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File: 101 KB, 780x520, KierkegaardS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22530330 No.22530330 [Reply] [Original]

How is his writing so pure? His words read like the are coming straight from god

>> No.22530353

Kant sucks stop spamming him here

>> No.22530357

Kant? Heh, more like Kunt.

>> No.22530367

suggestion: Kierkegaard is the Shakespeare of philosophy

>> No.22530370

That's kierkegaard anon

>> No.22530374
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>> No.22530378

What works are you reading? I've read Fear and Trembling and I only found the eulogy on Abraham to be very beautiful, but I didn't understand anything else. Then I find Repetition and got disgustingly filtered that I didn't finish it

>> No.22530394
File: 80 KB, 177x238, 1572691291265.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just for the record, Kant was a black man

>> No.22530414

I am reading Philosophical Fragments right now and its pure socratic kino, never read anything his metaphysical logic in so on point

>> No.22530502

Not possible. Kant was too evil to be black.

>> No.22530521
File: 102 KB, 480x599, 480px-Immanuel_Kant_portrait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he certainly does have evil physiognomy

>> No.22530525

He was a virgin, too.

>> No.22531098

The penguin edition of his journals was very good.

>> No.22531149

what's his appeal, anons? i'm not a christian

>> No.22531166

he wrote the sequel challenge to What is Enlightenment?

>> No.22531264

But Kierkegaard is garbage in English, anon.

>> No.22531302

Need to read Hegel. Kant then Hegel and finally Kierkegaard.

>> No.22531306

Silly. You can’t try philosophy or pic and choose. It’s either right or wrong and Kierkegaard is very hard to refute

>> No.22531319

Huh? Kierkegaard doesn’t make any rational claims. That is the whole point. You don’t “refute” him any more than you refute Wordsworth or Homer.

>> No.22531434


Ahem, go read kant and then Hegel and revisit this thread, I will be waiting

>> No.22531820

Volcel purity infused everything he did.

>> No.22531862

He synthesized the Ubermensch and the Last Man despite predating Nietzsche

>> No.22532057

>tfw you will never understand Danish and never read untranslated K.

It is over.

>> No.22532102

>go read kant and then Hegel
No. Waste of time.

>> No.22532105

Can I read this guy?
Which works of his should I start with if I want to read him? I don't study philosophy as a rule

>> No.22532129
File: 12 KB, 202x274, Kirkland.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to like Kierkegaard but he basically ruined all my friendships

>my best friend has been going through hard times facing social disconnect and a lack of determination
>he calls me and everyone else to his house
>this fucker staged his own intervention
>Shows us the noose he tied as he sobs and explains in detail his ennui and desperation
>We all work together to explain to him why he shouldn't do it
>he looks at me, his dearest and oldest friend, dead in the eyes
>I screw my courage to the sticking place and meat his gaze
>If you hang yourself you'll regret it, I say
>He cries and finally lets go of the noose, the tension lifts and we all breathe easily
>Mission achieved we all go h-
>I can't, I am compelled to expound the full philosophy
>However, if you do not hang yourself you will also regret it
>shrieks of rage as I get driven out by harridans who don't understand the struggles of the aesthete
>Find out he attempted to OD on sleeping pills that night

Fuck Kierkegaard and fuck them for not returning my moka express I brought in strictest confidence.

>> No.22533137

Then don’t bother commenting on Kierkegaard

>> No.22533140

Kant wants to know how he can start talking about God. Kant wrote a shitton of stuff but people like to focus on this. OP's pic rel just takes god as given and complicates the matter, and now it boils down to this question

>> No.22533156

that is just spergy enough I'll choose to believe it

>> No.22533166

his writing does not suffer from this easily preventable problem

eat your novels at the start and you might want to learn them more thoroughly most likely, but put drug use in a french book and see what you get

>> No.22533264

based beyond reason
a leap of faith, you might say

>> No.22533302

hearty kek

>> No.22534049

I read him in german

>> No.22534176

Cunt. A book written by a man who can't. Heheh.

>> No.22534786

That's even worse than English. There's a huge reason why Kierkegaard wrote his disseration in Danish and not German even though it was the standard.
Kierkegaard in German is best used as toilet paper.

>> No.22534821

I love Kierkegaard so much bros, such a good dood

>> No.22536063


>> No.22536079
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>> No.22536080

If someone's work is good, it's good across all translations.

>> No.22536246

>Can I read this guy?
No, I won't let you.

>> No.22536265


>> No.22536414

Really? I planned to read him soon and I wanted to read in German. Danish is quite close to German, no? Is it really that bad?

>> No.22536514

Either/Or is the best book I have ever read and I skipped parts of the Diary of the Seducer. Going back to reread it all now. See you in two months.

>> No.22536516

Which edition do you have? I have no idea which are complete or which just have some parts.

>> No.22536521

It's not that bad. My German translation is very German (read: autistic) and includes extensive footnotes, sometimes half the page, to explain every small ambiguity or double meaning that cannot be transported from the Danish original.

>> No.22536553

Heidigger unironically said something to the effect of this

>> No.22536554

Read them and I will regret it. Do not read them and I will also regret it. Instead I will make the ethical choice to masturbate.

>> No.22536578

We wuz Kant and shieet.

>> No.22536718

>coming straight from god
Nope, just the mind of a Dane but in fairness that's essentially the same thing

>> No.22537345

You'll need a decent understanding of the Bible, you can't rely on half remembered school lessons. Kierkegaard is just about popular enough that you could find a reading list for relevant parts if you look online.
He also spends a fair bit of time refuting ideas from Hegel so read a primer on his ideas if you want to understand what's going on there, you don't need to read all of Phenomenology. That said, any three minute popular YouTube video about Hegel is worse than nothing when it comes to understanding his philosophy.

>> No.22537409

>I screw my courage to the sticking place and meat his gaze

>> No.22537656

You will regret not reading him in german

>> No.22537661

tysk tales kun af stodderkonger

>> No.22537724

Deine Mudda ist eine Bastardkönigin

>> No.22537754

I'll become a christcuck only when I'll see some cool supernatural shit like demons and strange celestial creatures. This world is a bore.

>just become a christcuck because you're in despair
Where is the cool supernatural shit?

>> No.22537824

I need to read more Kierkegaard again. I speak Danish so it consider it a duty to enjoy his writings and I can wholeheartedly say that I’ve never seen such beautiful eloquence as Kierkegaards writings in his mother tongue. He is hilarious and funny as hell too

>> No.22538734

which translation did you read anon?

>> No.22538797

That just made me realize Japanese literature really is trash.