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22522852 No.22522852 [Reply] [Original]

The Old and the New Testament for Aryan Mankind

>> No.22522874

Dadlessness has been a disaster for the human race.

>> No.22522893

>The Old and the New Testament for Pajeets
What did he mean by this

>> No.22522895

BAP is an actual, homosexual jew

>> No.22522913

He's half jewish half albanian

>> No.22522917

>Their people are ugly: millennia of arranged marriages, for financial gain, among the Indians—originally a noble people—led to a nation now, of one billion, that almost never wins any athletic contests, that has won fewer gold medals since its inception than tiny Croatia has since 1992, where both the men and the women are inbred, ugly, unsexy, and almost deformed.
What did Nietzsche mean by this?

>> No.22522938

Well, they are the ones who call themselves aryans, alongside iranians. OP said these two books are the gospel of aryans

>> No.22522939

>next up
>OP (who is a faggot) equates his favorite elon musk tweets to the best immortal passages of Moby-Dick

>> No.22522959

BAP and his circle think astroturfing the masses is Nietzschean. BAP also cannot write for shit. Boring, repetitive drivel. Don’t put his shit next to Nietzsche’s masterpieces, only people who haven’t read him think his “work” is worthwhile. That is his lazy shitposts.

>> No.22522991

In the Latin word malus [bad] (which I place alongside melas [black]) the common man could be designated as the dark-coloured, above all as the dark-haired (“hic niger est” [“this man is black”]), as the pre-Aryan inhabitant of Italian soil, who stood out from those who became dominant, the blonds, that is, the conquering race of Aryans...
>he thinks aryans of rigveda are in any way related to jeets (except as their masters)
Indians claiming to be aryan is the same as niggers claiming to be ancient egyptians

>> No.22522995

disgusting bait indeed. the market scene on the first pages alone is worth more than all of his advocates work combined. amd this may stay this way for a very long time or maybe eternity.

>> No.22523000

not looking good for the aryans then i'm afraid

>> No.22523026

So who are the aryans? And were Latins or even pre-Latins (Villanovans) aryan?
Latin, Etruscans and Villanovans were dark haired, dark eyed and intermediate skinned on average btw.

>> No.22523050
File: 1.88 MB, 2345x1100, yes i know the metaphor doesn't work as well with three books.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>old testament
>new testament
>95 theses (or something idk i'm not well versed in christian literature)

>> No.22523071
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The original PIE speakers that subjugated the masses of brown detritus of old Europe and middle east.
Read picrelated

>> No.22523096

>he original PIE speakers that subjugated the masses of brown detritus of old Europe
But the Yamnaya were brown and even darker than the neolithic farmers they mixed with. They are also extinct so how can they read Nietzsche and BAP?
>Read picrelated
I have, turns out that Mycenaeans didn't arrive in Greece from Anatolia in 1700 BCE. Not sure what the author was thinking when he wrote it but then again it's pretty old.

>> No.22523106

>everybody is brown dude no i swear and i am not saying this because i am brown
shut up you twat currycel

>> No.22523139

Who are you quoting? The Yamnaya were brown and are extinct now. So who are you referring to as aryans?

>> No.22523148

Genetics says otherwise.
Similarly, genetics doesn't support a steppe elite (samples are all low steppe and usually with haplogroup J2, an Anatolian one)for mycenean Greece and probably neither for classical Greece but I can't say.
I see you started with ethnic insecurities already.
The book of mormon.

>> No.22523162

Also weren't some royal samples without any steppe dna at all? Meanwhile there are samples with steppe ancestry in 2000 bce greece, in random peasant villages. Looks like steppe-less kingly people subjugated steppe-carrying peasants kek

>> No.22523192
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the funny thing is i worked in archaeology for 10 years and even excavated at catalhüyük and göbekli tepe and i have no idea what u niggers are even talking about. last thing i remember from academia was that surprise surprise Gustaf Kossinna was proven to be right after almost a century of slender. all i wanted was a discussion on what a worm BAP is and you currycel copers derailed the entire threat with your PoC theories. fml

>> No.22523209

What I don't get is why are hundreds of millions of Indians so freaking good at math?

>> No.22523215

>Gustaf Kossinna was proven to be right
What theory of his was proven to be right? Quote it verbatim please

>> No.22523224

>everybody was always brown, feminist and trans chuddie
Opinions discarded. See descriptions of gods and heroes in Iliad

>> No.22523291

Nobody was ever feminist, and Yamnaya were brown. Also why are you mentioning a book about events that took place after 1050 BCE? And why would Anatolian farmers with light features be relevant to who the aryans were?

>> No.22523296
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i dont know if u have jstor but ...

>Kossinna's smile by V. Heyd

>Divided by DNA: The uneasy relationship between archaeology and ancient genomics by E. Callaway

I don't know man apparently Siedlungsarchäologie and cultural-historic thinking were not so wrong after all. No i wont quote it verbatim because i am not going to read all this crap again but the gist was that "pots are in fact people" and that the marxist jew archaeologists (if which i have met the biggest in person because i am amazing) were taking a huge L.

yeah fuck this currycel cope shit i added a picture of me unearthing one of his long house grand-parents somewhere in the levant. (its a pre pottery neolithic B death house burial)

>> No.22523305

The griffin warrior was probably Minoan.
>the funny thing is i worked in archaeology for 10 years and even excavated at catalhüyük and göbekli tepe
Thank you professor Billingsworth, I respect your credentials in Turkish potshard collecting but we aren't talking about that.
Kossina's smile was 8 years ago old man.
Anyway, the other guy was just seething over the misuse of Aryan, I just think your view of history is outdated due to recent info.
Regardless, I don't think the original guy was Indian either.
But if you want to shit on BAP, we can. It's the point of the thread, after all.
>He's talking to the twitter libs in his head now.

>> No.22523306
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you are speaking with the peculiar little coprodermic creatures on the left, the tend to leak from their containment board(/his/), don't bother and have a deodorant ready

>> No.22523315

>No i wont quote it verbatim because i am not going to read all this crap again but the gist was that "pots are in fact people" and that the marxist jew archaeologists (if which i have met the biggest in person because i am amazing) were taking a huge L.
But what is the summary of his theory?
Pots are not people btw, we have several examples from Globular Amphora culture or Early Bronze Age Tarim Basin people. Or the various Neolithic Euroean or Bronze Age Steppe cultural innovations that spread within the same populations. Or the wheel, or the horse, or even kurgans.
Archaeologists are generally the punching bag of hard sciences (like biology).

>> No.22523320

Griffin warrior is not genetically identical to Minoans and he was found in a Mycenaean setting as a royal elite. Although Mycenaeans were indeed ruled over by Minoans early on.

>> No.22523328

>Ukrainian steppe 3100BC
Wtf they were half Anatolian this early? Wow

>> No.22523332

>black hair
Whites don't have black hair. Nice try Pedro, Amexicans won't ever be White. No I don't care if you're 7/80th French.

>> No.22523336

>missing the point entirely
yup, it's a coproderm alright, guess inhaling toxic fumes all day doesn't help the room temperature IQs

>> No.22523338


>> No.22523341

But what's the point, that pajeets think Yamnaya were indian? Nobody actually thinks this

>> No.22523342

>But what is the summary of his theory?
Not Mr. Billingsworth but as far as I understand. The theory proposed that the indo-europeanization of Europe happened through violent migrations of indo-european pastoralists who wiped out the pre-Aryan inhabitants. Kossina's smile indicated that theory in some respects. Confirmed that there was a violent replacement (although IE genetics are barely above 50% in the populations with the highest percentages) in some places at least.
Of course, the pre-Aryans survived for quite a long while.
To our days in fact!

>> No.22523363

As far as I'm aware there aren't any evidence for any violence involved either. The pattern is one of absorption of smaller EEF populations and then more some clans becoming dominant and reducing lineage diversity. Can be seen in CWC that started off as R1b but ended up as R1a.
>barely over 50%
You sure? Allentoft et al 2022 counts 48% maximum. Some excess EHG was artificially boosting the percentage.

>> No.22523412

>As far as I'm aware there aren't any evidence for any violence involved either.
Iberia and Britain get 90%-+ male replacement coinciding with a radical change in the culture and industry of the region. However, relict EEF communities do get absorbed more pacifically later on, because some of them did make it through. This is concerning the bell-beakers.
Idk about CWC, but enough about potsherd and genetcs autism, this is a BAP thread.

>> No.22523414
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o-oh yeah? just let a brother collect what he wants, okay?! why do have to say it like its a bad thing

>But if you want to shit on BAP, we can. It's the point of the thread, after all.
Yes fuck him and especially his fans. The other day i listened to a old podcast episode and he said that his fans compared him to Céline and Houellebecq. Made me uncontrollably seeth.

>blue eyes come from a random stoneage mutant
>our women have a irrational attraction to them
meanwhile they all have a "sexual emergency" everytime they see a swedish woman. i hate brown people so much you wouldnt believe.

this was it he btfo Marija Gimbutas and the commie archaeologists coped, seethed and dilated.

>> No.22523444

And yet there are no evidence of violence anywhere.
There's also no mating bias in Bell Beakers that could at least indicate to some kind of invasion.
>radical change in the culture and industry
I doubt that a couple of different pots and different burial positions while having the same sedentary farmer lifestyle as before is "radical".

>> No.22523453

Gimbutas said the same thing though. We wuz kurgan IE peoples n scheiit

>> No.22523470

what kind of music do you recommend?

>> No.22523490

>I doubt that a couple of different pots and different burial positions while having the same sedentary farmer lifestyle as before is "radical".
entire settlements abandoned and replaced by new ones, los millares for example.

>> No.22523526

El argar? That's a frequent occurrence throughout history and it happened almost 1000 years after steppe ancestry made it into spain (again, in a way that did not leave any traces of violence)
Turns out mass migration is a successful tactic

>> No.22523534

Replaced by el argar*
Which itself is 15% steppe. So 30% beaker maximum, centuries after initial contact
Earliest bell beaker samples dont have steppe ancestry btw

>> No.22523566
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>los millares
thanks. this helped me reconstruct part of my spain trips.

>el argar
i really liked la bastida de totana. reminded me alot of the middle east. similar neolithic-esque "com-ney-tay" as costin alamariu would say.




>> No.22523584

So was Jesus. That's why it's the new testament.

>> No.22523637

Lol, Aryan Scythians had an androgynous caste of priests they would fuck called Enaree.

>> No.22523645

I mean, there are only so many forms of Neolithic you can evolve before you default to another.
Great music btw.
But there was nearly 100% Ydna replacement and 40% total population replacement. As well as a cultural shift coinciding with steppe ancestry. Final reply for the sake of thread theme.

>> No.22523699
File: 161 KB, 960x599, 2D8dzFSoMdeMYCX46-KBtUgXIuq2LuU_Biq4NGYEv7U.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mein Kampf
>For My Legionaires
>The History Of Central Banking and the Enslavement of Mankind

>> No.22523729

BAP is the dumbest shit I’ve ever read. I blame Nietzsche for the destruction of philosophy. Every Nietzschean I’ve ever come across has turned out to be a stupid freak.

>> No.22523765

Hehe thanks. Have some more that isn't classical music no need to overdose on pseudium.



