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22534006 No.22534006 [Reply] [Original]

Any other worthwhile ones besides Ted Kaczynski?

From Osama bin Laden’s infamous “Letter to America”
>The first thing that we are calling you to is Islam.

>We call you to be a people of manners, principles, honour, and purity; to reject the immoral acts of fornication, homosexuality, intoxicants, gambling, and trading with interest.

>You are the nation that permits Usury, which has been forbidden by all the religions. Yet you build your economy and investments on Usury. As a result of this, in all its different forms and guises, the Jews have taken control of your economy, through which they have then taken control of your media, and now control all aspects of your life making you their servants and achieving their aims at your expense

>You are a nation that permits acts of immorality, and you consider them to be pillars of personal freedom.

>You are a nation that permits gambling in its all forms. The companies practice this as well, resulting in the investments becoming active and the criminals becoming rich.

>You are a nation that exploits women like consumer products or advertising tools calling upon customers to purchase them. You use women to serve passengers, visitors, and strangers to increase your profit margins. You then rant that you support the liberation of women.

>You have destroyed nature with your industrial waste and gases more than any other nation in history. Despite this, you refuse to sign the Kyoto agreement so that you can secure the profit of your greedy companies and industries.

From interview with Miller in the 1990’s
>"So we tell the Americans as people," bin Laden said softly, "and we tell the mothers of soldiers and American mothers in general that if they value their lives and the lives of their children, to find a nationalistic government that will look after their interests and not the interests of the Jews. The continuation of tyranny will bring the fight to America, as Ramzi Yousef and others did. This is my message to the American people: to look for a serious government that looks out for their interests and does not attack others, their lands, or their honor. And my word to American journalists is not to ask why we did that but ask what their government has done that forced us to defend ourselves."

>> No.22534052

Few come to mind:

>Elliot rodger - my twisted world

>SCUM manifesto

>New Zealand shooter manifesto

I've only read scum so not sure how worthwhile the others are as literature. They are the writings of extremists so they might have merit for that reason alone depending on how you define worthwhile.

Take precautions, avoid indoctrination and getting on government lists.

>> No.22534801

Is SCUM worth reading, or not?

>> No.22534822

Not him, but not really. It is entertaining and it gives some insight on how radfems really think but it doesn't really add much value to your life.

>> No.22534873


I read it as a kid and thought it was really funny that someone could hate men that much. Readit as an adult and knew a bit more of her life and understood it more as satire.

I think its worth reading excerpts but probably not the whole thing.

>> No.22535242

Ngl this Bin Laden dude kinda has a point.

>> No.22535253

I highly suggest you search for the writings of Dr Matthew C. Harris.

>> No.22536381

DEATH SENTENCES, the one written by a genuinely insane philosophy student struck me as well done. Good luck finding it online though, I only saw it here for the brief period it was relevant.

>> No.22537111
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>Good luck finding it online though

>> No.22537122

to be fair their cause is indeed "greater than this".

>> No.22537135

My diary desu

>> No.22537139

Al-qaeda are degenerate slave drivers, opium dealers, public executioners, with harems, cheap weapons, dirty bombs, nail bombs, hiding in hotels in cars, careless towards their targets, living in caves, forcing women under covers, I spit on them and everything they stand for and if they stand against my family I stand against them and if they stand against my friends I stand against them and if they cause children to stumble I stand against them and if they wish for men to live on their knees under the command of men who are unholy whorers, murderers, and slavedrivers I feel as much animosity to them as I would towards anyone else who tries the same

>> No.22537168

Calm down kafir, Islam in its fullest laid out is beautiful and just.

>> No.22537185

>Al-qaeda are degenerate slave drivers, opium dealers, public executioners, with harems, cheap weapons, dirty bombs, nail bombs, hiding in hotels in cars, careless towards their targets, living in caves, forcing women under covers
And they still won against America.

>> No.22537202

I know this is bait but if you put it like that I can't really see a big difference between Alqaeda and the US govt., or any government for that matter.

>> No.22537209

Made it to page 2, fuck that guy

>> No.22537219
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Once heroin addicted boyfucking Muslims bomb enough ordinary families trying to get by will they finally get to take off these abominations? Or are Muslim men still concerned about women’s purity as they jerk off to Pornhub for the third time in a day?

>> No.22537223

Pornhub? Muslims will just fuck a tranny. Go to Istanbul and you have a whole district designed for just tranny prozzies.

>> No.22537232

Why would you think that is bait? Because I don’t blindly agree with a cavedwelling whoremongering murderer? Was my dislike of terrorist leaders an indication of approval of people who do the same elsewhere?

