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22515411 No.22515411 [Reply] [Original]

>creates world full of sin
>If you sin i will put in le hell
Wtf is his problem

>> No.22515421

he doesn't want weak minds in heaven with him

>> No.22515427

God didn't create the world "full of sin", he made everything good. every created thing is, in its fundamental nature, good. sin did not exist prior to satan freely and consciously choosing to sin. human beings were not prone to any sin until Eve freely and consciously chose to transgress God's commandment. both of these acts were corruptions of their nature, they didn't come from their nature

>> No.22515469

Wow, now I'm convinced. See you in church, fags!

>> No.22515495

So better to have never been born?

The world is a ladder up to God. We are created that we might be free. We are given grace that we might ascend towards the One who is the source of everything.

I'll agree that simplistic interpretations of Scripture tend to make God seem like a wrathful demon. Interpretation takes effort. Like all things deep, you won't understand it just be glancing. If you think you understand modern physics because you skimmed an intro once, you're likely to be deeply mistaken. Same holds true for Christianity.

>> No.22515497

Eve and adam bullshit again has nothing to do with me, i didn't eat the applejak why should I suffer

>> No.22515498

>creates world of good free of sin
>also creates Satan and gives him the ability to introduce sin into the world
>also creates Eve and gives her the ability to sin (sin being ...wanting to eat fruits?)
>heh, I techinically didnt do nuffin wrong

>> No.22515500

>implying god would have any human qualities
Major religions are retarded

>> No.22515513

you WOULD have eaten the apple
sorry, would you prefer to be an automaton devoid of free will?

>> No.22515525

Hell is a scare tactic to trick people into being npcs. A loving god would never allow the exictence of such a wredged place

>> No.22515591
File: 209 KB, 671x1200, 1669950057972279.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is bullshit though. The fruit in the garden is that of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, things already in the world, and it's the awareness of these aspects of nature that lead to the downfall as God regrets that Man has become just like him.
The world was already full of evil and sin, what man lost was his purity. His innocence. His unawareness of evil or how to enact it, potential already and always there, but just as an animal murders and toys with its prey yet remains pure so too did man until he knew. It's awareness of man's condition that leads to his downfall. It's also ironically the only thing that now differentiates him from animals.
It's the knowledge of sin, as a concept, that makes Eve feel shame for the first time.

>> No.22516350

The Gnostics have a theory...the God that created this universe is blind and insane. Sure would explain a lot...like the first five books of the Bible.

>> No.22516403

>creates world full of choice
>If you choose to sin i will put in le hell
Not my problem

>> No.22516427

Because monotheism is retarded.
The polytheistic gods are reflections of psychological archetypes (identified by Jung), and are appropriately human in their characteristics.
The Jewish god was basically an aspect of Saturn, a control-freak obsessed with law and retribution. The retarded kikes suppressed all the other archetypes of the pagan pantheon, and so inevitably presented a cock-eyed view of theogony.

>> No.22516473

The character was written about 2500 years ago. Trying to make sense of Yahweh through a 21st century perspective is the wrong way to go about it. Think of him the way you'd think of Zeus, or Ea.

>> No.22516505

>human beings were not prone to any sin until Eve freely and consciously chose to transgress God's commandment
Read this again, and very slowly. Do you really think this is a coherent argument? How did Eve “freely and consciously” choose to do something she wasn’t prone - see: susceptible, liable - to?

>> No.22516938

>implying that that isn't already the case

>> No.22516949

He created the world. Man created the sin.
>b-b-but he knew people would sin!
literally does not matter.

>> No.22516950

cancer is.... le good?

>> No.22516977

>literally does not matter.
to you.

>> No.22516989

Hell is there to scare peasants and peasant-like minds into following the moral law.

Christians are supposed to follow the moral law out of love for God, not because of fear of hell. But for purely practical reasons that isn't enough, so hell is emphasized to keep the peasants in check. Meanwhile there are strong theological arguments that hell is either empty, or metaphorical, or a temporary state of purification.

>> No.22517008

>Man shares qualities of the One who created him
I wish you retards could grasp this.

Gnosticism is a kike trick

>> No.22517020
File: 125 KB, 843x685, 1681445015032469.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>atheists are titans of intellect
>[but expect you to be impressed they don't believe in Santa]
>atheists stand for free-thinking
>[but demand you adhere to Scientism]
>atheists are champions of reason
>[but have strong opinions about things of which they're uneducated]
>atheists are anti-dogmatic
>[but insist you interpret scripture only according to their ideas]
Atheism is an intelligence LARP that retards indoctrinate themselves into. Being an atheist is ridiculously easy; their main weakpoint is their unearned intellectual pride and if you poke at their (entirely self-perceived) intelligence they become reactive and break down. Reminder that the legacy of New Atheism is pic-related: homosexual rape/cuck furry fetish cartoons.