Yeah environmental determinism is so obvious.... but that also gets you go Jared Diamond contrived real quick imao. My advisor used to excavate at the side in his silly documentary. muh communitarian grain storage, egalitarianism, communism muh natural state of humanity before the jew... i mean "the man" showed up

whoa cool it with the anti-semitism

>> No.22523810
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forgot pic. Alamariu if u are in here. The other day i saw a monk dressed in green robes reading your new book in the deans garden of The Queens College, Oxford. As he saw me approach him he escaped over this wall with parkour moves like french movie Banlieue 13. What means

>> No.22524198

You are gay and so Is Coztin Alamir

>> No.22524555

Aryans are the race known has proto-indo-european, and its descendants. They weren't as white as modern europeans. They had mostly dark hair and eyes, and moderatly light skin but already carried the genes for reddish and blonde hair. A genetical drift just made it more prevalent in some areas. The higher castes of India are Aryans in the sense that this was the name they gave themselves, and that's indeed a sanskrit word, but we can still find cognates in the european branch of the language, showing that this was from an indo-european word in origin. Gaulish has the word "ario-" which means freeman, lord. Most scholars agree for a PIE etymology linked to *h4erós ~ *h4eri̯os, meaning "member of one's own ethnic group". We know that this wasn't a general word like "race" but a true autonym because we know that the proto-Uralic had a word for slave reconstructed as *orja, which is derivated from the autonym Aryans gave themselves. Just like how slave comes from the name of the Slavs (Sclavus). *orja meant slave because the slaves the Uralics would get were Aryans and were known by that name. Orja still means slave in Finnish today.

>> No.22524558

So? Nietzsche enthusiastically praised jews

>> No.22524567

Lol. Lmao. Good at mindless calculating maybe. Very few have actually contributed to the field.

>> No.22524571

lel Nietzsche called jewish stockbrokers the worst disgusting plague of this earth
did Czustin tell you that?

>> No.22524573
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>b-but Costin said nietzsche would have liked him
>Costin worked in finance in nyc... and is jewish

>> No.22524584

1% of a billion is larger than 10% of ten millions

>> No.22524789

>But there was nearly 100% Ydna replacement
>and 40% total population replacement.
You don't understand how mixing works, especially among already mixed populations.
>As well as a cultural shift coinciding with steppe ancestry.
Steppe ancestry arrived in spain almost 1000 years earlier without any traces of violence, with the earliest beakers having no steppe ancestry and local haplos, and no sex bias in the steppe input either
You don't even have good indirect evidence for a violent expansion. Such a thing never happened, let it go man.

>> No.22524793

based & scholarly

>> No.22524801

Nietzsche has some invaluable bits but most of his interpretors are retarded larpers. The only good work on him I've found was from a spic kek
>muh communitarian grain storage, egalitarianism, communism muh natural state of humanity before the jew.
He'd be pleased to learn that neolithic communities were more unequal, anti-egalitarian, and militaristic than steppe communities based on the studies we got from the last 10 years

>> No.22524805

Ya gotta get em from the inside out man like kabam! betcha didn't see that one coming, huh champ?

>> No.22524814
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that brap chudder oozing unhealthy toilet light is easy to see if your peanut butter orb is at least speck of active. history is not the stage of redemption. that said, who was Europa? but even before that team-brapper is instituting the other of their own masters they need a parody for an enemy who would hate them and prove their ontology. of course the usual homo rape as the sole virtue. of course they mould the image to fit their particular morbid horizon. but what would neetzchy being a gnostic warlock propose: suppose history never really happened
material artifacts are conjured in the minds of priesthood. and only after are found
'start with the Greek' dude, after they have dealt treacherously with the Trojans lying them about the Horse? little children being lied to. and that is called philosophy. go pre-pre socratics. the heart outweights the scheming. in the sense that Je-sus spent his absent years in the Ancient Albania studying the ways of fully committed memeing. tis the great work of seeing the barely accessible contours of divine signatures and helping them to get activated. tis propelling the cart. we are the Scythai of another aeon coming from a visceral crevice of a cracked screen. too blind to get entrapped in logos. they had their own way to relate to prophecy. the direct touch of memeing: as He memed every single one of us into existence and decreed
'swallow your shadow to become free' what were they after those restless wanderers. the tribes were bookless as 'book'/liber is another mask of dionysus. but do you think that the betrayed children simply vanished joining orderly graveyard of the counted and numbered. that trauma reverberates. human history is the left brain scheme. and no child would believe it remembering the treacherous greeks and their logos-salesman ways. trying to entrap you in their projection of racism. you are a le based racis in their heavy sleep. and so on, and so on. find Europa in the bubbling mud of your own creative soul imagination.

>> No.22524818

>Aryans are the race known has proto-indo-european
Is it? Why? That's a linguistic term. Would you think Khvalynsk are aryans? Sredny Stog perhaps?
>and its descendants
Too bad they are extinct
>They weren't as white as modern europeans. They had mostly dark hair and eyes, and moderatly light skin
Which is intermediate skin, actually darker than modern turks. Many of then were not depigmented either as we have dark skinned yamnaya samples
>but already carried the genes for reddish and blonde hair.
As did Neolithic Anatolians in higher frequencies, including fully depigmented skin
>A genetical drift just made it more prevalent in some areas.
Selection, not drift
>The higher castes of India are Aryans in the sense that this was the name they gave themselves, and that's indeed a sanskrit word, but we can still find cognates in the european branch of the language, showing that this was from an indo-european word in origin
But not as an ethnonym, which is how Indians and Iranians use it.
>Most scholars agree for a PIE etymology linked to *h4erós ~ *h4eri̯os, meaning "member of one's own ethnic group".
Kek post sources
>proto-Uralic had a word for slave reconstructed as *orja, which is derivated from the autonym Aryans gave themselves.
There are several Indo-Iranian loans into Uralic, yes

>> No.22524826

For extended reading there's Lazaridis et al 2022 supplementals, Villalba-Mouco (2021 I believe), Lazadis & Reich 2017

Also, how do you think steppe ancestry got into india? This is a test to distinguish those who follow the actual studies vs those who follow youtubers

>> No.22524828
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dat ni bap is gay )coztin)

>> No.22524833

Also about
How come it changed its meaning in virtually all european IE branches since it's not connected to an ethnic aspect? See aristo- for example

>> No.22524856
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>> No.22524883
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Did they find mass graves or something? People like Ofer Bar-Yosef (who was cool af) thought the middle east was a open-and-shut case. Something that approximates neolithic communism maybe. End of story.

I remember in my day we only really had the Talheim Death Pit in Germany. Of cause the german professor didn't explicitly say it but ... "this is when it started with violence n shiet" *wink wink*... historical materialism

im kinda glad that i left around that time ... i bet everybody tries to find the first stoneage transsexual burial today haha i manage real estate today i think i have a bigger house then my harvard advisor but yeah it was a fun while it lasted

>> No.22524910

>Did they find mass graves or something?
Yes, all with violent trauma in more than one cases throughout europe. Spain, poland comes to mind
Violent trauma is higher in neolithic societies than hunter-gatherers and even steppe cultures. In fact neolithic societies are unique in that they waged actual organized warfare on a mass scale
Read Fibiger's recent paper

>Something that approximates neolithic communism maybe.
That's just spiritual leftards projecting their fantasies on the very societies that invented social stratification and property accumulation

Is LBK, early neolithic culture. One more to add to the rest

>i bet everybody tries to find the first stoneage transsexual burial today
Most studies actually emphasize the opposite of this, but I don't know what the professors tell to their students behind the scenes. Based on genetics though any fantasy of matriarchy or egalitarianism has been destroyed forever, even hunter gatherers did not have this. Even high status females were highly stratified and dynastic
Good for you getting into RE, it pays well

>> No.22524938

>That's just spiritual leftards projecting their fantasies on the very societies that invented social stratification and property accumulation
yeah its funny because its this exact people who lecture freshmen about how the evil romanians instrumentalize archaeology for their nationalist goals. my time in academia convinced me that jews have zero self-reflection ^^.

>Is LBK, early neolithic culture. One more to add to the rest
yeah the actual longhouse com-mun-ney-tay lmao

>Based on genetics though any fantasy of matriarchy or egalitarianism has been destroyed forever, even hunter gatherers did not have this.
yeah this is what i would have thought. the browbeaten males of the gynocracy require the foolish teutonic veneration of women and all the other modern horrors. btw matriarchy and egalitarianism... if i can think of one creature that is the least egalitarian its probably the woman. amazing into what spheres they can gaslight themselves and their simps

>> No.22525517

proof that he's half albanian?

>> No.22525518


>> No.22525537

The dna test he posted himself, half jewish half "greek & balkan"
"Greek & balkan" is what albanians get. Greeks get "greek" or "greek & southern italian", balkanites get "balkan". Albanians get "greek & balkan"

>> No.22525561
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>> No.22525569

People who seethed when someone called him a jew switched to "le heckin based jew!" real fast when this dropped kek

>> No.22525585

Link to him posting this, or otherwise definitively connecting this to him? I don‘t like BAP and don‘t doubt it really but more than an noncontextual picture with his name is kind of required to make the claim.

>> No.22525586

>the problem with israel is that its not fascist enough!

>> No.22525590
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Nietzsche's relationship with the Jews is complex. Earlier in life, when he was still a Wagnerian, he wrote dismissive and inflammatory things about them. Later on, after his departure from Wagner, he praised the Jews over the Germans, regarding them as a tougher and harder working people, and advocated for marriage between Prussian officers and the daughters of wealthy Jews—but only as preparation for a race that would be better capable of establishing his vision for the future. Nietzsche was a proponent of American globalism and an ardent critic of socialism, anarchism, and democracy, but supported all three where they would benefit the propagation of American globalism, as it was the Americans who he thought would eventually lead civilization out of the stranglehold of Jewish ressentiment, which had set its poisonous fangs into the neck of the Roman Empire millennia ago, throwing civilization into a spiraling frenzy of slave moralism, like vampires and tarantulas (two euphemisms employed by Nietzsche), and towards a revival of the ancient nobility, which he identified in the poetry of Theognis of Megara, and the creation of the overman, humanity's next step in its evolution towards creative freedom and dominance over other life.

>> No.22525601


>> No.22525612

Nietzsche ideas are interesting and often of substance, but thinking shartmerimongrels are a deus ex machina is just... KEK

>> No.22525635
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since u need the literal rodes scholar to spoonfeed you redpills on the jews and their mischief... this is dasha from red scare podcast who BAP was also a guest on like a week ago

>> No.22525646

She looks hideous and pushing 40. Fucking yikes

>> No.22525663

Worse, he is half romanian

>> No.22525728

It's not so much they were a deus ex machina to him, he just saw them as having the most potential towards the ongoing struggle against that ancient ressentiment. America is collapsing, as every empire inevitably does, but it did make the strongest global impact out of every nation in the 20th century, and it gave birth to various cultural norms and technologies that will further push civilization in the direction of his goals.

>> No.22525864


>> No.22525887

>did make the strongest global impact out of every nation in the 20th century, and it gave birth to various cultural norms and technologies that will further push civilization in the direction of globohomo and getting fucked in the ass by chinks

>> No.22526465

Ignore him. He's a retard sending spam for (you)'s.

>> No.22526956

BAP got to pump&dump THAT?!

