degrees in History and English at UCLA, then moved to England in 1973, where he has lived most of his life.[1][2] He is gay.[1]
>He is gay.

>> No.22547899

At least you know how to use google.