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22536624 No.22536624 [Reply] [Original]

This should be a fucking crime

I can't stand these money-grubbing cunts, where the fuck is my AFFORDABLE option if I want to own a physical copy of this work?

>> No.22536628

You don't. Sorry, but with how easy it is to pirate books these days rare physical copies have shot up in price. I don't like it either.

>> No.22536638

>bottom's dream
lmao gay

>> No.22536649

The original was even more expensive, it's not a work of convenience, to expect affordability from something that is delibaretly designed in an obtuse way is retarded

>> No.22536660

just don't buy the first printing?

>> No.22536664

Oh wow, why didn't I think of that!

Let's me just see how many other printings there have been.... Hmmm....

>> No.22536688

One of a kind things are often expensive.

>> No.22536749

I wonder if they’ll ever reprint it? But yeah, I will never pay hundreds of dollars for a book, let alone a used one. How is Schmidt btw? Mainly his Dalkey books?

>> No.22536763

Get the pdf and print it on lulu yourself, faggot

>> No.22536786

I bought it when it first released for $100. Feels great. You can thank losers like Fat by Fat, WASTE, etc., who artificially inflate the price of books by treating them as accessories

>> No.22536814

timestamp or faggot

>> No.22536854
File: 511 KB, 2310x1284, IMG_7421.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fatty dyel is struggling to hold it lol

>> No.22536878

>it’s easier to get digital books
>therefore physical books get more expensive

Explain yourself here, Adam Smith

>> No.22536890

physicalbooksisters... not like this

>> No.22536896


>> No.22536948

Publishers have pushed towards marketing physical goods as luxury items, which artificially inflates demand which artificially inflates price

>> No.22537002

No it wasn't. It was like $150 or a max of $200 when Dalkey printed it.

>> No.22537010

with books and libraries dying it becomes a rarer thing so price goes up. Also a way for publishers to make up lost profits.

>> No.22537021

>choose a tradionally aristocratic pastime
well i guess you fell for printing press and economies of scale meme. in reality things are just returning to normal.

>> No.22537058

>Bottom's Dream
OP is getting TOPPED

>> No.22537089


Is book piracy really causing the prices to go up? A lot of people just read on a kindle or don't read at all.

Nobody knows what libgen, IA or torrents are outside of 4chan or academia anyways.

Anecdotal but: The price difference between online sellers and small local sellers is huge. The online sellers price gouge, and automated algorithms monitoring low volume markets greatly jack up prices.

>> No.22537246

>Is book piracy really causing the prices to go up? A lot of people just read on a kindle or don't read at all.
This is true, but it still sort of the same thing. Less people read physical books so the price goes up. That's just the economic side, too, vinyl should be an outdated format but it's sold at full price because of the culture around it. Physical books are similar. See: the image in OP's post. Simply owning them is part of the fun.
>monitoring low volume markets greatly jack up prices.
Where do those low volume markets come from? The lack of physical book sales.

>> No.22537266

What's with the huge size of the book. I don't know anything about the author or his work so I am unable to understand this meme

>> No.22537287

come on man, making fun of one of the only good lit channels on youtube?

>> No.22537304

>fat by fat
Kek I bullied the fatty to remove him carrying Bottom’s Dream in his shitty intro. The only people who find fat by fat insightful and worth listening to are ESL pajeets

>> No.22537309

Bottom's dream sound like some gay erotica

>> No.22537321


I get what you mean, as book sales certainly aren't growing year after year. They are stagnant. The new book market is basically dominated by the midwit/fiction/airport book categories.

I was more referring to the used book market. Volume is usually low, as lot of them are not actively printed. Still though, there are large price disparities in these markets.

Case in point: I bought a technical book for the industry I worked in for $8 on Amazon. Tracked the price on camelcamelcamel, and I saw the price of the book go up to $100+ the next day. The online sellers algorithm slowly lowered the price of the book over the coming months. Why the stock level going from 3 -> 2 books justifies a 13x price increase, is a bit ridiculous. Really, they just sit on a piles older books, with low supply and demand, and fish for desperate buyers.

>> No.22537514

name 1 good lit tuber then. inb4 there are none because you clearly watch them if you 'bullied' him into doing anything.
You're proof that no matter what people do some dickhead out there is going to be a cunt about it.

>Case in point: I bought a technical book for the industry I worked in for $8 on Amazon. Tracked the price on camelcamelcamel, and I saw the price of the book go up to $100+ the next day. The online sellers algorithm slowly lowered the price of the book over the coming months. Why the stock level going from 3 -> 2 books justifies a 13x price increase, is a bit ridiculous. Really, they just sit on a piles older books, with low supply and demand, and fish for desperate buyers.
That's pretty interesting. It explains some of the crazy prices I see for certain editions.

>> No.22537532

> name 1 good lit tuber then. inb4 there are none
There are simply none. I don’t actually watch Fat by Fat. I just go to his channel to bully him when his dyel fagboys like you come to shill. If you are such a mentally weak loser that your life revolves around worshiping insipid ecelebs who can’t say a single thing of substance about the books he “reviews” then you should just kill yourself

>> No.22537555

Schmidt would have loved that

>> No.22537559

>I bullied the fatty to remove him carrying Bottom’s Dream in his shitty intro
lol really? post the comment

>> No.22537565

>book is called A Bottom's Dream
>/lit/fags: I WANT IT SO BAD!

>> No.22537587

So you waste your time going onto a channel you don't even like, to 'bully' people you'll never even meet, then post about it on 4chan, but I'm the one whose life revolves around him? Time to look in the mirror, anon, I think you're speaking to yourself.