>> No.22527546

How could this not imply violence?
Where did all other the males go?
>You don't understand how mixing works, especially among already mixed populations.
I probably don't, but it's what the study I read says.
>Steppe ancestry arrived in spain almost 1000 years earlier without any traces of violence
In northern iberia, it's arrival in southern iberia coincided with the cultural upheaval (including a switch from communal to individual graves) and near total male replacement. Which I think could point to violence.
with the earliest beakers having no steppe ancestry and local haplos
They could've indo-europeanized on the frontier and then back migrated into western europe, coinciding with the male replacements in britain and iberia.
No idea how the estruscans/rhaetians survived. curiously enough, depending on who you ask their haplogroup is IE.

>> No.22527553

>They had mostly dark hair and eyes, and moderatly light skin but already carried the genes for reddish and blonde hair.
Does that mean ancient egyptians were close to ancient aryans?

>> No.22527968 [DELETED] 

How many BAP threads does /lit/ need per day? 5?

>> No.22527972

Nigger, can you please stop spamming this jew here.

>> No.22528683

>How could this not imply violence?
Where is any evidence for violence? We have plenty for HGs and Neolithic
>Where did all other the males go?
Do you know what lack of sex bias means? Do you think R1a CWC people slaughtered the R1b CWC people who used to be the majority?
>I probably don't, but it's what the study I read says.
Wanna quote the part where it says "40% population replacement"?
>In northern iberia, it's arrival in southern iberia coincided with the cultural upheaval (including a switch from communal to individual graves) and near total male replacement. Which I think could point to violence.
By people who themselves were around 10-15% steppe no less.
Also no because we habe GAC as an example. Massive change in culture, no mixing let alone beefing with steppe people near them
>They could've indo-europeanized on the frontier and then back migrated into western europe, coinciding with the male replacements in britain and iberia.
But Iberian and Basque are not IE languages
>No idea how the estruscans/rhaetians survived. curiously enough, depending on who you ask their haplogroup is IE.
It's a Bell Beaker haplo, just like in Iberians (the ancient speakers) and Basques.

To be fair there's a chance that in SW Europe there was violence, but only because the people engaging in it were farmers with organized equipment. We lack evidence but it's more plausible than initial migrations in N/NE Europe... which also had a slight male mating bias, ironically

>> No.22528687

No, phenotypic traits are about 0,0001% of total DNA or so. Its a handful of genes
Chalcolithic Levant had 50% frequency of blue eye genes, so these genes did exist in those populations albeit in small quantities

>> No.22528727

>Where is any evidence for violence?
How else could you have a near 100% male replacement in southern Iberia during the 23 century BC if not by form of mass violence? Not even plague mows people down that hard.
>Do you know what lack of sex bias means?
I was talking about this specific instance in southern Iberia, but if I'm not mistaken there was also widespread replacement by the beaker arrival in Britain coinciding with steppe ancestry.
>By people who themselves were around 10-15% steppe no less.
They probably spoke an IE language though.
>But Iberian and Basque are not IE languages
I've seen this explained away by claiming the EEFs were matrilineal, and thus it was easier to incorporate foreign male elements while keeping the culture.
Hence why the basques, Tartessians, Etruscans, etc. all exist or existed with R1b.
>It's a Bell Beaker haplo, just like in Iberians (the ancient speakers) and Basques.
I mean, it could be corded ware. Depends on where it was first found.

>> No.22528744 [DELETED] 

Can we get another 100+ reply BAP thread going?

>> No.22528749

>How else
So no evidence (even in culture), ok got it lol
>100% male replacement in southern Iberia
There's a pretty big replacement in north iberia as well, or in central europe. But there's no sex bias. So this is where the males went, in case you were wondering
>if not by form of mass violence?
Which is magically invisible and in case of depopulation yersinia pestis (which has been found to have come from the steppe) is a far better explanation.
>Not even plague mows people down that hard.
There is no evidence of "mowing down" anything and we are talking about areas inhabited by 1000-2000 people tops
>I was talking about this specific instance in southern Iberia, but if I'm not mistaken there was also widespread replacement by the beaker arrival in Britain coinciding with steppe ancestry.
Yes. Do you know what lack of sex bias means?
>They probably spoke an IE language though.
Where is it? The people with their lineage spoke non-IE
>I've seen this explained away by claiming the EEFs were matrilineal
>and thus it was easier to incorporate foreign male elements while keeping the culture.
This doesn't make sense, because it would mean that women imposed their rule on their "newcomer warlike" husbands. Basically that matrilineality (which did not exist) resulted in matriarchy (which never happened even in matrilineal culture) and then this was carried over to presumed IE speakers (never happened either)
>Hence why the basques, Tartessians, Etruscans, etc. all exist or existed with R1b.
Yet others with EEF ancestry didn't manage to do this, strange innit?
>I mean, it could be corded ware. Depends on where it was first found.
The ancestry sources are bell beaker, not directly cwc. If it is found in cwc it just means the BB haplos are from cwc

>> No.22528751

Remember that when he wrote those things america was mostly white, blacks were segregated and there were talks of deportation almost every year

>> No.22528753

but there was no overman, just chasing profits, technology and also plenty of christianity
Was nietzsche a technotard?

>> No.22528762

Think of "overman" as a race/species, not an individual. Like you can use "man" as in "mankind".
"Man is but a rope between ape and the overman."
Nietzsche's dream was a sort of new paeuropean super-race, brave, beautiful, immensely creative and confident, loving fate, able to eternally overcome itself, able to relighten the dying flame of our dying civilization and creating a new one in the process

>> No.22528771

So a deluded escapist pipe dream
Also where does he write about paneuropeanism?

>> No.22528786

>Already in Nietzsche’s times, however, there are individuals like him “who have a right to call themselves homeless (heimatlos) in a distinctive and honourable sense” (GS §377:241) and also deserve the attribute of “good Europeans” – “and let this be our word of honour” (GS §377:
242).5 Nietzsche counts on them as readers of the second edition of Human, All Too Human (cf.
HH 2, Preface, §6: 213). At best, however, they foreshadow a form of existence still belonging largely to the future: the new supra-national synthesis that will characterize the European of tomorrow. Then the “process of the European in a state of becoming” (BGE §242: 133) has just begun; rather than having already def i ned contours, the contemporaries are still in fl ux.
Nietzsche sees “the most unambiguous signs declaring that Europe wants to be one” (BGE §256:
148), and, at the same time, he claims that Europe will not easily “acquire a single will” (BGE §208:
102) – the twenty-f i rst century is still well acquainted with this latter problem. However, not only here, overly hasty connections with today’s situation would be out of place. Nietzsche suggests a more than questionable way for the continent to get this unif i ed will: “a new caste that would rule over Europe” (BGE §208: 102; cf. BGE §251: 141–143). As in Human, All Too Human, Nietzsche detects “the slow approach of an essentially supra-national and nomadic sort of person” (BGE §242: 133). Within this “sort” of supra-national nomads, however, Beyond Good and Evil distinguishes two very dif f erent types: a vast majority of mediocre people will fi nd their comple-ment in rare “exceptional people who possess the most dangerous and attractive qualities” (BGE §242: 134). Of these future “tyrants – understanding that word in every sense, including the most spiritual” (BGE §242: 134), Nietzsche deems himself a precursor and a herald. Thus, even if he connects the possible European unif i cation with the process of democratization, he is far from pleading for European unity for the sake of democratic ideals.

this is a brief list of citations but there are more. Nietzsche's corpus is large, I don't remember all the times sadly

>> No.22528806

Yes, and he also wrote positive things about slavery, and scholars uncovered that he was a reader of American journals and newspapers, which talked a lot about slavery. So when he rejected Wagner's rejection of slavery and said that Europe would crumble on account of not having slavery, he very obviously meant that America would succeed in a cultural sense in the coming century (the 20th century for him) on account of the Americans having slaves. And if we take a look at the 20th century, that's precisely what happened, at a cultural level at least.

>> No.22528810

>a new caste that will rule over europe
That's not paneuropeanism lmao, are modern brussels bureaucrats paneuropean?
Again, where does nietzsche talks about pan-europeanism?

>> No.22528816

Didn't N get sick right when Americans killed millions of Americans just to free slaves? Wonder if it broke him

>> No.22528842

He meant a specific race of rulers not what we have now
come on anon reading comprehension your argument is already mentioned in the text

>> No.22528884

I'm furious I even know what a Dasha is, and their continuing association should be all anyone needs to see to understand BAP is a joke

>> No.22528888

A new race of rules doesn't necessarily have to do with paneuropeanism tho, besides the new race subjugating all of europe under its rule that is

>> No.22529769

yeah also notice how her jewish co-host Anna Khachiyan is married and has a child? it always works out like this ... jews always do the evil nazi stuff themselves but ofc out of personal choice... same as goys magically always waste their lifes ... also personal choice ofc

>> No.22530028 [DELETED] 

These BAP threads are great. There is nothing to learn and it perfectly wastes time talking about jewish tricks. Great!

>> No.22530048
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>> No.22530507

BAP confirmed bad

>> No.22530556

Recent John Gray article on BAM.

>> No.22530779


>> No.22530782

paids shill/s

>> No.22530806

The Old and the New Testament for Incel Mankind

>> No.22531419

>bap is posting under his real account in 2023


>> No.22531436

wtf bros.... our gay jew is finally getting that fat Thiel paycheck...?

>> No.22531463 [DELETED] 
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Seeing how BAP is allowed on social media and people like Jason Bryan are just banned completely from even posting anywhere but here, it should be all you need to know about BAP's jewish connections. You are allowed to do and say what you want if you are part of the establishment.

If you truly dissent? You're just wiped off the internet.

Look at that weak fucking babyfaced dork, and know that he is the type of person the establishment wants you to idolize.

>> No.22531542

The biggest threat to leftism today is a Gay Jewish Yale PhD who claims that the traditional male gender role is a social construct.

>> No.22531592

its their oldest trick in the book. the jews make sure that under any circumstances they are at the top of any possible movement

>> No.22531628

The first three lines of Thus Spoke is so filthy and objectionable that I wanted to throw it the pages back at Nietzsche through actual space and time and hit him in the face with them.

>> No.22531647

Amusing that BAP would proclaim 'all men are gay' when as far as I can see, only 1 in 20 American males identify themselves as homosexual.

The other 19 of 20 tend to think that sex with a men is repulsive. They're normal since they're attracted to women.

So how exactly is BAP going to change the world with a rightwing movement that only includes the 4% of men who are cool calling themselves faggots?

>> No.22531651

>Jason Bryan

>> No.22531662

BAP is likeable once you figure out what he really is, a shitposter farming likes. my only problem is the retards surrounding him who take him way more seriously than what he deserves

>> No.22531783 [DELETED] 

BAP is the best writer of the 21st century. I'd post some quotes, but there are so many good ones, I can't decide which one to post!

>> No.22531789 [DELETED] 

Artificial Academy 2 General /aa2g/ #1293
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Welcome, this general is for the discussion of ILLUSION's Artificial Academy 2.


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>HELP! I have a Nvidia card and my game crashes on startup!
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Previous Thread:

>> No.22531851

NTA but I've heard about this feller a lot and would like to hear a witticism or two from him Care to post any?

>> No.22531918 [DELETED] 

It's BAP man... he's had 1000's of threads on here. He is a legend.

