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File: 1.48 MB, 1920x1280, Sainte_Chapelle_Interior_Stained_Glass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22536394 No.22536394 [Reply] [Original]

>nietzsche hated this because it wasn't le based master morality and le "classical"

why couldn't he just appreciate the good elements of christianity? why did he have to reject it all?

>> No.22536396

N was chronically addicted to masturbation

>> No.22536400

It wouldn't be scandalous enough

>> No.22536411

He rejected it because at its core it is an ascetic religion based on the rejection of the flesh. Cathedral in its beauty is obviously a celebration of worldliness and the flesh too.

Why does Christianity reject all of the elements of flesh? Why don't they accept that there is a god in the world? Afterall, God the father died and so did his son, and all that is left is the earthly holy spirit.

>> No.22536417

What are you quoting? Did he talk about this cathedral?
>Why does Christianity reject all of the elements of flesh?
What are you quoting? There's like one sect that can be charged with that and they all died, as is logically consistent with that philosophy.

>> No.22536422

>Why does Christianity reject all of the elements of flesh?
You're allowed to have sex in Christianity, anon.

>> No.22536431

Only for the purpose that you mimic the image of god; the creator's creator. Making sex not worldly but heavenly.

I've never seen you should have sex because
a) you want to.
b) it is natural. Animals do it.

>> No.22536449

It's because he fundamentally misunderstood Christianity. There are things to criticise the churchly institution for, but the spirit itself is beyond reproach, something which Nietzsche refused to see. Also he was a terminal helleneboo.

>> No.22536456

It's always the same story, isn't it.

>> No.22536457
File: 208 KB, 1200x1126, 1679404559766587.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So he was anti-Kantian even in this.

>> No.22536471
File: 1.19 MB, 2001x1493, Ricci,_Sebastiano_-_The_Resurrection_-_Google_Art_Project.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's because Nietzsche was a materialist and wasn't able to cure himself of this delusion.

You are not going to get Christianity if you don't believe in the literal resurrection of Jesus. If you believe the Resurrection couldn't have happened you'll NEVER understand Christianity.

You have to believe that a man can rise from the dead.

>> No.22536477

He hated the text, not Christianity as it actually existed.

>> No.22536559

>if you don't believe in jewish zombies then you don't understand my jewish fairytales
lmao, delusional christcucks

>> No.22536573


>> No.22536592

you have no faith

>> No.22536622

shut up kike, hope someday i see someone talk like that outside and i can shoot him in the face

>> No.22536681

>worships a dead rabbi as master of the universe
can't take Nietzsche haters seriously

>> No.22536698

All "the good elements of christianity" are beautiful things white people built around it, like the architecture of churches. Who cares if Nietzche doesn't share your opinion on architecture. He was getting at something more important.

>> No.22536704

I don't think Nietzsche even disagrees with you that the middle ages were fun, as the world of saracens and troubadours puts the Protestant bourgeois to shame, but the second sons of Europe's aristocracy commissioning art and monuments centuries after the conversion to Christianity is hardly the essence of Christian morality, let alone its genealogy.

>> No.22536712

If you accept a materialist non-christian ontology, then using words like "worldly" makes no sense as there's no such thing as worldly values since all values are worldly.

>> No.22536736

There's nothing christian in this architecture. Jesus didn't commission it. It's medieval french art.

>> No.22536823

Houses the crown of thorns
Not a pane shattered when the vicinity was bombed during ww2
But you're right, essentially
N had no reason to despise St. Chappelle

>> No.22536832

All the good things from Christianity are coincidentally alien to it?

>> No.22536945

that about sums it up yeah

>> No.22536984

>He rejected it because at its core it is an ascetic religion based on the rejection of the flesh.
More accurately he rejects the mass religion for being nihilist, e.g. rejecting this life in favor of an afterlife. He doesn't have a problem with asceticism and praises the saints for it.

>> No.22537000

Pretty much.

>> No.22537003

Honestly? It’s because he was resentful. He didn’t like his Protestant upbringing and he didn’t like the strict ethical commands that Christianity would’ve placed on him as a believer.

It really is that simple.

>> No.22537023

Such is modern atheism. Masturbation rules their mind and routine. Christianity states it is better to cut off your hand than be tempted by it. And so he spent his life trying to convince everyone masturbation is actually good

>> No.22537071

So that's why you cut your dicks off? Lmao christrannies exposed

>> No.22537676

Is it even possible to make a worse thread than this? Why does /lit/ attract the dumbest illiterate retards that have ever walked the earth? The video game board is full of geniuses in comparison.

