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/lit/ - Literature

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22519082 No.22519082 [Reply] [Original]

Any good /lit/core book podcasts/auidtorial experiences? Been listening to pic related and seems pretty good.

>> No.22519224

the audio is glorious

>> No.22519243

He sounds like an insufferable little homo

>> No.22519294

>skip ahead
>"muh aristocrats of the soul junger, nietzsche, and yukio mishima bro!"
I avoid going on here to not have to listen to this kind of insipid bullshit as is.

>> No.22519314

Try myth of the 20c podcast. They read books

>> No.22519331

>skips ahead
>misses vital context

>> No.22519335

>vital content
I can go to sleep forgetting all about this video and it would not affect my life in the slightest.

>> No.22519505 [DELETED] 

You mean things actual from /lit/? F Gardner’s YouTube show is probably the best example.

>> No.22519579

I said context you dumb redditor lol

>> No.22519584 [DELETED] 
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Here's that new up and comin 'tuber I was tellin you about..

>> No.22520824

If you like that you will probably enjoy New Write

>> No.22521930


>> No.22521943

pretty sure anyone who regularly listens to hour-long podcasts barely gets any reading done

>> No.22523391

What planet are your from m8? You don't listen to something in the background while you work or play a game?

>> No.22523399

Side bar podcast rules. All three men are imminent geniuses. Great dynamics, good vibes, honest literary criticism.