>> No.22531935
File: 29 KB, 795x536, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all you need is the the Oresteia

>> No.22532067

Julius Caesar's hair is described as black lol

>> No.22532153

>So no evidence (even in culture), ok got it lol
I'm not even trying to argue for my point anymore, if you want consider it conceded. But what's your alternative?
>There's a pretty big replacement in north iberia as well, or in central europe
This implies a mass die-off, at least. But I guess not necessarily violence. But, just beyond the argument, what do you think might've happened, if not steppe invasion? And why does the percentage of IE ancestry decrease the further west/south they go?
>There is no evidence of "mowing down" anything
The area got suddenly depopulated somehow.
>and we are talking about areas inhabited by 1000-2000 people tops
The Duero Valley can definitely support more people than 2000 at a chalcolithic level.
>Where is it? The people with their lineage spoke non-IE
Lusitanian, maybe? I'm just devils advocating and spitballing at this point.
>This doesn't make sense, because it would mean that women imposed their rule on their "newcomer warlike" husbands.
Well then maybe an alternate explanation would be what happened to the island Caribs. who mostly spoke Arawak by the time the Spanish got to them. They came in and took Arawak women as wives, men were mostly absent the women taught Sarawak to their children, then the men assimilated some original carib words as they incorporated into male adulthood. But the women kept speaking arawak.
Mind you, this theory also has problems but it's an alternative that occurred to me.
>Yet others with EEF ancestry didn't manage to do this, strange innit?
The same goes for the other side, though. If there was EEF continuity, then why did IE languages already dominate the continent in antiquity with islands of paleo-european here and there?
>The ancestry sources are bell beaker, not directly cwc.
Fair enough, it is a bit misguided to assume a haplo is IE because one wants it to be.
> If it is found in cwc it just means the BB haplos are from cwc

>> No.22532409

heterosexuality is as bad as homosexuality. one man one woman like it says in the bible

>> No.22532526

>But what's your alternative?
But I already gave it. Mass migration and initial absorption of smaller communities, with later establishment of clans. This agrees with all the evidence we got and it's a common occurrence throughout eurasia
There's also possible sampling bias (few samples from one place) and we could be missing greater haplodiversity but that's theoretical
>This implies a mass die-off, at least. But I guess not necessarily violence. But, just beyond the argument, what do you think might've happened, if not steppe invasion?
Europe wasn't densely populated so it's impossible to have a mass dieoff. Nonetheless plague could've killed some
Migration from the steppe did of course happen. There just wasn't an invasion. There was definitely competition though but that's between nearby communities; eventually one outcompetes the other, has a larger population, takes (possibly buys) some of its women and drives the remainders away
>And why does the percentage of IE ancestry decrease the further west/south they go?
They were mixing with anyone they encountered as they were moving in on the land. Both male and female
>The area got suddenly depopulated somehow.
Not really, it wasn't densely populated to begin with and many of the earlier inhabitants got absorbed early on. We can see that in CWC. Started off as 100% yamnaya, then sudden drop to 75% coinciding with change in culture to sedentary farming, then this remains stable for centuries
>The Duero Valley can definitely support more people than 2000 at a chalcolithic level.
I'm talking about throughout europe
Yea in the south it's more likely to have the typical war between communities, but this was unrelated to steppe
>Lusitanian, maybe?
Could be, but it depends on its position in the IE tree (unclassified in this regard afaik) assuming it wasn't a late arrival.
>Well then maybe an alternate explanation would be what happened to the island Caribs. who mostly spoke Arawak by the time the Spanish got to them. They came in and took Arawak women as wives, men were mostly absent the women taught Sarawak to their children, then the men assimilated some original carib words as they incorporated into male adulthood. But the women kept speaking arawak.
Too theoretical for something that happened 3 or more times and without mating bias. If it was a one off then sure. We simply dont know yet. Not very exciting
>The same goes for the other side, though. If there was EEF continuity, then why did IE languages already dominate the continent in antiquity with islands of paleo-european here and there?
Scandinavia has shitloads of non-steppe haplos (like i lineages) but they always spoke IE. Its not really an issue of continuity, its that it sometimes happens and sometimes it doesnt
Better explanation is mass migration with no mating bias in favor of eef (at most its equal) + pre-IE languages being uglier. IE is more economical to the tongue

>> No.22532539

lol N was an absolute sucker for Greco-Roman culture
he also thought the Poles were superior to Germans

>> No.22532546

>Amusing that BAP would proclaim 'all men are gay' when as far as I can see, only 1 in 20 American males identify themselves as homosexual.
it's just wishful thinking, it's primarily a gay movement heavily involved in grooming

>> No.22532731

>This agrees with all the evidence we got and it's a common occurrence throughout eurasia
There's also possible sampling bias (few samples from one place) and we could be missing greater haplodiversity but that's theoretical.
I'm not trying to refute anything at this point but how do you explain all experts in the field saying a violent expansion happened in one way or another? Razib Khan for example made a post about it recently. (For some reason he says Scandinavian I1 is IE, which I didn't know was the case, maybe isn't)

>There was definitely competition though but that's between nearby communities; eventually one outcompetes the other, has a larger population, takes (possibly buys) some of its women and drives the remainder away
I think this might well just be the popular view (but with less polemic weight). in which case I may have misunderstood you and what you were trying to say.
>Not really, it wasn't densely populated to begin with, and many of the earlier inhabitants got absorbed early on.
But what about more densely populated areas of southern Europe and the Balkans? That whole civilization sphere just died out except maybe Sardinia
>and without mating bias.
Then where are the farmer/whg haplogroups? The I, G, non-IE clades of R, H. Was there anything else?
>We simply dont know yet.
Fair enough. There are other theories like a theoretical farmer elite imposing language for example. Or your theory.
>Its not really an issue of continuity, its that it sometimes happens and sometimes it doesn't
But why did it happen?
>Scandinavia has shitloads of non-steppe haplos (like i lineages) but they always spoke IE.
That is one of the exceptions to the rule, according to the people I read. Like those Indian haplogroups found within Indo-aryan speaking groups. I genuinely believe the violence is overstated, but to deny it wholesale is strange to me.
> IE is more economical to the tongue
This hasn't affected several languages that are very ugly. So there has to be another reason. Probably a material one, whether it be cultural, economic, or physical, there was some domination somewhere.

>> No.22532833

at work so havent had time to read your reply but heres a highly possible theory that has occurred frequently throughout time across the world
nobility/chieftain strategical marriages. very common
both steppe and farming communities were hierarchical, so it could be a case of one of the two nobles getting to preserve his (or her, even if steppe femael) language
Incoming steppe groups had more resources with livestock, so its entirely possible despite inferior technology
this explains why cwc became r1a when it started as r1b mainly. the clans that intermarried first were r1a and popped out more chillens in a farming economy but now with much more livestock
sometimes its entirely possible to assume that the eef language remained

Much more possible than some imaginary steppe conan theory, but at the same time much more boring

>> No.22534071

Proof he's a homo?

>> No.22534225

yeah he fucking hated germans
at some point he just said he's full descendant of polish nobility with not a single drop of "bad german blood" kek

>all experts in the field
you mean archaeologists? there are also several who never subscribed to it. geneticists who actually test the data don't subscribe to it
also, why does their opinion matter when they can't back it up? it's a cool theory sure, but the opposite is seen when put to the test.
there's also the issue of consensus and conformity to it, the very initial "steppe" theory (which was an ex germania theory, see indo-germanic theory) was about invasions back in the 19th century. Nietzsche also subscibed to it because that was the trend then
>Razib Khan
Razib khan is a blogger
>he says Scandinavian I1 is IE
many non-IE haplos are said to be "IE" by virtue of being assimilated in IE-speaking communities and then spread by people with steppe ancestry. But their origin is still non-IE and shows how language spread even while defying the conventional theory of how it did (by non-IE males becoming the dominant lineage, yet maintaining IE language. And vice versa)

>in which case I may have misunderstood you and what you were trying to say.
what I have asserted is that the original theory from gimbutas & co of yamnaya invading europe is now completely refuted. there is no evidence of a violent invasion, in fact we see EEFs being more violent and warlike. but many IE languages did spread through warfare and violence (easy example, Roman Empire)
>That whole civilization sphere just died out except maybe Sardinia
bruh. Helladic culture, Cycladic culture, Minoan culture went on unimpeded, Cucuteni Tripyllia had contact with steppe people centuries before it collapsed, so did Varna. Then there' Troy
I'm not well versed in italy and iberia but there weren't major civilizations there, only advanced cultures a la CTC. Wherever there were significant population numbers and civilization nothing stopped. we even have samples with steppe from greece in the EBA Helladic period and there was no change
>Then where are the farmer/whg haplogroups?
could easily have disappeared after the initial admixture. This wouldn't affect mating bias. Mating bias has been calculated already btw, see Lazaridis & reich 2017 where they reply to a paper. steppe ancestry in bell beakers and central europe BA in general was mediated by both males and females equally that mated with people with no steppe ancestry


>> No.22534243

The only Nietzsche threads that are allowed are the ones with Big Asshole Pervert. Fuck janny and fuck all you.

>> No.22534254

>Inb4 not a blogger
he's irrelevant in the field, he's not in any lab that contributes studies. he frequently gets mogged by his fellow pajeets who know how to run qpadm. he's an expert in evolutionary biology, not the specific issue, and he has not done any deep research in it either

>But why did it happen?
for beakers? idk, some say they didn't speak IE. Until we get more samples and more IBD links between them (still in its infancy as an analysis tool) we can't really know much and what communities were connected with other ones. maybe there is somewhere a single culture that has evidence for EEF language being maintained, with some steppe haplos, then this culture spawning the other non-IE ones but with all of them coming from the same ultimate source and thus we can't detect it yet. or beaker r1b is said to be an EEF haplo by some, which means that the beaker r1b in britain and elsewhere was the one that did not carry over language and the language arrived there either before or after (or the people already changed it before arriving)
there are many explanation and we simply can't know yet. but making up fantasy theories pays well for archaeolist grifters and twitter grifters
>but to deny it wholesale is strange to me
inasion is denied wholesale because that's simply what we see in the evidence. violence due to competition is not doubted by anyone. although it's less fierce than in neolithic and chalcolithic period (but in the south it remained high)
>Probably a material one, whether it be cultural, economic, or physical, there was some domination somewhere
culturewise there was a downgrade, economy was stronger due to more livestock, physique wasn't particularly different. average height was something like 170 to 174 cm and then it evened out as steppe ancestry got diluted, plus we don't see any evidence in excavations.
farmers were "weaker" than the HGs in europe yet they completely erased them from 90% of the subcontinent, but it wasn't particularly violent. they just absorbed them, and many farming cultures retained WHG haplos. could be a similar case here
plenty of theories to come up with, but the old ones are discarded. that's where i'm coming from

>> No.22534740

>thinking aryans=germanics
Most historically literate leftard

>> No.22534750

pretty sure he's saying that nietzsche didn't care about iran or india
he considered their civilizations alien

>> No.22535331

Nietzsches use of the word Aryan doesnt mean "germanics'" or indians or iranians.
Why do people comment on this if they havent actuay read his work?

>> No.22535340

Brought to you by Peter Thiel.

>> No.22536076

Nietzsche (like Goethe) was actually a bit of a Persophile and greatly admired Hafez. "For him Hafez exemplifies the Oriental free spirit who gratefully receives both the pleasures and sufferings of life. Nietzsche commends such an attitude as sign of a positive and courageous valuation of life." He also said positive remarks on Persian cultural legacy such as:

"It would have been much more fortunate had the Persians become masters of the Greeks, rather than have the Romans of all people assume that role."

