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/lit/ - Literature

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22528938 No.22528938 [Reply] [Original]

Wife got me this for my bday
I don't really think about ancient Rome that much. I don't understand this stupid trend. Why not ancient egypt? Ancient Greece? alexander's empire? The British empire?
>(I don't care about those either but seriously)
How do I make it clear to her that I only read graphic novels? Just because she reads Mallory and the Eddas and all this boring ancient garbage doesn't mean I have to.

>> No.22528943

>How do I make it clear
she's aware. she's trying to help you overcome

>> No.22528948

Only boys think about roman empire
Men think about the Republic

>> No.22528950

Holy fucking pseud, even worse than Anthony
Your wife has 20 IQ

>> No.22528953

Homosexuals think about the Republic
Men think about Etruscans, and the Imperium raping germshits nearly to extinction

>> No.22528998

Where Venus lives the pale Libyan tends his sheep, streaks of skin darkened by the last shadows of the first temple.
Rocks tied to the net and it sinks to your feet in the desert.

>> No.22529004

Bro, chill. Your wife got you a nice present and the first thing you did is post on 4-Chan about how annoying it is. Be grateful, bro.

>> No.22529008

almost good b8

>> No.22529018

Clearly not a present for me... she got it for herself. She's even reading it already.

>> No.22529073

Start thinking about the Roman Empire like a real man or I'm leaving you for someone that does.

>> No.22529087
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Haha very funny.
Seriously though, we talked about a compromise (picrel) and she ignored me.

>> No.22529114

Probably better than Gibbon. On one hand Classics Illustrated are based and on the other hand every time someone cites Gibbon it's to say some commie shit.

>> No.22529123

>has a wife who reads classic books
>complains because it's not a picture book
You got luckier than you deserve

>> No.22529124
File: 85 KB, 470x498, 1351012633001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Just because she reads Mallory and the Eddas and all this boring ancient garbage doesn't mean I have to.
I think I deserve your wife more than you do.

>> No.22529206

>Wife is thoughtful and has impeccable taste
Why are you here? Go get her some flowers and leave this incel hellhole.

>> No.22529230

Man, I haven't seen that image in years.

>> No.22529372

You guys sound like the types that would pay to watch me fuck her

>> No.22529394

>How do I make it clear to her that I only read graphic novels?
Don't. Branch out before she leaves your childish ass.

>> No.22529445

>I don't really think about ancient Rome that much
Woman detected.

>> No.22529679

>Ancient Greece
I've found the study of ancient Greece to be far more illuminating and enjoyable than the study of ancient Rome; culturally the Romans of any worth largely aped the customs/teachings of Greece anyways.

Admittedly the Romans did make significant military and infrastructure advancements over prior civilizations, and arguably innovated in the arena of administrative government of far flung places (though in many respects there they were really just expanding on what Persia had done centuries earlier). But in the arts, literature, theater, philosophy, etc, the Greeks have a better claim of being our forebearers than the Romans.

>> No.22529748

Cool story, bro. Women don't read the Eddas or Malory, women detest the inherent masculinity of the epic form.

>> No.22529783

I wish this were true. She would have so much more fun if she read stuff that was actually relevant like I do. Persepolis is a prime example. She even hated Watchmen...

>> No.22529785


>> No.22529965

Kill yourself for being retarded.

>> No.22530035

How about The Kingdom?

>> No.22530065

This shows where your mind is.

>> No.22530089

And yet, I am the one with the wife you covet.

>> No.22530135

Take a look at yourself, man.

>> No.22530146

>man talks about fucking his wife on internet like a crass satyr
I hope for her sake you are trolling.

>> No.22530165

I can smell you sweaty nerds through my ethernet cable

>> No.22530166
File: 47 KB, 500x360, 360_F_28538989_9wRMjCPD8EarsYqzqAh61MrfxO48MSjM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you are black and willing to fuck my wife you have a deal

>> No.22530186

>Why not ancient egypt? Ancient Greece? alexander's empire?
One of the reasons we talk about and study Rome is because they actually wrote everything down.
Ok, this is bait.

