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22517780 No.22517780 [Reply] [Original]

The most important philosophical work of 21st century

>> No.22517786


>> No.22517790
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i dont read books by gay jews

>> No.22517791


>> No.22517793
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I am Costin's strongest toadstool

>> No.22517823

It isn`t looking good for 21st-century philosophy, then.
But the century is still young.
I'm sure it's a fine dissertation when read stand-alone.
It's baggage is cancerous. I'm not even sure it's correct. I've always had a few misgivings about BAP and his interpretation of history.
But it did remind me to read the Golden Bough so that's a plus.

>> No.22517828

Lmao is that elvish at the top?

>> No.22517833

new Mossad psyop just dropped

>> No.22518211
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Is the PDF version on libgen safe? I'm getting a safety warning that I have never seen before when I go to download it. I've never had any problems on libgen with corrupted files but considering the valence of this book I didn't want to take the chance

>> No.22518227

Live a bit. Take risks fag

>> No.22518261
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Nah man just look at this thread, this book has people acting deranged I'm not downloading some sketchy bootleg copy of it until the dust settles or someone confirms it's safe

>> No.22518274

It’s a pdf it’s fine

>> No.22518289

I was going to answer this honestly but you since you keep coomerposting I'm not. hahahaha, you stupid nigger

>> No.22518293

Nigger reply
Use; dangerzone.rocks, I think there also was another one but here ya go

>> No.22519631

Is it actually good? I bought the paperback version a day after its release because I liked Bronze Age Mindset but now I kinda regret it, with everyone posting themselves holding it on twitter and turning it into some kind of meme. Also doesn't help that it was seemingly something that was submitted as a university dissertation of some sort. I like the cover though.

>> No.22519927

I only so some passages and it was very good however if you listened to Carribean rhytms there doesnt seem to be much new content.
BAM was also a meme even though its great

>> No.22519977

Some of the passages in the intro are genuinely good. He has a useful classification of the different sectors of the current right (older nationalist/identitarian movements -- frog youth rebellion -- genuine white nationalists) which I think will become more and more clear in the next few years (see the big divergence both in ideology and tactics between, e.g., Keith Woods and BAP/AA).
His explanation of the failures of feminism and the sexual revolution are the most concise, clear, and true I have yet read.
Also contains good recommendations on genetics.
I have only read the intro so far, which is some 30 pages, but it seems to be a rather interesting exploration of the connection between tyranny and philosophy in Ancient thought. It's of those cases in which, if the thesis is wrong, it's still an interesting possibility; and if it's correct, then it's probably a major contribution to the field, or at the very least a major elucidation of heretofore obscured tendencies. I am enjoying it.

>> No.22520509

Surface Libgen has been broken for a while, at least for me, usually the download only works if I do it through the tor mirror.

>> No.22520628

It's just the guy's dissertation with a new preface. A gay cash grab. As far as the dissertation goes, what I've seen from it is fine. Haven't read it, but it essentially argues that the Greek fixation on eugenics comes from the animal husbandry of a warrior steppe aristocracy and that tyranny/philosophy comes from the same root. Supposedly it cites Pindar and many other greek authors including Plato. And just a general wealth of sources.
I myself am reluctant to engage with the thing because I don't really feel qualified to do it and keep a critical eye.
Also, it just pisses me off how everyone still pretends (in some sort of mischievous "in the know" way) Costin and BAP are different people.

>> No.22520773

The Greeks did it

>> No.22520810

who is this semen demon

>> No.22520831
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>> No.22520848

His dissertation hadn’t been published in the first place how can it be a cash grab?

>> No.22520874
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24 yo American woman here. After I graduated from Wellesley I needed to find myself, and decided to forgo yoga training and travel the world and write about my experiences and the impact they have on my life. (I haven't been outside the country since I volunteered in Costa Rica for a week in during the summer in High School, where I learned how hard some people have it).

I've been all over Europe (s/o to Truow!) and I'm currently in Barcelona, where I love the incredible architecture, the breathtaking art history, the luscious music, the exquisite tapas, the vibrant nightlife and the chance to explore my sexuality with the interesting people I meet. The freedom is like nothing I've experienced before. Everybody should experience this, and I think there's no doubt that travel makes you a richer person.

I recently got this tattoo in cool parlor after clubbing in Kreuzberg (in Berlin) (this is me on a beach in Morocco), which I think defines the kind of character I want to be. It reminds me never to take things for granted because we all face challenges, and no matter how hard life can seem, you need to stay grounded.

>> No.22520875

Should have used the Schweinsteiger one.

>> No.22520911

You can get it on libgen.

>> No.22521064

is this actually better than Bronze Age Mindset? meaning does it feel as fresh and new as that book did?

>> No.22521090
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just tell me if this a nazi book or not

>> No.22521097

when did he post a selfie?

>> No.22521366
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>he doesnt know

>> No.22521445

Costin Alamariu is literally a homosexual Zionist Jew.

>> No.22521508

Tibetan. Ki ki so so lha gyal lo. Translates to something like 'victory to the gods!'.

>> No.22522129

Is this the fabled helmet?

>> No.22522133
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>> No.22522181

More of these for genetic editing/CRISPR etc?

>> No.22522193

just do internet searching and wade thru the results