>> No.22536083

Meant to respond to this here: >>22536076
Accidentally responded to one wrong post.

>> No.22536084


>> No.22536157

>farmers were "weaker" than the HGs in europe yet they completely erased them from 90% of the subcontinent, but it wasn't particularly violent. they just absorbed them, and many farming cultures retained WHG haplos. could be a similar case here
The EEFs got patrilineality replaced in many places. Either that or the soobstacks I read overhyped the hunter-gatherer resurgence excessively. In some cases, the two groups fused and overran everyone else (SHGs) I think.

>> No.22536361

Ironically enough "Bronze Age Mindset" got its name from the Bronze Age epics of Iliad and Odyssey
except these are written in the early Iron Age (as myths they probably go back to Chalcolithic)

>> No.22536367

Yes in west and north europe they have mostly lineages from HGs. Despite that the sex bias isn't that big there either, surprisingly
But HGs were physically erased. Completely. Many assimilated, but all ultimately erased. That was my point, EEFs did what Steppe people were hypothesized to have done already since the Neolithic, and the explanation for it is boring, just population logistics

Btw SHGs are WHG+EHG in the few places they survived

>> No.22536372

>(as myths they probably go back to Chalcolithic)

>> No.22536502
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This you?

>> No.22536529

still much better than spic fuentes' goblins

>> No.22536532

I don't want to Dox myself, but I knew Costin around 2015.

This whole thing is a Borat like joke to trick the gullible into revealing their anti-Semitism.

He is a major pro-Israeli, and was involved in these up of canarymission. Org, a website made for doxing anti-israeli activists.

This is the connection between him, his father and ultra-zionist Edward Luttwak. It's why he supports Trump to the hilt as a major pro-Israeli, hates the Irish etc etc. - to those who don't know Ireland is considered Israel's biggest enemy in the EU, the PIRA and Sinn Fein the most anti Israel force in Europe.

>t. Former British zionist, failed writer

>> No.22536541

based asian women will save the white race

>> No.22536586

Nick Fuentes could only wish to produce such a hard-hitting argument against bap.
A perverse enough man could probably destroy them by secretly doxxing many accounts and making a collage of the ugly/fat/retarded/pathetic ones.
Sometimes I wonder if this whole Aryan vitalism thing isn't borne out of insecurity, even if it's a bit they put up.
The ideas of the BAP book are fine though, some at least. Criminal organizations might be the way to go, maybe.
Still feels kind of fake.

>> No.22536598

Maybe, but BAP's whole shtick is aryan supremacy and Nietzschianism, so it's kind of funny when he's a gay jew and his fans are the kind of people who would be sterilized under any reasonable eugenics program.

>> No.22536609

people give up limb and life for their country, believe me when they would be fine with sterilization for a nationwide eugenics program, this isn't an "own" you think it is

>> No.22536641

Why is it always doughy boys that look like their mom buys their clothes who are like "Yeah, I pretty much embody the Aryan Nordic Nietzschean Promethean Faustian spirit chadyes.jpg.exe"?

>> No.22536683

Because facefagging is always CIA-run psyop and non-retards wont expose themselves in public?

>> No.22536694

Can't wait for this bullshit to die down like Alright shit did.

>> No.22536731

Does he believe what he says?

>> No.22536788

yeah this is the best argument against fuentes, this retard actually got away with a slap on the hand for calling his followers to the January 6th demonstration and explicitly said to his followers to show their face and all kek, if that spic isn't a glowie asset then i'm a vantablack nigger

>> No.22537153

Yes, too an extent.
Current IQ theory puts Jews at the top of the hierchy, that´s why he goes out of his way to denigrate Chinese iq etc.

If you read into how Israel operates, especially it´s military, it´s a complete meritocracy, the closest thing in existence to Sparta, so there is no diversion between his thought process and being Israeli.

To simplify it, there are two groups of jews in this world ¨Bund¨ internationalists and ¨Zionists¨ those loyal to the state of Israel over all other things. Costin, and the ¨network¨ we student zionists were in is rabidly anti-Bund. He is a booster for Nethanyahu, and all from the sphere. He does hate Soros, just as Luttwak and Netanyahu hates Soros.

But, for instance, interviewing people like Thomas777, is entirely just to take the piss out of him. Costin will be laughing his ass off at all the fat guys reading his book. There is now a grift element to this, but be under no illusion, if you follow this in any sort of anti-semetic way, you will be destroyed.

There is about 12 major accounts who were all in the same group in 2015, Second City Bureaucrat, and Martin _ Stegangeorge77 being some of the other major doxers of anti-israel campus activity around 2015.

All i´m saying is, when you see BAP interviewing Bishop Williamson, just see it the same as Sasha Baron Cohen interviewing him.

>> No.22537165

I apologise for the spelling mistakes, but i´m currently ¨phone fagging¨

>> No.22537170

>There is about 12 major accounts who were all in the same group in 2015, Second City Bureaucrat, and Martin _ Stegangeorge77 being some of the other major doxers of anti-israel campus activity around 2015.
interesting, i assume zero HPL was one of them? can you please drop some hints anon? cheers

>> No.22537328

Thank you for answering, that's intersting. So does he actually care about the West or is bapism just bait for antisemites?

>> No.22537615

nietzsche's use of aryans refers to the imaginary mythological race that magically europeans descend to an are also responsible for civilization. it's gobineauism
nietzsche didn't know shit about genetics, he just regurgitated whatever was trendy at the time. who can forget his jews=pajeets theory? kek. but hey maybe costin is indeed biological tschandala...
he's copying people who are more sincere about it than he is. he's just a better writer or at least better at marketing.
it is an own because that's the most collectivist herd mindset you can think of. what's noble about a subhuman realizing he's a subhuman? nothing .it's not a virtue, only reality
he already wrote an article specifically going out of his way to mention that the netanyahu faction is not an enemy and even a potential ally
i think this has been answered in other threads. he cares about the west insofar as caring about the west serves israel's interests ie if the west works with israel and even allows jews to control it. to the surprise of no one, costin never talks about jewish lobbies spearheading all the things he dislikes. he certainly dislikes these groups but because they are jewish he does not mention them because that'd boost antisemitism and he's a semite supremacist, so

>> No.22537660

Aryan means honourable. An Aryan thus is a man worth of dignity and respect.
What is the social designation of noble other than a synonym for Aryan from us Northern Indo-Europeans. That the ethnonym of Frank means no less than Aryan, there is no doubt.
Sadly most Aryans have degenerated into the lower races, but everywhere a culture knows governmental thinking, epic poetry and the art of war, one can be sure Aryans have left their marks.

>> No.22537742

that's usually what happens when you are a mongrelized product of racemixing even if you maintain the same language

>> No.22537745

Your point being?

>> No.22537796

what's the point of an observation?

>> No.22537910

I don't believe Zero Lovecraft is no. But nice not heard his voice, the rest are immediately recognizable, especially Martin who has the most agreesivelg Jewish American voice I've ever encountered..

The rest are not doing people harm, if you want to do some digging, look into Jewish convert, and long time Bap friend Borja(Boaz) Villalonga, his Jewish Wife Ilisa Goodman, her brother John Goodman, and their "strategic comms" company Demian Media. They still do all the same work that happened with canary I outlined above.

BAP still retweets Boaz(Borja now again?). They all met through the Tikvah fund.

>> No.22537917

He cares the same way Benjamin Netanyahu cares about what happens to the West; to the extent it helps Israel.

Costin makes a fortune of this witz now, so there is obviously an apolitical financial incentive now.

>> No.22537922

I find it funny that these people became the leaders of the modern white right.

>> No.22537929

We all do too.

>> No.22537934

I have a friend at Queens.

>> No.22537948 [DELETED] 

Ashkenazi don't even have matrilineal continuity to the Levant. They're not Jewish.
Now, I'm not saying I like Jews, but I am really losing my patience with the Ashkenazi. They are not intelligent people in the least, not pompous and unethical schemers.

>> No.22537955

Ashkenazi don't even have matrilineal continuity to the Levant. They're not Jewish.
Now, I'm not saying I like actual Jews, but I am really losing my patience with the Ashkenazi. They are not intelligent people in the least, just pompous and depraved schemers.

>> No.22537960

askhenazis are literally half levantine. They're loaded with natufian and iranian neolithic ancestry. check clemente et al 2021
american askhenazis are larpers but costin is a balkanoid jew

>> No.22537966
File: 276 KB, 718x941, 1-s2.0-S0092867421003706-figs5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these tables here, at K=6
cant recall the page it's at. it's toward the end

>> No.22537970

Your observation is limited, mutt.

>> No.22537978

>askhenazis are literally half levantine.
They're not. Also, autosomal DNA doesn't matter here. What matters is the mtdna haplogroup.
>They're loaded with natufian and iranian neolithic ancestry.
Not really.
>check clemente et al 2021
I've checked the studies.

Anyways, Cyrus the Moron made a mistake in sparing these pestersome peoples, and you should stfu already. Ashkenazi though have nothing to do with ancient filthy Jews, and I, myself, unfortunately most likely have more ancestral connection to them than Turkic/Hun abominations of Ashkenazi.

Literally the first antisemite I met in my life was a Persian Jew. He said Hitler was right, and I should never judge Jews as a whole based on Ashkenazi. He said he promotes ethnic cleansing of Ashkenazi, and he viewed all conflict in the ME as stemming from them. I am compelled to agree with them.

Ashkenazis are only good when their heads are on the pikes. You have nothing to do with Jews and deep down you know this. Kys asap and take your entire wretched family with you, Kabbalahist demon.

>> No.22537981

was that your 45% steppe ancestry saying that? your 45% anatolian farmer ancestry perhaps? or was it the 10% chink ancestry?

>> No.22537992

yeah they literally are
>What matters is the mtdna haplogroup.
why would that matter when it doesn't determine ancestry, only ultimate lineage?
>I've checked the studies.
kek you haven't checked shit.

>Anyways, Cyrus the Moron made a mistake in sparing these pestersome peoples
don't disagree here
>Ashkenazis are only good when their heads are on the pikes.
don't disagree here either
>You have nothing to do with Jews and deep down you know this. Kys asap and take your entire wretched family with you, Kabbalahist demon.
i consider askhenazis being part jewish a greater insult than if they weren't, because being a real jew is an insult.

>> No.22538012

>why would that matter when it doesn't determine ancestry, only ultimate lineage?
Because it's based on Jewish criterion. Their definition of being a Jew is unbroken matrilineal continuity to ancient Jews.
>kek you haven't checked shit.
Other studies show they have no matrilineal continuity to the Levant. In fact, most of them show this. They're just a bit mongrelized with Turkics (who also had significant Iran Neolithic farmer admixture) who converted to Judaism. Various studies indicate this too.
>i consider askhenazis being part jewish a greater insult than if they weren't, because being a real jew is an insult.
While Mizrahi can be... annoying, historically they weren't a destabilizing force on the level of Ashkenazi. I find it difficult to hate them with the intensity reserved for Ashkenazi.
I sympathize with conspiracies that high-level Ashkenazis, in fact, worship a kind of Shiva-like figure of destruction, which has ancient Hunnic roots.

