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/lit/ - Literature

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22518555 No.22518555 [Reply] [Original]

any books where the protagonist has a parasocial relationship with a woman

>> No.22518563

Why are there no male YouTubers that discuss literature, art and intellectual history in an interesting way? All we have are shitty video essays about kids movies and pop culture. Only women actually talk about literature in a genuinely endearing way.

>> No.22518570

Don Quixote

>> No.22518581

come on now lol, what would "in an interesting way" even entail. nice visuals?

>> No.22518585

Stopped watching her when she got a boyfriend

>> No.22518591

why does it matter if she's dating or not

>> No.22518599

>why don't men like talking to themselves
geez i don't know

>> No.22518601

Bitches get mad boring when they start having a man around.

>> No.22518629

What a cute tranny

>> No.22518631

Talk to people with real rigor and inspiration. Make men interested in great ideas and great works instead of TikTok slop, podcasts and video games. A man should be just as excited to read important writers as he is listening to Joe Rogan talk about culture war bullshit. The closest thing to a literary culture young men today have is hearing PewDiePie talk about books. That's sad.

>> No.22518635

my diary desu

>> No.22518647

I can't take her literary analysis seriously anymore now that I now that after she's finished recording her videos she goes and gets her back-door kicked in by some guy who probably hasn't even read Dostoyevsky.

>> No.22518648

Ah you meant passionate. What can I say, people are vain. I would equate the YA schlop reading women to the marvel bro retards though.
Maybe check out fiction beast? I like him, gets right to the point, passionate about literature.

>> No.22518690

it's crazy how easy the life of a woman can be
a literal 4.5/10 can make a youtube channel, make superficial reviews on booktok and make a career out of it

>> No.22518693

she would be a solid 9/10 in the victorian era

>> No.22518712
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>> No.22518715

I fell in love with a beautiful singer to the point where seeing her with other men fills me with intense self loathing at myself and hatred for her betrayal. I spent thousands of dollars on erotica commissions depicting me and her in a loving relationship.

>> No.22518724

she's a 9/10 in Bongland today

>> No.22518739

True lit kino. Is she famous or a local talent?

>> No.22518744

Men are not looking for personal attention as much and trying to pose and seem sexy and quirky. Meaning men write blogs, articles and books. If they need to use their voice for those sorts of subjects it’s generally on a podcast

>> No.22518750

Famous. She's not a household name but she's been around a while and is generally considered popular. The guy she is dating is more famous than her, I think

>> No.22518759

Damn, if she is more known, what's her name? I fell in love with someone I could never date once (she's dead) so I understand.

>> No.22518782

Hailee Steinfeld. She's dating this star NFL quarterback. I love football but he's talked about constantly and he's in at least 5 different commercials. Seeing his smug face is enough to make me growl and swear at the tv. I rationally know I would have 0 percent chance with her if we knew each other but the fantasy got me through some dark times and brought me joy.

>> No.22518794

>simping for a 3/10
What brought on this larp

>> No.22518800
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What's so attractive about her?

>> No.22518809

Oh she was in True Grit I think. I can see why kinda. She looks like a normal girl but yea, what can I say, I hope you find a girl at least as cute as her irl.
Makes sense you feel that way when you hear about her or her bf every other day.

>> No.22518830

I think she's the most gorgeous woman to ever live but to each their own
I don't know. It started off as a crush then evolved. Hearing she started dating the guy made me feel like I had my heart ripped out.
That's the dream.

>> No.22518897

I can't take a woman seriously enough if I know she's getting railed on daily.