>> No.22537591

>reading a German book about translating into English in *checks notes* English

>> No.22537600

He even wrote hundreds of pages about finding gay subtext in Karl May's works. Kinda kino

>> No.22537618

Calm down, fat by fat, you might say something of substance for once in your life. Go back to copy/pasting from Wiki and Goodreads comments

>> No.22537629

>Zettels Traum
Absolute dogshit meme.
Ordered it to the uni library to check it out years ago.
What a fucking joke.

>> No.22537636

Okay, I got you then. Kek. How does it feel sperging out on the internet only to realise you exposed yourself as a loser? I'm not this youtuber that seems to live in your head rent free so you've said literally nothing of substance. Pathetic.

>> No.22537643

Uhhh huh keep crying, fatty

>> No.22537648
File: 173 KB, 1200x641, Arno Schmidt's desk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Schmidt's novellas are way more readable and interesting than his meme book. My favorite one is the post-apocalyptic one in which everyone except the protagonist died. He's glad he is alone now and he finally has time to build a comfy house, build his library and read.

>> No.22537653

Pathetic little boy kek. Go 'bully' some youtuber as that seems to be the only thing you're useful for.

>> No.22537688

What’s wrong, fatty? Someone make fun of your brother in lard?

>> No.22537707

>brother in lard
kek, put this creativity to better use then come back to me. Or continue to waste it here and on youtube comments. Up to you.

>> No.22538437

What a dingy looking library

>> No.22538445

Looks like he bought in bulk for appearance

>> No.22538486

The guy had notoriously no money and he spent it all on full editions of old shit. Also, he lived like a hermit and let almost no one visit him.

>> No.22538602

Insulting minor youtubers is a personality trait for zoomers.

>> No.22538614

Join the Dalkey mailing list and wait for the next printing, they will eventually do another.

>> No.22538626

Aristocrat of the soul here. A lot of people failed to realize this, but they wouldn't really understand it because they don't even know the fundamentals outside of the one or two views on "capitalism" that they have heard about in passing. Dire, but it can't be helped.
>Is book piracy really causing the prices to go up?
Well, it's complicated. In part, it's causing it in that this is how the publishers have decided to respond to it. There wasn't really a drop in purchase or anything like that, people who downloaded the books aren't really downloading new ones, mostly textbooks and such. The big problem is the economic crisis we're in that a lot of people are completely unaware of, despite paying triple of what they usually pay for things like food, clothing, and services.
>Nobody knows what libgen, IA or torrents are outside of 4chan or academia anyways
This is patently false. Many, many people know of libgen and internetarchive, and torrenting has gotten pretty god damn big. Just look at how many normies pirate their shitty shows constantly.
>The price difference between online sellers and small local sellers is huge. The online sellers price gouge
I've spent more money locally than I have online. It really depends on the book and where you look.

>> No.22538694

Go to the library, retard.

>> No.22538885

>Aristocrat of the soul here
Next time you post, try reading it out loud before you click 'submit'. It might save you a lot of embarrassment.

>> No.22539534

I am not concerned with the opinions of astral serfs

>> No.22539584

unrelated to books, but I'm fairly certain amazon tried to price gouge me on fucking chewing gum of all things, it was six packs for $7 and then suddenly shot up to $12 for two

>> No.22540094

>Rare books are expensive
This is news to you, somehow? Obscure works and niche titles tend to be printed in small runs of expensive books.

>> No.22540208

Nothing is inherently expensive, that’s a capitalist fantasy

>> No.22540444

Pagesize isn't standard...it won't work you dumb faggot. You'll end up with tiny unreadable text.

>> No.22540448

You can print different size books, such as textbooks, on lulu, you retarded faggot. It doesn’t matter anyway since you don’t even read

>> No.22540509

Well then retypeset it, you're the publisher.

>> No.22540521

They just wanted to get you addicted to chewing gum so that you would pay more later.

>> No.22540589

I will pay you up to 35 dollars to do it for me

>> No.22540640

>wants copy of rare, single print, item
>surprised it's expensive
You live in a time where you can easily download nearly any book you want for free, physical copies are luxury items now so of course they're expensive.

>> No.22542092


It seems we have the complete opposite experience in terms of our anecdotes (normies don't know shit and used bookstores have reasonable price where I live).

Torrenting has been on the decline over the years - the normies use streaming more because its easier. The same thing happened to music sharing.

>> No.22542099


Go on camelcamelcamel and look at the price fluctuations. Were all getting amazog'ed

>> No.22543217

Why are you licking the capitalist's boot?

>> No.22543441

>one of the only good lit channels on youtube
>lit channels on youtube
Have you no self awareness? Have you no sense of ridiculousness? Do you realize how you come across?

>> No.22543447

I have one of these. I'm waiting for the price to climb even higher before I sell it. The book itself is grating to read.

>> No.22544251

Explain yourself instead of getting triggered.

>> No.22544256

i hope someone saved the Bottom's Dream copy pasta from years ago that takes place in a classroom and has a chad knocking the book out of our hands

>> No.22544292

Why didn't you? Sounds like your sort of gay fantasy

>> No.22544302


>> No.22544718
File: 134 KB, 1080x969, 1640215545806.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm never going to read this dumb shit, can someone just tell me whether or not the author meant the title as a gay joke?

>> No.22544729

Bottom is a shakespearian character.

>> No.22544736

But isn't the book about Edgar Allen Poe?

Why a Shakespeare character for the title?

This shit is fucking gay, isn't it

>> No.22544786


>> No.22544814

Pressing one button on your sci fi molecular replicator to equalize the difficulty of getting different things, that's the fantasy.

>> No.22544834

Consider getting a copy off libgen then just printing it yourself (or making an order at print shop)

>> No.22544848

You're supposed to read Bottom's Dream after having read all the Schmidt writings coming before it.

>> No.22544991

Thinking we'd need science fiction to do away with prices is also a capitalist myth