The best way to weaken Ashkenazis is to point out they have no matrilineal continuity to ancient Jews. Also, the Kabbalah was recently written (12th century CE) and doesn't seem Jewish at all.

>> No.22538026

couldnt care less about what jews believe anon
>Other studies show they have no matrilineal continuity to the Levant
but im not talking about that.
>Various studies indicate this too
afaik that's for polish/russian jews not balkanoids.
>I find it difficult to hate them with the intensity reserved for Ashkenazi.
not talking about hate. rather, the diss neetsche reserved for them

>The best way to weaken Ashkenazis is to point out they have no matrilineal continuity to ancient Jews
kek do they actually care about that? imagine the insecurity
costin only showed his ydna and not mtdna... wat means...

>> No.22538084

I never got that cover for Zarathustra, wasn't Nietzsche against romanticism?

>> No.22538091

I don't cluster by fake science made up by libshits, I go by the age-old terms of Slav, Celt, Iberian, Finn, Italiot, Gall, Allemand, Goth, Saxon, Sweon, etc.

>> No.22538097

>I don't cluster by fake science made up by libshits, I seethe and cope and dilate instead.

>> No.22538098

Another "us" > "them" thread.
What is it that drives you guys to this?
From /pol/ over /sci/ to /lit/ day by day i finde urge to promote tribalism that detaches people from rest of the world based on superficial self-image of God like nature.

>> No.22538111

Medbug still seething at the fall of the Roman Empire in the 5th Century CE
Genetics is like calculating with X, y, z, made up numbers that might give you a few mathematical conclusions but pretending that the variables in themselves are not made up is delusional.

>> No.22538119

Are medbugs in the room with us right now anon?

>> No.22538127

Only medbugs tell themselves Indo-Europeans were brown eyed brown haired muttoids raping white fair-headed women

>> No.22538137

I'm sure medbugs share the same jewish porn-inspired fantasies you do anon.

>> No.22538142

It seems to be the scientific consensus of nowadays.

>> No.22538143

its not contested that steppe people were swarthier than modern turks (some more than even gypsies) and were a mix of different ancestries but nobody accepts that they "raped fair-headed women"

>> No.22538151

Steppe people were undeniably non-white, wich is not only proven by the genetics but by their linguistics (Finnturkmongol) and their culture (rapecannibalbarbarism). So yes, steppes were non white, and, like an old Russian saying goes: 'dead like an Avarian, without children and without heirs'

>> No.22538158

i was referring to yamnaya lol
>and their culture (rapecannibalbarbarism)
vgh... nietzscheans... just like me...

>> No.22538161

> yamnaya
Just another made up people with no mentions older than 1990

>> No.22538163

agreed desu

>> No.22538170

And lol no Nitzscheans just subhumans in permanent primitivism with no hopes other than being conquered by a people who have more brains than them

>> No.22538906

Bronze Age Pervert? More like Goy Age Sophist

>> No.22539315

He posts images admiring male models and then guilt by association with the Greeks.

>> No.22539374

Martin as in the guy with a david koresh voice going around saying he is PVRE ARYVN?
If so then I will die laughing. Not saying I 100% believe, but still funny to think about.
Btw, how do they doxx the people without making it known?
What are they hoping to achieve apart from doxxing, making the dw on shitter.com tranny heart Israel?
What is the end game of this OP?
And how do you reconcile this shit with BAP's activity on Salo forum pre-2015?

>> No.22539391

Don't remind them that, it's inconvenient for their larping.

>> No.22539439


proof BAP is Costin?

>> No.22539468

Dissertation shilling by bap groupies.
Plus his Gumroad receipts have his name on them.

>> No.22539874

>but be under no illusion, if you follow this in any sort of anti-semetic way, you will be destroyed.

BAPs Kayne rant on telegram comes to mind: just a little sensitive when it comes the Jews, are we? Also, I wonder if this anti-anti-semitism doxing group had anything to do with Varg’s last ban from Twitter. He did ratio BAP‘s 100k follower celebration tweet shortly before getting banned. I’m literally just speculating. But the Kayne thing was funny given the amount of swastika stuff BAP was re-tweeting at the time. I’ve also noticed that BAP-swastika posting has decreased as the BAP-Costin connection increases.

>> No.22540075

Caribbean Rhythms is owned by Costin Vlad Alamariu
Similar posting style
Two accounts have never acknowledged each other
His thesis is written by the same person who wrote BAM. There's a schizo thread in the archives circa 2021-2022 comparing Costin's thesis to various things BAP posted and it's the same person
BAP really is a gay jew with no family in his 40s.

>> No.22540129

>Varg’s last ban from Twitter. He did ratio BAP‘s 100k follower celebration tweet shortly before getting banned.
lmao that's hilarious, is there a screenshot?

>> No.22540162
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>> No.22540164

>it is an own
you think just because you suddenly "adopt" master mortality you stop being a subhuman? you cannot change your instincts
>Those you cannot teach to fly, teach to fall faster.
you still don't understand anything, stick to jewish fairytales

>> No.22540180

It's just a rather strange thing to do. Willingly consider yourself worthy of extinction.
Like a white shitlib, I guess.

>> No.22540330
File: 197 KB, 1200x873, Fy7PfT2WIAE1mcv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>childless zionist jew in his 40s with a gf with bodycount in the 3 digits
>father of 8(?) white children he raises on his based homestead
which way /lit/ man

>> No.22540367

He really went mask off when he tried to shame Varg for being a "welfare viking" leeching off the system instead of being a prodooctive member of soiciety exactly how BAP advocates

>> No.22540369

Kek btfo

>> No.22540520

>childless zionist jew in his 40s with a gf with bodycount in the 3 digits
This is grim because it shows how low Costin's SMV is. A man with his fame and money, while being fit and not particularly short, could pull HB9s in her early 20s easy if he was a chad.
Yet the best he can do is a walled slut with >100 bodycount. BAP is a beta if not omega. Spiritual cuckold
It's over

>> No.22540541

in the end of the day he might just be a faggot which he hints pretty much every episode of his podcast. but yeah... eventhough i subscribe to similar ideas he has one must admit how unsexy such ideas are even in 2023.

>> No.22540547

its all so tiresome. its the same game being played for millennia. greece, rome, charlemagne, weimar, america. tiresome. goyim never learn. i hope varg writes völkish pagan mindset already

>> No.22540616

BAP relies heavily on modern archeogenetic research to make his point attractive (we wuz yamnaya n sheiiit) but the route the field is taking is going to crush that appeal in the near future. He might be stuck in 2015 but already from 2017 we knew that there was no invasion of India, ancient Greeks and Romans were genetically homogeneous and local since their Mycenaean and Etruscan days... the list goes on. Now there are new findings showing IE wasn't even from the Russian Steppe and steppe ancestry in europeans is lower than previously thought. Without these he loses his (pseud) marketing appeal to the masses and that's something he is responsible for because he went down that route

>> No.22540722

I understand your doubt.
I know BAP is Costin.

I am 99.9% "Martin" is the same guy that was based out of a New Jersey / New York university in 2015. He was specifically aggressive against self hating jews.

There are recordings of his voice online, there is no more nebbish, aggressive American voice on earth.

If it's not who I think it is, and if he's not Jewish, his parents much have locked him in a basement playing Fiddler on the roof and Seinfeld on repeat for decades.

Just remember it will NEVER be held against them. They just have to say "it was all a joke" like Borat, and no one will ever hold them accountable.

Easy way to prove it is to submit Costin to the anti-Semitism groups.

He'll never be put on them


>> No.22540730

It’s so funny because so much of philosophy and politics in the modern era is just dismissing Christianity off the bat as too weak or too parochial for their purposes, but the truth that these people know basically nothing about Christianity. They don’t know the Church arguments, the main points of schism, Christological presuppositions, from whence ethics derives, or even church history. They literally just take it axiomatically that it’s bad, which is, ironically, exactly what Christians said they would do…

>> No.22540732

You can never really rely on archaeological research because it seems to change every couple years as far as prehistoric human history goes. That and it's been found that carbon dating isn't even accurate, throws the whole meme field into question

>> No.22540738

I've been reading books about the medieval era and it's amazing how much church history affected pretty much everything we do today. All the trad things these guys go on about are really church traditions in one way or another. A lot of their morality and philosophy comes from ideas handed down from Christian medieval philosophers and theologians in one way or another. To be interested in western philosophy, politics, or science, and to ignore Christianity and its historical developments is missing half the picture of how we got to those things.

>> No.22540740

For my part, I am. Jewish, I was a student, and it's one of the regrets of my life I was involved in this.

I was involved in the British Labour parties, anti-Semitism campaign, which led to a lot of people being kicked out.

So, why share, I don't think it's right to interfere in the politics of other countries, I also think BAP et al are creating more antisemetism, not lessening it.

And finally, I did Alyiah to Israel, and felt nothing. I am British, English. I have nothing to do, with what I consider a disgusting outpost of colonialism.

I think what BAP, Martin etc are doing is the same as Mi5 and the FBI "finding" idiots, leading them all the way to being caught with weapons and shut down. It's simple entrapment.

There is real antisemetism out there, it's mostly Muslim, and we don't need a perpetual grief machine to keep people employed.

>> No.22540747

Yes, I am a fan of Kayne, and think he's simply mentally ill.

Costin rabidly went after Kayne because any sort of antisemetism from an African American would be a disaster. Also look at what he says about Farrakhan - he always respects his black seperatism, but ignores his antisemetism, why?

>> No.22540749

Correct. I agree completely.

>> No.22540758

BAP's activity salo may or may not be related to Canary, but absolutely he was laughing his ass off at Thomas777.

Be under no illusions, I think Costin is world class funny, and he enjoys being funny, and Salo was hilarious.

My point is, he is not your guru, there is a grift element, and he is loyal to Israel.

>> No.22540775

That being said, I don't really agree with a lot of the specifically catholic ideas developed in the Middle Ages as I'm Protestant (Marian doctrine, Gelasian theory, etc.). But, it's very interesting how their broader philosophical thinking laid the groundwork for what atheist psueds praise as "western civilization" and "western science"

>> No.22540779

Pretending Catholicism was anything in Europe but a moral foundation for the establishment of Germanic rule is a lie

>> No.22540788

> there was no invasion of India
True in that all Indo-Europeans went out of India, false in that India was not invaded by Indo-Europeans.

>> No.22540814

Germanic rule was already established, what are you talking about? It helped solidify their rule but by no means was that going to change without Christianity, they already ruled over france, Germany, Spain, and England. Most of them were originally pagans or arians at best. They would have over time solidified their rule, it probably wouldn't look like how it did in history and everything in western society would be very different if we matured with a pagan tradition or something other than Christianity.
The whole reason there is even any Roman connection in those areas is because the Christian monks preserved their best writings, ideas, and traditions otherwise they would have completely forgotten Rome as their heritage and again, the west would be unimaginably different because of this.

>> No.22540845

Archeogenetics isn't archeology. It's DNA ancestry from ancient burials.

