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22528654 No.22528654 [Reply] [Original]

Is it true that pretty much everything mainstream that's been written on Jewish history has been whitewashed?

The boys at the Occidental Observer say that pretty much every jewish section at a public library is loaded with bullshit, because they have a vested interest in their own history and whitewash it pretty hard. He detailed this when he went into the myth of jewish poverty during the medieval era, and instead stated that typically jews were pretty close to a ruling king and for much of their history could be considered above middle class. If you are white and have ancestors, they probably had to deal with some Trotsky jew who purchased the right to collect taxes from a feudal lord.

I'm at a crossroads, because I don't want to delve into schizo shit, but I also don't want to read some Ben Shaprio type jewish history where it's "We did nothing wrong, everyone else is the problem" x3000 years.

>> No.22528667

Look for the book about how the jews owned slave ships in the US. It isn't easy to find. Does that answer your question?

>> No.22528674

The Nation of Islam one, "The Secret Relationship between blacks and jews"? Apparently it's really good scholarship, and caused some massive seethe.

>> No.22528678

fuck kikes.

>> No.22528719

Yes goyim, good goyim, you will realize your only path is converting and returning to your homeland. Keep up good goy studies.

>> No.22528804

> typically jews were pretty close to a ruling king
Christian (and Islamic) prohibitions regarding money lending prevented a functional banking system from serving the economy. Since jews didn’t have the same taboo they became incentivized to become money lenders and otherwise engaged in early banking, underwriting and merchant services (shipping etc).
Because of basic free market principles these are extremely lucrative roles. Throughout history people then seethe at the perceived success of jews but cannot put two and two together and instead have some additional retarded christfag cope.

Amazingly modern day conservatives manage to propagate for “capitalism” without realizing basic economic forces in history so we get terminally retarded /pol/fags arguing contradictory points every 2 minutes.

>> No.22528867
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W-what have jews ever done to you?

>> No.22528919

Lel so let me get this straight Jews are simaltaneously in control of or the cause behind both:
> communism and capitalism
>communism and American intelligence agencies (which spent the later half of the past century fighting the former)
>both leftism and neoconservatism
>transgenderism and the Vatican (a largely socially conservative institution)
If Jews really were capable of controlling this many different conflicting ideologies and groups they honestly deserve their power as that's pretty impressive

>> No.22529229

>Starting with protocols
I literally can't bring myself to actually finish that. I felt physically nauseous and I have never had such a visceral reaction like that just by reading something ever.

>> No.22530547
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You're essentially saying they were close to ruling kings. They were forced in that position but the initial statement is still true, no?

>> No.22530579

He's grappling with the problem of justifying Jewish power while also maintaining the canard of Jewish victimhood. It's not that the statement is wrong, it's that he doesn't like that OP implied that this is bad.

>>22528919 demonstrates the same phenomena: he's regurgitating the canard that Jewish power is justified on account of their Chosenness, rather than a facet of them engaging in in-group preferential behavior that other groups do not. Notice that he completely rejects the idea that other groups engage in in-group preferential behavior as completely abhorrent.

>> No.22530689

bros.. what if even antisemitism is a jewish psyop?

>> No.22530700

>Wait, so your telling me that the jews play both sides of media-generated conflicts
Yes nibba, they do

>> No.22530936

Not quite how it works. Though it can be said that neoconservatives are largely comprised of former Jewish Marxists

>> No.22530976

Jewish intellectuals seem to have a psychological intensity to them that other intellectuals lack. Trotskyism with its world revolution and Neoconservativism with its global crusade to spread democracy are jewish manifestations of this messiah complex and Manichean thinking. A white conservative intellectual will find home in Paleoconservativism and just looking after the home front, while a jewish conservative will start thinking of gay-ops to destabilize different middle eastern countries (for the benefit of Israel of course).

Even Karl Marx was basically a millennialist apocalyptic preacher, all garbed in the "science" of historical materialism. It was the goy Engels that sort of tempered his work down.

>> No.22531023

They weren't even "forced" into that position, not every jew was close to the king or a moneylender. You had jewish butchers, you had jewish artisans. It was their desire to be contrarian people that lived alone that made them turn to currying up to kings for favors, usually by moneylending. They'd nepotistically support their own into positions of power and influence, and this person would in turn look after the interests of the jewish community.

Jews leveraged themselves with nobles against other nobles and ranks in the feudal system. It was useful for a Duke or a King to have a community of jews who he could rely on as a "fourth estate" of sorts, someone he could turn to to keep the other estates in line. Because the medieval economy was more a zero sum game, a lot of the expulsions were jewish population overshooting this ecological niche and there being a resource competition between whites and jews. The noble was typically forced into a position where he had to expel the jews to release this pressure. The jews would move onto another area, and start the process again.

>> No.22532326
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>> No.22532347
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>> No.22532729

If you want a really spooky book, read "When Scotland Was Jewish"
That will really fuck your day up. If you can connect the dots, you'll realize the vast majority of Scots, Irish, Anglos, Brits, Welsh, Cornish, etc were either Jews or proto-Jews (descendents of Phoenician merchants).
You also may be interested in this website
Just an example of this guy's translation of ancient texts, revealing hidden puns.

Funny how people haven't realized that European nobility are Jewish and always were. They can trace their roots back to Celts (Scythians), Goths, Romans, and Byzantines, who themselves can be traced back to the Phoenicians AKA Jews.
>but that's dumb anon, they all died!
Hello, Mr. Retard? It's the PHOENIX. It rises from the ashes. The fall of one empire leads to another and historians are paid propagandists trying to hide the genealogical and etymological origins of various rulers in time that can be traced back not only to Tyre and Byblos and Carthage but to Egypt even. I'll post links to that if you're interested but just reading the above should stimulate some thoughts.

>> No.22532779

Glownigger has arrived, thread over, thanks guys