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22527560 No.22527560 [Reply] [Original]

I didn't get it.

>> No.22527640

Congrats, you are officially a Hegelian.

>> No.22527759

Filtered. Should have watched Gregory B. Sadler's videos for context.

>> No.22528689

Me either. Do you think the translators got it?

>> No.22528699

i'm not specifically gonna figure out what the 'Analysis' part is supposed to be and to what degree that is actually a more literal translation

>> No.22528715

more shit i don't understand, the actually difference between this book and science of logic

>> No.22528724

You are not expected to get it with one read. Read again

>> No.22528726

It's just newton third law applied to general consensus.

>> No.22529307
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I haven't read it but from what I've gathered through osmosis it is about uhhhh the development of consciousness from the most immediate experience through several stages of understanding of the relationship between itself and itself, itself (subject) and external things (objects), itself and the world at large, and itself and itself again until it reaches a point where certainty of self is the object and the object is certainty of self.

>> No.22529320

mmmm yes very interesting

now what was that beginning, middle, and end part again?

>> No.22529322
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idk I think it's about Kant

>> No.22529684
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Read this

>> No.22529691

I found those videos helpful and all but who has the time to sit through 1,300 hours of it

>> No.22529693

cloudsongs aren't even that good

>> No.22529719

> who has the time
You …. Ah , wait… Wage slavery is a thing; I forgot we live in a capitalist petty bourgeois dominated society.

>> No.22529725


>> No.22529738

Being a wage slave is cringe too, nigga

>> No.22529793

This. OP should've gone through 400+ hours of Masturbatory lectures on Hegel.

>> No.22529804

dude just happened to strokemaxxx and accidentally build a philosophical system in the process

>> No.22529978

Just go to a local library and lend it

>> No.22530361

Is sadler still doing those live streams?

>> No.22530373

yeah i just got an invite a while ago. alas the agora is clearly a nighttime construct.

>> No.22530516
File: 21 KB, 1368x52, 2023-09-23_17-13_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's nothing to "get". Hegel is unironically a Satanist in disguise of a philosopher. His only goals is to cause as much human misery as possible.

>> No.22530690


what did he mean by this

>> No.22530829

Wtf now i love Hegel

>> No.22530906

You really blame the actions of brainlets who misunderstood Hegel on the man himself? Based on a Wikipedia article?

>> No.22531886

Why does this board venerate hegel whilst simultaneously making fun of liberalism? I'm reading philosophy of history and he basically has the same political opinions as bertrand russel but no one on this board mentions it because he clothes his rhetoric in mystical theology. Are you people really fine with liberalism as long as there are a few suggestive references to 'spirit' and 'world historic' individuals, hinting that there is some sort of scheme afoot that will perhaps be realised in approximately 336 hours and that one should passively place faith in this process rather than attempt any political action?

>> No.22533029

From the way you're arguing it seems like you may be a Marxist. If that's the case: Hegel makes the strongest case I've ever seen that you can't step outside history and derive what the future should look like or how to get there in some scientific, objective way. His philosophy basically invalidates all utopian Tower of Babel-style political projects. The basic contention is that we can only act within our time as individuals of our time. Is that what you mean by 'liberalism'?

>> No.22533082

>Read Zizek
Fuck no. Waste my time with babies first nihilism.

>> No.22533095

eventually someone will do it and it will be sooooooooo funny, or just good