>> No.22540853

Which is still based on the flawed carbon dating of the site

>> No.22540874

>false in that India was not invaded by Indo-Europeans
Other way around. I believed it too despite no archaeological evidence but not genetic evidence also confirms it. Read Reich (2017) to see where the steppe MLBA ancestry in pajeets comes from

>> No.22540902

On the sample itself actually
That's how it was one discovered that an old burial had a recent skeleton from a burial right above it that collapsed

>> No.22540905

i won't be reading it BAP, but post the best gets

>> No.22540915

>Other way around
as in, it didn't happen. Not OIT kek
Although a much older invasion could be possible. There's a paper out (2023) suggesting this

>> No.22540950

It's a theory and it is plausible and no I'm not arguing from a currycel perspective but all Indo-European groups originally have known the skill of elephant riding, speaking more in favour of the out-of-India theory. When the Celts emigrated from India, fighting dogs took the place of elephants.
Here's the story.
First the Indo-European group, originating in the Himalayas, marched to India and invaded the natives. That is saying that the Vedians, the (anciently) supreme group of Indo-Europeans, created a civilization and oppressed the natives, while the remaining Indo-European groups went around aimlessly through India, either leeching from the Vedians their kin, attacking them, or being oppressed by them.
When the caste plan was elaborated after the end of the era of the Purohitas in 4300 bC a group of Kschattryas passed the Eastern Hymalayas from the South and created a Kschattrya province that knew no brahmins. They soon rebelled, declared independance from India and created a state that, in reaction to the caste system of India, the primitive state of China.
The Iranians did the same in the West of India, turning all the Vedian Gods into demons and devils and to declare independance from the oppression of Hinduism.
Soon the Celts and the Slavs followed to search a place on earth even more North than that of the Iranians.
Then the Hindus became mad that there was still Indo-European and other tribes lounging around in their territory and they wrote a list in the Vedas that has all their names and they were, first declared lower than Sudra, then expulsed from the Aryavarta. This ancient Vedian text names, among Dravidians, a tribe named 'Saka'. These are our ancestors. These are the Sakasunas, the Skandinavians proper, the Saxons and the Sarmatians.

>> No.22541098

>i hope varg writes völkish pagan mindset already

Haha, yes! Does anyone know if Varg is active anywhere online?

>> No.22541217

I think BAP tolerates fringe antisemitism to the extent that it generally falls within the boundaries of Nietzsche’s treatment of the Jews. If you want to know BAP’s position on the Jews, read Nietzsche. BAP is relatively consistent in this regard. But antisemitism creeping into the mainstream is another matter. As seen in the Kayne case, he will draw the line. And while I do agree that the entire Kayne thing was retarded, in other cases, he will present his case for rejecting “out of bounds” anti-Jewish sentiment as some sort of Nietzschean high IQ, 5D chess. Like, if you don’t get it, you’re low IQ. Basically, following BAP has the effect of softening antisemitic sentiment.

>> No.22541352

bap is cucked a jew and varg is a chimping snownigger, not sure how you would even imply there is a good choice here

>> No.22541813

Elephants are common in west asia and PIE is now suggested to have appeared there first so it makes sense
But OIT has no archaeological or genetic evidence in its favor. It also has linguistic problems like "wine".

>> No.22541840

nice try rabbie. for anyone concerned this is a classic jewish trope. he has discovered that jew costin has been found out so there is no point in arguing for him. so the next best move is to try to discredit the non-jewish alternative too. this happens to be baps spiel as well. he never openly defends jews or israel but always kveetches how his critiques are not any better either.

>> No.22542005

I mean with these answers you do make me want to choose jews over you subhumans, and thats a pretty damn hard thing to drive someone to do man

>> No.22542055
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>I mean with these answers you do make me want to choose jews over you subhumans

>> No.22542122

its too easy isn't it. Rumpelstilzchen just can't help himself.

>> No.22542128
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u really went for the fellow gentiles meme... hilarious

>> No.22542167

Slavs have am endemic word for elephant: Slon. Wich is weird, from the earliest sources we have of them they only seem to have frequented the northernmost regions of West Asia and Europe.
The Birmans say Sain while the Cinghalese say Aliya and the Bengali say Hati; Hindi says Haatee; much closer to Elephant. This is saying that the Slavs split from the Birmans, one of the Southernmost Indo-European groups, after having split ethnically from the Vedics, wich is strange because according to the mainstream theory the Birmans would have split from the Vedians and not the Slavs from the former.
Finnish people: Norsu.
Scottish Gaelic: Alibhean.
So summarizing the Slavs and the Birmans split from the Vedians before the Celts and the Latinx did so. But the Slavs did not move to the far North until splitting from the Birmans.
The Greek word for wine is Sra while the Hindi word for wine is Shaharaab. However wine is a trade good so it can easily be explained that during the times of the Greeks wine was sold by Indian merchants (their elephant riders were sought by as far as Carthaginia to fight in Italy in antiquity) while in the beginning of our era wine was bought and sold by Italians, spreading the new word of wine through the European continent.

>> No.22542361

The last mammoths disappeared during Julius Caesar life time, it's well possible that the PIE ancestor of slavic had a word for mammoths.

>> No.22542541

yeah, those christcucks eaten by tigers at the colosseum or dying in crusades, what fucking idiots, should've just denounced rabbi Yeshua and they would've lived

>> No.22542709

So I read the beginning of BAM where he’s talking about proud people killing themselves so they wouldn’t be enslaved. I’m too tired and busy to knock this out in a week but I’m curious on where he goes with this?

>> No.22542760

It's fun and it has great insights taken from Nietzsche and Schopenhauer usually but it's basically an elaborated shitpost.

>> No.22542768

This part kind of hits though unironically

>> No.22542793

>proud people killing themselves so they wouldn’t be enslaved.
Himself and his niggercattle fans being childless

>> No.22542804

retards throw that painting on everything since they project their own motifs on the artwork ignorinig the actual movement and the ideals it stems from

>> No.22543245

Christcucks happen to believe they'll go to heaven and that it'll help their cause. These people just believe that their own extinction is righteous.
It's superficially similar but very different.

>> No.22543266


That's very interesting. I was under the impression that BAP was just another Thiel project. It makes sense that the expansionist Likudnik-style Zionists would eventually ditch their liberal universalist cover in the West, and try to find constituencies closer to their actual values. The contradictions were simply too great to gloss over anymore.

>> No.22543601

>Birmans say Sain

Why are you fixated on the Burmese? The word is similar throughout Asia. In Thai it's Chang, in Lao it's Xang, in Chinese it's Xiang. Obviously all coming from the same word.

>> No.22545057

No, Iranians and certain types of Ukrainians and Poles are the closest people to the original aryans

>> No.22545081

Lmao what a stupid assumption original Indo-Europeans weren't dark hair dark eyed at all

>> No.22545302

The proto indo european people were mostly dark haired and dark eyed. It's their Sarmatian descendants, who settled within the borders of modern day Poland, Ukraine, Belarus and southern Russia that were described by Greek texts as having fair hair and light eyes.

>> No.22545364

1) Ancient Aryan = Sintashta (autosomally clusters closest to Swedes)

2) Ancient Persian = TKM_IA or UZB_IA_Rabat (clusters closest to Yaghnobis and Pamiri Tajiks)

3) Ancient Kassites, Mannaeans, Gutians, or other Zagrosians = Dinkha_Tepe_BIA_B (clusters closest to modern-day Iranians)

Iranians don't actually ancestrally relate to ancient Persians or Aryans much, and they're not significantly admixed with Arabs or Turks either.

>> No.22545380

Also, there are decent arguments that Sumerians are closest to #3, so that would mean modern-day Iranians are ancestrally closer to ancient Sumerians than they are to ancient Persians.

>> No.22545449

BAP is either a lying grifter or a cuck. He's not an Aryan (he considers NW Euros Aryans) so he'd just be their servant or dead
He's a jew so I'm going with larping grifter.

>> No.22545467

If you mean steppe MLBA, most of europe is of similar genetic distance to them
If you mean the people who migrated into India in the Late Bronze Age (or Iron Age) the closest to them are Afghans, Tajiks, North Indians, East Iranians

>> No.22545476

They were. In fact they were darker than neolithic european farmers
Whats interesting is that the descriptions of the greeks led us to believe that most of them were redheads, but in reality based on the DNA we have from them, about half of them had light hair, the rest dark, without many redheads
Is it possibly they died their hair?

>> No.22545485

Swedes don't descend from Sintashta (at most a few Russians do by way of Scythians), TKM IA Yaz is too late for MBA Persians, and ancient Persian samples don't have Sintashta ancestry. They have Yamnaya.

>> No.22545573

>They have Yamnaya.

>> No.22545593

Yeah, R1b and in qpadm Yamnaya works better over Sintashta
It doesnt matter anyway because the migration of steppe ancestry into India is far too late for them to be Indo-Iranian. A recent linguistics-genetics paper also rejected it.

>> No.22546441

yes, and most of his groupies got mad about it


>> No.22546483

I seriously doubt this because Canary Mission doesn't do shit. There's no benefit towards "doxxing" anyone. Nothing happens aside from kicking some Palestinian leftists out of their colleges. If BAP is some grandiose Zionist psyop then it has pretty lame results.

>> No.22546484

i remember when Nigel Carlsbad used to dunk on him, hell BAP willingly appear into one of those Carlsbad's twitter spaces he used to host and he was mocked relentlessly (by Carlsbad and his fanbase), at that time i thought it was the end for him, he was lucky Carlsbad deleted his account

>> No.22546489

>even knowing what canary mission is
you're jewish.

>> No.22546492

more like Stone Age Herbalist

>> No.22546513
File: 116 KB, 500x736, FyWUtklaYAAoDkc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the ultimate self-owning of BAPists is that they rely on might is right ideal and disregarding civilization itself which is far closer to nigger behavior than anything else (the rule of the jungle), that's why BAP was praising kanye for being against the establishment

Note: you can still be against Mass Society/Democracy while still being Pro-Civilization otherwise you're just a hypocrite

>> No.22546554

Dasha says otherwise

>> No.22546615

So what’s this nigga like aside from all this nonsense? Is he just a normal guy?

>> No.22546632

What was the rant

>> No.22546641

I personally know Palestinians that have been banned from universities and from Israel. That's really all it does. It would be more convincing to say that Alamariu does believe in most of what he says but is playful about it because Israel is his ideal state and he does all of this shit for Jewish interests, not so he can specifically bait people and make anti-Semites look dumb. That's just a stupid motive when it hardly pays off anyways.

>> No.22546877

Idk what to make of thomas777. I’m not white but because of my interest in heterodox politics and the odd corners of the internet, I came across this guy. He’s pretty well-read on the Cold War, but why the neonazi clown costume? Anyway, does he not know that bap invites him on just for ridicule sake, kinda like Stern?

>> No.22547149

Imma tell you guys a secret.
I actively contribute to BAP threads just because the pre-history discussions are a lot better than anything/his/ will ever come up with.

>> No.22547795
File: 138 KB, 1125x513, IMG_1617.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The rant started along the lines, “this retarded nigger Kanye…” But compare BAP’s opinion on Kanye a month prior (attached). Hmm, why the change in attitude, BAP?

Search for Zero HP Lovecraft’s tweet, “you should really read BAP’s new telegram post. That’s all I’m going to say.” You’ll find the link there.

>> No.22547901 [DELETED] 

wtf is this weird ass shit? bap has always hated kanye due to his association with fuentes and the fact that kanye hates jews
you a groyper or something?

>> No.22548041

> we knew that there was no invasion of India
>IE not from steppe
Not what I heard when I read David Reich's book

>> No.22548045
File: 10 KB, 636x111, 859407534906734.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol just lol !

