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22516204 No.22516204 [Reply] [Original]

What's this books redpill equivalent for social skills/conversations? I think i have everything pretty much set, except i still have difficulties having casual conversations with women, therefore it's hard to make new connections unless we have already met through a dating app. Most advice/books recs online is too uptight, i need something based like pic related

>> No.22516292
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Does it come with a red tie for people to hang themselves who actually read it?

>> No.22517414

Nice sentence brother

>> No.22517834
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>women love honesty
Read this book ten years ago and it was no help.

t. 34 year old virgin

>> No.22517858

Mystery Method by Mystery, and Daygame by Tom Torero.

>> No.22517864

>Mark Manson

>> No.22518031

Imagine every woman you talk to is a tranny with a fat cock. Problem solved.

>> No.22518036

Unironically what did you guys learn from these books? If anything. Social coping wise, I'm married and do fine with women I'm just also a friendless autist a la fit

>> No.22518082

My advice: don’t seek out a ‘red pill’ version of that book.

I went from the ‘red pill’ version of that book/content to adopting more of the mindset in that book, and my life got a lot better and I had much more success with women.

This was like 9 years ago. That ‘red pill’ pickup shit will make you absolutely horrible with women. I know it from experience.

>> No.22518202

Some redpill stuff is valid and is just about understanding the cultural role men are expected to play. You can't use your girlfriend or wife as your therapist because you as a man are expected to be relatively strong and stable. Emphasis on relatively, it's ok to occasionally reveal some weakness. But if you're an endless stream of woes and worries she's going to leave you. This is especially true early on, you have to hide some of the skeletons in your closet or you're going to scare a girl off in the early stages.

Other redpill stuff that is common sense is prolonging communication gaps, i.e. waiting to text/call her, waiting to see if she contacts you first, etc. Interest expressed by her first is always better and more valid than interest elicited from her by you.

Shit-testing, or the notion that you shouldn't collapse under teasing and should instead either tease back or ignore, is also somewhat common sense. I will add the caveat that some women are extremely sensitive and teasing back can backfire in a big way.

Perhaps most controversial is the idea that women *want* an asshole, or someone who disregards their feelings, doesn't care about them, manipulates them, etc. This is a generalization. There are many women who are like this. But there are many who are healthier and not like this. And it can be hard to guess which kind you are dealing with. But one big clue is the context in which you meet a girl. If you met her at a nightclub at 2am, or a rave, or something along those lines, she is more likely to want the "asshole" behavior cluster. If you met her at a church breakfast, she may be expecting the "gentleman" behavior cluster. But of course both actually want a mixture of these traits. And you will only know exactly what they want by getting to know them.

>> No.22519004

I mentioned those books OP wants to improve his social skills to meet women and develop a solid pipeline. Both the Mystery Method and Daygame talk in detail about how to be more sociable with girls, how to generate attraction with words, actions and mindsets, how to do the early phases of courtship, etc.

>ok to occasionally reveal some weakness.
I would substitute the word weakness for vulnerability, which is more accurate and what the OP's book talks about. Being vulnerable isn't necessarily equal to being weak.

>> No.22519869

can somebody just rec me a fucking book on how to have captivating conversations

>> No.22519976
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He gives the opposite of good advice. This is like if a neckbeard dork wrote a dating book.
So of course all the autistic losers read the advice and it makes them feel good like it will actually work.

He advocates for being vulnerable and being led by emotion, both of which are extremely feminine traits and repel actual beautiful feminine women.

Oh and check the picture. That's the guy giving you dating advice

>> No.22520606


I recommend "Get craniofacial surgery" by I.O. LooksMax

>> No.22521448
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I will tell you.

Those books were written before society and culture became what it is today. Its written unabashedly by men, for men with zero hatred for women.

It unironically has a purity to it that can’t be easily explained.

Mark Manson’s book has some of the culture war stink on it, and is written in such a way that woman wouldn’t hate it or him. As if a book about how to pick up women should ever ever consider that!

This book breaks down social interactions with woman in a formula that is easy to grasp, with the sole purpose of getting whatever *you* want from woman. Wife? Girlfriend? A one-night stand? It’s all up to you, no judgements.

I bought it, read it, did it, and it works.

You aren’t going to get every woman you want, but you will absolutely get better with woman.

>> No.22521462

The reason the red pill pickup community exists is because the seduction Reddit became “feminized”

I know that because the red pill community explicitly said “that’s is why we exist, we are a space for men who don’t consider the opinions of women”

Which is good on paper, but it became pretty much a place to bash woman, which is fine if that’s what you want, but you will never get girls that way.

Mark Manson is the feminized pick up artist. It doesn’t work either.

That’s why the mystery method stuff is recommended. It existed before all that stuff

>> No.22521935

It's extremely corny, but I used to use the Strawberry Fields routine all the time, and it was actually kind of depressing how well it worked.