>> No.22530194

>stuff that was written by functionally illiterate protohumans five thousand years ago is not relevant today, in the age of the internet
>>This is b8!!!

>> No.22530208

Are you one of those contemptible losers who posts all his neatly arranged toys and funko pops in stack threads?

>> No.22530211

No. I am /bizfit/ which is why I landed this ball and chain that you simps seem to want so badly

>> No.22530218


>> No.22530227

Post body and portfolio, manlet.

>> No.22530226

They were cutting on you, not pedestalizing your wife. For all we know, you are the KHHV here. Your first thoughts upon being criticized go directly to cuckold fantasy. Reread the thread, man. It's telling.

>> No.22530245

>n-n-no I don't want to see you fuck your wife!
>post your body!
Incels are just so sad. Stop reading about grass and go touch it

>> No.22530341

My nigga

>> No.22531741

AI hands typed this low quality bait.

>> No.22531754

Roman history is FAKE
that is the reason the Jews continuously shill it
reminder that there are no primary sources whatsoever

>> No.22532060

>still no body and portfolio posted
I accept your concession.

>> No.22532528

Does anyone have the webm of the obnoxious tiktok wife asking her husband how often he thinks about the Romans etc etc? She makes a weird contrived tiktok face and it drives me insane.

>> No.22532566

lol thinking about this has been a western tradition for over a thousand years, that's pretty funny you've conflated it with twitter fads

dubious claim

Good news is that the book is shit and mostly fantasy, sort of like those endless streams of "totally new" documentaries that eat up and regurgitate the old christian vomit about how evil a few of the emperors were, even though we know it was mostly lies by now and have known this for ages.

>> No.22532570
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>> No.22532577

Please tell me this is a fake post.
The idea that some lit girl who cares enough to buy you a book on ancient rome is married to some fat manchild who only reads comics is pathetic.
I'm going to lift twice as hard today and spend twice as long reading so I never become a miserable failure like you.

>> No.22532668

I'm more of an ottoman empire kind of guy.
Romeweaboos are all fags

>> No.22532750

She looks a bit like >>22532570
Blonde hair green eyes.

>> No.22532758

Sad. I still hope this is a fake post. It has to be, because what man with a wife who gives him a gift has the first thought to post about it on 4chan.
Just tell her upfront "I am a manchild who cannot read words unless surrounded by pictures, please no longer buy me books for adults." Should be clear enough.

>> No.22532768

>it's childish to appreciate masterpieces like Persepolis
Only child here is you

>> No.22532774

if you can ONLY read graphic novels and struggle with normal book then you are a child. People who can truly appreciate the literary aspects of Persepolis are also capable of reading a book, mate.

>> No.22532785

>Why not ancient egypt? Ancient Greece? alexander's empire? The British empire?
Because the Roman Empire is basically the foundation of advanced European civilisation. A lot had been recorded. It is also very old. So you have a combination of historic relevance, records and also older things are much more interesting
>How do I make it clear to her that I only read graphic novels?
Just tell her that you want a pop-up marvel picture book and do the soiface when she buys you one

>> No.22532787

Lol see the backtracking!

>> No.22532789

Your wife, like a benevolent adversary, is gently urging you to take logos a little more seriously because shes not a ball and chain. Shes like a one thing, and you’re like a two thing. And you can see each other perfectly but you cant see yourselves at all. And then there are people out there like you that don’t and can’t ever know any of this stuff and yet have a house wife kids and I go how?? I dont have my own place, let alone a qt trad gf new car country club etc. And I am like bringing logos into the world and yet I am poor ya know.

>> No.22532794

lol I didn't backtrack anywhere, moron. If you're only capable of reading comics, which you have confirmed multiple times, and not books, which you have also confirmed, then you are an idiot or a child, which is obvious. Then again, why would I expect someone like you to be able to read. You probably started sobbing after the 5th word of this post because your brain got too full.