>> No.22548059
File: 79 KB, 1000x773, horse unfinished.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Old and the New Testament

>Thus Spoke Zarathustra

>Bronze Age Mindset
Hell no. If you wanna something legitimately scriptural, insert "Silmarillion" or "CCRU Writings" here.

>> No.22548229

>nissan pickup truck
ひざまずいて!スノーニガー !

>> No.22548239

both varg and costin are cringe but at least varg isn't a homosexual faggot

>> No.22548697

Thing I found.
Interesting finds but it's retarded they are trying to link the current crop of ebic twiddler.com neecheans to Teddy Roosevelt and the old WASPS. They might have similar ideas but nothing else is similar.

>> No.22548737

Or I might just be excessively seething at them after enduring through one too many unfunny gigachad dialogs.
Can't tell anymore.

>> No.22548748

I might have to leave Twitter for a while before I start actually hating Anglos over these people.

>> No.22549029

In my decade and a bit trundle through 4chan it always frustrates me to see people greentext the joke.

Just enjoy the joke. Laugh to yourself with a wry little smile that you got the joke. Have faith in others that they too may get the joke.

Explaining the joke isn't funny. You aren't funny.

Kill yourself.

>> No.22549048

Thanks. That’s pretty fucking shady. So zerohp, bap, and benjamin braddock are all part of the same ziojew crowd.

>> No.22549062

> They were. In fact they were darker than neolithic european farmers
Based on what? A handful of genetic samples assumed to be PIE?

>> No.22549065

Lol Sarmatians are literally the ancestors of the Germanic speaking people
Keep refuting your own arguments

>> No.22549470

>Stone Age Herbalist
That guy's a midwit but still smarter than Costin

>> No.22549475

One of his teachers said he was basically an attention whore

>> No.22549514

I used to post on /his/, still got tons of screenshots from archeogenetic papers but it has seriously gone to shit
These two are not contradictory. Read his 2017 lecture, his view is that Indo-Aryan took the steppe route, but he also said that Sintashta doesn't work as the steppe source for Indians. They have steppe ancestry from a later admixed source
We still dont know how late it is, if it's too late (like the Iron Age or the end of LBA) then it can't be Indo-Iranian or even Indo-Aryan
And we still don't see a contribution from that source to early Iranians. So it's unlikely they were Indo-Iranians. But we still don't know
What's for sure is that there was no invasion from the steppe and this agrees with archeology too. With archaeologists this was already known and had moved gradually away from it
A 2023 paper on genetics and linguistics dates Indo-Iranian too early to be related to Sintashta. Kroonen et al 2022 also dates it early with conventional linguistic methods
There's a lot going on in the field and as I said, if it turns out that the whole muh steppe supermen we WUZ theory collapses, so does BAPism.
(But Nietzsche doesn't. Because Nietzsche's philosophy stands on its own, unlike bap's zioslop)

>> No.22549529

Based on the numerous Yamnaya and CWC samples we have. Even if they aren't PIE and PIE is from west asia, the people there were pretty dark as well and had not undergone selection for lighter traits like several EEF farmers in east and central europe, including skin

>> No.22549554
File: 414 KB, 1400x1990, gnecchi-ruscone et al 2021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Germanics are 20% Middle Eastern and 15% East Asian? Interesting, I didn't know that!

>> No.22549571

>Atheist Core

>> No.22549590

> Geography
Btw even though the Meds and the Indians aren't blonde anymore the beauty ideal has remained attached to that of whiteness. Doesn't matter, four thousand years later they still look the same, selection for traits doesn't change a population if there isn't a constant influx from other tribes able to provide with those traits.
Your absurdly ignorant comment doesn't even deserve a reply, but to make it short the 20% 'Middle Eastern' ancestry is the white share the Middle Easterners have from PIE. After all, they still speak their language.
Genetics is heavily flawed anyways because of this very reason.

>> No.22549635

>to that of whiteness
You mean beauty instead of looking like a deformed dalit? No shit lol
>four thousand years later
Who are you referring to? By the way selection can change even skull shape in a genetically similar population. Do we look like jebel irhoudoids?
At the same time jomon had "pseudo-caucasoid" traits and look most west eurasian, yet were fully eat asian

>20% 'Middle Eastern
Lol you don't know what BMAC is do you? Stop replying, pseud monkey boomer

>> No.22549672 [DELETED] 

You said that during to the geographical regions not having these and those traits PIE can't have been blonde wich is retarded
So you admit that only the white races are truly beautiful?
Selection doesn't do jack shit. The Indians have been selecting for white traits during the last 4000 years with no seeming success, it is only the populations who never touched upon non-white blood amongst whom such traits never appeared, like with some select Brahmins of North West India, 'who do not mingle with the Brahmins of Punjab'. They are blue eyed blond Aryans.
Kys you pathetic mentally ill retard.

>> No.22549734

I still don't understand what you mean by geography, Yamnaya and CWC samples are categorized as such based on culture artefacts, burial positions and DNA not where they are buried. That's how Afanasievo was discovered

>So you admit that only the white races are truly beautiful?
If you mean caucasoid west eurasians then absolutely
>The Indians have been selecting for white traits during the last 4000
They haven't, and Indians didn't even exist 4000 years ago dipshit
>amongst whom such traits never appeared
There are hundreds of millions of dalit underclasses who have steppe ancestry and the difference between their steppe MLBA ancestry and that of north Indians is something like 10%. North Indians spread steppe ancestry into south india, who would've thought huh?

Kys retarded boomer subhuman

>> No.22549767

How do we know exactly that Yamnaya aren't A group of Indo-Europeans but THE group of Indo-Europeans? They might as well just be a muttified group.
There is not a single blonde and blue eyed group of people on earth that is not Indo-European (except the Udmurts and the Hungarians, constantly having been surrounded by Indo-Europeans) while the black haired abund all over the globe. When will the cope stop?
> Indians didn't even exist 4000 years ago
4000 years ago is when the caste system was established. Brahmnism itself is even older.
> There are hundreds of millions of dalit underclasses who have steppe ancestry

>> No.22549823

No. Buddhists call themselves Aryans too, it's a reference to a superior conquering White race from prehistory, whose closest descendants today are Whites.

>> No.22549828 [DELETED] 

>shitskins start talking about haplogroups and other gay science (as if it means anything) to cope with being nonwhite

Btw, bap is an astroturfed jewish faggot, he is pure cancer.

>> No.22549855

Their DNA is the same as early CWC and Afanasievo. Every group of steppe people we have is pretty much a carbon copy of each other, descending from the same group(s). They got muttified later and pretty much only with EEFs in north/east europe
>There is not a single blonde and blue eyed group of people on earth that is not Indo-European (except the Udmurts and the Hungarians, constantly having been surrounded by Indo-Europeans)
Do you mean... language? That's stupid. Hungarians and Udmurts have over 35% yamnaya ancestry
And why are there litetally billions of people with steppe ancestry, in fact higher steppe ancestry than many south euros, but do not have light traits? And why is it surprising that mutations coming mainly from EHGs, WHGs and EEFs are predominant in people who have the most ancestry from these groups (aka west eurasians)
At the same time there are various 0% steppe samples with light traits, even without EHG or WHG ancestry

>4000 years ago is when the caste system was established. Brahmnism itself is even older.
In 2000 BCE the genetic composition of north india was 80% Iran Neolithic and 20% Onge you clown
But steppe cultures didnt conquer anyone though? unless you consider mass migration to be "conquest" in which case whites nations are subjugated by browns today.

>> No.22549889

> same as early CWC and Afanasievo. Every group of steppe people we have is pretty much a carbon copy of each other, descending from the same group(s). They got muttified later and pretty much only with EEFs in north/east europe
Doubt. There was many non-PIE people in the steppes too, this is why I reject steppe theory entirely. PIE did not originate on the steppes, so much is clear.
> Do you mean... language? That's stupid. Hungarians and Udmurts have over 35% yamnaya ancestry
Unsurprising. Only a small fraction of PIE migrated to the steppes (Slavs and perhaps Germanics). All other steppe people were non-PIE, Huns, Avarians, Mongols, etc.
> And why are there literally billions of people with steppe ancestry, in fact higher steppe ancestry than many south euros, but do not have light traits?
Because when a Swede mutts with a negress the children are indistinguishable black. Also South Euros saw next to no steppe invasions in their history. Basically all the fights they ever had with 'barbarians' until the 4th Century was with Celts.
> 80% Iran Neolithic and 20% Onge you clown
Based on how many samples? This is just ahistoric. Brahminism is very old and the only changes the population saw from the 2nd Milennium onward was with invading PIE groups (Goths, Pandavas) and later Arabs and steppe people.

>> No.22549986

what's your theory about PIE and how would you kill costin alamariu if not very slowly?

>> No.22550057

I don't want to get into fringe theories about the Scandinavians because the Swedes are described by Herodotus as a sea-dwelling civilization, more interestingly, that was based on sacrifice to the Gods, and that they would sometimes even sacrifice the King to the Gods if harvest did not yield.
The landborn theory is that they originated in a mountain system of Upper Asia, either the Altaï/Southern Siberia or the Himalayas. If it was the Altaï it's because they were slowly pushed westward by aggressive Mongol hordes, while the Himalaya theory puts India as the first PIE state in history, and the others as founded in reaction against India and against Brahminism. Compare:
Devas - Sanskrit (God)
Eeshvar/ bhagavaan - Hindi (God)
Devil - English (Devil)
Shaitaan - Hindi (Devil)
Boh - Belarus (God)
Džava -Belarus (Devil)
Bog - Serbian (God)
Djavo - Serbian (Devil)
Jamal - Estonian (God)
Kurat - Estonian (Devil)
Sataan - Estonian (Devil), compare with Hindi: Shaitaan
Dievas - Lithuanian (God)
Velnias - Lithuanian (Devil)
Duw - Gallic (God)
Chythraul - Gallic (Devil)
So concluding the Balts and the Celts seem not to have abandoned an abstraction of the old Hindu pantheon while the Slavs and the Germanics have built one directly opposed to it.

>> No.22550085

Al- Shaytan or Shaitaan are Arabic. Directly cognate with Hebrew Ha-Satan.Also the word for liquor above Shahraab (Sharaab) is originally Arabic as well.

>> No.22550117

And the retarded Nordicist trashy underclass Scottish fag has begun spreading his narcissistic bullshit and lies in another thread.
>There is not a single blonde and blue eyed group of people on earth that is not Indo-European
Blue eyes predate steppe incursion.
>~57% of its ancestry from groups related to those of the local Levant Neolithic, ~26% from groups related to those of the Anatolian Neolithic, and ~17% from groups related to those of the Iran Chalcolithic.
Blue eyes did exist among the Anatolian Neolithic farmers. It's just a mutation.
Blue eyes and blonde hair are just phenotypical features that only a few genes code for. Their presence or absence are not reflective of the full complexity of one's ancestral history.
Pigs can have blue eyes. Does that mean blue eyed pigs are special than dark eyed pigs?
Honestly, both white liberals and white Nordicists should have eyes gouged out of their skulls. Both are pathetic vain puppets of Jews. Worship a Jew for 1000+ years, become a Jew. Simple as.

>> No.22550200

Possible, the point still stands.
What's your point jidfit?