>> No.22537678

He's just like me frfr

>> No.22537686

Why ascribe a degree of innocence to a man who quite obviously new that he was presenting strawmen, unfounded assertions, and logical fallacies? He knew exactly what he was doing. It wasn’t a misunderstanding. He simply did not like either what the Christian God called him to do or what the conventions of philosophical investigation called him to do. The eternal rebel inside of him simply wanted to do as it pleased.

>> No.22537692

What are you referencing you mindless retard? Who are you retards fucking quoting?

>> No.22537696


>> No.22537697

Then why was Jewsus the only "spiritual" thing your ancestors ever babbled about? You're just Faustian Jews and don't even any cultural continuity to pre-Christian times.

>> No.22537702

>even any
even have any*

>> No.22537720


>> No.22537901

New wallpaper, thanks anon

>> No.22537916

I didn’t quote anything you illiterate. Can’t you read?

>> No.22538065

The history of Europe is the history of a long war of liberation from the shackles of abrahamic supersitition. If you don't understand that, you're not one of us.

>> No.22538078

So you're really not talking about anything except your own deranged fantasies, and you're proud of that. Absolute vegetable.

>> No.22538079

He was just like me...

>> No.22538102

I’m not following. Do you think I had to directly quote Nietzsche in order to say something about his writing? What are you getting at here? Clearly, there’s some convention at work here that you get and literally nobody else does.

>> No.22538126

Everyone in this thread is making up fantasies about groups and then attacking those deranged fantasies. Retards like you ranting about Nietzsche who apparently never read a word or at least didn't understand any of it.
On the other side are retards ranting about Christianity who apparently know nothing about it and have no interest in history.

Actually quote or reference something so you can be corrected. Nobody but you has access to your insane pop media based fantasies unless you reference something.

>> No.22538152

But see, this is the thing about Nietzsche fan boys like yourself. One of you summarizes Nietzsche’s writing in a way that’s flattering of the writer and you all acknowledge it in agreement and pretend you’re all Nietzsche scholars using quotations and clear citations and you’ve challenged his presuppositions and then simply stating what logically follows from his arguments. But then anytime some does the same thing with a negative assessment of Nietzsche, you immediately resort to insisting they never actually read his books, that they’re just stupid, so and on so forth. I would propose that the reason you do that is because, like Nietzsche himself, you are dishonest and resentful, and that’s also probably why you gravitate to his philosophy.

>> No.22538189

Secular liberalism is the same thing.

>> No.22538380

Your first example may be done in the spirit of exploration. It can be generative. Your supposed "critiques" aren't about exploring anything or challenging anything actually presented by anyone, thus no quotes, they're about stopping any of these possible generative processes before they even begin.

There are plenty of retarded summaries presented about everything under the sun and retards will show up praising all those variations. Does that make your retarded summaries based on nothing any better? You can't even reference anything real because deep down you know you're just regurgitating third hand memes.

>> No.22538513

And what a massive success that was, eh? What a glorious future awaits us, huh?

>> No.22538791

>the spirit itself is beyond reproach, something which Nietzsche refused to see
he saw it very clearly, you are still living in the shadow of a corpse
haha yeah you'd have to be a real madman to admit god is dead
that's located in what is surely a Muslim neighborhood by now, yes?
consider reading your opponents instead of their wikipedia bio
>quite obviously new that he was presenting strawmen, unfounded assertions, and logical fallacies
you don't feel any shame as an armchair theologian accusing others of making things up out of thin air?

>> No.22538860

So where do we go from here?

>> No.22538868

It's only this bad in threads about philosophy. Why? Philosophy attracts idiots like nothing else. Not because philosophy is bad, but well, you know why.

>> No.22539390

St Chapelle's located on the Ile de la cité (one of the natural islands on the Seine, right in the heart of Paris) so I'd imagine the rents there are pretty high. But really, I don't know.

>> No.22539744
File: 1.90 MB, 3024x4032, ce342f7e3ecba57c6ca6891b0960ce16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Cathedral in NYC has a gorgeous chapel that rivals this in splendour.

>> No.22539771

was he a pissbaby chud
or a niggerfaggot tranny

>> No.22540144

>at its core it is an ascetic religion based on the rejection of the flesh. Cathedral in its beauty is obviously a celebration of worldliness and the flesh too.
>he isn't acquainted with that point where the inner and outer meet
There's a reason they're called mysteries anon. If you had the humility to submit yourself to faith, you too, could see.

>> No.22540147

>the good elements of christianity
he was a faggot who jerked off a lot, so yeah, he definitely did

>> No.22540149

christianity is a perverse religion