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22535336 No.22535336 [Reply] [Original]

> “. . . No war is any longer possible for Prussia-Germany except a world war and a world war indeed of an extent and violence hitherto undreamt of. Eight to ten millions of soldiers will massacre one another and in doing so devour the whole of Eurepe until they have stripped it barer than any swarm of locusts has ever done. The devastations of the Thirty Years’ War compressed into three or four years, and spread over the whole Continent; famine, pestilence, general demoralisation both of the armies and of the mass of the people produced by acute distress; hopeless confusion of our artificial machinery in trade, industry and credit, ending in general bankruptcy; collapse of the old states and their traditional state wisdom to such an extent that crowns will roll by dozens on the pavement and there will be no body to pick them up; absolute impossibility of foreseeing how it will all end and who will come out of the struggle as victor; only one result is absolutely certain: general exhaustion and the establishment of the conditions for the ultimate victory of the working class.

>“This is the prospect when the system of mutual outbidding in armaments, taken to the final extreme, at last bears its inevitable fruits. This, my lords, princes and statesmen, is where in your wisdom you have brought old Europe. And when nothing more remains to you but to open the last great war dance—that will suit us all right (uns kann es recht sein ). The war may perhaps push us temporarily into the background, may wrench from us many a position already conquered. But when you have unfettered forces which you will then no longer be able again to control, things may go as they will: at the end of the tragedy you will be ruined and the victory of the proletariat will either be already achieved or at any rate (doch ) inevitable.
- Friedrich Engels

> I saw a terrible flood that covered all the northern and low-lying lands between the North Sea and the Alps. It reached from England up to Russia, and from the coast of the North Sea right up to the Alps. I saw yellow waves, swimming rubble, and the death of countless thousands. … I also saw a sea of blood over the northern lands. “I saw yellow waves, swimming rubble and the death of countless thousands… Two weeks passed then the vision returned, still more violent than before, and an inner voice spoke: ‘Look at it, it is completely real, and it will come to pass. You cannot doubt this.’ ”
>On July 31st, immediately after my lecture, I learned from the newspapers that war had brokenout. Finally I understood. And when I disembarked in Holland on the next day, nobodywas happier than I. Now I was sure that no schizophrenia was threatening me. Iunderstood that my dreams and visions came to me from the subsoil of the collective unconscious.
- Carl C.G Jung

What did Friedrich Engels and Carl Jung have in common to predict WWI?

>> No.22535394

Nothing. It had been speculated and presumed since the Franco Prussian war and Boulanger in France.

I don’t know when Engels wrote his piece but you have to remember there were crisis every few years and Europe was on the brink every few years.

The first Moroccan crisis 1904
Bosnian Crisis 1908
Agidir Crisis 1911
Italy-Turkish war 1911-1912
Balkan Wars 1912-1913
French-Russian protection of Balkans 1913
Von Sanders affair 1913
July Crisis 1914.

Any of the above could have triggered war and subsequently via the alliance system world war and all the while newspapers and politicians were discussing the need for more military spending routinely.

The assassination of Franz was second page news in France. But it doesn’t mean that anyone with a basic history of Austria would be oblivious to the implications.

Austria had lost Silesia to Prussia and Germany had formed. They lost the southern alpine region And Italy was formed. And now Bosnia was being threatened by Serbians wanting a Yugoslavian state.

It was not that crazy of a guess to make in July 1914.

I don’t know when Engels guess was but the fact is that there are many many versions of this and many more versions of perpetual peace etc etc