>> No.22537237

And then you wake up to reality, and not your fantasies

>> No.22537242
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This is the reality.

>> No.22537247

that's taliban bro what.....

>> No.22537254

It felt very self conscious. Aside from the cave dwelling and hiding in the most random places, all could be said about your average government. Sorry if I misread your intent.

>> No.22537259

Tomato tomatoe

>> No.22537261

Same thing. Arab chads fighting against the white devils.

>> No.22537310

By the terrorist attack listings it seems they’re mostly killing arab parents and children who don’t want to live like slaves to them. Your mental amendment has swapped them to killing the woke mob, but now and again you’re going to have to come back to the real world

>> No.22537401

>the jews have taken control of your economy, through they which they have taken control of your media
Wtf he was /pol/ before /pol/

>> No.22537413

Muzzies will do that, US vassal or renegade state. All that really does make them different is their allegiance to the west.

>> No.22537639
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incredibly based


>206.android 18 had no smell. her sweat was pure water. android 18 vegan lime ice cubes

>207.android 18 had no smell. her sweat was pure water. android 18 shits vegan lime ice cubes

>208.dreadlocks cause organ failure

>> No.22537659


>> No.22537866

My Twisted World is a hilarious read.

>> No.22537889


>> No.22537890
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>> No.22537891

The Lightning and the Sun is an enjoyable book even though savitri never blew anything up. unlike the terrorist manifestos she actually has some imagination.

futurist manifesto and communist manifesto are i guess the original political extremist manifestos

>> No.22537991

Read Tayseer Allouni's interview with Bin Laden. He rips into OBL. It's really good and was embarassing for Al-Qaeda. You could also try the writings of Ulrike Meinhoff, one of the main theorists and advocates for terrorism. She rants about the Jews a couple times and calls academics "dogshit leftists."

Here are some classics:
>Justification of the Use of Terror by Robespierre (the man that started it all)
>Catechism of a Revolutionary by Sergei Nechayev (the Russian nihilist verison)
>Catechism of a Revolutionary (the Bakunin edition) by Bakunin (the failed wannabe Marx)

Both of these books have an interesting history. Nechayev was basically a fraud and probably a glowie but Bakunin needed followers. Then Nechayev went to prison for murdering another radical which made Bakunin look like an idiot. So then he wrote his own version.

lol at pic Jihadists paint over these murals because they are opposed to murals with figurative representations not because they hate blacks. The idea jihadis are racists is US propaganda. Say what you like about them, their horrible, but the one thing they aren't are racists. What's a mural of George Floyd doing in Syria anyway? There aren't murals for Rabaa or Daraa in America. Twitter people suffer from some kind of mental brain rot where a black gentleman being murdered by a feral cop is suddenly more important than fucking Syria where a dictator drops chlorine on children and US soldiers murder middle age farmers with drones.

>> No.22538002

Elliot had such an overdramatic way of talking I want an AI audiobook in his voice.

>> No.22538045

>Read Tayseer Allouni's interview with Bin Laden. He rips into OBL. It's really good and was embarassing for Al-Qaeda.
How was it embarrassing?

>> No.22538077

OBL was a gifted and eloquent speaker. He was a trained poet and singer. He expected Allouni to be sympathetic, because the journalist was anti-American and covered US war crimes on Aljazeera. Instead Allouni asked him hard questions, point to contradictions and problems with his reasoning and OBL just fell apart. For all his trouble, Allouni was thrown in prison for the interview where he spent years on terrorism charges despite clearly being against AQ. Some say the Americans wanted to punish him for exposing the crimes committed in the 2001 invasion and ruining their image.

>> No.22538497

>What's a mural of George Floyd doing in Syria anyway? There aren't murals for Rabaa or Daraa in America.
Because Americans and especially Twitter tards think the whole world shares their own domestic concerns/politics

>> No.22538517

It is if you do research on the author either before or after you read it

>> No.22538541
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It's not obscure, but having re-read it recently, it's extraordinarily illiberal and blasphemous to current humabist hegemony.
Nigga literally goes on a tirade against giving clothes to the needy because the beastly degenerates only need it to hide their ugliness.

>> No.22538636

A lot of Shia are pro George Floyd and aligned with the American left. Al-Qa’ida isn’t racist, black Africans are actually a major component of the group, but they crossed out “no to racism” and just left NO because they are against solidarity with American leftists or Floyd

>> No.22538690

2083: A European Declaration of Independence

>> No.22538867

I'm still waiting for the nashville shooting trannyfesto / manifesto.

>> No.22539961

It felt to emotionally driven. I hate Al-qaeda to it’s ok