>> No.22517031
File: 247 KB, 696x681, atheists_trannies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22517042

Didnt satan sin? Was he created good? How could he sin if god's creation are all good by nature? Why god created the Devil?
Maybe taking the genesis literally is not a good Idea.

>> No.22517043

There's a more recent study that came out this year showing gender ideologues losing support across the board. The decline is pretty dramatic too (even the libtards) and I believe the period covered was from 2019 - late 2022.

>> No.22517047

It will always come down to:
>I fully understand omnipotency: it means God can do anything
>I could create a better reality than God; therefore God isn't real

>> No.22517048

Yea,its no surprise people who dont know God cant accept themselves the way they were born.
I mean shit i think i accepted the way i was made like 20 years ago and im not even 30.

>> No.22517065
File: 114 KB, 750x737, 1687042554016461.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So better to have never been born?
Our souls are bound to this prison realm. Even if one were to stop the process of reincarnating into a new body, you would still have the problem of the soul being trapped here. Being born into a material body or not has little to do with the fundamental problem.
Freeing the soul and returning to our true home is what's important.

>> No.22517074

Could you tho ?
Because its not as simple as you might think,to create a better world you have to...create a world and that means creating,generating and understand every fine mechanism/laws of the universe but also make sure everything works in a coherent way.
We as a collective species are barely scratching the surface of the intricacies of the universe let alone the human mind or even the creation of life and death yet YOU alone could make a better world that is as complex as this one that we cannot even fully understand even if all humans and the knowledge they had/have was in one single person.

>> No.22517096

forgot to say that the world we live in isnt the only reality,he also created hell which is a worst reality and heaven which is a perfect reality so no i dont think you could have created a better reality.

>> No.22517106

>the tree of knowledge and eating from it is a metaphor for humans having consciousness and therefore understanding of the world around them and themselves along with the understanding of good and evil and the responsibility to do good

Bible really is big brain

>> No.22517116

Adam and eve were imperfect beings because they didn't have any knowledge or idea on the consequences of disobeying God until Eve ate the apple and the gained the knowledge. It is not a fair setup.
They could not know it was the wrong thing to do since they had no knowledge of right and wrong, only that it was obey God or disobey God so they were slaves or pets, not equals.

>> No.22517121

the only problem with this interpretation is that then eating the apple itself wouldn't be a sin as they were still in the state of invincible ignorance
at least there's a problem if you believe in original sin; you can have a pretty consistent Christian theology without it

>> No.22517182
File: 704 KB, 224x224, chudbob.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whenever I read gnostic retardery on this website with an accompanying shitpost image, I always ask myself if this person is being 100% genuine, 100% sarcastic, or some inbetween "haha look at the funny image BUUUT it does make a point doesn't it???".
It's like trying to talk to people that actually believe in blatantly fake shit like the mexico alien mummies. How do you reason with these people? Nevermind the problems of faith or reason or evidence, it's like there's some percentage of the population that has one thing go into their ear and totally believe it and never let go. Let me give an example:
During my years in college in my position as a failed normie I would do funny little magic tricks at parties that would blow the socks off of the drunks there. They knew the tricks weren't real, they were just softened up by the beer and weren't going to pass up on free entertainment. But the thing that made me stop doing magic tricks was an experience with one girl who wasn't drunk. I don't remember what trick it was that I showed off to her, I think it was the one where you magically make cigarette ash move from your hand to theirs. Whenever she saw me do this trick it's like something went off in her head and she instantly, truly believed I actually had psychic powers, and started to tell me all about her spiritual woes and her dead grandmother and shit looking for advice. Even after I showed her how the trick worked she refused to believe it was just that and kept pressing me and it genuinely freaked me out.
The point I'm getting to is look at yourself, you shameless coward. Look at your dumb meme and your dumb ideology made by your dumb forefathers who are now dead and dumb never again to see the sun. Atheists I can understand because of their proof and theists because of their works. Both are world-shakers in that regard. But I've never seen any proof or works from a Gnostic. The whole lot of them are unimportant, unintelligent, arrogant, babbling on and on about meaningless shit, seething about the world is bad but their "secret world" is amazing. "It's not me that's a loser, it's just that reality is secretly against me!" Nothing but the fanfiction of nobodies. But some day you'll die like the people that wrote the BS you believe in and the world will go on turning for the worldly.

>> No.22517216


if free will exists as jews claim:
it was created by the jewish god to give a man a choice: either be a god's drone and not suffer, or do the opposite of what god wants and suffer according to his plan. thus free will has no freedom in it.

>> No.22517512

You are using a computer. Do you think that said computer would be able to exist without the fruit of knowledge?