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22532733 No.22532733 [Reply] [Original]

Andrews is literally (as retarded as) me

>> No.22533020

I found this book pretty darn borning. Did it go over my head, bros?

>> No.22534259

No I found it extremely boring aswel. Haven't read Augustus yet but doubt it lives up to Stoner either.

>> No.22534276

Augustus is good, but I got a soft spot for roman history. Last chapter was fucking top notch.

>> No.22534445

Why retarded? To start the convo, here's my two sesterces... Andrew's fault is not leaving society and going to nature, but not leaving society enough, meaning he listened or followed others instead of listening to himself and leading himself all by himself.

>> No.22534477

This. I was bored near the beginning of the middle section and halfway through the book. But godamn that later half of the book is masterful, especially the last chapter, which is perfection, argubly better than most of Stoner

>> No.22534491
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>“Young people," McDonald said contemptuously. "You always think there's something to find out."

>"Yes, sir," Andrews said.

>"Well, there's nothing," McDonald said. "You get born, and you nurse on lies, and you get weaned on lies, and you learn fancier lies in school. You live all your life on lies, and then maybe when you're ready to die, it comes to you — that there's nothing, nothing but yourself and what you could have done. Only you ain't done it, because the lies told you there was something else. Then you know you could of had the world, because you're the only one that knows the secret; only then it's too late. You're too old."

>"No," Andrews said. A vague terror crept from the darkness that surrounded them, and tightened his voice. "That's not the way it is."

>"You ain't learned, then," McDonald said. "You ain't learned yet. . . .”

>> No.22534717
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michael mann is tonally quite similar to john williams now that I think of it. got collateral vibes in hindsight from the book.