>> No.22532796

You shill this shit angloid book every week here. Get replaced by Pakis, subhuman

>> No.22532798

Sounds like you're a loser and logos and knowledge arent important!

>> No.22532804

You can still read your graphic novels. Also if you don’t study logos you won’t be good at sex.

>> No.22532832

>taking sex advice from an incel

>> No.22532845

Your wife fucked up if she didn't get you the everyman's library edition

>> No.22532885

>Why not ancient egypt? Ancient Greece? alexander's empire? The British empire?
>I'm more of an ottoman empire
oH snap

Imperial China is more interesting and far more literature actually preserved of it than Ancient Rome which suffered from the Christians rewriting things and burning things they couldn't rewrite. Wu Zhi Ji Zong, for instance, blows Gallic Wars and Anabasis out of the water, and even if we speculate that things like Trajans lost Dacian Wars book or Petronius Arbiters book of the dietary sciences 'were' superior to or on par with China .... they just don't exist to be read.

also Art of War is like a tame quiet Cicero compared to Wu Zhi who was a bandit captain who rose through the Cao army to be right-hand of the Emperor. just a protip for some fun book learning on the subject of IMPERIUM since... when you get right down to it ... the mandate of heaven is a universal thing and successful empires think alike.

shout out to the dragon gate school

>> No.22532953
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Tbh I actually don't know that much about O.E, I just think it has a pretty cool aesthetic.

>> No.22533036

Actually she did get me the Everyman's library edition. Why is it special?

>> No.22533257

What books would be best to dive into Imperial China? What translations?

>> No.22533381


>> No.22533426

bunch of stuff on here: https://ctext.org/resource.pl?node=41678&if=en
google translate is apparently very accurate as well for the things that don't have english translations, if you feed in a sentence at a time then put it together.

>> No.22533440

wu zhi, lun jian book iv, last paragraph ch ii

The enemy is suspicious of its own men, as if they fear teaching them to fight more than they fear anything else; their poor leadership results in this ineptitude which perpetuates itself and makes them always weak and poor and so suspect of their own people who have every reason to turn against their leaders. So it is that a Commander can’t at the same time be a criminal; robbing the people, and attempt to command them at the same time; his guilt and suspicion (of being found out) will prevent him from wielding an army successfully. Indeed, a ‘good’ Commander does not set out with the goal in mind to find or create enemies to give himself something to do, rather he understands war (and peace) implicitly and so understands the loss involved of, for instance, taking one thousand men away from their work to wage war only for the land that they would otherwise be working to lay fallow and for poverty to follow on the heels of any gains he might win for himself or for his kingdom – making those gains short lived because the thin supplies of an impoverished nation cannot hold any gains and nor, in turn, are they able to do anything with the land that they may take in war.

If you get the country strong then the country will take care of you in return. It is the greatest of good deeds.”

>> No.22533582

I'm also curious why EL is the best. What difference does it make?

>> No.22533616

come with a free packet of pokemon stickers

>> No.22533622

Wtf really? I didn't even check for that. Maybe she got me something cool after all

>> No.22533669

would be cool if it came with a codewheel ..

hey, you sound like someone who'd get a kick out of Harlan Ellisons LAUGHTRACK story, that'd be cool if you could bond with your wife over the genius of Harlan Ellison.

>> No.22533676

Gah dayum

>> No.22533682

>there are no primary sources whatsoever
What is Pompeii?

>> No.22533691

It's pretty and they use archival paper. Great layout, font choice, and general craftsmanship. The size of the books is also perfect.
It's not an abridged edition either

>> No.22533730

For now. Eventually she will take up with a man who can be her intellectual fellow traveler. As a sweaty comic book reading child, you may or may not know about it but you will certainly foot the bill.

>> No.22533735
File: 93 KB, 850x723, 87C7DEA6-AAAF-484F-9E39-E1BD0ED112A3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who the fuck is harlan everson?

>> No.22533888

he invented the terminator and also invented the post-apocalyptic genre.